Africa G/ States Iut Rute Sir, U, 950 ' (Gfin : I' Austratia

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fessionat Ethtcs
I / u semester B.E Degree, Bxamination,
June/July z0r 1




Time: 2 hrs.J
r I taa
FVIw. Marhs: S0
ttlt [ | I


L Answcr all FIITy questions; each question carries ONE Mark.

2, Use only Black ball point pen for darkening
the circtes.
3' For cach question, after serecting your answer,
darken the appropriate circre corresponding
to the same question nurnber onJhe
OMR street.
4' Darkening two circles for the same question
makes the answer invalid.

I' The 'Amendment procedure'to rhe constihrtion

is bonowed from the constifution
(a) South Africa g/ --te; of
UnitedStates (c) Austratia ;;;;;
2' The idea of the constihrtion of India
was flashed for the fint time by
1a; Dr. B.R, Ambedka r (b) Dr' Rajendra Prasad
Jffiahatmac*at iut (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
3. The famouS Dandi March doae by Mahatma
Gandhiji was against
(a) British Rute (b) Untouchabiliry
(ci Satt Sir,u,
4. The Indian constitution came into force on 1ffialr Tax

(a) 26.11.1949 .I 950

Jy{ (c) 15,08. tg47 (d) 26.12,1950
5' The Preamble of the Constitution of India has
been amended so far
(a) Four times &) Thrice (c) Twice
6' A state which does not promote or interfere in
the afrain of religion is referred '{gfin*
to as
(a) Socialisr (b) Democraric Jsf Secular (d) Sovcreign

7, Our constitution grants to the citizens

** fundamental rights
Jq Six (b) Five (c) Ten (d) Seven
8. Who are not entitled to form union?
(a) Srudenrs
ly{yolice (c) Teachers (d) Entrepreneurs
9. Minority may be e
(a) Regional or National
Linguisric or Religious
(c) National or Racial ^IbT
(d) Racial or Regional

Examlnation PaPer solved

10. Which one is not a fundamental right?

(a) Right against exPloitation
(b) Right to freedom of religion
(d) Right to equalifY
*fUigf,t to strike e
I l, The Directive principles of state Policies
(a) Social Rights (b) Political Nghts
tional Ri ghts (d) Legal Rights
JpY Con s ti ru
a welfare state in the country?
12, Which part of the sonstitution aims at estabtishing
(a) Prearnble (b) Fundamental Rights

W Directive Principles of State Policy

Fundamental Duties
13, The Phrase 'Economic Justice' is found in
Rights (b) Preamble and Directive Principles
(a) Preamble and Fundamental
(c) Fundamental Rights and Duties
Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties'
14. This is not a fundamental durY
(b) To protect natural environment
(a) To develoP scientific temPer
\J.dfNot to indulge in comtpt practice
(d) To abide bY the constitution
is a
15, To respect theNational Flag and National Anthem
(c) Directive principle of the statc (d) None of these
arc provided by
16. Fundamentai duties under lheJudkn CoB"itntioB
(a) An order of thc O) An order of the Supreme Courl
of the Union / State?
17. Which of the fotlowing is not one of the three organs
(a) Executive ,pft) Press (c) Judiciary (d) Legislative
administration have been divided into
l g, Under the Indian Constitution, the subjects of
(a) Two lists G) Four lists (c) Five lists '({(Three

Sabha and RajYa Sabha?
l0 (c) I and 12 (d) I and l0
Js) 2 and 12 0) 2 and

ZA, Who will preside over the Joint session of both houses of Parliament?
(b) Prime Minister (c) SPeaker (d) None of these
-4$ President
21. 'Railways'is a subject undcr list
G) State (c) Concunent (d) Residuary
-(afUnion the MP at Lok Sabha and Rajya
22. what is rhe minimum age in yean for becoming
(a) l8 and 25 0) 25 and 18 (c) 25 and 30 (d) 30 and 25

{,. ; 22 constituilon of India and professional Ethics

23, Full form of PIL is
ffVublic Interest Legislation (b) Private Interest Legislarion
ir,': (c) Private Interest Litigation (d) Public Interesr Litigatio
24. when the office of the president falls vacant, the same must
be filled within
{ j{rour months (b) Six months
(c) Tlvelvemonths (d) Eighteen monrhs
25, Who interprets the Indian constitution?

