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Sorority secrets

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandoms: The Last of Us (Video Games), The Last of Us (TV)
Relationships: Abby Anderson/Reader, Abby (The Last of Us)/Reader
Characters: Abby Anderson, Abby (The Last of Us), You, Reader
Additional Tags: Shameless Smut, New Discoveries, Tribbing, Breeding Kink, Scissoring,
wlw, brief use kink, Overstimulation, Girls Kissing, Fluff and Smut,
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-02-19 Words: 2,368 Chapters: 1/1
Sorority secrets
by butterflykissiies


Curiosity killed the cat, right?

See the end of the work for notes
“What’s your dirtiest thought?’ You asked the girl, laying by her side as the two of you stared
up at the radio tower's ceiling. It was something you’d always wondered, wanting to see the
inside of her brain like she saw yours. It came effortlessly to her, reading you like a book
whilst you felt illiterate attempting to wriggle your way into her consciousness.

Abby took a slow breath, moving to prop herself up on her elbow so she could look down at
you. “Are you trying to seduce me right now?” She teased, moving her free hand to rest on
the exposed skin of your stomach. She enjoyed the softness of the muscle, the feeling being
in stark contrast with her own.

You giggled, shaking your head as you moved to tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. “No,
I just want to know. Truly.” You admitted, letting the pad of your thumb brush against her
blushed cheek, Her skin always seemed to carry a rosy tint beneath it, reminding you of how
beautiful she looked in white, not that it mattered- though the thought lingered in your mind.
“What is it?”

She hesitated for a moment, as if to gather her thoughts in a way that would be perceived
easier to you, before clicking her tongue against her teeth. “Well, and don’t laugh, I found
this book once.” She began, thinking back to her exploration run she’d taken on a couple
months back. It had taken her to a mainly empty bookstore, devoid of all but a few books that
sat in neat piles on the front shelves. Why they hadn’t been taken, she didn't know. “It was
about these two college girls, they uh, they slept together.. a lot.”

For some reason the confession had her face burning with embarrassment, barely able to
focus on you as she recalled her late nights spent studying the book one handed. “Well um,
they did something called scissoring- or uh no, it was called tribbing..” She managed, taking
a sharp breath as she avoided looking at you. “I think about doing it with you alot.”

You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth gently, watching the girl above you closely.
You’d be lying if you said your attention hadn’t been piqued. You moved your hand to rest on
her hip, giving it a small squeeze as you urged her on. “H-how do you do it?” You hadn’t
meant the words to come out so broken, though you attributed it to the rising heat in your
cunt as the girl confessed.

Abby’s eyes darted to your own, now clouded with a haze you’d seen many times before. She
pushed her hair over her shoulder gingerly, tongue darting out to wet her lips. “Well, I don’t
know if I can explain it too well.” She admitted, eyes lowering to graze over your partially
nude body as the fog cleared just enough for her to make out the soft curve of your hips in the
low light of the moon.

“Well could-,” You began, only to be cut off.

“I could show you, though, if you wanted.”

The words caught you off guard but before you could come up with something to say, you
were already nodding. “Yes, please.”
The girl halted, eyes widening momentarily as she noticed how fast you accepted the offer,
before dipping down to press her lips against yours hastily. To her, this felt like the ultimate
show of vulnerability as she wasn’t the most into receiving pleasure due to her past ventures
in sex. Yet, as she thought of your cunt grinding against her own- she felt a heat begin to pool
between her thighs. She’d laid in bed many nights fantasizing about the feeling, attempting to
replicate it with a pillow whilst you were away but never coming close to the ecstasy
described in the books.

You pulled away, panting for air as you looked up into her hooded eyes. The sight made your
stomach wind into a knot, knocking the air from your lungs. You wanted nothing more than
to satiate the desires she’d brought to you so willingly, whilst your mind ran wild about what
awaited you. You’d never heard the terms she used before, but you knew she’d never do
anything she deemed weird or dangerous so you blindly went along- putting your faith in her
hands. “Show me how.” You whispered, trailing your fingers across her cheek, letting the pad
of your thumb pull at her bottom lip.

