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The data collected after the administration of the relevant tools was statistically
analized. The same has been present in a tabular form in chapter-IV. A discussion
based on this analysis is presented in the pages that follow. This discussion has
been attempted along three different variables viz occupational stress, adjustment
and social well-being. This discussion on occupational stress is based on the
analysis of data presented in table 4.1.1 to 4.2.13 (chapter-IV) on 12 dimensions of
occupational stress. The table 4.3.1 to 4.4.1 covers adjustment and the discussion
on social well-being is based on the data presented in table 4.5.1 to 6.6.6 (chapter-
IV) 6 dimensions of social well-being.

Comparative analysis of aided and self-financing college teachers on

occupational stress:

With regard to the occupational stress perusal of the table 4.1.1 shows that self-
financing college teachers of the present sample reported significantly higher
occupational stress as compared to their counterparts. While the level of stress has
been considerable high in both the groups of teachers.

Table 4.1 reveals that there is a significant difference between aided and self-
financing college teachers on overall occupational stress. The self-financing
college teachers have higher score as compared to aided college teachers. It means
that self-financing college teachers experience more occupational stress than aided
college teachers, which can be attributed to the working conditions, low salary, job
insecurities, and lack of opportunity, unrealistic job expectations and more
responsibilities. These results of the study is also supported by Bharathi and
Reddy (2002), found that govt. aided school teachers experienced less
occupational stress as compared to private school teachers. In an another study by
Jeyaraj (2013) in significant differences regarding various types of occupational
stress were found among teachers of government aided colleges. Contrary finding
were reported by Vandana (2017), showed her findings that aided college teachers
have more occupational stress in comparison to self-financing college teachers.
Similarly, Doss et. al. (2018) found that government teachers have more
occupational stress than private school teachers.
Table no 4.1.1 shows that there is a significant difference on role overload
dimension of occupational stress. The self-financing college teachers score higher
on role overload as compared to aided college teachers. It seems that occupational
stress of self-financing teachers is overloaded with too much work, It implication
that they may loose temper and tend to express anger and stress. These results of
the study is also supported by Bharathi and Reddy (2002) who found that govt.
aided school teachers experienced less occupational stress compare to private
school teachers. In another study by Jeyaraj (2013) found that significant
differences regarding various types of occupational stress were found among
teachers of government aided colleges. Contrary finding were reported by
Vandana (2017) finding shows that aided college teachers have more occupational
stress in comparison to self-financing college teachers. Similarly, Doss et. al.
(2018) found that government teachers have more occupational stress than private
school teachers.

Table no 4.1.2 shows that self-financing college teachers have greater score on role
ambiguity dimension of occupational stress. Role ambiguity persists due to
monotonous nature of assignment, less opportunity to utilize ability and
opportunity to develop aptitude and proficiency etc. and this problem is more
prevalent in self-financing college work assignment as compared to aided college
teachers. This study is also supported by Kohli and Ahad (2022) who found that
government and private teachers differ significant on role overload dimension of
occupational stress. Upadhayay and Singh (2001) in their study found that higher
secondary school teachers had significantly higher stress level than college
teachers on role conflict dimension of occupational stress.

The mean score with respect to role conflict dimension of occupational stress was
observed higher between the teachers of self-financing college as compare to aided
college teachers. It can be concluded that a significant difference have been found
between aided and self-financing college teachers on Role conflict dimension of
occupational stress. It has been reported that contradictory instruction from higher
authorities, unclear directions and insufficient facilities lead to inability of teachers
to dispose-off each and every instruction in a desired way, resulting that the
teachers neither receive respect from other nor they enjoy the significance
associated with their status as well as work from higher authorities. The results of
the study is also supported by Upadhayay and Singh (2001) in which they found
that higher secondary school teachers had significantly higher stress level than
college teachers on role conflict dimension of occupational stress.

Table 4.1.4 reveals that the there is a significant difference between aided and self-
financing college teachers on unreasonable group and political pressure. The self-
financing college teachers have higher score as compared to aided college teachers.
Results of the study also supported by Chanu & Garg (2022) found that role
overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, unreasonable group and political pressure
and unprofitability are strongest stressor areas in the government college teachers.

