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Full name :______________________________________ Teacher :Miss Triny López.

Date :__________________________________________Grade :_______________


1) Complete the phrases with the verbs below.

arrive get go have (x3) leave wake
1 ………………….. up
2 ………………….. dressed
3 ………………….. breakfast
4 ………………….. at school
5 ………………….. lunch
6 ………………….. school
7 ………………….. dinner
8 ………………….. to bed.

2) Listen and draw the times on the clocks.

3)Write the ING form of the following verbs

4)Complete with DO or DOES. ( Present simple)
A) _________Peter live with his father?
B) ________ you learn Spanish?
C) ________ Andrew and Martin ride their bikes to school?
D) ________ they play in the garden?
E) _________ Sandy’s hamster live in a cage?
5) Decide Whether These Nouns Are Countable C Or Uncountable (U). Circle.

1. The children are playing in the garden. C U

2. I don't like milk. C U
3. I prefer tea. C U
4. Scientists say that the environment is threatened by pollution. C U
5. The bread my mother prepares is delicious. C U
6. I'd like some juice please! C U
7. I met some nice people when I was walking along the beach. C U
8. I bought three bottles of mineral water for our picnic. C U

6) Past simple – verb 'to be'Read the sentence. Choose the correct answer.
6.1)He _______ sick yesterday.

A. were
B. was
C. is
6.2)I _______ in the football team last year.
a. am
b. were
c. was
6.3)_______ you at school yesterday?
a. Where
b. Were
c. Was
6.4)She _______ late for school today.
e. wasn't
f. weren't
g. isn't

7) Complete the following sentences in past simple.Follow the example,

Tom wrote a letter. → Tom a letter.
Tom wrote a letter. → Tom did not write a letter. or
Tom wrote a letter. → Tom didn't write a letter.

1. He played handball. → He __________________________ handball.

2. Susan waited in the kitchen. → Susan________________________ in the kitchen.
3. I made the beds. → I__________________________ the beds.
4. They cleaned the classroom. → They ____________________ the classroom.
8) Find 10 past participles of the following verbs :

Speak, see, read, leave, do, freeze, write, break drive, swim.
9)Read the passage THE OLD COLONEL, What tense is higlighted?
A) Simple past
B) Simple present
C) Present Perfect.
10)Choose the best answer.

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