Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases The Prevalence of Hypertension in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Disease

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COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases the Prevalence

of Hypertension in Patients with Chronic
Obstructive Disease

Weihua Hu, Zhiling Zhao, Bin Wu, Zhihong Shi, Minglin Dong, Mengqing
Xiong, Yan Jiang, Dan Liu, Huimin Li & Ke Hu

To cite this article: Weihua Hu, Zhiling Zhao, Bin Wu, Zhihong Shi, Minglin Dong, Mengqing
Xiong, Yan Jiang, Dan Liu, Huimin Li & Ke Hu (2020) Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases the
Prevalence of Hypertension in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Disease, COPD: Journal of
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 17:5, 523-532, DOI: 10.1080/15412555.2020.1815688

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/15412555.2020.1815688

Published online: 09 Sep 2020.

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2020, VOL. 17, NO. 5, 523–532

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Increases the Prevalence of Hypertension in Patients

with Chronic Obstructive Disease
Weihua Hua, Zhiling Zhaob, Bin Wuc, Zhihong Shid, Minglin Donga, Mengqing Xionga, Yan Jiange, Dan Liue,
Huimin Lie, and Ke Hua
Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China; bDepartment of Respiratory
and Critical Care Medicine, Beijing Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China;
Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Department of Respiratory, The Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang, China;
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, Shanxi, China; eDivision of Respiratory
Disease, the Fifth Hospital of Wuhan City, Wuhan, China


Whether there are increased rates of chronic diseases associated with the combination of chronic Received 12 May 2020
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) overlap syndrome (OVS) Accepted 21 August 2020
has not been determined. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of five comorbid-
ities in COPD and OVS patients. A total of 968 patients with confirmed COPD were included in this
Chronic obstructive
study. Participants were requested to fill out a questionnaire involving their basic information and pulmonary disease;
medical history. All subjects underwent one overnight polysomnography and were then divided obstructive sleep apnea;
into an OVS group or a COPD only group according to their apnea–hypopnea index. The preva- overlap syndrome;
lence of hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arrhythmia and cerebrovascular disease comorbidity; hyperten-
were compared and risk factors for comorbidities in COPD patients were identified. Compared with sion; arrhythmia
the COPD only group, the prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher in the OVS group,
however, the prevalence rates of the other four kinds of diseases were not statistically different
between the two groups. In COPD patients, the prevalence of hypertension increased with the
severity of OSA and the prevalence of arrhythmia increased with airflow limitation severity. Risk fac-
tors for OSA in patients with COPD included BMI, FEV1%, Epworth Sleepiness Scale score and the
Sleep Apnea Clinical Score. OSA was an independent risk factor for hypertension. The other risk fac-
tors for hypertension in COPD patients included age, BMI, CAT score and alcohol consumption.
Age, lower FEV1% may be risk factors for arrhythmia. OVS patients were associated with a high
prevalence rate of hypertension, while OSA was an independent risk factor for hypertension.

Introduction desaturation and have more total time with profound hyp-
oxemia during sleep [16,17], since patients with COPD do
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a highly
not typically return to normal baseline oxygen saturation
prevalent condition, which has an estimated prevalence in
levels [18]. Additionally, OVS patients are more likely to
adults in the USA of 13.9% [1,2] and in adults in China
have a worse prognosis [19].
aged 40 years or older of 13.7% [3]. COPD often coexists
Since the association between the comorbidities of OSA or
with other diseases that may have a significant impact on
COPD is well known, the exact relationship of COPD overlap-
disease course [4–9], especially cardiovascular diseases [10].
ping OSA associated comorbidities should be further elucidated.
Furthermore, comorbidities are common with any severity
However, whether the positive effect on comorbidities is more
of COPD [11]. On the other hand, due to the sleep disor-
pronounced in OVS patients than in patients with COPD only
dered-breathing and the repeated episodes of upper airway
is unclear because there have been few studies on this issue.
closing, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) not only affects
The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of five
9–26% of adults in the USA [12], but its effect on adverse
separate comorbidities in COPD only and OVS patients.
cardiovascular consequences is increasingly being recognized
[13] as well. OSA seems to be more common in patients
with COPD and it has bidirectional interactions with COPD Subjects and study protocol
[14]. The term “overlap syndrome” (OVS) has been used to
describe both conditions in a single patient [15]. Compared
with either COPD only or with OSA, patients with OVS Since January 2016, we have been participating in a project
may suffer more frequent episodes of nocturnal oxygen entitled “Study on the diagnosis and treatment of

CONTACT Ke Hu huke-rmhospital@163.com Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Zhangzhidong
Road No. 99, Wuhan 430060, China
ß 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
524 W. HU ET AL.

