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Constltution of India and Professional Ethics

I/n Semester BE Degree Exanlination, Nlay/June 2010


(Common to all Branches) Version - B

Time: 2 hoursJ [Max. Marks: 50

l. .The Election Cornmission does not conduct elcction to the
(a) Offic.e of the President. (b) Office of the Vice-President.
(c) OfIce of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, (d) State Legislanre.
2, The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed by the
(a) Prirne Minister. (b) Planning Commission,
(.) President, (d) Chief Justice.
3. 'lnterpret'means
(a) intemrpting in the exercise of a legal right.
(b) passing law by absolute majority.
(c) ascertaining the meaning of a word.
(d) amending a larv to make it more effective.
4. The basic attitude towards responsibility is
(a) intentionally causing harm (b) negligently causing harm,
(c) minirnalist. (d) recklessly causing harm.
5. 'Minirnalist' means
(a) a ministerial view,
(b) a novel plan to mini mtze industrial loss
(.) a narrow thinking.
(d) a concept of responsibiliry.
6. Engineers can use'Code of Ethics'as guidelines to
(a) resolve the conflicts. (b) formulate a problem,
(c) shift responsibility. (d) overcorne work pressure.
7., No code will give to get solutions for ethical problems.
(a) Guidelines. (b) Set of ideas.
(c) An algorithrn (d) Ethical standards.
8. 'Cooking' rneans
(a) boiling underpress[re. (b) retaining results which fit the theory.
(c) making deceptive statements,
(d) misleading the public about the quality of a product.

Examination PaPer solved

g. amounts to
Revealing confidential information
truth. (b) breach of contract'
(.) misusing the
(c) crirninal breach of trust. (d) violbtion of patent right'
10. It is not a kind of trademark'
(b) Sounds,
(a) Designs.
(d) Goodwill,
(c) SYmbols.
11. fui author retains copyright for
(b) 150 Years,
(a) 100 Years.
(d) 15 Years'
(c) 60 Years.
12, This is not dishonesty in engineering'
(b) Blending,
(a) Foiging.
(d) Cooking.
(c) Trimming.
is caused
liable for causing harm, when the harm
13. An engineer may not be held tegally
(b) ignorantlY'
(a) intentionallY'
(d) recklesslY'
(c) negtigentlY'
14.'Plagiarisrn' means
(a) trespassing upon immovable property'
(b) trespassing against movable property'
(c) using intellecrual property of others without their permission'

(d) misusing the truth by deception'

15. one of the ways of reducing the risk is
(b) tight couPling.
(a) comPlex interaction'
(d) hanging the working system'
(c) normalization of deviance'
16. The constitution of India was adopted
26, 1949' (b) January 26,1949.
(a) Novernber
(c) August 15,1947 '
(d) January 26,1950.
17 , The Preamble of the lndian Constirution
(a) the reservation of backward classes.

(b) amendments'
(d) the Powers of the Parliament
preamble of the constitution arnended?
1g. How many times was the
(b) 2 times'
(a) 3 times.
(c) I tirne. (d) Not amended'

16 constltuilon of rndta and professional. Ethics

I9, Right against exploitation prohibits
(a) lending money at high interesr. (b) giving in marriage minor girls,
. (c) women working at night in factories.
20, India has recognized
$Ytraffic in human beings.
(a) only one religion as national religion. (b) 3 religions as nationa, ,r,r*,oo,
(c) 5 religions as national religion, (d)'.no religion as national religion,
zl, Lok sabha is composed of not more than
(a) 420 rnembers, (b) 550 mernbers,
(c) 450 members. (d) 540 members,
22, The chief Jusrice of India is appointed by rhe
(a) Prime Minisrer, (b) Council of Minisrers,
.tstrfrrsident, (d) Parliament;
23, who appoints the Attomey General of India?
(a) The Prime Minister. (b) The chief Jusrice of India,
(c) The President' (d) The union Minister of Law,
24, Original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court relates
ro t,
(a) civil suits directly filed in the supremc court
(b) criminal complaints directly filed in the Supreme
(c) wrirs directly filed in rhe supreme court,
(d) disputes between Union and States,
25' The number of Ministers in the Central Governrnent
is fixed by the
(a) President'
(c) Parliament, ,M Prime Minister.
(d) chie f Jusrice of India.
26, Freedom of press is included in
(a) right to carry on any profession.
(b)- right to personal liberty,
right to freedom of speech and expression,
(d) right to educarion,
27, DPSP directs tbe State to safbguard
(a) wildlife.
(b) the rights of SCs and STs.
(c) the rights of workers, specially women and children.
(d) the judiciary from external intcrfersnce,
28, The DPSP
(a) can be enforced in High Court'
(U in Supreme Court'
can be enforced only
(c) cannot be enforced in anY cowt'
29, This is not a DPSP
(a) Organize Village PanchaYat'
(b) Provide free legal aid'
(c) Secure living wage'
(d) Secure just and efficient
30, Fundamental DurY demands (b) to work sincerelY'
(a) to abide bY the Constirution'
g to abide bY moral values'
(c) to avoid comrPtion'
31. This is not a Fundamental
(a) To abide bY the Constitution'
and improve natural environment'
iu; fo prott"
(c) To develoP scientific temPer'
iql nro, to indulge in com:pt
practice' , recoru,endation of
--.!-.rr^^ ^n.rhe
the recomrr
in the constirution on
,r.*,10.r."i, oui"' *t" in'o'p*ated O) Charan Singh
(a) Karan Singh Committee'
(ai uun'ohon singh committee'
12fs*ur* singh committee' of India?
ud*'n'u"' the oatb of om'i to the President
33. Who, nf ,n. fotto*i"J' The Prime Minister'
(a) The vice-President'
(c) The SPeaker ofthe Lok Sabha'
. ,n, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court'
fl. it is
r President of India elected'
(a) nominated' G) appoinred'
i' (c) selected' LJgf
Ministers and the
The Prirne Ministe' i' tttt ii* f"tween the Council of
&) General Public'
(a) Lok Sabha
(c) Houses of Parliament' ''@)
36. 'Good Work'means
great care and skill'
(a) superior work done with
(b) resPonsible work'
abovc and beyond the sall
of duty'
i.i **f
(ai *ort in'olving high'risk" '

