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Name: Date:

One of the positive contributions of Republic Act 1425 is that it
became an influential force that drives students to become substantially
acquainted with devoting themselves to the country, whether through
becoming politically aware or even engaging in public movements that are
both necessary to develop the land. Second is that it resourcefully benefits
current people with social issues that have been mentioned in Rizal's works
that are still prevailing in our times, which ought to be resolved to prevent
any further crises from arising and hindering the nation's success. The third
positive contribution of this law is that the importance of having freedom
will provoke the youth to acknowledge constantly these heroic events and
to ignite their love and patronage for the country.
One negative of passing this law is the confusion it brings to the youth,
especially the issues the one that we had with the abusive friars. Second is
that because of these evident social issues before with the Catholic church,
these people of the church will doubt their belief and think of this religion as
a hoax. Third is that it became an additional workload for students,
particularly those in the university.
Name: Date:

These past years, I felt my race withering out, maybe because Filipinos
are too entertained with foreign productions. As for me, I'm also aware that I
have been taken away by other country's entertainment as well.
Predominantly, when social media strikes, it has been seemingly prominent
that our country lacks support, not because of a lack of becoming
productive enough to capture the nation's attention, but how we are being
ruled. Ironically, we Filipinos are known as strategic and diligent on our
own, yet we are not being acknowledged, and I suppose this has to do with
how the system and the governance function in this land.

As I learned the works of Rizal back in time, I encountered some social

issues still existing in our time. Some of these are poverty, inequality,
wealthy people who are abusive to their powers, women's empowerment,
and other issues that concern the public. Now that there's an opportunity
like this for me to re-learn and re-discover the depths of these momentous
historical occurrences, I know and feel that there's still a chance to take the
best out of this country to execute its best quality.

This course will further ignite the patriots of this country, primarily with
my fellow young individuals enrolled in this course. There is this wonder that
is so great to learn from our ancestors that will help us rebuild what has
been taken away from us. And by this, the people of this homeland deserve
a regime that will correspondingly aid its people to grow from the shadows
of life and undoubtedly propose a transparent administration to support its
people to rise and uphold their rights as a part of this country. Further, this
will offer a set of ideologies and enlightenment for the young minds and
inspire them to create an effective and powerful nation, at least in wise

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