complications and comorbidities in patients with chronic sure the answers were reliable. Changes were made
obstructive pulmonary diseases” supported by the National if necessary.
Key Research and Development Program of China (project After the first interview, each patient was scheduled to
number: 2016YFC1304403). As part of one of its five sub- undergo PSG. Blood glucose measurement and blood pres-
projects, this observational study analyzed baseline data for sure (BP) screening were taken before and after the PSG.
eligible consecutive participants in order to examine differ- According to the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI), each patient
ences in the prevalence rates of hypertension, diabetes, car- was categorized into a COPD only group (AHI < 5 events/
diovascular disease, arrhythmia and cerebrovascular diseases hour) or an OVS group (COPD patients had an AHI of 5
between patients with OVS and those with COPD only. events/hour).
Figure 1 shows a flowchart of the study design and pro-
cess; 1105 patients with suspected COPD received a spirom-
Subjects etry test and were the study candidates. Based on the
From January 2016 to December 2018, 968 patients with principles mentioned above, 137 subjects were excluded, 43
confirmed COPD were consecutively recruited for overnight of them due to an FEV1/FVC  0.70 and 94 because of
polysomnography (PSG) examination in a sleep laboratory their unwillingness to undergo a PSG (n ¼ 36) or the lack of
from the Outpatient Department of Respiratory and Critical an adequate PSG record for severe breathlessness (n ¼ 58).
Care Medicine, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University. In total, 968 patients were recruited for the study.
Inclusion criteria for the study were as follows [20]: (1) age
between 40 to 80 years; (2) having typical symptoms of Spirometry
COPD (chronic cough, breathlessness or sputum produc-
tion) and/or a history of exposure to risk factors such as The FVC and the FEV1 post-bronchodilator were measured
tobacco use; (3) the presence of a post-bronchodilator ratio using a body plethysmograph (MasterScreen Body, Jaeger,
of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)/forced Germany) and the FEV1/FVC ratio was calculated. The clas-
vital capacity (FVC) <0.70, and the FEV1/FVC being less sification of severity of airflow limitation was based on post-
than the lower limit of normal (LLN). Exclusion criteria bronchodilator FEV1%.
included: (1) patients who had been hospitalized for cardiac
failure or respiratory exacerbations within the previous
PSG monitoring
6 weeks and those who could not undergo PSG for various
reasons; (2) needing oxygen supplementation or having All patients underwent an overnight PSG (SOMNOscreen
other major causes of airway limitation such as tuberculosis Plus Tele PSG, SOMNOmedics GmbH, Randersacker,
or other lung diseases; (3) those with renal insufficiency Germany). Sleep recordings included EEG, EOG and chin
(blood creatinine level 1.5 mg/dL); (4) regular use of seda- EMG. Respiratory parameters were recorded with a nasal
tive drugs such as benzodiazepines, opiates, antipsychotics, cannula, thoracic and abdominal strains and pulse oxyhemo-
etc.; (5) having evidence of narcolepsy, insomnia or any globin saturation (SpO2). All tracings were scored manually
other comorbid sleep disorder and (6) those who were by trained personnel according to the AASM guidelines
unwilling to participate in the study. [21]. The following sleep variables were calculated: total
This study procedure was approved by the Scientific sleep time, average pulse oxygen saturation (mean SpO2),
Research and Technology Ethics Committee of Renmin Hospital lowest pulse oxygen saturation (Min SpO2), oxygen desatur-
of Wuhan University and is registered in ClinicalTrials.gov ation index (ODI), percentage of sleep time with SpO2
(Clinical Trials ID: NCT 03182309). All participants recruited in <90% (T90) and AHI. A cutoff point of AHI  5 events/
this study provided their written consent. hour was used to classify patients with or without OSA.

Study protocol BP measurements and judgment

Patients were initially eligible to take part in the study if The BP of each patient was measured using a pneumoelec-
they had suspected COPD. tric microprocessor - controlled instrument with appropri-
Patients were asked whether they had been previously ate-sized cuffs (YE 660D, Yuyue Ltd, Nanjing, China) at
diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart attack, three time points: at the first interview, in the evening about
angina pectoris, stroke or other comorbidities. We ascer- half an hour before the PSG and in the next morning after
tained their history of using tobacco (current or past use of the PSG but while still in bed. The recorded BP was calcu-
any type of tobacco product) and/or alcohol (>2 drinks per lated as the average of three awake consecutive measure-
day), pharmacologic therapies of COPD. The Epworth ments during a 5-minute period after resting for 10 min.
Sleepiness Scale (ESS), the Sleep Apnea Clinical Score Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP (SBP) 140 mm
(SACS), the Modified British Medical Research Council Hg or a diastolic BP (DBP) 90 mmHg [22]; or the noctur-
(mMRC) and the COPD Assessment Test (CATTM) were nal mean systolic pressure 120 mmHg and/or nocturnal
used to evaluate daytime sleepiness, sleep complaints and mean diastolic BP 70 mmHg [23]. In this study, four con-
COPD symptoms, respectively. A nurse and/or doctor ditions were judged as hypertension: (1) having a diagnosis
revised the questionnaire during the consultation to make of hypertension by a physician as per clinical history; (2)

Figure 1. Flowchart of study design and process.