Table 4.1.5 shows that there is significant difference between aided and self-
financing college teachers on responsibility for person. This indicates that higher
the responsibility for others, greater the stress level and vice versa. It also
interpreted that stress level may be high due to the poor interpersonal relationship
with colleges and lack of cooperation solving problems. It may be interpreted
because responsibility for the efficiency and productivity of many employees is
thrust upon them and they are not provided with clear instructions and sufficient
facilities regarding the new assignments trusted to me.

A comparison of the two groups of teachers on the dimension of under

participation shows that self-financing college teachers found poor opportunities of
participating in educational programmes as compared to aided college teachers.
Their suggestions are not given importance, also they have poor participation in
decision making and so on. This leads to the feeling of deprivation of participation
in developing programming and plans. The management of self-financing college
teachers should take care of it because these situations may lead to dissatisfaction
and frustration among self-financing college teachers and will not be appropriate
for teachers’ performance and health.

On the basis of results of present study, there is a significant difference on

powerlessness dimension of occupational stress between aided and self-financing
college teachers. It was found that self-financing college teachers have
significantly higher powerlessness as compared aided college teachers.
Powerlessness is a state of helplessness which causes distress and a feeling of non-
control over certain organizational issues. Powerlessness increases poor peer
relations and sense of intend dissatisfaction, which ultimately results in increasing
stress at workplace.

The study reveals that there is significant difference between aided and self
financing college teachers on peer poor relations dimension of occupational stress.
The self-financing college teachers have higher score on poor peer relations as
compared to aided college teachers. They feel that some of their colleagues and
subordinates try to fail and defame them.

Table 4.1.9 shows that there is a significant difference between aided and self-
financing college teachers on intrinsic impoverishment dimension of occupational
stress .Self-financing college teachers have higher score as compared to aided
college teachers. They experience that my assignment of monotonous nature.

Table 4.1.10 shows that there is a significant difference between aided and self-
financing college teachers on low status dimension of occupational stress. Self-
financing college teachers have higher mean score as compared to aided college
teachers on low status dimension of occupational stress. Perhaps because they do
not have the same working conditions in the organization, they do not experience
the same level of care for their self-esteem and the same importance given to their
work. Therefore, they feel that their social status is not appropriate in this job.

Table 4.1.11 indicates that there is a significant difference on strenuous working

conditions between aided and self-financing college teachers. According to study,
self-financing college teachers have higher score on strenuous working conditions
as compared to aided college teachers. The strenuous working conditions leads to
the state of anger in the college teachers with predisposition to anger are more
likely to get stressed owing to it. Self-financing college teachers responded that
they do their work under tense or constancies and some of their assignments are
quite risky and complicated. They usually feel that this life and job is a kind of
burden for me.

Table 4.1.12 shows that there is significant difference between aided and self-
financing college teachers on unprofitability dimension of occupational stress. It
means that self-financing college teachers found higher score on unprofitability
dimension of occupational stress as compared to aided college teachers. The state
of unprofitability is not surprising for self-financing as many of the self-financing
teachers are facing this situation. It shows that teachers probably due to absence of
reward and lack of motivation do not task the responsibilities of every person
which ultimately unprofitability of self-financing college teachers.

Analysis of gender differences in the present study table 4.2 clearly shows that
there is no significant difference between male and female college teachers on
overall occupational stress. The female college teachers have higher score as
compared to male counterparts. The female teachers reported more job stress as
compared to male college teachers. The results of present study are consistent with
Harish and jeya who found that female teachers have more stressful as compared
to their male counterparts. Rao (2016) who found that female teachers have more
occupational stress compare to male teachers of upper primary school. The reason
of gender difference in items of occupational stress might be that female teachers
are mostly depressed under the pressure of too much burden of job and home
responsibilities while male teachers are less pensive about their classes and
performance and have less responsibilities of home so they are overall more
satisfied with their job as a whole their life.

The present study reveals that there is no significant difference between male and
female college teachers on role overload dimension of occupational stress, and it is
also evident from the table 4.2.1 that female teachers have greater scores on role
overload dimension of occupational stress as compared to male college teachers.
Based on role overload analysis, self-financing school teachers responded that they
were unable to perform their duties effectively due to excessive work load. They
were unable to complete their tasks to their satisfaction due to lack of time and
work overload. This finding is also supported by the finding of Kumar, Wani and
Parrey (2013) who found that there is no significant difference on sub-scale: role
overload, responsibility for persons, strenuous working conditions and
unprofitability. They also found that there is a significant difference on overall
occupational stress between elementary school teachers and female teachers have
greater stress as compare to male counterparts.

