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‘anal International Solié Waste, Water And Wastewater Congress 2013 Solid Wace Necessity of Waste Incineration and Power Plants In Istanbul Sold ‘Waste Management ‘Cevat Yaman', Orhan Sevitmgin, Senol Yuli, Kubilay Kaya* "anbul Metopaitar Menicpaity Ervrenmenfal Protection and Contol Department pamecnanatbl gor ‘Linch eropstn nical Ensrcmenal Protection sd Consol Depranent, Duets of Ses Senses erhanseimeghuasbs go: iasbl Smommenl agent Co ‘pili om “Tacbl Metopstan Municaliy Ensrcanenal Protection sd Consol Depranet, Distonte of Wise Manageme abi pai goxer Absiarct Envinnmental isswes ae the most problematic field for Turkey in tems of compliance with European Union. The environment, which is one ofthe most extensive areas ofthe EU Acguit, wil be t= sost compulsive field along withthe agnculure. The development of waste mamagemest and stenzthen of smplementaion capacry requre high Coss, but it shouldbe remembered thatthe cost of macton is uch higher. If an efbctive waste reduction aud Jecycing cannot be provided, mountains that consis of guage ‘will estes te environment and human heal, andthe foreng of absorption eapecty ofthe nature wil ‘use an inevitbe epie of Living opportunities. Srengthening of waste management las vital importance {the sustainable use of maura resources ad th protection of enviroament and human heath beside this t isthe key fact: for to provide a sustainable and qualified living fr fature geerctions. Consumption babis ‘have chinged i parallel with the merecsing of population and this fas led to an mcrease mn the aout cof waste, The iste of lead tht appears because of the population increase requis new waste disposd ‘methods rather that landfiling Al the new arrangements tat made for this parpove bring obligations to we xew disposal methods mdrestict the amount of waste disposed in landfil. To comply the restriction abort ‘the amount of todzgradable wase that must be disposed outside of lands require separate collection of ‘waste and altenative dispesal methods Keywords: Enogy, Wasteto Energy, Waste Management, Municipal Solid Waste. 1 INTRODUCTION ‘Methods that accepted globally in solid waste management are Recycling, Composting, Landfilling, Biological Processes and Thermal Disposal Methods. As domestic Waste charactenistics vary. ‘management techniques also vary. In order to create a sustainable integrated management systent, all methods should be used in certain ratios. Sticking with only one disposal method is the biggest obstacle in creating a sustainable and efficient integrated solid waste system. Consumption habits have changed in parallel with increasing population and this caused an increase in waste amount. Available land problem that has become clearer with the increasing population ‘requires new disposal methods instead of landfilling. All regulations put forward in accordance with ‘this goal requires the waste to be disposed besides landfill and it is aso required that the amount of ‘waste that i landfilled has to have limitations. In order to meet the requirements about the amount of ‘Viodegradable waste that is directed to other places than landfill sites separate collection and suitable alternative disposal methods (composting, methanisation, etc.) and themal disposal methods Gacineration, etc) will bave to be used intensely. Sustainability isthe most important matter in integrated waste management. While disposing the ‘waste with landfill method is more cost-efficient compared to other methods, the application of ths ‘method has some challenges as the capacities of current landfill sites are decreasing rapidly andi ist Amour 6,000, $$ 4,000 : 7 2,000 oF : : : 198 1999 © 199520002008) 20102018, Figure 4, [stanbul’s Population and Produced Waste Amount by year [ktasbul Intertionl Sold Waste, Water And Wactewater Congress 2013 Selid Wate Years | Quantity | Population | Years] Quantiy | Population Goniday) owday) 190 308.190 | 2003 | 9732 wes | ae Boos [ata 196 | 479 20s |_ 614 197 | 3m | 9199,000_ | 2m6 | _ 13947 98 | _7293 207 | B21 | 2a wo | erat 2008 | 94 | 12097168 72100 | 9056 | 16018735 | 29 |_14006 | 12915.158 2oL_|_a8it 200 | 14439 | 13.255.685 02 | _9078 2012 [|__1ss00__| 13854.%0 Table 1. Istanbal’s Population and Produced Waste Quantity by yea. According to 2010 data waste amount per capita in Istanbul is 435 kg/person-year. Previous studies done between 20042010 have shown that this number is increasing by this period. When population growth ate and consumption traits are taken into acconnt, its clea that waste quantity will continue rising in the following years. Waste quantity expected to be produced per person as a result of ‘modeling studies done taking town populations in Istanbul, growth and degrowth rates of the towns, ‘techniques used in waste collection and waste characterization works info account is given in Table2. vitae = | aA ee | Be 1 2 7 7014 tai 2015 6 Be 37 = Bir SS 7s Tie = Be 1 [er 1 ad 3 1 wa 3 a 2 a 1 703 = 7 7 mS 7 its ws 1 [ar] eo is ae wa 7 2 75 50 rT a] " ‘Table 2, Weste per capita by year. 3. ADVANTAGES OF WASTE INCINERATION FACILITIES 3.1. CONCORDANCE WITH REGULATION TARGETS According to EU Landfill Regulation (1999/31/EC) it is compulsory to reduce the amount of ‘biodegradable minicipal solid waste being landfilled forthe candidate states that landfill more than, [80 of their municipal waste by 