-- - iii ii#

,"nal Ethics
37 ' one of the characteristics
of profession is,
ir , (a) it gives to exercise one,s

(b) it gives rnonopory on
(c) it provides opporrunity
to herp the poor and needy.
., it dernands high standard
^^ JOI of honesry.
, '38. These are not Trade Secrets.
(a) Formulas.
D*i*^r-r^ (hy
3s, p,or'ssi;;hics,.;ff,;;ffif,'' ^
(c) patrerns.
(d) Devices.
(a) the personar character
of engineers.
(b) the temperarnenr of
(c) the rerigious
bent of rnind of engineers.
,J,*) the sociar background of engineers.
"' 0' Protection ofthe
"rpr.r.ion ofideas, but not the ideas themserves, is cared
plagiarism (c) patent'
,. #,;:',#'r*ici.ryrs{b) trg4rging.
(a) highest law making
,Ibr singre and inregrated judiciar systern,
(c) dependent judicial sysrern.
\u./r none
rrutre of
oI these.
'l' AnyPenon tobeappointed
tothepostofcovemor ofa
(a) 25 years.
(b) .oo..
1o ytrars.
\",ir JV
30 years.
State rnust have complered
the age of
,tJ, The executive (c) 45 years.
power of the state is vested JftT 35 years.
in the hand.s
ands of rho
,r"".t'' (a) Covernor.
(c) (b) State Legislarure,
r: : ' The
size of a rninistry
in the State is decided by
,d,.\ (a) ChiefMinister.
' (c) Members of Legisrative -.M Governor,
Assembry. (d)
45^ Who among the Constirution.
following administers oath
, State? of office and secrecy to the Minisrers in
- (a) The Chief Justice.
(b) A Senior Judge.
-W The Governor.
(d) The Chief Minister.
f9.;,,Th1 Chief Minister
is appointed by the
(a) Prime Minister.
" (c) Chief Justice of the State. 'M Governor,
7. A High Court Judge retires
(d) Presidenr.
at the age of
" {a) 65 years. (b) 63 years, (c) 60 years.
JInf62 years.
I ii
19 t,

Examination PaPer solved

may by law extend the rtl

4g. while proclamation of Emggency is in oieration, the Parliament ilil

duratiori of Lok Sabha at I time for a period not exceeding illl

(a) 6 months. (b) I year, (c) 2 years' u4{3 y""s'

49. The Constitution permils the State to malq special provisioqq for il[

(a) women and unemPloYed'

(b) old, sick and disabled PeoPle' ffi[
backward class people' It ll

.-1pf socially and educationally

:ll !l

(d) backward class PeoPle'

50. The Constitution protects the minorities in
(a) political rights. $) religious rights' ill[
(c) culture. rlll

ri ght to reservat ion in educationa I instituti ons'

*!9 illl
A}iSWERS ili]


(c) 2 (c) 3. (c) 4, (c) s. (d) 6, (a) 7, (c) 8. (b) 9, (a) 10. (d) iBit

i\i i

ll, (c) t2. (b) I 3, (a) 14. (c) l s. (b) 15. (c) t7, (c) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (d)

21. (b) 22, (c) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27, (d) 28, (c) 2e. (d) 30, (d) iffii


31. (d) 32, (c) 33, (d) 34, (d) 35. (d) 36. (c) 37. (d) 38. (b) 3e. (d) 40. (d) , llHrl
.,td l


4r. (b) 42. (d) 43. (d) 44, (d) 45. (c) 46, (b) 47, (d) 48. (d) 49, (c) 50. (d)



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