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Payal Sud and David C. Lee

HISTORY AND EPIDEMIOLOGY pentameric structure composed of varying polypeptide subunits associated
Sedative–hypnotics are xenobiotics that limit excitability (sedation) and or with a chloride on the postsynaptic membrane. These subunits are classified
induce drowsiness and sleep (hypnosis). Anxiolytics (formerly known as into families (eg, α, β, γ). Variations in the five subunits of the GABA receptor
minor tranquilizers) are medications prescribed for their sedative–hypnotic confer drug selectivity and clinical effects such as sedation, anxiolysis, hypnosis,
properties. Mythology of ancient cultures is replete with stories of xenobiotics amnesia, and muscle relaxation.133 The most common GABAA receptor in
that cause sleep or unconsciousness (Chap. 1). Sedative–hypnotic overdoses the brain is composed of α1β2γ2 subunits. Almost all sedative–hypnotics
were described in the medical literature soon after the commercial intro- bind to GABAA receptors containing the α1 subunit. One exception may be
duction of bromide preparations in 1853. Other commercial xenobiotics that etomidate, which produces sedation at the β2 unit and anesthesia at the
subsequently were developed include chloral hydrate, paraldehyde, sulfo- β3 subunit.24,94 Benzodiazepines are effective only at GABAA receptors with
nyl, and urethane. the γ2 subunit. Even within classes of sedative–hypnotics, there are varying
Barbiturates were introduced in 1903 and quickly supplanted older xeno- affinities and actions for differing subunits of the GABA receptor.33,78 The α1
biotics. Barbiturates dominated the sedative–hypnotic market for the first subunit is responsible for sedation and amnesia, the α2 subunit is respon-
half of the 20th century. Because of their narrow therapeutic index and sub- sible for anxiolysis, and the α4 and α6 subunits are completely insensitive to
stantial potential for abuse, they quickly became a major health problem. By benzodiazepines. Nonbenzodiazepine sedative–hypnotics such as zolpidem,
the 1950s, barbiturates were frequently implicated in overdoses and were zaleplon, and zopiclone selectively bind the α1 subunit and thus cause pri-
responsible for the majority of drug-related suicides. As fatalities from bar- marily sedation and not anxiolysis at therapeutic doses.
biturates increased, attention shifted toward preventing their abuse and The role of GABA receptors in the peripheral nervous system has
finding less toxic alternatives.19 After their introduction in the early 1960s, been increasingly recognized, especially in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
benzodiazepines quickly became the most commonly used sedatives in the γ-Aminobutyric acid agonism is involved in modulation of GI visceral
United States. pain processing.7 Furthermore, GABAB agonism by baclofen was found to
Intentional and unintentional overdoses with sedative–hypnotics occur reduce duodenal ulcer formation.64
frequently. According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, Many sedative–hypnotics also act at receptors other than the GABAA
sedative–hypnotics is consistently one of the top five classes of xenobiotics receptor. Trichloroethanol and propofol also inhibit glutamate-mediated
associated with overdose fatalities (Chap. 130). With the ubiquitous world- N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, thereby inhibiting excitatory
wide use of sedative–hypnotics, they may be associated with a substan- neurotransmission.26,102,121 Certain benzodiazepines inhibit adenosine
tially higher number of overdoses and deaths than are officially reported. metabolism and reuptake, thereby potentiating both A1-adenosine (negative
Compared with barbiturate overdoses, overdoses of benzodiazepines alone dromotropy) and A2-adenosine (coronary vasodilation) receptor-mediated
account for relatively few deaths.29,36,43 Most deaths associated with benzodi- effects.90,131 Benzodiazepines can also interact with serotonergic pathways.
azepines result from mixed overdoses with other respiratory depressants.36,112 The anxiolytic effects of clonazepam can be partially explained by upregula-
Chlordiazepoxide, the first commercially available benzodiazepine, was tion of serotonergic receptors, specifically 5-HT1 and 5-HT2.9 Sleep aids such
initially marketed in 1960. Since then, more than 50 benzodiazepines have as melatonin, ramelteon, and tasimelteon are agonists at melatonin receptor
been marketed, and more are being developed. Although the benzodiazepines subtypes MT1 and MT2 in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain.116,134,140,146
remain the most popular prescribed anxiolytics, several benzodiazepine- Dexmedetomidine is a central α2-adrenergic agonist similar to clonidine.143
receptor agonists were developed in 1989 in an attempt to circumvent some
of the side effects of benzodiazepines. These drugs include zolpidem, as PHARMACOKINETICS AND TOXICOKINETICS
zaleplon, zopiclone, and eszopiclone.6,107 Newer formulations of zolpidem Most orally administered sedative–hypnotics are rapidly absorbed via the GI
tartrate such as Intermezzo are now available, which is a low-dose sublingual tract, with the rate-limiting step consisting of dissolution and dispersion of
tablet form (1.75 mg and 3.5 mg compared with 5 mg and 10 mg). Ramelteon the xenobiotic. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are primarily absorbed in
and tasimelteon are newer sleep aids that function as melatonin receptor the small intestine. Clinical effects are determined by their relative ability to
(MT1 and MT2) agonists rather than benzodiazepine-receptor agonists.112,134 penetrate the blood–brain barrier. Xenobiotics that are highly lipophilic pen-
Dexmedetomidine, a central α2-adrenergic agonist, is now increasingly used etrate most rapidly. The ultrashort-acting barbiturates are clinically active in
in the hospital setting for short-term sedation.143 An additional medication the most vascular parts of the brain (gray matter first), with sleep occurring
is suvorexant, a dual orexin receptor antagonist that inhibits the action of within 30 seconds of administration. Table 72–1 lists individual sedative–
orexin, a neuropeptide that promotes wakefulness.30 hypnotics and some of their pharmacokinetic properties.