having orally taken anti-hypertensive medications; (3) SBP cerebral infarction or cerebral hemorrhage. Twelve-lead elec-
140 mmHg and/or DBP 90 mmHg at either the evening trocardiograph (ECG) was conducted for all participants.
or morning measurement and (4) PSG diagnosed nocturnal Holter ECG was performed on whom the ECG had an inde-
hypertension, which was measured by the Somnotouch- terminate diagnosis or had a history of arrhythmia.
NIBP noninvasive continuous BP monitor. Beat-to-beat BP Arrhythmia was diagnosed according to the comprehensive
was monitored continuously during PSG examination via results of ECG traces, Holter ECG, ECG on PSG or past
the pulse transit time (PTT)-based method [24,25]. medical history.
Calibration of PTT was implemented when measurement by
cuff realized three consecutive stable results after a supine
Other key measurements
resting period of 10 min. All systolic and diastolic BP values,
as well as pulse oximetry values were synchronized with ESS was used to evaluate daytime sleepiness and SACS was
PSG and analyzed by “DOMINO” software (version 2.7.0, used as a screening tool for OSA. In non-COPD populations,
GmbH, Randersacker, Germany). a cutoff point of ESS 10 was defined as subjective excessive
daytime sleepiness [27] and those with SACS scores 15
points are considered as having a high likelihood of OSA [28].
Evaluation for diabetes mellitus and cardio-
cerebrovascular comorbidities
Main outcome measures
Diabetes mellitus was diagnosed according to a previous
diagnosis or from examination for fasting blood glucose The primary end point in this study was to examine differ-
7.0 mmol/l or random blood glucose 11.1 mmol/l or 2 h ences in the prevalence rate of specific types of comorbid-
value in the 75 g oral glucose tolerance test 11.1 mmol/l ities between patients with COPD only and those with OVS.
[26] tested by a portable blood glucose meter (Type GA-3, The secondary end point was to analyze major risk factors
SANNUO, Shuangxu Electronics Ltd, Shanghai, China) dur- for comorbidities.
ing the first interview or before and after PSG.
The judgment for cardio-cerebrovascular diseases was
Statistical analysis
based on each patient’s previous diagnosis of cardiovascular
disease, myocardial infarction, a history of angina or cardiac Continuous variables are expressed as means ± standard
dysfunction caused by cardiovascular disease or a history of deviation and categorical variables are expressed as absolute
526 W. HU ET AL.

Table 1. Patients’ baseline characteristics, sleep data, scores and comorbidities of the COPD only group and the OVS group.
Parameters COPD only group OVS group p value
Number of patients, n (%) 308 (31.82) 660 (68.18) –
Sex [male/female, male (%)] 256/52 (83.12) 560/100 (84.85) 0.490
Age (years) 65.45 ± 9.24 65.79 ± 9.69 0.601
BMI (kg/m2) 22.41 ± 4.04 23.68 ± 4.40 <0.0001
Neck circumference (cm) 37.93 ± 3.18 38.40 ± 3.56 0.047
Tobacco use, n (%) 247 (80.19) 523 (79.24) 0.732
Alcohol use, n (%) 115 (37.34) 275 (41.67) 0.201
AHI (events/hour) 2.20 ± 1.50 19.01 ± 15.63 <0.0001
ODI [n, x ± s (events/hour)] 267 (5.19 ± 13.76) 637 (16.04 ± 16.88) <0.0001
Mean SpO2 (%) 93.68 ± 3.33 92.15 ± 3.85 <0.0001
Min SpO2 (%) 85.21 ± 7.63 78.54 ± 1.25 <0.0001
T90 (%) 8.13 ± 20.39 16.42 ± 25.18 <0.0001
FVC (L) 2.58 ± 0.91 3.13 ± 7.34 0.191
FVC% 77.29 ± 26.80 84.92 ± 25.23 <0.0001
FEV1 (L) 1.58 ± 3.32 1.97 ± 7.04 0.355
FEV1% 49.68 ± 22.02 57.70 ± 27.23 <0.0001
FEV1/FVC (%) 47.63 ± 14.69 51.08 ± 14.39 0.001
LLN (%) 71.18 ± 1.69 71.30 ± 1.79 0.324
mMRC score 1.71 ± 0.94 1.73 ± 0.74 0.743
CAT score 16.21 ± 8.33 15.30 ± 7.04 0.077
ESS score 4.74 ± 3.94 6.52 ± 4.50 <0.0001
SACS score 6.00 ± 6.92 9.00 ± 10.97 <0.0001
CCI (n, x ± s) 302 (3.36 ± 1.70) 658 (3.54 ± 1.71) 0.150
Hypertension, n (%) 98 (31.81) 270 (40.91) 0.007
Diabetes, n (%) 29 (9.42) 74 (11.21) 0.399
Cardiovascular diseases, n (%) 66 (21.43) 161 (24.39) 0.310
Cerebrovascular diseases, n (%) 28 (9.09) 63 (9.55) 0.821
Arrhythmia, n (%) 122 (39.61) 222 (33.64) 0.070
Atrial fibrillation, n (%) 7 (2.27) 17 (2.58) 0.778
Premature atrial contraction, n (%) 15 (4.87) 24 (3.64) 0.363
Ventricular premature contraction, n (%) 12 (3.40) 19 (2.88) 0.402
Intraventricular block, n (%) 17 (5.52) 54 (8.19) 0.823
Nodal tachycardia, n (%) 15 (4.87) 30 (4.55) 0.139
Sinus bradycardia, n (%) 7 (2.27) 17 (2.58) 0.778
LAMA, n (%) 85 (27.60) 219 (33.18) 0.081
LABA þ ICS, n (%) 51 (16.57) 112 (16.97) 0.873
LAMA þ LABA þ ICS, n (%) 21 (6.82) 42 (6.64) 0.789
AHI: apnea–hypopnea index; BMI: body mass index; CAT: COPD assessment test; CCI: Charlson comorbidity index; ESS: Epworth
sleepiness scale; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital capacity; ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; LABA: long-acting
beta 2-agonist; LAMA: long-acting anticholinergics; LLN: lower limits of normal; mMRC: modified British medical research council
questionnaire; ODI: oxygen desaturation index; OVS: overlap syndrome; SACS: sleep apnea clinical score; SpO2: oxyhemoglobin
saturation; T90: percentage of sleep time with SpO2 <90%.