Abby nodded, recalling the position as described in the book. She gingerly sat up onto her
knees, scooting to nudge your legs open with the softness she always reserved for you- but
you could tell she was caging something. Her touch was riddled with restraint, easing you
into place as she took in the sight of your now damp panties. “I’m going to start with our
clothes still on, okay? Just to see if you like it.” She explained, leaning down to prop herself
up above you on her palms. Her hips were forcing your thighs open, letting the chilly air nip
at the growing damp spot in your panties.

“O-okay.” You stuttered, the soft pressure her body was giving you against your core enough
to make you shiver in anticipation. You had begun to put two and two together, noting the
way she shifted to press her clothed cunt against your own, letting her heat seep into your

The girl bit back a groan as she leaned up, moving to place her hands on your hips and push
herself against you. It sent a shockwave through her body as she thrusted her hips forward,
holding you in place as she let her eyes flutter closed. “Fuck.”

You let out a gasp, your hips attempting to follow the sensation as she pulled away, the short
lived pleasure going straight to your cunt, soaking through your panties as you watched your
girl with wide eyes. It was so silly, how fast you got wet for her, but you knew how much she
loved the effect she had on you.

Abby lifted your hips effortlessly, giving her better access, before grinding back down onto
your pathetically wet panties, letting out a borderline pornographic moan as she felt the
wetness soak into her own underwear. She couldn’t compare the feeling to anything she’d
ever experienced, especially considering most of her previous relationships left her high and
dry. “God, baby.” She practically whined, chasing the feeling as she rutted against you,
throwing all hesitation to the wind.

You tossed your head back, the impact softened by the makeshift pillow you’d manufactured
just earlier, hands moving to grip her wrists as the girl's panties began to soak with her own
slick. “Oh, fuck.” You breathed, nails digging crescent moons into her pale skin. It was
something straight out of a porn film, the feeling that had begun to overspill, threatening you
with lust drunk thoughts of the girl on top of you. “Abby, fuck.”

“Good girl.” She groaned, pressing her hips into your own harder, dragging her clothed cunt
against yours painfully slowly. Devouring the sweet noises that fell from your lips as she
dipped down to kiss you, her hand slid down your stomach to hook under the band of your
underwear. “Can I take these off?”

Nodding, you attempted to chase her lips. Only to be cut off by a soft slap to your cunt,
sending a jolt through your body and arousing a whimper to fall from your lips.

“Words, baby. Use your words. I need to hear it.” She chided, voice raspy as she trailed her
fingers over the damp fabric, pressing gently into your clit as her hooded eyes lingered on
your flushed face.

A small noise fell from your lips in protest, but she quickly cut you off with another gentle
slap, making your words gush out in an almost incomprehensible string.

Her swollen lips pulled back into a satisfied smile, pulling away from you to discard the thin
fabric that kept you from her. “That's my girl.” She chuckled, tossing the soaked fabric to the
side before moving to remove her own that now carried the delectable scent of your arousal.
It took her half a second, compared to how long she usually drew out your anticipation,
before you both sat before each other completely nude from the waist down.

Your hips trembled in wait, trying to inch closer to her in search of the friction you needed to
desperately. Of all the times you’d had sex with Abby, you’d never needed to feel her so
badly. The ache in your core only worsened as you glanced down to eye her now fully
exposed cunt, the glisten of your mutual slick shining in the soft light compared to the matte
of her pale skin.

Abby dug her fingers into the soft curve of your hips, grinding down onto your soft lips, clit
coming to nudge your own. She gasped, head falling back as she began moving her hips in a
slow yet rhythmic pattern, feeling the way your cunt welcomed her touch- clenching around
nothing as she stuttered her hips in a way that singled in on your clit.