This chapter focuses primarily on pharmaceuticals prescribed for their After initial distribution, many of the sedative–hypnotics undergo a
sedative–hypnotic effects, many of which interact with the γ-aminobutyric redistribution phase as they are dispersed to other body tissues, specifically
acid-A (GABAA) receptor (Table 72–1). Specific sedative–hypnotics such as adipose tissue. Xenobiotics that are extensively redistributed, such as the
ethanol and γ-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) are discussed in more depth in lipophilic (ultrashort-acting) barbiturates, have a brief clinical effect as the
their respective chapters (Chaps. 76 and 80). early peak concentrations in the brain rapidly decline.
Many of the sedative–hypnotics are metabolized to pharmacologi-
PHARMACODYNAMICS AND TOXICODYNAMICS cally active intermediates. This is particularly true for chloral hydrate and
All sedative–hypnotics induce central nervous system (CNS) depression. some of the benzodiazepines. The benzodiazepines can be demethylated,
Most clinically effective sedative–hypnotics produce their physiologic effects hydroxylated, or conjugated with glucuronide in the liver. Glucuronidation
by enhancing the function of GABA-mediated chloride channels via agonism results in the production of inactive metabolites. Benzodiazepines such as
at the GABAA receptor. These receptors are the primary mediators of inhibi- diazepam and chlordiazepoxide are demethylated, which produces active
tory neurotransmission in the brain (Chap. 13). The GABAA receptor is a intermediates with a more prolonged half-lives than the parent compound

TABLE 72–1 Sedative-Hypnotics: Duration of Action and Active Metabolites and benzodiazepines increase the frequency of ionophore opening.135
Various sedative–hypnotics increase the affinity of another xenobiotic at
Active Metabolite
its respective binding site. For example, pentobarbital increases the affinity of
Duration of Actiona Important
γ-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) for its non–GABA binding site.137 Propofol poten-
Benzodiazepines tiates the effect of pentobarbital on chloride influx at the GABAA receptor.111
Propofol also increases the affinity and decreases the rate of dissociation of
Alprazolam S No
benzodiazepines from their site on the GABAA receptor.18,150 These actions
Chlordiazepoxide I Yes increase the clinical effect of each xenobiotic and lead to deeper CNS and
Clonazepam L Yes respiratory depression when they are used concomitantly.
Clorazepate L Yes Another mechanism of synergistic toxicity occurs via alteration of
Diazepam Single dose: S Yes metabolism. The combination of ethanol and chloral hydrate, historically
Multiple doses: L known as a “Mickey Finn,” has synergistic CNS depressant effects. Chloral
Estazolam I No hydrate competes for alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases, thereby prolong-
Flunitrazepam L Yes ing the half-life of ethanol. The metabolism of ethanol generates the reduced
Flurazepam L Yes form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), which is a cofactor for
Lorazepam I No the metabolism of choral hydrate to trichloroethanol, an active metabolite.
Midazolam S Yes Finally, ethanol inhibits the conjugation of trichloroethanol, which in turn
Oxazepam I No inhibits the oxidation of ethanol (Fig. 72–1).1,80,128,129 The end result of these
Temazepam I No synergistic pharmacokinetic interactions is enhanced CNS depression.
Triazolam S No Multiple drug–drug interactions prolong the half-life of sedative–
Eszopiclone S No hypnotics and significantly increase their potency or duration of action
(Chap. 9). The half-life of midazolam, which undergoes hepatic metabo-
Zaleplon S No
lism via cytochrome CYP3A4, can change dramatically in the presence of
Zolpidem S No
Trichloroacetic Cl OH
Amobarbital I Yes
Butabarbital I Unknown acid Cl C C
Mephobarbital S Yes Cl O
Methohexital S No
Pentobarbital Single dose: S No
Multiple doses: I P450
Phenobarbital L No
Primidone I Yes Cl H
Secobarbital I Unknown Chloral
Chloral hydrate I Yes
Dexmedetomidine S No
Cl H – Ethanol NADH
Etomidate US Unclear
Propofol US No Cl C C H NAD+ ADH and H O
Ramelteon S Yes ALDH
Cl OH – Acetic acid
Tasimelteon S No
Trichloroethanol H H
Suvorexant I No
a ADH and H C C H
The duration of action usually approximates the half-life (t½); some lipophilic xenobiotics have a short
duration of action with a single dose because of redistribution from the central nervous system but with ALDH H OH
multiple doses become longer acting. – Ethanol
I = intermediate acting t½ = 6–24 h; L = long acting t½ >24 h (a long-acting metabolite may contrib- Cl OH
ute to a long duration of action); S = short acting t½ <6 h; US = ultrashort acting t½ <1 h.
Cl C C Glucuronic acid
(Table 72-1). Because of the individual pharmacokinetics of sedative– Cl O
hypnotics and the production of active metabolites, there is often little Trichloroacetic
correlation between the duration of effect and biologic half-lives. acid O O CH2 C Cl
Most sedative–hypnotics, such as the highly lipid-soluble barbiturates OH Cl
and the benzodiazepines, are highly protein bound. These drugs are
poorly filtered by the kidneys. Elimination occurs principally by hepatic
metabolism. Chloral hydrate and meprobamate are notable exceptions. Urochloralic acid OH
Xenobiotics with a low lipophilicity and limited protein binding are more (renal elimination)
subject to renal excretion. FIGURE 72–1. Metabolism of chloral hydrate and ethanol demonstrating
Overdoses as well concomitant therapeutic usage of combinations of the interactions between chloral hydrate and ethanol metabolism. Note the
inhibitory effects (dotted lines) of ethanol on trichloroethanol metabolism
sedative–hypnotics enhance toxicity through additive and synergistic effects. and the converse. ADH = alcohol dehydrogenase; ALDH = aldehyde
For example, both barbiturates and benzodiazepines act on the GABAA dehydrogenase; NAD+= Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NADH =
receptor, but barbiturates prolong the opening of the chloride ionophore, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

certain xenobiotics that compete for its metabolism or that induce or inhibit Fixed drug eruptions that are often bullous can appear over pressure-point
CYP3A4 (Table 11–2).96,153 For example, the half-life of midazolam rises areas. Although classically referred to as “barbiturate blisters,” this phenom-
400-fold when coadministered with itraconazole.8,136 enon is not specific to barbiturates because other CNS xenobiotics, including
carbon monoxide, methadone, imipramine, benzodiazepines, and several
TOLERANCE AND WITHDRAWAL others, can lead to the same finding.
