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Negative things about stress

A lot people know that exist many benefits when you stress but are
also many bad things about stress a lot, to begin with, Stress can play
a part in problems such as headaches, for example you overweight all
the things or you stress for little things , the highest percentage of
people who have a lot of stress are adults.

Another way to negative things is when the stress becomes harmful

when people use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to try to relieve their
stress. Unfortunately, instead of relieving the stress and returning the
body to a relaxed state, these substances tend to keep the body in a
stressed state and cause more problems.

The final way that the stress doesn’t help is when you despair and this
can cause anxiety attacks, panic attacks or you can’t sleep for this
stress and when this happens you need medical attention.

For you safety is better looking for ways for don’t have a lot stress as
it isn’t good for your health , Sometimes meditation and being with
your family can be very helpful.

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