The result reveals that there is no significant difference between male and female
teachers on role ambiguity dimension of occupational stress. It is indicate table
4.2.2 that female teachers found greater score on role ambiguity as compared to
male counterpart. Because of female teachers experience less opportunity to utilize
ability and opportunity to develop attitude etc.

Table 4.2.3 reveals that there is a significant difference between male and female
college teachers on role conflict dimension of occupational stress. It can be
concluded that female teachers have higher role conflict as compared to male
counterpart. On dimension of role conflict, they responded that their principals
frequently communicate to them contradictory information regarding their work.
Interfere in their jurisdiction and working methods and they are not provided with
sufficient facilities. Teachers do not give due significance to the official
instructions and formal working procedures. It becomes difficult for them to
implement the new dealing procedures and policies in place of those already in
practice. The finding are consistent with Suleman, Hussain and Jumani (2018)
shows that there is significant difference regarding of workload, role conflict,
strenuous working conditions, unreasonable group and political pressure, under
participation and unprofitability. It is also found that there is no significant
difference between overall occupational stress between male and female secondary
school Heads.

Table 4.2.4 shows that there is a significant difference between male and female
college teachers on unreasonable group & political pressure dimension of
occupational stress. The male teachers have higher scores as compared to female
college teachers on unreasonable group & political pressure dimension of
occupational stress. On the dimensions of unreasonable group & political pressure,
they responded that some time it become difficult to follow formal rules due to
political interference and group pressure. They were forced to encroach upon the
formal and administrative rules and policies.

The result table 4.2.5 reveals that there is no significant difference between male
and female college teachers on responsibility for persons. The female teachers
have slightly higher as compared to male counterparts on responsibility for
persons. They experience that the responsibility for the efficiency and productivity
of many employees is thrust upon me. They were also supported by Kumar, Wani
& Parrey (2013), found that male and female elementary school teachers do not
differ significant on responsibility for persons dimension of occupational stress.
Table 4.2.6 indicates that there is significant difference between male and female
college teachers on under participation dimension of occupational stress. The
female college teachers have higher score as compared to male counterparts on
under participation dimension of occupational stress. Responses of regarding under
participation dimension of occupational stress revealed that most of their
suggestions were not needed and implement. Their co-operation was not suggested
for the solution of administrative problems at higher level. Their opions was not
considered in formulating education policies as well as in changing or modifying
the working system and conditions. This study also supported by the findings of
Suleman, Hussain & Jumani (2018) who found that there is a significant
difference between male and female secondary school heads on under
participation dimension of occupational stress.

On the basis of table 4.2.7 shows that there is no significant difference on

powerlessness dimension of occupational stress between male and female college
teachers. It was found that male college teachers have higher score compared
female college teachers. Powerlessness is a state of helplessness which causes
distress and a feeling of no control over certain organizational issues.

Table 4.2.8 reveals that there is a significant difference between male and female
college teachers on poor peer relations. They feel that higher authorities do care for
my self respect

On the basis of results of the present study, there is no significant difference on

intrinsic impoverishment dimension of occupational stress between male and
female college teachers. The female college teachers slightly more score as
compared to male counterparts. They feel that my assignment is of monotonous

As shows in the table 4.2.10 that female college teachers have higher mean score
compared to male college teachers on low status dimension of occupational stress.
It means that low status dimension of occupational stress is no significant
difference between male and female college teachers. Perhaps because they do not
have the same working conditions in the organization, they do not experience the
same level of care for their self-esteem and the same important given to their work.
Therefore, they feel that their social status is not good in this job.
Table 4.2.11 reveals that there is no significant difference between male and
female college teachers on strenuous working conditions dimension of
occupational stress. The male college teachers have higher score as compared to
female counterparts.

Table 4.2.12 reveals that there is no significant difference between male and
female college teachers on unprofitability dimension of occupational stress. In case
of unprofitability dimension of occupational stress they responded they were
poorly remunerated in comparison to the work assigned to then and were seldom
rewarded for their hard labour and efficient performance.