Ingestions of typical doses of sedative–hypnotics have less predictable effects Large single doses or prolonged duration of IV dosing of sedative–
in patients who chronically use them. This is due to tolerance, defined as the hypnotics can also cause toxicities due to their diluents. Propylene glycol
progressive diminution of effect of a particular drug with repeated admin- accumulates with prolonged infusions of certain medications such as
istrations that results in a need for greater doses to achieve the same effect. lorazepam. Rapid infusions of propylene glycol induce hypotension.
Tolerance occurs when adaptive neural and receptor changes (plasticity) Accumulated amounts of propylene glycol lead to metabolic acidosis and
occur after repeated exposures. These changes include a decrease in the a hyperosmolar state with elevated lactate concentrations.101,110,152,154 In one
number of receptors (downregulation), reduction of firing of receptors (receptor study, two-thirds of critical care patients given high doses of lorazepam
desensitization), structural changes in receptors (receptor shift), or reduc- (0.16 mg/kg/h) for more than 48 hours had significant accumulations of pro-
tion of coupling of sedative–hypnotics and their respective GABAA-related pylene glycol as manifested by hyperosmolarity and an anion gap metabolic
receptor site (Chap. 14). Tolerance can also be secondary to pharmacokinetic acidosis5 (Chap. 46).
factors, such as increased metabolism after repetitive doses. However, in
most cases, tolerance to sedative–hypnotics is caused by pharmacodynamic DIAGNOSTIC TESTING
changes such as receptor downregulation.136 When overdose is a primary concern in an undifferentiated comatose
Cross-tolerance readily exists among the sedative–hypnotics. For patient without a clear history, laboratory testing is useful to exclude meta-
example, chronic use of benzodiazepines not only decreases the activity of bolic abnormalities. This includes electrolytes, liver function tests, thyroid
the benzodiazepine site on the GABA receptor but also decreases the bind- function tests, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, venous blood gas
ing affinity of the barbiturate sites.2,54 Many sedative–hypnotics are also analysis, and cerebrospinal fluid analysis as clinically indicated. With any
associated with drug dependence after chronic exposure. Some of these— suspected intentional overdose, a serum acetaminophen concentration
classically, the barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and ethanol—are also associ- should be obtained. Diagnostic imaging studies, such as neuroimaging of the
ated with life-threatening withdrawal syndromes. head, are warranted on a case-by-case basis.
Routine laboratory screening for “drugs of abuse” generally is not helpful
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS in the management of undifferentiated comatose adult patients. However,
Patients with sedative–hypnotic overdoses exhibit slurred speech, ataxia, screening may be useful for epidemiologic purposes in a particular com-
and incoordination. Larger doses result in stupor or coma. In most instances, munity or in psychiatric patients. These tests vary in type, sensitivity, and
respiratory depression parallels CNS depression. However, not all sedative– specificity. Furthermore, many sedative–hypnotics are not included on
hypnotics cause significant hypoventilation. Although oral overdoses of standard screening tests for drugs of abuse. For example, a typical benzo-
benzodiazepines alone produce sedation and hypnosis, they rarely produce diazepine urine screen identifies metabolites of 1,4-benzodiazepines, such
life-threatening hypoventilation. Typically, the patient appears comatose but as oxazepam or nordiazepam (desmethyldiazepam). Many benzodiazepines,
with normal vital signs. In contrast, large intravenous (IV) doses of benzodi- including the commonly used lorazepam and clonazepam, are metabolized
azepines occasionally lead to potentially life-threatening respiratory depression. to alternative compounds and remain undetected, thus exhibiting a false-
Single overdoses of zolpidem and its congeners do not typically cause life- negative result on the benzodiazepine-screening assay. Alprazolam and
threatening respiratory depression in adults.127,162 triazolam are not detected because they undergo minimal metabolism.34
Although the physical examination is rarely specific for a particular Specific concentrations of xenobiotics such as ethanol or phenobarbi-
sedative–hypnotic, it can sometimes offer clues of exposure based on certain tal, although readily available at most hospitals, are rarely crucial in clinical
physical and clinical findings (Table 72–2). Hypothermia is described with decision making. Concentrations of most other sedative–hypnotics are not
most of the sedative–hypnotics but is more pronounced with barbiturates.55,119 routinely performed in hospital laboratories. Because of its radiopacity, large
ingestions of chloral hydrate are evident on abdominal radiography (Chap. 8).
