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Ainhoa Pérez Morales

This product is one of the best purchases I have recently bought without
I am a teenager and at our age it's very normal to have pimples and blackheads.
It’s a matter that can create some insecurities, and let's not kid ourselves , an
expensive cream can’t work wonders.

It's a matter of electronic dispositive that is designed for eliminating blackheads

, pimples and skin debris by sucking out without applying pressure.
It's a certain size small or medium, about 20 centimeters and it includes some
different nozzles to vacuum more or less that can suit all skin types.
-This instrument it’s so comfortable to use and it runs on batteries.
-For its such affordable price, around 5-6 euros, it’s very efficient as it manages
to remove most skin residues painlessly and in just one go.
-However, it’s true that if you use it without preparing the skiing by opening the
pores with hot water so that the steam penetrates, you don't achieve the same
results and you have to spend more time going over your face with it.
I discovered the product while I was browsing through SHEIN, a well-known
website among teenagers,especially for its affordability.
It caught my interest because my skin has several imperfections. I started
researching its reviews, and surprisingly,almost all were very positive.
I decided to purchase it, and I don't regret it at all.

Without a doubt, I recommend it. It's a very useful product that benefits us all,
taking care of and cleansing our skin. We reap great benefits without spending a
lot of money, and the best part is that it never runs out; you just buy batteries
and you're set. I'm very happy with this purchase and have hardly any

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