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Screening and Referral Formal Assessment
A multidisciplinary team, which may include educators,
Teachers, parents, or other psychologists, speech-language pathologists, and other
professionals may observe specialists, conducts a formal assessment to gather
comprehensive information about the child's cognitive,
characteristics or behaviors in a child
academic, social-emotional, and behavioral functioning.
that suggest the possibility of twice Standardized tests, such as intelligence tests (e.g., IQ
exceptionality, such as uneven tests) and academic achievement tests, may be
academic performance, advanced administered to assess the child's cognitive abilities,
academic strengths and weaknesses, and potential
abilities in certain areas, or struggles
learning disabilities. (Source: American Psychological
with specific tasks or subjects. Association - APA)
Screening tools or checklists may be
used to identify potential signs of
giftedness and disabilities in various Observations and Interviews
domains, such as cognitive abilities, Observations of the child in
academic achievement, social- various settings, such as the
emotional functioning, and behavior.
(Source: National Association for
classroom, playground, or home
Gifted Children - NAGC) environment, provide valuable
insights into their behavior,
interactions, interests, and areas
Specialized Assessments of strength or challenge.
Additional assessments may be Interviews with the child,
conducted to evaluate specific areas of parents, teachers, and other
concern or strength, such as executive
relevant individuals allow the
functioning skills, social skills, sensory
processing, or creativity.
assessment team to gather
- Informal assessments, such as information about the child's
portfolio reviews, performance-based experiences, strengths,
assessments, or dynamic assessment challenges, interests, and
techniques, may be used to assess the
developmental history. (Source:
child's abilities and potential in real-world
contexts. (Source: Davidson Institute)
2e Newsletter)
Data Analysis and Diagnostic Decision-Making
Interpretation Based on the assessment results and data analysis,
the assessment team makes diagnostic decisions
The assessment team analyzes and regarding the child's giftedness, disabilities, and
interprets the collected data to overall profile of strengths and needs.
identify patterns, strengths, The team considers the criteria and guidelines
established by relevant professional organizations,
weaknesses, and areas of such as the National Association for Gifted Children
discrepancy or inconsistency that (NAGC) and the American Psychological
may indicate twice exceptionality. Association (APA). (Source: Gifted Child Today)
The team considers the child's
performance relative to their age
peers, as well as their potential for It's important to note that the
growth and development with process of identifying and
appropriate support and
interventions. (Source: Hoagies'
assessing twice exceptional
Gifted Education Page) children should be holistic,
collaborative, and culturally
sensitive, taking into account
Individualized Education the individual strengths,
The assessment findings inform the challenges, and experiences
development of an individualized of each child. Additionally,
education plan (IEP) or a 504 plan assessments should be
that outlines appropriate educational
goals, accommodations,
ongoing and flexible,
modifications, and interventions to allowing for adjustments
support the child's unique needs and based on the child's evolving
facilitate their academic and social-
needs and progress over
emotional growth. (Source: time.

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