numbers and percentages. The normality of the distribution aged 75–80 years had FEV1/FVC < 65% and the mean
of variables was tested using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test FEV1/FVC in patients >70 years was 48.0 ± 13.9%. Among
and the COPD only group was statistically compared with the 968 patients with confirmed COPD, 660 (68.18%) of
the OVS group using a t-test. The v2 test was used to com- those patients coexisted with OSA (AHI  5) and 308
pare dichotomous variables. Interrelations among variables (31.82%) patients had COPD only. 30.48% of the COPD
were examined using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. population had a AHI of at least 15 events/hour.
Binary logistic regression was used to assess the effects of Compared with the COPD only group, the OVS group
OSA severity and the severity of airflow limitation on the (AHI  5) had a significantly higher BMI, AHI and a larger
co-existence of morbidities, and was also used to explore the neck circumference, however, there were no significant dif-
risk factors for comorbidity. Independent variables without ferences in sex, age and tobacco and/or alcohol use between
multicollinearity were included in univariate regression ana- the two groups (Table 1).
lysis. Further multivariate analysis involved regression of All patients in this study were surveyed with question-
variables that were showed a univariate p value <0.05. A p naires and were monitored by overnight PSG. The ODI,
value <0.05 was considered significant. All statistical analy- mean SpO2, Min SpO2, T90, FVC%, FEV1%, FEV1/FVC,
ses were performed using SAS 9.4 software (SAS Institute
ESS score and SACS score in the OVS group were signifi-
Inc, Cary, NC).
cantly different from those in the COPD only group.
Nevertheless, there were no statistical differences in mMRC,
Results CAT and CCI scores between the two groups (Table 1).
Coexisting rate of OSA in COPD patients and
characteristics Prevalence of comorbidities
The participants had a ratio of FEV1/FVC < 0.70 and their In terms of comorbidities, we found that the prevalence of five
FEV1/FVC were less than LLN. Furthermore, all the patients comorbidities in the 968 COPD patients were hypertension

Table 2. Prevalence rates of five comorbidities in COPD patients according to AHI (events/hour).
Parameters No OSA (COPD-only) (0–4.9) Mild OSA (5–14.9) Moderate OSA (15–29.9) Severe OSA (>30.0) p value
Number, n 308 365 176 119
Hypertension, n (%) 98 (31.82) 128 (35.07) 83 (47.16) 59 (49.58) <0.0001
Diabetes, n (%) 29 (9.42) 36 (9.86) 23 (13.07) 15 (12.61) 0.541
Cardiovascular diseases, n (%) 66 (21.43) 86 (23.56) 47 (26.7) 28 (23.53) 0.628
Arrhythmia, n (%) 122 (39.61) 122 (33.42) 61 (34.70) 39 (32.77) 0.334
Cerebrovascular diseases, n (%) 28 (9.09) 27 (7.40) 23 (13.07) 13 (10.92) 0.182

Figure 2. The prevalence of hypertension increased with the increasing severity of OSA. A Chi-square test indicated that the prevalence of hypertension increased
with the OSA severity (v2 ¼ 19.364, p < 0.0001). There were no significant relationships between OSA severity and diabetes (v2 ¼ 2.292, p ¼ 0.541), coronary heart
disease (v2 ¼ 1.743, p ¼ 0.628), arrhythmia (v2 ¼ 3.398, p ¼ 0.334) or cerebrovascular disease (v2 ¼ 4.895, p ¼ 0.182).

Table 3. Prevalence rates of five comorbidities in COPD patients according to the severity of airflow limitation.
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 p value
Number of patients, n 168 348 315 137 –
OSA, n (%) 132 (78.57) 247 (70.98) 201 (63.81) 80 (58.39) <0.0001
Hypertension, n (%) 68 (40.48) 144 (41.3) 113 (35.87) 43 (31.39) 0.153
Diabetes, n (%) 21 (12.5) 42 (12.07) 29 (9.21) 11 (8.03) 0.388
Cardiovascular diseases, n (%) 46 (27.38) 78 (22.41) 64 (20.32) 39 (28.47) 0.151
Cerebrovascular diseases, n (%) 13 (7.74) 37 (10.63) 29 (9.21) 12 (8.76) 0.742
Arrhythmia, n (%) 35 (20.83) 112 (32.18) 134 (42.54) 63 (45.99) <0.0001
Atrial fibrillation, n (%) 6 (3.57) 12 (3.45) 4 (1.27) 2 (1.46) 0.197
Premature atrial contraction, n (%) 5 (2.98) 12 (3.45) 15 (4.6) 7 (5.11) 0.651
Ventricular premature contraction, n (%) 3 (1.79) 12 (3.45) 12 (3.81) 7 (5.11) 0.458
Intraventricular block, n (%) 7 (4.17) 22 (6.32) 29 (9.21) 13 (9.49) 0.135
Nodal tachycardia, n (%) 2 (1.19) 7 (2.01) 27 (8.57) 9 (6.57) <0.0001
Sinus bradycardia, n (%) 6 (3.57) 11 (3.16) 5 (1.59) 2 (1.46) 0.373