“Oh, oh. God.” You moaned, sentence delving into a babble of whines as you let her grind
down onto your clit- sending sharp jolts of pleasure into your cunt, winding the band in your
tummy that threatened to snap with every rough drag of her hips on your own.
She panted for air, an animalistic desire taking over her body as she sped up her pace, room
now echoing with noises straight from a porno. She internally smacked herself for not trying
this sooner, becoming addicted to the way your arousal now dripped down her thighs- mixing
with her own as she rutted against you like wanted to breed you (though realistically she
knew she couldn’t.) She couldn’t even manage to string together comprehensible words as
she felt your legs begin to tremble on her hips, boosting her ego as she fucked into you

You couldn’t catch your breath, the delicious feeling of her bare skin against yours aiding in
your climb to climax. She knew your body, even when exploring, she knew how to
manipulate your pleasure into something much more than you could ever describe- drawing
you closer and closer with every airy moan she let fall from her lips.

You felt the band tightening, winding tighter with every pass over your clit, legs shaking
under her hold. “Abby, I-im close.” You whimpered, back arching slightly off of the mattress
to meet her hips in an earth shattering burst of pleasure.

“Jesus Christ.” She groaned, feeling her muscles tense as she held you still, letting one hand
move down to circle roughly around your clit, arousing a cry to fall from your plump lips.
“C’mon baby, take it.”

The combined sensations sent a white hot pleasure coursing through your veins, making your
cunt spasm as it clenched around nothing, forcing your cum to spill from your pulsating core.
Abby halted her movements, letting out a soft moan as she watched the white spill from your
lips and down onto your thighs. There was nothing prettier to her than seeing her girl all
messy for her.

“Abs, fuck.” You babbled, pulling her hips closer as you encouraged her to use your sensitive
folds to reach her own high. If there's one thing you weren’t, it was a quitter. “C’mon. Please,
I want to see you cum.” You practically begged, eyes blown with lust.

The blonde could’ve combusted on the spot, watching you beg to be used for her pleasure.
She pushed a few strands of hair that had begun to stick to her sweaty forehead back, hands
settling back on your hips as she pulled you up to meet her hips- but she didn’t stop there.
She softly patted your right leg, motioning for you to throw it over her shoulder before
pressing into you again.

She let out a sigh, diving headfirst back into her rhythm, as she used her newfound leverage
to grind her clit directly onto your own. The feeling set her stomach alight, unable to stop the
flood of sensual noises that fell from her lips as she rutted against you wildly. Her clit had
begun to throb, so swollen it was sore from the need to be touched, eating up every rough
pass against your soft lips as she chased her own high.

The sensitivity of your clit added a whine to your moans, squeaking in overstimulation as you
clawed into her forearms, leaving a trail of red nail marks in their wake. “Abby, fuck, just
wanna be used by you.” You whimpered, making the girl release an animalistic growl.

Abby felt her pleasure spilling over, body trembling as she kept her pace, cunt now soaked in
cum and arousal as the tightness in her stomach snapped- halting her in her desperate
movements as she leaned forward, holding herself up on her palm. “Holy shit.” She breathed,
a light chuckle invading her speech as she leaned back again, looking at the mess the two of
you made. There was something so intimately filthy about everything that had just gone
down, something that she wished she could have done sooner. The sensations were things she
never had felt before, the desperation flowering a new interest within her.

“Wow.” You giggled, arms slumping by your sides as you shifted over on the mattress to pull
the girl down to you. Her body landed beside you with a soft ‘plop’ having no hesitations
from her as she gave into your soft touch.
“Fuck, i really should’ve told you sooner, huh?”

“What do you think?” You laughed, pulling her into your chest gently, soaking up the feeling
of her as your body began to recover from your activities- the shaking in your legs ceasing
after a couple minutes.

Her body melted into yours like the two of you were made to be one, who would've known
that some sorority porn book could lead to this?
End Notes

I hope the summary made at least someone laugh bc I thought it was hilarious.

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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