Although immediate identification of a particular sedative–hypnotic may
TABLE 72–2 Clinical Findings of Sedative–Hypnotic Overdose be helpful in predicting the length of toxicity, it rarely affects the acute
management of the patient. One exception is phenobarbital, for which uri-
Clinical Signs Sedative–Hypnotics
nary alkalinization and multiple-dose activated charcoal (MDAC) enhance
Acneiform rash Bromides elimination.38,73,106,117 The EXtracorporeal TReatments in Poisoning (EXTRIP)
workgroup recommends intermittent hemodialysis for severe barbiturate
poisoning, and hemoperfusion and continuous renal replacement therapy
Hypotension from myocardial depression Meprobamate
are viable alternatives.74
Dysrhythmias Chloral hydrate
Coma (fluctuating) Glutethimide, meprobamate MANAGEMENT
Death secondary to sedative–hypnotic overdose usually results from cardiore-
GI hemorrhage Chloral hydrate spiratory collapse. Careful attention should focus on monitoring and maintain-
Hypothermia Barbiturates, bromides, ethchlorvynol ing adequate airway, oxygenation, and hemodynamic support. Supplemental
oxygen, respiratory support, and prevention of aspiration are the cornerstones
Muscular twitching γ-Hydroxybutyric acid, γ-butyrolactone, of treatment. Hemodynamic instability should be treated initially with volume
1,4-butanediol, γ-valerolactone, propofol, expansion. With proper supportive care and adequate airway and respiratory
etomidate support as needed, patients with sedative–hypnotic overdoses should eventu-
Odors (Unique) Chloral hydrate (pear), ethchlorvynol ally recover. Patients with meprobamate and chloral hydrate overdoses occa-
(new vinyl shower curtain) sionally present with both respiratory depression and cardiac toxicity. In 40%
of cases, meprobamate toxicity was found to be associated with myocardial
Urine (discolored) Propofol (green/pink)
depression and significant hypotension, often resistant to IV fluid resuscita-
GI = gastrointestinal. tion.21 The cardiotoxic effects of chloral hydrate include lethal ventricular

dysrhythmias resulting from its active halogenated metabolite trichloroetha- Oral barbiturates are preferentially absorbed in the small intestine and
nol causing myocardial sensitization to catecholamines. In the setting of car- are eliminated by both hepatic and renal mechanisms. Shorter acting barbi-
diac dysrhythmias from chloral hydrate, use of β-adrenergic antagonists such turates tend to be more lipid soluble, more protein bound, have a higher pKa,
as propranolol is reported to cause resolution of the dysrhythmia.15,17,166,175 We and are metabolized almost completely by the liver. Longer acting barbitu-
recommend administering IV β-adrenergic antagonists in patients with chlo- rates such as phenobarbital accumulate less extensively in tissues and are
ral hydrate–induced dysrhythmias resistant to standard therapy. excreted renally as the parent drug. An example of this is phenobarbital, with
The use of GI decontamination should be decided on a case-by-case a relatively low pKa (7.24). Alkalinizing the urine with sodium bicarbonate
basis. The benefits of activated charcoal (AC) must be balanced with the to a urinary pH of 7.5 to 8.0 can increase the elimination of phenobarbital
risks of its aspiration and subsequent potential for pulmonary toxicity. The by 5- to 10-fold. This procedure is not effective for the short-acting barbitu-
use of AC should be determined based on the current mental status of the rates because they have higher pKa values, are more protein bound, and are
patient, the potential for further deterioration, the xenobiotic(s) ingested, primarily metabolized by the liver with very little unchanged drug excreted
and the expected clinical course. Phenobarbital overdose is one particu- by the kidneys (Antidotes in Depth: A5 and Chap. 6). Urinary alkalinization is
lar scenario in which MDAC increases elimination by 50% to 80%.10,11,14 In a utilized to decrease the serum half-life of phenobarbital. The clinical benefits
prospective study of 10 comatose patients after phenobarbital overdose, the are supported in a prospective controlled trial and few case reports.117 Given
serum half-life of phenobarbital was significantly decreased after multiple the pharmacokinetic properties of barbiturates, the EXTRIP Workgroup
dose activated charcoal (MDAC) administration (36 ± 13 hours) compared recommends dialysis for cases of severe long-acting barbiturate poisoning
with the group treated with single dose activated charcoal (SDAC) (93 ± 52 presenting with prolonged coma, respiratory depression requiring mechani-
hours) (Antidotes in Depth: A1).105 cal ventilation, shock, persistent toxicity or persistently elevated or rising
Although the efficacy of orogastric lavage is controversial, orogastric serum concentrations despite MDAC. Intermittent hemodialysis and con-
lavage is reasonable in overdoses with xenobiotics that slow GI motility tinuation of MDAC during dialysis is recommended.74
or that are known to develop concretions, specifically phenobarbital and Barbiturates (especially the shorter acting barbiturates) can accelerate
meprobamate.21,59,125 Orogastric lavage in the setting of oral benzodiaz- their own hepatic metabolism by cytochrome P450 enzyme autoinduction.
epine overdoses alone is not recommended because the benefits of lavage Phenobarbital is a nonselective inducer of hepatic cytochromes, the greatest
are minimal compared with the significant risks of aspiration (Chap. 5). No effects being on CYP2B1, CYP2B2, and CYP2B10, although CYP3A4 is also
antidote counteracts all sedative–hypnotic overdoses. Flumazenil, a com- affected.120,151 Not surprisingly, a variety of interactions are reported after the
petitive benzodiazepine antagonist, rapidly reverses the sedative effects of use of barbiturates. Clinically significant interactions as a result of enzyme
benzodiazepines as well as zolpidem and its congeners.71,123,165,172 However, induction lead to increased metabolism of β-adrenergic antagonists, corti-
flumazenil can precipitate life-threatening benzodiazepine withdrawal in costeroids, doxycycline, estrogens, phenothiazines, quinidine, theophylline,
benzodiazepine-dependent patients. Flumazenil use is also associated with and many other xenobiotics.