(38.02%), diabetes (10.64%), cardiovascular disease (23.45%), tachycardia and sinus bradycardia (Table 1). In terms of
arrhythmia (35.54%) and cerebrovascular disease (9.40%). The pharmacologic therapies of COPD, there was no significant dif-
prevalence of hypertension in the OVS group was significantly ference between patients with COPD only and OVS groups
higher than in the COPD only group (40.91% vs. 31.81%, (Table 1).
p ¼ 0.007). However, we did not find that there were signifi- According to their AHI, patients with COPD were classi-
cant statistical differences in the prevalence of diabetes, cardio- fied into four groups: non-OSA (AHI 0–4.9), mild OSA
vascular disease, arrhythmia or cerebrovascular disease between (AHI 5–14.9), moderate OSA (AHI 15–29.9) and severe
the two groups, neither in several types of arrhythmia includ- OSA (AHI 30). Statistical analysis showed that the preva-
ing atrial fibrillation, premature atrial contraction, ventricular lence of hypertension had obvious differences among those
premature contraction, intraventricular block, nodal four groups (Table 2), which increased with the increasing
528 W. HU ET AL.

Figure 3. The prevalence of arrhythmia increased with the increasing severity of airflow limitation. A v2 test indicated that the prevalence of arrhythmia increased
with the airway limitation severity (v2 ¼ 30.835, p < 0.0001). There were no significant relationships between the varying degrees of airway limitation and hyperten-
sion (v2 ¼ 5.271, p ¼ 0.153), diabetes (v2 ¼ 3.022, p ¼ 0.388), coronary heart disease (v2 ¼ 5.297, p ¼ 0.151) or cerebrovascular disease (v2 ¼ 1.245, p ¼ 0.182).

Table 4. Results of logistic regression in analyzing the effect of OSA severity on comorbidities (Crude OR, 95% CI).
Cardiovascular diseases Cerebrovascular diseases
OSA (AHI, Hypertension (crude OR, Diabetes (crude OR, (crude OR, 95% CI, Arrhythmia (crude OR, (crude OR, 95% CI,
events/hour) 95% CI, p value) 95% CI, p value) p value) 95% CI, p value) p value)
No OSA (0–4.9) 1 1 1 1 1
Mild (5–14.9) 1.150 (0.839–1.597), 0.374 1. 053 (0.629–1.761), 0.845 1.130 (0.785–1.270), 0.510 0.765 (0.558–1.049), 0.097 0.799 (0.460–1.387), 0.425
Moderate (15–29.9) 1.912 (1.307–2.799), 0.001 1.446 (0.808–2.587), 0.214 1.336 (0.868–2.055), 0.188 0.809 (0.550–1.189), 0.280 1.503 (0.837–2.700), 0.173
Severe (30) 2.070 (1.368–3.246), 0.001 1.388 (0.715–0.692), 0.333 1.128 (0.682–1.867), 0.639 0.743 (0.476–1.161), 0.192 1.226 (0.612–1.457), 0.565

Table 5. Results of logistic regression in analyzing the effect of the severity of airflow limitation on comorbidities.
Cardiovascular diseases Cerebrovascular diseases
Hypertension (crude OR, Diabetes (crude OR, (crude OR, 95% CI, Arrhythmia (crude OR, (crude OR, 95% CI,
Gold 95% CI, p value) 95% CI, p value) p value) 95% CI, p value) p value)
Gold 1 1 1 1 1 1
Gold 2 1.038 (0.714–1.510), 0.845 0.961 (0.549–1.681), 0.889 0.766 (0.502–1.169), 0.217 1.803 (1.167–2.786), 0.008 1.419 (0.733–2.746), 0.300
Gold 3 0.823 (0.560–1.209), 0.320 0.710 (0.391–1.288), 0.259 0.676 (0.437–1.046), 0.079 2.813 (1.822–4.343), <0.0001 1.209 (0.611–2.393), 0.586
Gold 4 0.673 (0.419–1.081), 0.101 0.611 (0.284–1.316), 0.208 1.055 (0.638–1.745), 0.833 3.235 (1.959–5.342), <0.0001 1.145 (0.505–2.597), 0.747