Jr"f Supreme Courr (b) parliament (c) President (d) Prirne Minister
26. Which was the lengthiest Amendment to the constitution?
(a) 46'h 0) 44th
(: 42nd (d) 24,d'
27, Generally the Covernor belongs to -@
(a) Neighbouring State (b) Same State
&) Some other State (d) IAS Officer
28, The ernoluments, allowances and privileges of the Covernor
shall be deterrnined by the
(a) Chief Minister (b)Prirne Minister (c) president
Jil Parliarnent
29, 'Bicameral' means

bf Presence of two Houses in the State (b) Presence of one House in the State
(c) Presence ofhalf House in the State (d) Presence of no House in the State
30' Vfhat is the effect of the resignation or death of the Chief
Minister of the State?

.bf New Chief Minister takes Oath (b) Mid - rerm polls
("" (c) Dissolves the Legislative Assembly (d) None of these
3l' The minimum gap permissible between the two sessions
of the legislature is
(a) Three monrhs &f
Six months (c) Two months (d) Six weeks
32. who is the neutral in the affairs of the parry politics?
(a) Chief Minister (b) Home Minister
(c) Finance Minister ,$f

33. According to the Mariage Act of I gS4, the age is fixed

at years for men and yeais for
,6zl and 18 (b) 24 and 30 (c) 2l and 20 (d) 22 and I8
q' 34. Indian Constirution guarantees reservation to SCs and.STs in
(a) Legislative Assembly only *tfYok sabha only
(" (c) Legislative Assembly and Lok Sabha (d)
Rajya Sabha only.
35: Jobs are reserved for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes people
*trfBoth at the time of appointment and promotion
(b) On rhe basis of their annual incorne .
'-" *';''

Exa mination PaPer solved

(c) At the time of aPPointment

(d) At the timc of Pronrotion'
is popularly known as
36. Breakdorvn of constirutional machinery in a State
(a) National Emergency ^FXPresident's
(c) Financial Emergency (d) All of these
the ground of
31 , The President can proclairn an emergency on
(a) War
(b) Armed rebellion
aggression (d) 1l of these
not yet declared, till now?
38. which one of the following rypes of emeryency has
(a) State EmergencY
(b) National Emergency
(d) None of these
,]xfFinancial Emergency
appointed by the President with the consultation
39. Regional Election Commissioners may be
of the
(b) Prime Minister
(a) Governor
(c) Vice President Jiy Election Commission
to the
40. The Election commission does not conduct election
(a) Members of State Legislative Assembly
(b) Members of Parliamcnt
Jnf SPeaker of Lok Sabha
(c) President
of India?
4l . What is the system used to clect the President
(a) Direct Election ,\bl* roPort i on a I RePre sen tation
(d) Preferential system
(c) Secret'Ballet
42. Engineering Ethics is a

(a) DeveloPing ethics (b) Natural ethics

ethics (d) Preventive ethics
.,({scientitical ty developed
43. This is not the aim of snrdying Engineering
(a) AnalYzing concePts
(b) Engaging sense of responsibiliry
in g unc I ari t Y
(d) Procuring faultless results
;tsf\tldres s

for causirrg harm, when the harm is caused'

44, An engineer rnay not be held legally liable
(c) NegligentlY (d) RecklesslY
(a) IntentionaltY &flgnoranttY
45. This is not impediment to responsibility
' (c) IgRorance (d) Fear
(a) Self ' deception (bffielf ' respect

46, These are not trade secrets

(c) Formulas (d) Devices
(a) PrinciPles JAt Patterns
24 constitutlon of 'Indla and professional Ethics
47. Thc use of inte llectual property of others without their permission or credit is referred as
(a) Trimming (b) Cooking (d) ptagiarism
4E. Patent holder does not allow others to use patented information for years from data of
(a) 40 (b) 30 ,tfzo (d) r0
49, Which of the following does not depict the attitude towards responsibiliry?
(a) Good works (b) Protest --(r)'Reasonablecare (d) Minimalist
50' Which of the following is not preserved as an intellectual property?
, r{Government Regularions (b) Copy righrs
(c) Patents (d) Tradc secrets


r. (b) 2 (c) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5, (d) 6. (c) 7, (a) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10, (c)

(c) t2, (d) r3. (d) 14, (c) I 5. (a) 16, (c) t7, (b) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20, (a)

21 . (a) 22, (c) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27, (c) 28. (d) 2?, (a) (a)

3 t, (b) 32, (d) 33, (a) 34, (b) 3 5, (a) 36. (b) 37 , (c) 38. (c) 39. (d) 40, (d)

4t. (b) 42, (c) 43, (c) 44. (b) 45. (b) 46, (b) 47, (c) 48, (c) 49. (c) 50, (a)


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