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rok szkolny 2021/2022

język angielski

Imię i nazwisko: _________________ punkty: ____ / 35

1 Dopasuj nazwy ubrań do zdań.

Соедини названия одежды с предложениями.

1 You wear these on your hands. _______________ cap

2 You wear these on your feet. _______________ coat
3 You wear this on your head. _______________ gloves
4 You wear this over a shirt. _______________ shorts
5 You wear these when the weather is hot. _______________ socks

2 Uzupełnij zdania nazwami pomieszczeń w szkole.

Дополни предложения названиями комнат в школе.

1 Please go to the head teacher's o __ __ __ __ __ right now.

2 You can play the piano in the m __ __ __ __ room.
3 You can read a book in the l __ __ __ __ __ __ .
4 You can eat lunch in the c _ _ _ _ _ _ .
5 The classrooms are all on the same c __ __ __ __ __ __ r.

3 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

Дополни предложения словами в рамке.

games console keyboard memory stick scanner webcam

1 You can type your password on the _________________________.

2 Switch on the _________________________ before you start your video chat.
3 Save your pictures onto a _________________________.
4 Use the _________________________ to play with/against other people online.
5 Use your _________________________ to copy pictures and then print them.

4 Zakreśl właściwy wyraz (czas Present Simple).

Обведи нужное слово (Present Simple).

1 Katia love / loves music and fashion.

2 I ride / rides my bike to school every day.
3 Marek and Wiktor wear / wears jeans and t-shirts.
4 We do / does our homework in the evening.
5 Boris usually take / takes the bus to school.

5 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem z nawiasu w czasie Present Simple.

Дополни предложения глаголом в скобках в Present Simple.

1 We _______________ jeans for school. (wear)

2 Ann _______________ her bike every day. (not ride)
3 Peter and Tom _______________ football in the park. (play)
4 I _______________ Spanish at home. (speak)
5 Our cat _______________ out in the garden. (not go)

6 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

Обведи нужное словo.

1 There are some / any tables.

2 There aren't any / some posters.
3 Is there some / a computer?
4 There isn't some / a bookcase.
5 Are there a / any chairs?

7 Uzupełnij zdania za pomocą podanych czasowników. Użyj czasu Present Continuous.

Дополни предложения данными глаголами. Используй Present Continuous.

1 I ______________________________ an email to my friend. (write)

2 We ______________________________ TV in the living room. (not watch)

3 My sister ______________________________ with her friend on the phone. (chat)

4 Matt and Simon ______________________________ in the pool. (swim)

5 He ______________________________ on my chair. (not sit)

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