seizures, especially in patients who have overdosed on tricyclic antide- Early deaths caused by barbiturate ingestions result from respiratory
pressants (Antidotes in Depth: A25).56,139 Because the lethality of sedative– arrest and cardiovascular collapse. Delayed deaths result from acute kidney
hypnotics is associated with their ability to cause respiratory depression, failure, pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, cerebral edema,
asymptomatic patients can be downgraded to a lower level of care after a and multiorgan system failure as a result of prolonged cardiorespiratory
period of observation when there are no signs of respiratory depression. depression.3,42
The exact length of the observation period will vary based on the patient’s
clinical presentation, age, and the type and amount of xenobiotic(s) ingested. Benzodiazepines
Patients with symptomatic overdoses of long-acting sedative–hypnotics, R1
such as meprobamate and clonazepam, or drugs that have significant R2
enterohepatic circulation may require 24 hours of observation in the inten-
sive care unit. Patients with mixed overdoses of various sedative–hypnotics
and CNS depressants also warrant closer observation for respiratory depres- R3
sion because of synergistic respiratory depressant effects. N
The general structure of benzodiazepines is shown above. The commercial
N Y use of benzodiazepines began with the introduction of chlordiazepoxide for
O anxiety in 1961 and diazepam for seizures in 1963. Benzodiazepines are used
N Z principally as sedatives and anxiolytics. Clonazepam is the only benzodiaz-
O epine approved for use as a chronic anticonvulsant. Benzodiazepines rarely
cause paradoxical psychological effects, including nightmares, delirium,
The general structure of barbiturates is shown above. Barbital became the psychosis, and transient global amnesia.83,86,176 The incidence and intensity of
first commercially available barbiturate in 1903. Although many other bar- CNS adverse events increase with age.81
biturates were subsequently developed, their popularity has greatly waned Similar to barbiturates, variations of the benzodiazepine side chains
since the introduction of benzodiazepines. Barbiturates are derivatives of influence potency, duration of action, metabolites, and rate of elimination.
barbituric acid (2,4,6-trioxo-hexa-hydropyrimidine), which itself has no CNS Most benzodiazepines are highly protein bound and lipophilic. They passively
depressant properties. The addition of various side chains influences the diffuse into the CNS, their main site of action. Because of their lipophilicity,
pharmacologic properties. Barbiturates with long side chains tend to have benzodiazepines are extensively metabolized via oxidation and conjugation
increased lipophilicity and potency and slower rates of elimination. However, in the liver before their renal elimination.
the observed clinical effects also depend on absorption, redistribution, and Benzodiazepines bind nonselectively to “central” benzodiazepine sites
the presence of active metabolites. For this reason, the duration of action located throughout the brain. These sites contain the GABAA α and γ
of barbiturates (like those of benzodiazepines) does not correlate well with subunits.33,161 The binding of the benzodiazepine to its particular site changes
their biologic half-lives. the GABA receptor to “lock” into a position that promotes GABA binding to

the GABA receptor. Whereas benzodiazepines that are active at the α1 sub- Acute chloral hydrate poisoning is unique compared with that of other
unit affect anxiety, sleep, and amnesia, those that are active in the α2 and α3 sedative–hypnotics because of the production of toxic metabolites. Cardiac
subunits tend to have greater anxiolytic properties. “Peripheral” benzodiaz- dysrhythmias are the major cause of death.41 Chloral hydrate and its meta-
epine sites are found throughout the body, with the greatest concentrations bolites reduce myocardial contractility, shorten the refractory period, and
in steroid-producing cells in the adrenal gland, anterior pituitary gland, and increase myocardial sensitivity to catecholamines. Persistent cardiac dys-
reproductive organs. These sites are not affiliated with the GABA receptor rhythmias (ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, torsade de
(Antidotes in Depth: A26). pointes) are common terminal events.79 β-Adrenergic antagonists such as
One unique property of the benzodiazepines is their relative safety even propranolol mitigate this myocardial sensitivity and are recommended in
after substantial ingestion, which probably results from their GABA receptor patients with chloral hydrate–induced dysrhythmias resistant to standard
properties.33,97 Unlike many other sedative–hypnotics, benzodiazepines do therapy.15,17,166,175
not open GABA channels independently at high concentrations. Benzodiaz- In addition to cardiotoxicity, chloral hydrate toxicity causes vomiting,
epines do not cause any specific systemic injury, and their long-term use is hemorrhagic gastritis, and rarely gastric and intestinal necrosis, leading to
not associated with specific organ toxicity. Most often deaths are secondary perforation and esophagitis with stricture formation.69,157 Although large inges-
to a combination of alcohol or other sedative–hypnotics.130,168,170 Supportive tions of chloral hydrate are evident on abdominal radiographs because of its
care is the mainstay of treatment. radiopacity, a normal radiograph should not be used to exclude chloral hydrate
Flumazenil is a competitive benzodiazepine receptor antagonist that is ingestion. Few hospital-based laboratories have the ability to rapidly detect
ideal for either benzodiazepine-naïve patients with a sole benzodiazepine chloral hydrate or its metabolites.
