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Chairs Semi-Annual and Annual meetings; (15 members for a quorum)
Executive meeting as required; (5 members for a quorum)
Invites all Honorary Life Members to social functions held.
Arranges with Secretary to send letters or emails regarding up-coming Semi-Annual and Annual Meetings
Directs Executive

Past President:
Sends cards and/or flowers as required to ill or bereaved members, or for other special occasions.
Prepares reports at Semi-Annual and Annual Meetings
Prepares nominations for up-coming season of slate of officers for Annual General Meeting.

Records and maintains finances of Fort Rouge Ladies Curling Club
Prepares receipts, cheques/deposits etc. as required.
Prepares statement of financial situation for Semi-Annual and Annual Meetings, and has duplicated copies for members
Arrange for two additional volunteers to Review Financial Statements (one executive member and one from the General
Receives all membership applications

Takes minutes of the Semi-Annual and Annual Meetings and maintains files of same.
Takes minutes of all executive meetings.
Prepares copies of agendas and minutes of the Semi-Annual and Annual Meeting for distribution
Maintenance of Constitution, Executive Duties and Rules of Play, as required
Correspondence with management of FRCC to update executive contact information
Correspondence with management of FRCC to update website and Facebook page with information on the Daytime
Ladies League
Any correspondence as required.

Ice & Draw:

Prepares draw schedule for season as required
Maintains record of wins/losses for club events
Reports at Semi-annual meeting on number of curlers etc.
At Annual Banquet presents trophy winners.
At Annual General Meeting reports on seasons events.
Maintenance and distribution of spare list to all skips
Have pins engraved and present at our Wind-up Banquet and arrange for someone to take pictures of winners

Social Committee:
Organizes Annual Wind-up Banquet

Non-Executive Members: “Reps” who also make reports at the Semi-Annual and Annual General meetings.
 Club Past-Presidents’ Rep
 Golden Gals Rep.
 Sr. Ladies/Master Ladies. Rep.
 WCCA Daytime City Championship

Revised: April 2024-04-09 1

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