Table 6. Results of logistic regression used to explore risk factors for OSA in Table 7. Results of logistic regression used to explore risk factors for
COPD patients. hypertension.
Multiple regression Univariate regression analysis Multiple regression analysis
Univariate regression analysis analysis
Parameters OR a
95% CIa
p value a
ORb 95% CIb p valueb
Parameters OR a
95% CI p value OR
a a b
95% CIb
p value b
Sex 0.911 0.636–1.306 0.612 – – –
Sex 1.137 0.789–1.641 0.491 – – – Age (years) 1.038 1.023–1.052 <0.0001 1.058 1.041–1.075 <0.0001
Age (years) 1.004 0.990–1.018 0.601 – – – BMI (kg/m2) 1.114 1.079–1.151 <0.0001 1.105 1.056–1.156 <0.0001
BMI (kg/m ) 1.073 1.038–1.109 <0.0001 1.057 1.012-1.104 0.013 Neck 1.115 1.072–1.160 <0.0001 1.022 0.970–1.076 0.423
Neck 1.041 1.001–1.084 0.047 0.950 0.892-1.012 0.113 circumference (cm)
circumference (cm) AHI (events/hour) 1.017 1.008–1.026 <0.0001 1.009 1.001–1.019 0.047
FEV1% 1.015 1.009–1.021 <0.0001 1.011 1.005-1.018 0.001 T90 (%) 1.009 1.004–1.015 <0.0001 0.974 0.954–1.005 0.514
mMRC score 1.020 0.904–1.152 0.743 – – – FEV1% 1.004 0.999–1.009 0.151 1.000 0.994–1.005 0.890
CAT score 0.984 0.966–1.002 0.984 – – – mMRC score 1.004 0.895–1.126 0.947 – – –
ESS score 1.109 1.071–1.149 <0.0001 1.089 1.050-1.130 <0.0001 CAT score 0.977 0.960–0.995 0.010 0.974 0.954–0.995 0.014
SACS score 1.043 1.023–1.064 <0.0001 1.035 1.008-1.062 0.010 ESS score 1.042 1.012–1.073 0.006 1.017 0.984–1.052 0.319
Alcohol use 1.199 0.908–1.583 0.201 – – – Alcohol use 1.510 1.160–1.966 0.002 1.539 1.157–2.047 0.003
Tobacco use 0.943 0.673–1.321 0.732 – – – Tobacco use 1.093 0.790–1.511 0.591 – – –
a a
Results of univariate regression analysis when OSA was considered as the Results of univariate regression analysis when hypertension was considered
dependent variable and sex, age, BMI, neck circumference, FEV1%, mMRC as the dependent variable and sex, age, BMI, neck circumference, AHI, T90
score, CAT score, ESS score, alcohol and tobacco use as independ- (%TIB), FEV1%, mMRC score, CAT score, ESS score, alcohol and tobacco use
ent variables. as independent variables.
b b
Results of multiple logistic regression when OSA was considered as Results of multiple logistic regression when hypertension was considered as
the dependent variable and BMI, neck circumference, FEV1%, ESS score the dependent variable and age, BMI, neck circumference, AHI, T90 (%),
and SACS score as the independent variables. Variables (p < 0.05) in FEV1%, CAT score, ESS score and alcohol use as the independent variables.
univariate regression analysis were included in multiple regres- Variables (p < 0.05) in univariate regression analysis were included in mul-
sion analysis. tiple regression analysis.

