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EE ——_ «€860h LANT ANATOMY ‘AIM : Preparation of slide for study of internal structure of stem, root and leaves of dicot and monocot plant. MATERIAL REQUIRED + Preserved material of sunflower root and stem, maize root and stem, microscope, sharp blade, slides, watch glass, coverslips, safranin (1gm in 100m! of 50% ethanol), brush, elycerine, blotting paper PROCEDURE Sections Preparation + Collect a few thin young part of plants (ie., non-woody/ herbaceous without any secondary growth) + Use potato piece/Calotropis stem for embedding the material to be sectioned. If material is thick, it can be directly sectioned without embedding them in pith ‘+ Hold the material between the thumb and index finger in such a way that the tips of the finger ‘and smooth cut surface of the material are in a line, while the tip of the thumb is just a few mm below the upper surface of the material. + Wet the surfaces of razor blade/scalpel blade. * Carefully move the blade horizontally over the surface of material in quick succession in a manner that a very thin and complete slice of the material is cut and obtained over the surface of razor blade. ‘+ After cutting several sections in this manner, transfer all these into a watch glass containing water. Collect the plant sections Hold the material vertically in the left hand between the thumb and forefinger . Method of section cutting (A, B,C, D, E) Pre Mecca! ‘Staining of Plant Material: ne a visual observation of the sections cut and pick the thinnest possible Sections and transfer It into a watch Blass containing safranin and allow these ¢c remy for about 2 minutes. wi nt * With the help of a brush gently transfer the section into another watch glass contain to remove excess of safranin stain. ing Plant Plant Stain material Watchglass Water material Edges touching vil ‘Spread suspension ony 8. Gently lower coverslip Precautions While working with sections, Gently place the coversii USE a brush, Name the stain which is commonly used to | 5. study plant cells:- (1) Methylene blue (3) Safranin ‘Application of stain to a sample to colour 6. cells, tissues, components is (2) Cotton blue (4) Acetocarmine (1) Mounting (2) smearing (3) Fixing (4) Staining Placing the samples on glass slide for microscopic observation is called 7. (1) Mounting (2) Smearing (3) Sectioning (4) Staining For section cutting of soft tissues and soft leaves we use - (1) Calotropis stem (3) Both of these (2) Potato (4) None of these Generally mounting medium used in preparation of slide is (1) Glycerin (3) Water A good section is (a) Thin (2) Straight (3) Complete (4) All of these Glycerin is used in preparation of a temporary slide: (1) To colour the specimen {2) To avoid drying up of the specimen quickly (3) To avoid entry of air bubbles (4) (2) and (3) both (2) Aleoho (4) Formalin et stati; sirisl2 | . ANSWER KEY SS ati is sing! stem and ing ofthe sted witha tio wall Cuticle is present outside toit js to pericycle- is to pet Endodermis. sae iegponerets, Conran in between epiderm | teconsists of the following re6! fa) Hypodermis ~ ht situated just below the epiderm's and c cells. «These are cells tha emay possess chloroplast and can C Function: It provides mechanical support (b) General Cortex (Parenchyma) - Located just below the hypodermis, intercellular spaces. © Itmay contain chloroplast. Several mucilaginous canals can also be observed. Function : Food storage (e)_Endodermis — ‘© Forms the inner most layer of the cortex cons and barrel-shaped cells with no intercellular spaces. © Theyare rich in starch grains. onsists of 4 to 5 layers of collenchymatos have the cellulose deposits on the edBes and are living cells. arty out photosynthesis. it consists of several layers of thin walled cells with sisting of a single row of densely arranged . In plants, it forms the centri ral core he vascular bundles, medullary rays pie aie een aceeeraeite “ (a) Pericycle : «Located between the vascular bundles and endods © Has recurrent patches of parenchyma and om a cee sclerenchyma. «Itis located in between tt he vascular bundles. This is made yas that are thin