overdose or benzodiazepine-naïve patients who develop respiratory depres-
sion after IV administration of benzodiazepines (Antidotes in Depth: A25). Bromides
Caution should be exercised if flumazenil is administered to patients with an Bromides were used in the past as “nerve tonics,” headache remedies, and
unknown overdose because seizures and dysrhythmias are reported to occur anticonvulsants. Although medicinal bromides have largely disappeared
from the effects of the coingestant after the effect of the benzodiazepine has from the US pharmaceutical market, bromide toxicity still occurs through
been reversed. Similarly, chronic benzodiazepine users are at risk of develop- the availability of bromide salts of common drugs, such as dextrometho-
ing withdrawal symptoms, including seizures, after receiving flumazenil. The rphan hydrobromine, in large overdoses.91 There is also documentation of
duration of effect of flumazenil is shorter than that of most benzodiazepines, bromism from excessive consumption of cola with brominated vegetable
and resedation can occur.118 oils.52 Poisoning may also occur in immigrants and travelers from other
Tolerance to the sedative effects of benzodiazepines occurs more countries where bromides are still therapeutically used.37 An epidemic of
rapidly than does tolerance to the antianxiety effects.73,115 Abrupt discon- more than 400 cases of mass bromide poisoning occurred in the Cacuaco
tinuation after long-term use of benzodiazepines precipitates benzodi- municipality of Luanda Province, Angola, in 2007. According to a World Health
azepine withdrawal, characterized by autonomic instability, changes in Organization report, the etiology of the bromide exposure in these cases was
perception, paresthesias, headaches, tremors, and seizures.13 Withdrawal believed to be table salt contaminated with sodium bromide. Although the
from benzodiazepines is common, manifested by almost one-third of majority of persons affected were children, no actual deaths were attributed
chronic users.66 Alprazolam and lorazepam are associated with more severe to bromide poisoning in this epidemic.167
withdrawal syndromes compared with chlordiazepoxide and diazepam.66,67 Bromides tend to have long half-lives, and toxicity typically occurs over-
This is likely because both chlordiazepoxide and diazepam have active time as concentrations accumulate in tissue. Bromide and chloride ions
metabolites, accumulation of which prolongs the clinical effect of the drug have a similar distribution pattern in the extracellular fluid. It is postu-
and results in a gradual tapering effect. This leads to delayed presentation lated that because the bromide ion moves across membranes slightly more
of withdrawal from benzodiazepines with active metabolites. Withdrawal rapidly than the chloride ion, it is more quickly reabsorbed in the tubules
may also occur when a chronic user of a particular benzodiazepine is from the glomerular filtrate than the chloride ion. Although osmolar equi-
switched to another benzodiazepine with a greater affinity for different librium persists, CNS function is progressively impaired by a poorly under-
receptor subunits.76 stood mechanism, with resulting inappropriateness of behavior, headache,
apathy, irritability, confusion, muscle weakness, anorexia, weight loss,
Chloral Hydrate thickened speech, psychotic behavior, tremulousness, ataxia, and eventu-
ally, coma. Delusions and hallucinations occur. Bromides lead to hyperten-
sion, increased intracranial pressure, and papilledema.20,37,149 Chronic use of
Cl C C OH bromides also produces dermatologic changes called bromoderma, with the
Cl H hallmark characteristic of a facial acneiform rash.49,149 Toxicity with bromides
during pregnancy causes accumulation of bromide in the fetus and resul-
First introduced in 1832, chloral hydrate belongs to one of the oldest classes tant CNS depression.104 A spurious laboratory result of hyperchloremia with
of pharmaceutical hypnotics, the chloral derivatives. Although still used decreased or negative anion gap results from the interference of bromide
sporadically in children, its use has substantially decreased.1,75,93,103 Chloral with the chloride assay on some analyzers109,171 (Chap. 12). Thus, an isolated
hydrate is well absorbed but is irritating to the GI tract. It has extensive tissue elevated serum chloride concentration with neurologic symptoms should
distribution, rapid onset of action, and rapid hepatic metabolism by alco- raise suspicion of possible bromide poisoning.
hol and aldehyde dehydrogenases. Trichloroethanol is a lipid-soluble, active
metabolite that is responsible for the hypnotic effects of chloral hydrate. It Carisoprodol and Meprobamate
has a serum half-life of 4 to 12 hours and is metabolized to inactive trichloro- O CH2 O
acetic acid by alcohol dehydrogenases. It is also conjugated with glucuronide
and excreted by the kidney as urochloralic acid. Less than 10% of trichloro-
ethanol is excreted unchanged. Meprobamate CH2CH2CH3
Metabolic rates in children vary widely because of variable develop-
ment and function of hepatic enzymes, in particular those achieving Meprobamate was introduced in 1950 and was used for its muscle-relaxant
glucuronidation.16,80 The elimination half-life of chloral hydrate and trichlo- and anxiolytic characteristics. Carisoprodol, which was introduced in 1955,
roethanol is markedly increased in children younger than 2 years. This is is metabolized to meprobamate. Both drugs have pharmacologic effects
especially concern in neonates and in infants exposed to repetitive doses. on the GABAA receptor similar to those of the barbiturates. Similar to the

barbiturates, meprobamate can directly open the GABA-mediated chloride The withdrawal syndrome is typically mild.46,164 Flumazenil reverses the
channel and inhibits NMDA receptor currents.113 Both are rapidly absorbed hypnotic and cognitive effects of these xenobiotics, and given the lack of
from the GI tract. Meprobamate is metabolized in the liver to inactive antiepileptic effects of these xenobiotics, flumazenil reversal may be safer
hydroxyl and glucuronide metabolites that are excreted almost exclusively here than in the case of benzodiazepines (Antidotes in Depth: A25).71,172
by the kidney. Of all the nonbarbiturate tranquilizers, meprobamate is most Because of increasing prevalence of these xenobiotics, they have been asso-
likely to produce euphoria; the exact mechanism of this is unknown.57,58 ciated with increasing hospitalizations especially when ingested with other
Unlike most sedative–hypnotics, meprobamate causes profound hypo- sedative-hypnotics.179 Deaths result when zolpidem is taken in large amounts
tension from direct myocardial depression.21 Adherent masses or bezoars with other CNS depressants.40
of pills are reported in the stomach at autopsy after large meprobamate
ingestions.125 Orogastric lavage with a large-bore tube and MDAC is reason- Propofol
able for patients with a significant meprobamate ingestion while keeping in
mind the risk of aspiration. Whole-bowel irrigation is also reasonable if mul- H3C CH3
tiple pills or small concretions are suspected. Patients can experience recur- CH CH
rent toxic manifestations as a result of concretion formation with delayed H3C CH3
drug release and absorption. Careful monitoring of the clinical course is
essential even after the patient shows initial improvement because recurrent
and cyclical CNS depression can occur.125 Propofol is a rapidly acting IV sedative–hypnotic that is both a postsynaptic
GABAA agonist and induces presynaptic release of GABA.95,150 Propofol is also
Zolpidem, Zaleplon, Zopiclone, and Eszopiclone an antagonist at NMDA receptors.63,138,177 In addition, propofol interacts with
CN dopamine, promotes nigral dopamine release possibly via GABAB receptors,98,126
and has partial agonist properties at dopamine (D2) receptors.124 Propofol
is used for procedural sedation and either induction or maintenance of
N CH3 N N general anesthesia, as well as an antiepileptic to manage status epilepticus. It
is highly lipid soluble, so it crosses the blood–brain barrier rapidly. The onset
N O of anesthesia usually occurs in less than 1 minute. The duration of action
CH2 C N after short-term dosing is usually less than 8 minutes because of its rapid
CH3 CH2CH3 redistribution from the CNS.