severity of OSA (Figure 2). However, the prevalence rates of Table 8. Results of logistic regression used to explore risk factors
for arrhythmia.
the other four complications in COPD patients were not sig-
Multiple regression
nificantly different. Univariate regression analysis analysis
COPD patients were stratified into four groups based on
Parameters ORa 95% CIa p valuea ORb 95% CIb p valueb
the GOLD classification of the severity of airflow limitation.
Sex 1.954 1.310–2.914 0.001 1.492 0.899–2.476 0.122
The prevalence of the five comorbidities in COPD patients is Age (years) 1.058 1.042–1.075 <0.0001 1.051 1.035–1.069 <0.0001
shown in Table 3. We found that the prevalence of arrhyth- BMI (kg/m2) 0.958 0.928–0.988 0.007 0.998 0.963–1.033 0.897
mia significantly increased with the increasing severity of air- Neck 1.005 0.967–1.044 0.815 – – –
circumference (cm)
flow limitation (Figure 3). There was statistical significant AHI (events/hour) 0.994 0.986–1.003 0.224 – – –
differences among the four groups in nodal tachycardia T90 (%) 1.006 1.001–1.011 0.020 1.005 1.000–1.011 0.060
(p < 0.0001); no statistical difference in atrial fibrillation, pre- FEV1% 0.983 0.977–0.989 <0.0001 0.990 0.983–0.997 0.004
mMRC score 1.442 1.258–1.653 <0.0001 1.153 1.000–1.329 0.051
mature atrial contraction, ventricular premature contraction, CAT score 1.053 1.034–1.072 <0.0001 1.017 0.994–1.039 0.145
intraventricular block and sinus bradycardia (Table 3). ESS score 1.029 0.999–1.060 0.062 – – –
SACS score 1.012 0.899–1.026 0.080 – – –
Alcohol use 1.046 0.800–1.368 0.742 – – –
Tobacco use 1.828 1.286–2.600 0.001 1.257 0.804–1.996 0.316
Risk factors for comorbidities a
Results of univariate regression analysis when arrhythmia was considered as
When hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, the dependent variable and sex, age, BMI, neck circumference, AHI, T90
(%TIB), FEV1%, mMRC score, CAT score, ESS score, SACS score, alcohol and
arrhythmia and cerebrovascular diseases were recognized as tobacco use as independent variables.
the dependent variables, OSA severity was recognized as the b
Results of multiple logistic regression when arrhythmia was considered as the
independent variable [0 ¼ AHI (0–4.9), 1 ¼ AHI (5–14.9), dependent variable and sex, age, BMI, T90(%), FEV1%, mMRC score, CAT
score, tobacco use as the independent variables. Variable (p < 0.05) in uni-
2 ¼ AHI (15–29.9), 3 ¼ AHI (30)], binary logistic regres- variate regression analysis were included in multiple regression analysis.
sion analysis showed that the prevalence of hypertension
increased with OSA severity (non-OSA OR ¼ 1, mild OSA
demonstrated that age, BMI, neck circumference, AHI, T90,
OR ¼ 1.15, 95% CI 0.839–1.597; moderate OSA OR ¼ 1.912,
FEV1%, CAT score, ESS score and alcohol consumption had
95% CI 1.307–2.799; severe OSA OR ¼ 2.07, 95% CI
correlation with the prevalence rate of hypertension.
1.368–3.246). After adjusting for sex, age, BMI and neck cir-
Independent variables related to hypertension were included
cumference, the prevalence of hypertension was still posi-
in the multivariate logistic regression analysis, which
tively correlated with the severity of OSA (mild OSA OR ¼
revealed that age, AHI, BMI and alcohol consumption were
1.112, 95% CI 0.794–1.557; moderate OSA OR ¼ 1.531, 95%
positive correlated with the prevalence of hypertension, CAT
CI 1.025–2.287; severe OSA OR ¼ 1.621,95% CI
score was negative correlated with the prevalence of hyper-
1.018–2.581), which implied that OSA was an independent
risk factor for hypertension. However, logistic regression tension (Table 7). The same approach was used to explore
analysis did not show a significant relationship between the risk factors for arrhythmias in COPD patients. Univariate
other four comorbidities and OSA severity (Table 4). logistic regression analysis indicated that sex, age, BMI, T90,
When the five comorbidities were recognized as the FEV1%, mMRC score, CAT score and using tobacco were
dependent variables and the severity of airflow limitation significantly associated with prevalence rate of arrhythmia,
(GOLD grade) was the independent variable, logistic regres- multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that age was
sion analysis found that the prevalence of arrhythmia positive correlated with the prevalence of arrhythmia,
increased with the severity of airflow limitation (GOLD 1 OR FEV1% was negative correlated with the prevalence of
¼ 1, GOLD 2 OR ¼ 1.803, 95% CI 1.167–2.786; GOLD 3 arrhythmia (Table 8).
OR ¼ 2.813, 95% CI 1.822–4.343; GOLD 4 OR ¼ 3.235, 95%
CI 1.959–5.342). After adjusting for confounding factors, the Discussion
prevalence of arrhythmia was still positively correlated with
the severity of airflow limitation (GOLD 2 OR ¼ 1.531, 95% In present study, we found that the OVS patients were asso-
CI 0.976  2.400; GOLD 3 OR ¼ 2.166, 95% CI 1.375–3.412; ciated with a high prevalence rate of hypertension, OSA was
GOLD 4 OR ¼ 2.733, 95% CI 1.606–4.649) (Table 5). an independent risk factor for hypertension. These results
Logistic regression was used to explore the risk factors for indicated that COPD patients with hypertension should be
OSA in COPD patients. Univariate regression analysis showed screened for OSA, and OVS patients should also be screened
that the BMI, neck circumference, FEV1%, ESS score, SACS for hypertension.
score were positively correlated with the prevalence of OSA An important factor involving in the prognosis and
in COPD patients; multivariate logistic regression showed health-related outcomes of COPD patients is the comorbid-
that the BMI, FEV1%, ESS score and SACS score were posi- ity [4]. Both COPD and OSA are highly prevalent and have
tively correlated with OSA prevalence (Table 6). similar physiological consequences, which may contribute to
Multicollinearity diagnosis was performed on all inde- cardiovascular and other comorbidities [29,30]. However,
pendent variables except SACS score and CCI, for which the prevalence of comorbidities in patients with OVS has
were directly related to the prevalence of hypertension. The been less investigated. Papachatzakis et al. [31] found that
results showed that there was no collinearity among the comorbidities in patients with OVS were at least as preva-
respective variables. Univariate logistic regression analysis lent as those in OSA only, however, their study was
530 W. HU ET AL.

Adjusted OR, 95% CI, Adjusted OR, 95% CI, Adjusted OR, 95% CI, Adjusted OR, 95% CI, Adjusted OR, 95% CI,
OSA (AHI, events/h) p value p value p value p value p value
No OSA (0–4.9) 1 1 1 1 1
Mild (5–14.9) 1.112 (0.794–1.557), 0.536 1.006 (0.591–1.713), 0.981 1.100 (0.753–1.607), 0.621 0.759 (0.574–1.054), 0.100 0.759 (0.432–1.333), 0.337
Moderate (15–29.9) 1.531 (1.025–2.287), 0.038 1.059 (0.576–1.949), 0.853 1.060 (0.673–1.670), 0.802 0.739 (0.493–1.109), 0.144 1.190 (0.647–2.190), 0.576
Severe (30) 1.621 (1.018–2.581), 0.042 0.811 (0.393–1.675), 0.571 0.919 (0.536–1.567), 0.759 0.799 (0.496–1.788), 0.357 1.067 (0.513–2.219), 0.863

