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8th of March

International Women's Day

Read the following passage

International Women's Day is a day to celebrate and

honour women all over the world. It has been
celebrated on March 8th every year since 1911,
although was only officially recognised by the
United Nations in 1975.

A long time ago, women didn't have many rights

and were treated unfairly. They wanted to change
this, so they came together and had big meetings
and marches to show everyone how important it is
for women to have equal rights.

Now, every year on International Women's Day,

people all over the world celebrate how far
women have come and how much they have
accomplished. They also talk about how much
more work must be done to ensure that all women
have equal rights and opportunities.

Women are still disadvantaged compared to men in several ways, such as lack of equal pay,
limited career opportunities and unequal representation in leadership positions.

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