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h{*tlsnal lnstitute qf Tee*rnstrogy ffisurkeNa
An *nstltr*te cf lnlati*na! lrfipsrt€ns*
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End Semester Examination Z0ZZ-23 Spring
M86336 Gas Dynamics and Free Molecular FIow
l. Full Marks - 50, Time - 3 Hours.
2. Answer any 4 questions including question no. l.
3. All parts of a question must be answered at one place.
4. All the symbols in the question paper have their usual meaning.
5. If necessary, then clearly state any assumption that you made.
1. 1.0x2=20marks.
(i) A gas has a molar mass of 44 and specific heat ratio 1.3.If the gas has temperature
- 30oC and
flows with a speed 450 mls,then what is the Mach angle?
(ii) The pressure and temperature ofhydrogen gas (molecular weight Z gm/mol)in
a large chamber
are found to be 500 kPa and 60oC respectively. Assuming CPG, what is
the density of the gas?
(iii) At the poinl of maximum entropy on the Fanno line for an adiabatic flow, what is
the Mach
(i") The velocity can increase in a Fanno flow at the subsonic condition. TRUE
(v) State whether the heating increases or decreases or does not make any
change in the stagnation
temperature in an inviscid Rayleigh flow? .
(vi) Air enters a combustion chamber at a stagnation temperafure 396 K and leaves out with
stagnation temperature 2100 K. Estimate the amount of heat transfer per unit
(vii) what is the ratio of sonic to stagnation temperature of air in an isentropic flow?
(viii) what is the ratio of sonic to stagnation pressure of air in an isentropic flow?
(ix) If the Mach number is M and half Mach angle is a,thenwhat is value of tan a?
(x) An airplane is flying at a speed of 800 km/hr. at sea level where the temperature is
-15oC. If
the airplane flies at the same Mach number at an altifude where the temperature
is -44oC, then
what is the speed of the airplane at this altitude?
2. 5x2= 10marks.
(i) An observer at sea level does not hear an aircraft that is flying at an altitude of 7000 m until it
is at a distance of 13 km from the observer. Estimate the Mach number at which
the aircraft is
flying. Assume that trre average temperature of the air is
(ii) Air at a temperature of 25oC is flowing at a velocity of 500 m/s. A shock wave occurs in the
flow reducing the velocity to 300 m/s. Assuming the flow through the shock wave to
adiabatic, find the temperatlrre of the air behind the shock rvave.
(iii) A pitot tube placed in an air stream indicates a pressure of 186 kPa. If the local Mach number
is 0.8, determine the static pressure.
(iv) Consider an air flow with a speed of 650 m/s, a pressure of 100 kpa, and a temperature
of 20"C.
What is the stagnation pressure and the stagnation temperature in the flow?
(v) When an airctaft is flying at subsonic velocity, the pressure at its nose, i.e., at the stagnation
point, is found to be 160 kPa. If the ambient pressure and temperature are 100 kpa
respectively, find the speed at which the aircraft is flying.
3. 5x2=10marks.
(i) For a stationary normal shock wave, Ml and M2 can be given by the following relation.
['lat!ona! Institute of TechmoEsgy Huudrela
An fn$ltr*te ef National lmportance Page2 of2
M?. =
Determine M2 for air in the strong shock limit.
(ii) A normal shock wave, across which the pressure ratio is 1.17, moves down a duct into still air
at a pressure of 105 kPa and a temperature of 30oC. Find the pressure, temperature, and velocity
of the air behind the shock wave.
(iii) The shock wave in question 3(ii) passes over a small circular cylinder. Assuming that the shock
is unaffected by the small cylinder, find the pressure acting at the stagnation point on the
cylinder after the shock has passed over it.
(iv) A normal shock wave occurs in the ah at a point where the velocity is 600 m/s, and the
stagnation temperature and pressure are 200oC and 600 kPa respectively. Find the Mach
numbers, pressures, and temperatures upstream and downstream of the shock wave.
(v) Air at a temperature of 10'C and a pressure of 50 kPa flows over a blunt nosed body at a
velocity of 500 m/s. Estimate the pressure acting on the front of the body.
4. 5x2=
x 10marks.
( i) Consider an oblique shock wave with shock angle B and deflection angle d. Provide a
schematic illustration of the situation. For this case, write the relation between the upstream
Mach number Ml and downstream Mach number M2.
(ii) From the relation in question 4(i), determine the minimum and maximum limits of B.
(iiD Draw the curve ofturning angle vs shock wave angle. In the curve, clearly show the followings:
(a) Mach wave condition, (b) normal shockwave condition, and (c) weak and shong shock
solutions for a given turning angle.
(iv) Air flowing with a Mach number of 2 with a pressure of 80 kPa and a temperature of 30oC
passes over a component of an aircraft that can be modelled as a wedge with an included angle
of so that it is aligned with the flow, i.e., the flow is tumed through an angle of 4o, leading to
the generation of an oblique shock wave. Find the pressure acting on the surface of the wedge.
(v) An air flow in which the Mach number is 2.5 passes over a wedge with a half angle of 10o, the
wedge being symmetrically placed in the flow. Find the ratio ofthe stagnation pressures beflore
and after the oblique shock wave generated at the leading edge of the wedge.
5. 5 x2 = 10 marks.
(i) With a neat sketch, explain the Prandtl-Meyer expansion Flow.
(il) ln a single graph, draw the Rayleigh and Fanno lines with the clear highlights of the important
regions and points in these lines.
(iii) Air flows in a 5 cm diameter pipe. The air enters at M = 2.5 and leaves at M = 1.5. What
length of pipe is required? What length of the pipe would give M = 1 atthe exit? Assume that
f = 0.002 and that the flow is adiabatic.
(iv) Air flows through a constant area duct. The pressure and temperature of the air at the inlet to
the duct are 100 kPa and lO"C respectively and the inlet Mach number is 2.8. Heat is transferred
to the air as it flows through the duct and as a result the Mach number at the exit is 1.3. Find
the pressure and temperature at the exit.
(v) For a Rayleigh flow, show that the maximum heat transfer occurs when the following condition
is met.

dV frfu.dr.-ffi)
-=-- cp

*- iB/6q)>oz3

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