walled and arranged radially in 4-5 — rows. Helps in the storage of food material andi the lateral conduction of water and foot yw) eee )=Sl CS © (a ‘Vascular bundle They are con) Each of the pees ana Sn open and) sre arranged 90 Phloem is located alow te eee xylem, phloem and intra fascicular cambiu phioem perenchyn re pericycle. It consists of compan) . phloem parenchyma an cnc od materia panion cells, sieve tube and ind in the Zyl found in the intros of the vast, Slr od rar proton ae ere cede metaxylem towards the periphery. Thaiebed aa are dead and lignified. Xylem conducts minerals and aa in The intra fasci cular cambium is present meristematic cells that generate new cells. between phloem and xylem. It consists of It forms the central region of th cellular space. 1e stem. It consists of large parenchymatous cells with inter Epidermal Hair Epidermis Hypodermis Genera cortex Endodermis Pericyle Prioem) % ‘cambuum| § $ xyem IS 2 Medullary rays {Outline diagram) (Apart of cellular diagram) Fig. 75. of Dicotyledonous stem IDENTIFICATION multicellular hairs. atous. protoxylem being at the centre a The epidermis has “The hypodermis is collenchym: The xylem is endarch with the snd the metaxylem being at the periphery. vascular bundl They are arranged in 2 ring" Pith is found at the centre. les are conjoint collateral and open ce manner. a TIPL M lowing tissue 1. How many of the foll ere observed in transverse section =a Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma, ee meristem, Xylem, phloem (a)Five — (2)Si (3) Four (4) wee Faure section of: represent the transverse . Epidermis. Collenchyma Parenchyma Endodermis Peri cycle Phloem Cambiv Metasyiem Protoxylem (1) dicot root (2) monocot stem (4) monocot root ction of a plant part ‘ollowing anatomical features. E, Uascular bundles are arranged ina ring Large pith present Vascular bundles and open with e sis collenchymatous On the basis ofthese characters plant will be identified ag tere (2) Dicotr A ae root (4) Dicot ae (a) May be multicetiuiar (0) May be soft or rigig (c) Help in preventing water loss, (4) Involve in mineral and water absorption (2) (a), (b) and (d) ‘only (2) (b) and (c) only (3) (a) (b) and (c) only } (4) All (a), (b), (c) and (d) and unbrancheg Pk s canbe 5. In T vascular bundle is conjoint and ope, Identify the plant part and ge correct feature for it of @ flowering plant pay, “a n Net the (1) Its endodermis is not filled with Stare grains (2) tthas exarch condition of xylem (3) Ithas multicellular trichomes (4) It cannot have cuticle Refer to the given flow chart. Itisa dicot stem Yes The tissue provides mechanical strength Yes The tissue help in conduction of water Noe] Select the correct statement regarding A 8 and, (2) A-could be primary tissue lke paranchya (2) Beeould be dead Mechanical tissue- sclerenchyma (3) C-could be dead tissue-xylem (4) All of these ()) The epidermis bears several _A_hai. 1 The central portion is usually ocruied © _B comprising of thinwaled Parenchymatous cells, (iii) The hypodermis consists of a few lave’ fg colts just below the epiderm’ Which provide mechanical strength the young stem, (“The celts of the endodermis are rich Rarch rains and the inyer 6 Teferred+, Re =... Select the option that correctly fills the (1) if both assertion and reason are true blanks A, B, C and D w.r.t. dicot stem. [aay He = =| & Consider the following regarding the gives figure representing transverse section of sunflower stem and select the incorrect statement. statements (1) ‘O° is xylem which is endarch i.e., protoxylem lies towards the pith or centre of the stem (2) M' is the endodermis, which is the innermost layer of cortex and usually lacks Casparian strips (3) N’ is the sclerenchymatous pericycle that provides mechanical strength (4) 'U' is the parenchymatous hypodermis that provides mechanical strength and flexibility to young dicot stems. 9%. Assertion : In dicot stem, endodermis is also called as starch sheath. Reason : The cells of the endodermis are tich in starch grains. 