1995. Responsibilities about mmicipal waste management of ‘Gtanbl Intemational Sid Waste, Witer And Wastewater Congress 2013 Onl Presentation: “Metropolitan Municipalities’ are defined in Turkish legislation. Works are being conducted to make available regulations consistent with EU legistation in EU concordance process. Landfill Regulation ‘was published in the scope of concordance with Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC) and some limstatons were put forward im disposal of mmnicipal waste in Landill sites as ofthe specified years 2 it has been the case in EU countries. Besides, concordance with EU Waste Incineration Disective (2000/76EC) was completed following the issuing of the Regulation about Waste Incineration. EU Lanafil Directive Seeeieny Lanfil Regulation Reduction ofdomestic waste sent Redustion of domestic waste sent ‘olenafis basec onthe amount to landfils based on the amount sencin 1995 ‘sentin 2005 2008 = 475 22015 =%75 2008 = 450 22018 =%50 16 = %a8 2028 = %35 Table 3. Reduction goals and years. EU Directive predicts that organic waste reception of candidate countries to their landfill sites in 2016 they can landfill 2635 of the landfilled organic waste in 1995. in Landfill Regulation, waste quantity in 2005 was taken into account and targets were set according. ‘Using the total amount of waste produce between 1995-2009 and considering the potential increase in waste quantity and population possible total waste amount for target years sct in the regulation, ‘vased on waste characterization studies being conducted yearly since 2005 possible organic waste ratio, and waste quantity that can be landiiled according tothe regulation are given in Table 4 Ta — Og i Wi TT eae ainty “hae Sm Geta mie) Pome Aero nanos Sey ree a ams zo cams Oo ° a ee oo wee morta om saatr Table Estimated wase anos Produced laadill excess organic waste quantities in target years ia the cegulation are respectively 4.296, 6.564 and 9.521 ton/day and required system capacities that can meet the organic waste ‘without separation inthe source are given in Table 4. In case current sysem is maintained without using a new disposal alternative in Istanbul, it seems impossible to set accordance with Laadaill Regulation in accordance with EU Directive issued on. 26.03.2010. Considering the data in the table and altemative treatment facility capacities rather than landfill, additional system capacity in order to achieve the goal sets in regulation by 2015 should be 5767 t! ay. This igure will be 10.676 tid in 2018 and 17.257 tid in 2025. These capacity figures clarify the soute that should be followed in accordance with the concordance of FU and local regulations ‘tan! Interatonal Sol Waste Water And Wastewater Conse: 2013 Solid Waste 32. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, “Waste incineration systems started to be used in 19th century as waste disposal method and first ‘Waste Incineration system was established in England in 1874 (CEWEP). Approximately 70 million ‘wastes are disposed annnally in 400 facilities in Europe and 90 facilites in the U.S.A. Although landfilling isthe most common solid waste disposal method in many EU member countries, ‘they started to focus on waste incineration as they have to reduce the amount of landfilled waste in order to meet the requirements specified by wasie landfill directive prepared by Enviroameat Council, In the 3rd one of the reports prepared once in 3 years ty CEWED. itis stated that waste incineration all around Furope as of 2000 showed %5 3 annual rise between 2003-2007 and %2.3 ‘annual rise between 2007-2010, Today each year 65 million tons solid waste is disposed in over 400 Waste to Energy facilities and power requirement of 27 million people is met with 20 million ‘MWh electric produced. Also, EU-27 coumiries increased their enerzy amount produced with incineration facilities by %140 in the last 10 years and in 2010 energy equivalent to 15.480 tons oil ‘was produced. Waste incineration disposal rate is %29 in Germany, %16 in France and %10 in Italy and the Netherlands. In 86 incineration facilites in 25 states in the USA, 2700 MW electric is produced by incinerating 26.3 milion tons domestic waste. Also 0.64 million tons metal is recovered in these facilites. In Chima that is one of the most rapidly growing economics in the world, there were more than 50 waste incineration facilities in 2006. In addition to these, 82 more facilities were planed to be ‘built berween 2006-2011 aad maay of these are still under coastruction. Waste quantity bumed ia incineration facilities was 2 million tons in 2001 and this figure reached 14 million in 2007. In Jepan approximately 50 million tons of waste is disposed in incineration facilities annually. As {nhabitable areas are limited, Japan is the country that wses incineration in disposal the most. %77 of the 50 million ions of waste produced is incinerated in over 1300 facilities. 281 of these procuce 15 Uillion KW electricity in total. Like other countries, gid systems are most commonly used in Japan. Besides, Japan, as a country that uses other techniques the most, the rate ofthese techniques is %30. PRODUCED DOMESTIC WASTE (ml.ionyear) 524 NUMBER OF FACILITIES 263 AVERAGE CAPACITY (tonnoup 20 WASTE DISPOSED BY INGINERATION-2004 (ton) 40.38 RATE OF DISPOSING BY INCINERATION (%) n (Galt Wass Minnesmea in Ase TETRAMAWA 2005) ‘Table 5. Facilites Produce Energy Out Of Waste in Japan (WTE Fociliies) Sumy no In Istanbul where waste quantity and characteristics can change constantly, it is necessary to use ‘this technology that is commonly used all over the world when area problem for landSiling and the ‘regulation requirements that should be met are taken into account. 