Table 4.3 shows that there is a significant difference between aided and self-
financing college teachers on adjustment. It means that aided college teachers have
greater scores on adjustment as compared to self-financing college teachers. It can
be said that aided college teachers are more comfortable secure than self-financing
college teacher. Due to this difference the self-financing college teachers have
higher educated less salaried staff, work overload, unsuitable schedule, worry
about exam results, job insecurity, unnecessary pressure and commitment at
workplace, the teacher of aided college teachers get more freedoms opportunities
for adjustment and there is no unnecessary pressure on them, hence they well
adjusted. This result was also supported by finding of Suruchi et al. (2014),
found that Government teachers are better adjusted then Private School teachers.
Thilagavathy (2010), found that there is a significantly difference in Adjustment
of government and private school teachers.

In the present study table 4.4 shows that there is a significant difference between
male and female college teachers on adjustment. It means that female college
teachers are better adjusted as compared to male counterparts. The difference in the
present study reasons that female teachers have better sense of duty and hence they
are better adjusted at workplace than male college teacher. This result was also
supported by finding of Sharma, S. and Godiyal, S. (2015) in their study found
that female teachers are better adjusted with school environment compare to their
male counterparts. Kumar, U. (2019) was found that there exists significant
difference of adjustment between male and female secondary school teachers. It
means that female teachers were better adjusted compared to their male counterpart
Mohanty (2001) has showed that male teachers faced more adjustment problems
than their female counterparts. Contrary finding were reported by Singh A. (2012)
was showed his finding that male teachers are better adjusted in their profession
than their female counterparts. Thakar and Vankar (2022) are also found that the
female teachers of self-finance schools have faced more adjustment problems
compare to grant-in-aided school. Zohar (2012) results showed that there is no
significant difference between adjustment of male and female school teachers.
Anju Goyat (2012) in her study found that there is no significant difference
between adjustment of male and female school teachers. Contrary finding were
reported that Nara S. (2007), Yadav, R.C. (2007) and Goyat, A. (2012) in their
study no significant differences regarding adjustment were found between male
and female teachers of senior secondary schools. Shakuntala & Subapathy
(1999) in their results shows that there is no significant difference between male
and female physical education teachers working in government and private schools
in dimensions of adjustment namely socio-psycho, professional, personal life and
overall adjustment.

In the present study table 4.5 shows that there is a significant difference on overall
social well-being between aided and self-financing college teachers. Its means that
aided college teachers have greater score on overall social well-being as compare
to self-financing college teachers. Because of aided college provide better

In table 4.5.1 reveals that there is significant difference on social acceptance of the
dimension of social well-being between aided and self-financing college teachers.
The aided college teachers have higher score on social acceptance dimension of
social well-being as compared with self-financing college teachers. Because higher
social acceptance experience that mostly people are kind. Those who have lower
social acceptance do not care about the problems of others.

In the present research, table 4.5.2 reveals that there is significant difference
between aided and self-financing college teachers on social actualization
dimension of social well-being. The aided college teachers have higher score as
compared to self-financing college teacher. Social actualization refers to the belief
that society can change positively and develop. Teachers who have higher social
actualization feel that the world is a good place for everyone. While those who
have lower social actualizations feel that society has stopped progressing.
Table 4.5.3 clearly shows that aided college teachers have higher score on social
contribution dimension of social well-being as compare to self-financing college
teachers, but there is no significant difference between both college teachers.
Those have higher social contribution they feel that they have something valuable
to offer the world.

Table 4.5.4 shows that dimension of social well-being which is social coherence
there is no significant difference between aided and self financing college teachers.
The self-financing college teachers have higher score as compared to aided college
teachers. It means that self-financing college teachers have better social coherence
than aided college teachers. A sense of social coherence is a positive think about
their lives and themselves.

The finding related to social integration dimension of social well-being indicates

that there is a significant difference between aided and self-financing college
teachers. Aided college teachers have higher score on social integration dimension
of social well-being compare to self-financing college teachers. Social integration
is an evaluation of the quality of one’s relationships with community, while those
who have higher social integration feel that they are an important part of society.

In this study table 4.6 shows that there is significant difference on overall social
well-being between male and female college teachers. It can be concluded that
female teacher is better social well-being compare to male counterpart.

