How You Start Your Resume Is Very Important.

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Building Your

Resume and
Your resume and portfolio are the first impression you make
on potential employers. Make sure they showcase your skills
and experience effectively.
How you start your
resume is very important. Recruiter

Hiring Manager
Contact information, including name, email, phone number, and
Key Components of a Professional summary or objective statement.
Resume Relevant work experience, education, and skills in reverse
chronological order.
Formatting Tips
Choose a clean and simple layout, use a readable font, and highlight your most relevant skills and
achievements. Add a personal touch to stand out.
Tailoring Your Resume
Customize your resume by highlighting specific skills and experience directly related to the job you want. Use
keywords from the job posting.
Back up your resume
Portfolio Show your personal taste
Your portfolio is a compilation of academic and professional Tell more about yourself
materials that will showcase your skills, qualifications,
education, training, and experiences. A hub for all your creations
Showcase your best work, including a mix of projects
and skills.
Key Components of a Include a brief introduction or personal statement.
Portfolio Make it visually appealing and easy to navigate.
Tailoring Your
Your portfolio should showcase your best
work that aligns with the job you're
applying for. Tailor it to the company and
job description for maximum impact.
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