N Propofol use is associated with various adverse events. Acutely, propo-
C CH3 fol causes dose-related respiratory depression. Propofol decreases systemic
Zolpidem Zaleplon arterial pressure and causes myocardial depression. Although short-term
use of propofol does not typically cause dysrhythmias or myocardial ischemia,
These oral hypnotics have supplanted benzodiazepines as the most com- atropine-sensitive bradydysrhythmias are noted, specifically sinus brady-
monly prescribed sleep aid medications.35 Although they are structurally cardia and Mobitz type 1 atrioventricular block.148,163,174 Short-term use of
unrelated to the benzodiazepines, they bind preferentially to the benzo- propofol in the perioperative setting is associated with a myoclonic syndrome
diazepine site subtype in the brain that contains the GABAA α1 subunit.33 manifesting as opisthotonus, myoclonus, and sometimes myoclonic seizure–
They have a lower affinity for benzodiazepine sites that contain the other like activity.84,92
α isoforms; therefore, they have potent hypnotic effects with less potential Prolonged propofol infusions, typically more than 48 hours at rates of
for dependence and antiepileptics properties.48 Each of these xenobiotics 4 to 5 mg/kg/h or greater, are associated with a life-threatening propofol-
has a relatively short half-life (6 hours or less), with zaleplon exhibiting the infusion syndrome involving metabolic acidosis, cardiac dysrhythmias, and
shortest half-life (1 hour). Unlike benzodiazepines that prolong the first two skeletal muscle injury.60,61 The clinical signs of propofol infusion syndrome
stages of sleep and shorten stages 3 and 4 of rapid eye movement sleep, often begin with the development of a new right bundle branch block and ST-
zolpidem and its congeners all decrease sleep latency with little effect on segment convex elevations in the electrocardiogram precordial leads.60 Pre-
sleep architecture. Because of their receptor selectivity, they appear to have disposing factors to the development include young age, severe brain injury
minimal effect at other sites on the GABAA receptor that mediate anxiolytic, (especially in the setting of trauma), respiratory compromise, concurrent
antiepileptic, or muscle-relaxant effects.68,158 A low-dose sublingual tablet exogenous administration of catecholamines or glucocorticoids, inad-
of zolpidem tartrate (Intermezzo) was recently approved for middle of the equate carbohydrate intake, and undiagnosed mitochondrial myopathy.
night awakenings. An unusual side effect of these drugs, even during thera- Some authors propose a “priming” and “triggering” mechanism for propofol
peutic dosing, is somnambulism, transient anterograde global amnesia, with infusion syndrome with endogenous glucocorticoids, catecholamines, and
the majority of these reports involving zolpidem.45 possibly cytokines as “priming” agents and exogenous catecholamines and
They are hepatically metabolized by various CYP450 enzymes. Zolpidem glucocorticoids in the setting of high-dose propofol infusion as “triggering”
is mainly metabolized by CYP3A4. Zaleplon is primarily metabolized by alde- stimuli.155 Propofol disrupts mitochondrial free fatty acid utilization and
hyde oxidase, but CYP3A4 is also involved in parent compound oxidation. metabolism, causing a syndrome of energy imbalance and myonecrosis simi-
Whereas zopiclone is primarily metabolized by CYP3A4 and CYP2C8, eszopi- lar to mitochondrial myopathies.22,132,156 Most case reports associate propofol
clone is metabolized mainly by CYP3A4 and CYP2E1. Various pharmacoki- with metabolic acidosis, elevated lactate concentration, and fatal myocar-
netic interactions with inhibitors or inducers of CYP450 enzymes and these dial failure in both children and young adults. However, this syndrome is also
medications are reported.47 reported in older adults.100 Some cases of metabolic acidosis are associated
In isolated overdoses, drowsiness and CNS depression are common. with an inborn disorder of acylcarnitine metabolism.169 Prolonged propofol
However, prolonged coma with respiratory depression is exceptionally infusions unmask previously undiagnosed myopathy that would cause them
rare. Isolated overdoses usually manifest with depressed level of conscious- to be at increased risk for propofol infusion syndrome, especially in children.
ness without respiratory depression. For example, even at 40 times the The unique nature of the carrier base of propofol, a milky soybean emul-
therapeutic dose of zolpidem, no biologic or electrocardiographic abnor- sion formulation, is associated with multiple adverse drug events such as
malities were reported.40 Zopiclone overdoses are rarely associated with impairment of macrophage function,22 hypertriglyceridemia,65,72,156 histamine-
methemoglobinemia.39 Tolerance to zolpidem and its congeners occurs, mediated anaphylactoid reactions,33,62,156 and impairment of platelet and
and as expected, withdrawal follows abrupt discontinuation of chronic use. coagulation function.3,31 Additionally, the carrier base is a fertile medium

for many organisms, such as enterococcal, pseudomonal, staphylococcal, Melatonin, Ramelteon, and Tasimelteon
streptococcal, and candidal species. In 1990, the US Centers for Disease Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) and melatonin-containing prod-
Control and Prevention first reported an outbreak of Staphylococcus aureus ucts are sold as dietary supplements. Melatonin is naturally synthesized
associated with contaminated propofol.87 Since then, 20 propofol-related from tryptophan by the enzyme 5-hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase,
outbreaks have been reported, which have affected 144 patients and caused primarily within the pineal gland in humans. Ramelteon is a synthetic
10 deaths.178 melatonin-analog that is FDA approved for the treatment of chronic insomnia.