Table 4.6.1 shows that there is no significant difference on social acceptance

dimension of social well being between male and female college teachers, with
those having higher social acceptance having positive attitudes toward people;
acknowledge other and generally accept people, despite others’ sometime complex
and perplexing behavior.

Table 4.6.2 indicates that there is a significantly differ between male and female
college teachers on social actualization dimension of social well-being. Its means
that female teachers have higher score compare to male counterpart. They care
about and believe society is evolving positively; think society has potential to grow
positively; think self/society is realizing potential.
Table 4.6.3 clearly indicates that there is no significant difference on social
contribution dimension of social well-being between male and female college
teachers. Both male and female college teachers perceive their roles and impact on
society similarly or experience similar expectations and opportunities.

In the present study table 4.6.4 reveals that female teachers found higher score on
social coherence dimension of social well-being between male and female college
teachers. It can be resulted because of female teacher’s stronger social support
networks, communication skills, or a greater emphasis on relationships in their

Table 4.6.5 shows that there is significant difference between male and female
college teachers on social integration dimension of social well being. It may result
from varying social experiences, expectations, or gender-related factors
influencing their sense of belonging and integration.

The correlation between two variables has been presented in the table 4.7 to 4.7.12
it reveals that there is significant negative relationship between role ambiguity,
unreasonable group and political pressure, responsibility for persons, low status,
strenuous working conditions, unprofitability, overall occupational stress and
adjustment. The negative correlation shows that with increase in occupational
stress, the adjustment of college teacher’s decreases and vice-versa. The mean
score of occupational stress is much higher than the mean score of adjustment. It
can be interpreted that higher the occupational stress, less adjustment of the college
teachers and vice-vice-versa. The reason of significant negative correlation
between occupational stress and adjustment can be heavy workload, job insecurity,
lack of control inadequate supportive system and student behaviour difficulties.
The finding is also supported by finding of Himabandu (2012) who found that
there is significant relationship between teachers stress and adjustment of the
teachers of college education. Rani, Seema and Kumari (2016) who found that
there is negative and significant correlation between job stress and adjustment of
secondary school teachers, also found that male and female secondary school
teachers are negatively significant.

There is a significant positive relationship between poor peer relations dimension

of occupational stress. It indicates that poor peer relations dimension of
occupational stress and adjustment of college teachers are positively correlated
with each other. It can be interpreted that higher poor peer relations dimension of
occupational stress, higher adjustment of college teachers and vice-versa. The
reason can be that when teachers experience problems in peer relations, they may
improve their adjustment strategies, emphasizing the significance of a supportive
workplace environment. This finding is also supported by finding of Singh (2010)
who found that significant and positive correlated between job satisfaction,
academic record and adjustment the central school teachers.

There is not significant positive relationship between under participation

dimension of occupational stress and adjustment.

There is not significant negative relationship between as role overload, role

conflict, powerlessness, intrinsic impoverishment dimension of occupational stress
and adjustment. It indicates that occupational stress and adjustment of the college
teachers are negatively correlated with each others.

There is significant negative relationship between as role overload, role ambiguity,

role conflict, unreasonable group and political pressure, responsibility for persons,
powerlessness, under participation, poor peer relations, intrinsic impoverishment,
low status dimension of occupational stress and overall occupational stress and
adjustment. It implies that higher levels of stress tend to result in lower overall
adjustment among college teachers. These stressors can create a more challenging
work environment, affecting teachers' capacity to adapt effectively to their roles
and their overall well-being.

There is not significant negative relationship between strenuous working

conditions and unprofitability dimension of occupational stress and social well-
being. The reason can be due to effective coping strategies employed by college
teachers to manage these stressors. This finding is also supported by the finding of
Prasad and Ahmad (2021) who found that occupational stress and psychological
well-being are negatively correlated with each other among +2 secondary school

There is a significant negative relationship between adjustment and social

actualization and social coherence dimension of social well-being.
There is significant positive relationship between adjustment and social integration
dimension of social well-being. Boby (2022), found that there is significant and
positive relationship between social well-being and academic performance.

There is not significant negative relationship between adjustment and social

acceptance, social contribution and overall social well being. It means that there is
no correlated between adjustment and social acceptance, social contribution
dimension of social well-being and overall social well-being. This finding is also
supported by the finding of Kaur (2011) who found that there is no significant and
negative correlation between stress and well being of the teachers.

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