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1965 57th Court North, Suite 100

Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA

Phone +1 303-415-1475 
Fax: +303-415-1475  

Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim, Ltd.

Attn: Mr. Abdul Samad
Re: Recent inspection findings of ammonia tank AT-911

Quest Integrity job 343457

Discussion Points on Outer Tank Annular Plate Corrosion

The following items were discussed during a call on 24 August 2022 between Quest Integrity and Fauji
Fertilizer Bin Qasim, Ltd. (FFBL).
• Additional inspection activities revealed similar corrosion on the outer tank annular plates and
included some through wall pits.
• Design review undertaken by FFBL indicated a difference in operational expectations of the
outer tank as noted in the design and operation manual. This led to questions about the outer
tank being excluded from consideration as secondary containment.
• Consideration will need to be given to re-evaluating the risk ranking to account for this change
(increase consequence score) and another (decrease probability score).
• Additional operational review indicates that in a double wall double integrity (DWDI) tank with
insulation between the tank shells, the outer tank is designed for temporary containment only,
due to the presence of the insulation in the interstitial space. If the inner tank leaks, the outer
tank must also be decommissioned.

Underside corrosion of the outer tank annular plates is the main damage mechanism. Unless repairs are
undertaken, the outer tank will not have any containment capacity. Without removal of the pearlite
insulation, there are no code approved repair options. However, repairs that would temporarily contain
an inner tank leak within the outer tank may still be feasible.
• Weld buildup repair is most feasible for smaller corroded areas like pits. Using this technique for
larger areas poses a risk of distortion of the plates, particularly where they are very thin.
Therefore, it should be considered only for smaller corroded regions, following the guidance in
API 653 for weld buildup repairs to the annular plates.
• For larger corroded areas, consider patch plate replacement following the guidance in API 653
except that the patch plates would be installed on the bottom side of the annular plates. Like
weld buildup repairs, the patch plates must also be welded to sound material, ensuring that new
connection welds attach a patch plate to a sound surface rather than to a corroded surface. A

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1965 57th Court North, Suite 100
Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA

Phone +1 303-415-1475 
Fax: +303-415-1475  

cold temperature epoxy or suitable filler should be injected into the gap between corroded
plate and new plate to prevent future corrosion.
• In regions where the projection of the annular plate has been completely corroded, patch plate
repairs to the underside of the annular plates may not be suitable as there is no sound material
to weld onto. A “sleeve” or cap type repair, that is assembled in a shop, may be a more feasible
option. Field welds would be needed to seal the sleeve onto the existing tank. See the sketch
below. Assessment or validation analysis to verify the design of such an assembly could be
completed if needed.

Devon Brendecke, PE,

Manager, Terminals & Storage

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