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Objective: To study natural sampling technique of pulse amplitude modulation and demodulation and
observe all the waveforms on DSO.
Theory: Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) is an analog modulating scheme in which the amplitude
of the pulse carrier varies proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the message signal. The pulse
amplitude modulated signal, will follow the amplitude of the original signal, as the signal traces out
the path of the whole wave. In natural PAM, a signal sampled at the Nyquist rate is reconstructed, by
passing it through an efficient Low Pass Frequency (LPF) with exact cutoff frequency. The pulse may
take any real voltage value that is proportional to the value of the original waveform. No information
is lost, but the energy is redistributed in the frequency domain. The pulse has varying top in accordance
with the signal variation.
Block Diagram:

1. Connect the circuit on 2110 kit.
a. Output of sine wave to modulation signal IN in PAM block keeping the switch in 1 kHz position.
b. 8 kHz pulse output to pulse input.
c. Connect the sample output to low pass filter input.
2. Switch ‘On’ the power supply & oscilloscope.
3. Observe different output waveforms.


1. Message signal

2. Natural sampled PAM output signal

3. Demodulated signal

Conclusion: Different waveforms for natural sampling technique of Pulse Amplitude Modulation are
observed on DSO.


Objective: To study Flat top technique of Pulse amplitude modulation and demodulation and observe
all the waveforms on DSO.
Theory: A modulation technique in which the amplitude of the pulsed carrier signal is changed
according to the amplitude of the message signal is known as Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM).
Flat-top sampling is the PAM process in which sampled signal can be represented in pulses for which
the amplitude of the signal cannot be changed with respect to the analog signal, to be sampled. The
tops of amplitude remain flat. This process simplifies the circuit design.
Block diagram:

1. Connect the circuit on 2110 kit.
a. Output of sine wave to modulation signal IN in PAM block keeping the switch in 1 kHz position.
b. 8 kHz pulse output to pulse input.
c. Connect the sample output to low pass filter input.
2. Switch ‘On’ the power supply & oscilloscope.
3. Observe different output waveforms.


1. Message signal(1kHz) vs Pulse signal

2. Flat top PAM output signal

3. Demodulated signal

Conclusion: Different waveforms for flat top sampling technique of Pulse Amplitude Modulation are
observed on DSO.


Objective: To study Sample and Hold technique of Pulse amplitude modulation and demodulation and
observe all the waveforms on DSO.
Theory: Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) is an analog modulating scheme in which the amplitude
of the pulse carrier varies proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the message signal. The pulse
amplitude modulated signal, will follow the amplitude of the original signal, as the signal traces out
the path of the whole wave. In staircase PAM, a signal sampled at the Nyquist rate is reconstructed, by
passing it through an efficient Low Pass Frequency (LPF) with exact cutoff frequency. The pulse may
take any real voltage value that is proportional to the value of the original waveform. No information
is lost, but the energy is redistributed in the frequency domain. The pulse has only varying top in
accordance with the signal variation.
Block diagram:

1. Connect the circuit on 2110 kit.

a. Output of sine wave to modulation signal IN in PAM block keeping the switch in 1 kHz position.
b. 8 kHz pulse output to pulse input.
c. Connect the sample output to low pass filter input.
2. Switch ‘On’ the power supply & oscilloscope.

3.Observe different output waveforms.


1. Message signal(1kHz) vs Pulse signal

2. Staircase sampled PAM output signal

3. Demodulated signal

Conclusion: Different waveforms for staircase sampling technique of Pulse Amplitude Modulation
are observed on DSO.


Objective: To study Pulse width modulation (PWM) and demodulation and observe all the waveforms
on DSO.
Theory: A modulation technique where the width of the pulses of the pulsed carrier wave is changed
according to the modulating signal is known as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). It is also known as
Pulse duration modulation (PDM). The amplitude of the pulse is kept constant and only the variation
in width is noticed, as the information component is present in width of the pulses.The message signal
and the carrier waveform is fed to a modulator which generates PAM signal. This pulse amplitude
modulated signal is fed to the non-inverting terminal of the comparator. A ramp signal generated by
the sawtooth generator is fed to the inverting terminal of the comparator. These two signals are added
and compared with the reference voltage of the comparator circuit. The level of the comparator is so
adjusted to have the intersection of the reference with the slope of the waveform. The PWM pulse
begins with the leading edge of the ramp signal and the width of the pulse is determined by the
comparator circuit.
Block diagram:

1. Connect the circuit on 2110 kit.
a. Output of sine wave to modulation signal IN in PWM block keeping the switch in 1 kHz position.
b. 8 kHz pulse output to pulse input.
c. Connect the sample output to low pass filter input.
2. Switch ‘On’ the power supply & oscilloscope.
3. Observe different output waveforms.


1. Message signal(1 kHz) vs Pulse signal

2. PWM output signal

3. Demodulated signal

Conclusion: Different waveforms for Pulse Width Modulation are observed on DSO.


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