Ramelteon is thought to decrease both latency to sleep induction and length
Etomidate of persistent sleep.134 Tasimelteon, the newest melatonin receptor agonist,
is the only FDA-approved drug used to treat non–24-hour sleep–wake dis-
H3C order that occurs in blind individuals in whom light cues do not reach the
CH suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain to allow for a normal sleep–wake
O cycle.53 Melatonin, ramelteon, and tasimelteon act as agonists at MT1 and
CH3CH2 O C MT2 receptors, which are G protein–coupled receptors mainly located in the
suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain.127 Whereas MT1 receptors are involved
in sleep induction, MT2 receptors are involved in regulation of the circadian
Etomidate is an IV nonbarbiturate, hypnotic primarily used for an anesthe- sleep–wake cycle in humans.140
sia induction. It is active at the GABAA receptor, specifically the β2 and β3 Ramelteon administered orally is rapidly absorbed but undergoes
subunits.24,94 Only the IV formulation is available in the United States. The significant first-pass metabolism primarily by CYP1A2.
onset of action is less than 1 minute, and its duration of action is less than Adverse effects of ramelteon are mild and usually include drowsiness,
5 minutes. dizziness, fatigue, and headache. The endocrine effects of long-term expo-
Etomidate is commercially available as a 2-mg/mL solution in a 35% sure to ramelteon seem to be limited to subclinical increases in serum pro-
propylene glycol solution. Propylene glycol toxicity from prolonged etomi- lactin concentration in women and do not appear to affect adrenal or thyroid
date infusions is implicated in the development of hyperosmolar metabolic function.114 In addition, ramelteon appears to have a low abuse potential and
acidosis (Chap. 46).70,152,154 Etomidate has minimal effect on cardiac function, does not appear to be associated with a withdrawal syndrome or rebound
but rare cases of hypotension are reported because of adrenal suppression.142 insomnia.44,77,85 A retrospective review of 222 poison control center calls of
Etomidate has both proconvulsant and antiepileptic properties.25,108 Involun- ramelteon overdose reported no significant clinical effect in 88.3% of cases.
tary muscle movements are common during induction and are caused by Isolated cases of bradycardia, hypotension, and seizures did occur.147 There
etomidate interaction with glycine receptors at the spinal cord level.28,88,89 are no published reports of tasimelteon toxicity from overdose.
Etomidate depresses adrenal production of cortisol and aldosterone;
therefore, it is associated with adrenocortical suppression, usually after
Suvorexant is a newly approved dual orexin receptor antagonist. Orexin
prolonged infusions.122,159,160 Etomidate is associated with increased mor-
(also known as hypocretin) promotes wakefulness; as an orexin antagonist,
bidity and mortality in critically ill and trauma patients.27,50 However, the
suvorexant induces and maintains sleep. This is the first drug in this class of
clinical significance of adrenal suppression from etomidate administration
sedative–hypnotics.141,173 Preliminary studies have shown that patients tak-
is disputed.51,144,145 In the appropriate setting, etomidate does not appear
ing this drug have a shorter sleep latency and stayed asleep longer than the
to have any greater risk of significant adverse events compared with its
control group taking placebo. There are no reports of physical dependence
on this drug or withdrawal upon its cessation. There are no trials comparing
Dexmedetomidine suvorexant with other drugs for noninferiority or efficacy. The most com-
Dexmedetomidine is a central α2-adrenergic agonist that decreases central monly reported side effect with overdose is somnolence after awakening.82
presynaptic catecholamine release, primarily in the locus ceruleus. When
dexmedetomidine is used to help wean patients from ventilators, sedation SUMMARY
is achieved with less associated delirium compared with other agents.99,143 ■ Sedative–hypnotics encompass a wide range of xenobiotics that
It is also used for procedural sedation in certain settings such as interven- predominantly interact with the GABAA receptor but can also have
tional radiology procedures and awake fiberoptic intubations. Compared varying mechanisms of action.
with propofol, dexmedetomidine sedation lessens opioid requirements in ■ Patients with sedative–hypnotic overdoses often present with the
postoperative patients. primary manifestation of CNS depression; however, death typically
Dexmedetomidine has minimal effect at the GABAA receptor. Unlike results from respiratory depression and subsequent cardiovascular col-
other sedative–hypnotics, it is not associated with significant respiratory lapse in the setting of concurrent coingestion of other CNS depressants.
depression. Although mechanistically similar to clonidine, dexmedetomi- ■ Treatment is largely supportive, including careful monitoring, airway
dine does not appear to cause as much respiratory depression as clonidine. protection, and proper supportive care, with a rare need for GI decon-
Dexmedetomidine is said to induce a state of “cooperative sedation” in tamination in select severe cases.
which a patient is sedated but yet able to interact with health care providers. ■ Specific antidotes such as flumazenil and hemodialysis are rarely
Dexmedetomidine also has analgesic effects.23 indicated.
Dexmedetomidine is currently only approved for use for less than
24 hours. Extensive safety trials have not yet explored its use beyond 24 hours.
Kathy Lynn Ferguson, DO, contributed to this chapter in previous editions.
Unlike clonidine, rebound hypertension and tachycardia have not been
described upon cessation. Because dexmedetomidine decreases central REFERENCES
sympathetic outflow, its use should probably be avoided in patients whose 1. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs and Committee on Environmental
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