33. ENERGY PRODUCTION AND ITS EFFECT ON GREENHOUSE EMISSION According to the studies and operation information, 500-600 kWh electric energy can be obtained by incinerating 8000kj/kg calorific waste. This equals to the energy that can be obfained ty incineration 1/4 ton coal or one barrel of fossil fuel. The capacity of planned Istanbul Waste to Energy Plant ‘which is 3000 t/¢ and characterization studies that conducted anmually taken in to account estimated energy production amount for Istanbul WtE facility is 70 MWh of electricity. And this nach energy can meet nearly 300.000 houses’ energy requirements. There is no other waste disposal method that ‘provides both waste disnosal and such enersy nroduction ‘Ltanbul tematons Salic Waste, Water And Wastewater Congres: 2013 (rl Presentations It seems that only possible disposal method alternative to landfilling for the waste that cannot be secycled is WE facilities. The most impertant green house gases, CH, aad CO,, which formed by decaying landfilled waste, released to the atmosphere by %25 from even very well operated landfills. ‘This means reduction of green house gas emissions is one of the advantages of WtE. Fomer studies show that in waste incineration facilities that produce energy release Lio less CO, per ton of waste compared tothe landfills. Energy production, less green house gas emission and the biggest portion of waste defined as “biomass” some European countries and the US consider WtEs as renewable energy source. Waste characterization study that conducted in 2010 by IMM and ISTAC Co. shows that neatly °%70 of snmunicipal waste produced in Istanbul is in accordance with the “biomass” definition declared in regulation For this reason the facility that will be built should be considered as renewable eneszy source. In this Way, a least partly, facility can take the advantage of the energy selling price stated in Renewable Energy Promotion Act of Turkey. 34. RECYCLING, OTHER METHODS AND WIE ‘The most important element of sustainable waste management includes waste reduction and recovery. ‘When waste disposal with incineration is considered, the first question that will arise is “Why are snot recovery rates being increased”. When waste quantities displayed in Table 4 are considered, it will be necessary to establish 3 times more in capacity of available two recovery facilites with 1000 and 2000 ton/éay established capacities in order to meet 2015 target For following targets. ‘this necessity will be 4 and 7 times more operation capacities. When we consider operation and established capocites ofthese facilities, means yield, it is obvious that more capacity needed than ‘we stated here. In addition to this: according to data from waste characterization studies: packaging waste, that can ‘be recycle'recover, ratio in the total municipal solid waste that being landfilled is shown in Table 6. Toad Wa EYE apes MERE Rondel mem Car co) on Capacity ay Cup. (vd) exncordance (ua) (ud) meee me me ent aa aman 3omn a metas = met 207 en | OC pis et re me 300 se NT Table 6, Estimated packaging waste amounts Additional capacity. even all of the packaging waste that brought to the landfill can be recycled/ recovered: to achieve the goals set in tegulations can be seen in Table. According to the results 3000 ‘Ud capacity will nt be enough for future goals by itself 5, SAVINGOFLAND A WE fiility can be operated more than 30 years if ideal operate and maintenance conditions applied. The amount of waste that can be handled during 30 years of operating time if wo capacity increase applies can be seen in Table 7. Table 7 also shows the requited area landfil that much of ‘waste. {etal Iotematonl Soli Wate, Wher And Waster Convers 2013 Sole Wists Required Area Daly Waste WasteAmount Wastedensity Waste average Amount fer30vears. «= (mB/t)=Velune— Waste eleht maha a) (ton) 3) (el x00 2.850.000 oss 21.352500 30 mum on “Table 7, Requred aren Considering the area that WHE facility will be built is totally 15 ha. Area requirement for incinerate same amount of waste °$0 less than Iandfilling. Also after complete its life time a new facility can ‘be built on the area of the existing plant this way land cost for a new plant reduce to zero. On the coher hand the landfill site canaot be used anything else 4, RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS “When systems used in the world for waste disposal ae investigated. it is observed that in developed. countries waste reduction, recoveryirecyele, landing, thermal and biological processes are all ‘used together. These methods are preferred depending on disposal area requirement, economic and cultural level and country policies. In our country, landing applications are available in general. Besides landiilling, there are a few composting applications. For Istanbul whose waste quantity equals or exceeds niany European counties’ quantity waste management is too complicated for {stone method. That's why itis necessary to reconsider waste management system and aliemative

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