Gold Adjusted OR, 95% CI, p value Adjusted OR, 95% CI, p value Adjusted OR, 95% CI, p value Adjusted OR, 95% CI, p value Adjusted OR, 95% CI, p value
Gold 1 1 1 1 1 1
Gold 2 0.983 (0.661–1.462), 0.983 0.915 (0.510–1.641), 0.915 0.647 (0.413–1.012), 0.056 1.531 (0.976–2.400), 0.064 1.230 (0.624–2.423), 0.550
Gold 3 0.831 (0.548–1.260), 0.831 0.745 (0.398–1.396), 0.745 0.574 (0.319–0.917), 0.020 2.166 (1.375–3.412), 0.001 1.061 (0.522–2.154), 0.870
Gold 4 0.884 (0.528–1.478), 0.884 0.859 (0.383–1.929), 0.859 1.213 (0.710–2.908), 0.490 2.733 (1.606–4.649), <0.0001 1.296 (0.550–3.057), 0.553

conducted on a small group of 38 patients with coexisting results are conflicting [41]. We did not find significant dif-
COPD and OSA. ferences in tobacco or alcohol use between patients with
In this hospital population-based study, we selected five OVS or with COPD only.
main harmful chronic complications that are closely related We also found that the prevalence of arrhythmia
to both COPD and OSA [32] as the primary factors. We increased with the severity of airflow limitation. Increased
found that COPD patients had a high prevalence of hyper- arrhythmogenicity in COPD patients has been recognized
tension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arrhythmia and for decades [41], especially during acute exacerbation [42].
cerebrovascular disease, which was similar to the results The oxidative stress, low oxygenation, pulmonary hyperten-
published by Mannino et al. [6]. The OVS group had a sion and the use of b-agonistic bronchodilators are specu-
higher prevalence of hypertension than the COPD only lated to be liable causative factors [43].
group, but did not have significant differences in the preva- The interaction between COPD and OSA has been
lence of the other four chronic diseases. An observational studied for a long time and the results are controversial.
study in a Swiss cohort of COPD patients also showed that Earlier studies showed higher prevalence of OVS in patients
the cardiovascular disease was not more frequent in the with more severe grade of COPD, however, recent studies
patients with OVS compared with patients with COPD alone demonstrated that there was no or an inverse correlation
[33], although 61% (20/33) of arterial hypertension in OVA between the AHI and the severity of emphysema [44,45].
patients were found in their study, however, which was a The investigators proposed that lung volume is an important
small sample, unattended sleep studying at home, and with “protective” determinant for upper airway stability. Potential
a different cutoff value (AHI >10) for OSA. The results in a mechanisms are (1) mediastinal caudal traction generated by
retrospective study [34] showed that the prevalence of arter-
the diaphragm; and (2) an increase in the transmural dis-
ial hypertension was as high as 82% in OVS patients. In
tending pressure in the upper airway induced by thoracic
which, however, all the patients were referred to the sleep
expansion during inspiration [45].
center for sleep diagnostic testing, with the BMI of
Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the
33.32 ± 7.23 kg/m2 and an AHI of 42.69 ± 23.74 events/hour.
prevalence rate of hypertension in COPD patients had posi-
Du et al. [35] investigated the role of OSA on all-cause mor-
tive correlation with age, BMI and alcohol consumption,
tality in patients with COPD, they found that there was no
which had already been believed as the risk factors for
significant difference in overall mortality between OVS
patients and patients with COPD alone, which implied that hypertension by other researchers [46]. Logistic regression
OSA did not significantly increase the risk of death in analysis also found that the risk factors for arrhythmia
patients with COPD. included older age and lower FEV1%. The high prevalence
Our data also showed that COPD patients had a high of arrhythmia in COPD patients was speculated to be ultim-
prevalence of OSA. Compared with patients with COPD ately caused by hypoxia, hypercapnia, pulmonary arterial
only, the OVS patients had significantly higher BMI, neck hypertension [47].
circumference, AHI, ODI, T90, ESS and SACS scores, lower It was reported that LLN of FEV1/FVC was superior to
mean SpO2 and Min SpO2 and longer SpO2 <90% during FEV1/FVC < 0.7 in the diagnosis of COPD [48], for fixed
sleep, which were also consistent with the results of other ratio defined airflow limitation may lead to over-diagnosis
previous studies [36,37]. Although male and older age are in the elderly. However, the results from Bhatt et al. [49]
generally considered as risk factors for OSA [38], we did not showed that the diagnostic value of LLN was equivalent to a
find that the COPD only group and the OVS group had fixed value of 0.7. We used the reference equations provided
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dominated Chinese COPD patients in our study may con- lated LLN [48], and the results showed that all participants
tribute to this lack of difference. In the present study, the had FEV1/FVC < LLN, which indicated no over-diagnosis of
COPD patients had an average age of (65.68 ± 9.546) years COPD in this cohort.
and males accounted for 84.3% of the patients, other studies The major strength of our study was that all diagnoses of
had the same results [3,39]. Tobacco [37] and alcohol use OSA in COPD patients were established by overnight PSG,
[40] were also suggested as risk factors for OSA, but the which is the gold standard for diagnosing OSA. Questionnaires

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