11. ‘and reason is the correct explanation of assertion (2) both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion (3) assertion is true but reason is false (4) If both assertion and reason are false. Match the column A with Column 8 with respect to transverse section of dicot stem. [ ]Column-A | | Column-B Parenchyma | (a) | Hypodermis | Collenchyma | (b) | Epidermis T'Sclerenchyma | (e) | Medullary rays | - [@lrm | | (e) | Pericycle | ‘Select the correct answer from the options given below: (1) ie; fea; kbd (2) -b,¢,4; tra; ile (3) i-a; ii-e; iii-b,¢,d (4) i-e; ii-b,¢,4; Read the statement 1 and 2 for T.S. of dicot stem Statement-1 : General cortex is located below the hypodermis and consists of several layers of thin walled cells that are living with intercellular spaces. ‘Statement-2 : Medullary rays is located in between the vascular bundles and are made up of parenchymatous cells that are arranged radially in 4-5 rows. (1) Statement-1 is correct and Statement 2 is not correct. (2) Statement 1 is not correct and statement 2 is correct (3) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct (4) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are not correct i eae yection of a part of a typical dicot stem has been shown in the given fue, ident the different parts and S the correct. option from options Biven below for labels 1 to 5. S (1) 1-€pidermis, 2-Hypodermis, 3 Endodermis, 4- Medullary rays, 5-Pith (2) 1-Epidermis, 2-Hypodermis, 3-Endodermis, 4-Pth, S-Medullary rays (3) 1-€pidermis, 2- Endodermis, 3-Hypodermis, oF Medullary fays, S-Pith (4) 1-€pidermis, 2- Endodermis, 3 HyPodermis, 4-Pith, 5 Medullary rays 13. Identify the structures Observed, in section of sunflower stem (1) Scattered vascular bungie (2) Starch sheath (3) Semilunar patches of Collenchymg above vascular bundle hm (4) 2 and 3 both A. Endarch xylem, 8. Conjoint collateral closed vaseuiy C. Collenchymatous hypodermis D. inconspicuous pith Which of the above characters/strctieg are observed in T.S. of sunflower stem (1)A,Candb (2) Only A. (3) Aandc (4)A,8, Cando 1S. Fi ures X represent the transverse section of:- figx (2) dicot root (3) dicot stem (2) monocot root (4) monocot stem ——— —__Aa MONOCOT ‘AIM : To study the transverse NOCOT STEM __ Section of monocot stem (maize stem) MATERIAL REQUIRED ‘ + Plant material of monocot stem, sharp brush, : needle, safranin, water, blotting paper ‘ , OBSERVATION : Epidermis : * — Outermost, single layer, thin-walled living cells. + Presence of thick cuticle towards outside to epidermis. . Stomata may present. * Lack of epidermal hair Function — Protection of internal tissue Hypodermis : present below the epidermis consists of the thick-walled dead layer of sclerenchymatous cells. Made up of two of three layers. Ground Tissue : Found below the hypodermis, consists of dodermis and the pericycle. thin-walled living, parenchymatous cells «There is no differentiation of cortex, en Vascular bundles : «Several scattered vascular bundles found in the ground tissue vascular bundle are ‘al and closed. conjoint, collater he vascular bundles are mo! + Atthe periphery, t re as compared to the centre ed to vascular bundles towards periphery: Large vascular bundles in the center as compar {tis surrounded by scleren .d the phloem. They are oval shape tha .chymatous bundle sheath. «It consists of the xylem an (a) Xylem Two metaxylem vessels 27° present. © One protoxyi ent towards centre. lem vessels is pres cavity known as protoxylem cavity. PreMedcal (b) Phloem Present towards periphery Ie comprises of sieve tubes and companion cells. Phloem parenchyma is absent. Function - Conduction of food material. (A part of Cellular Diagram) Fit. TS. of Monocotyledonous Stem 2. Figure represent (2) dicot root (2) monocot root (3) dicot stem. (4) monocot stem 2. Figure represent the transverse section of monocot stem. Identity the characters which are associated with this section and select the correct option (a) Vascular bundles are scattered. (b) Hypodermis is sclerenchymatous {c) Endodermis is well developed (d) Pith is not differentiated. Correct option (1) Only (a), (b) and (d) are correct (2) Only (c) and (d) are correct (3) Only (b) is incorrect (4) All (a), (b), (c) and (d) are correct SS ALE * the transverse section of Vascular bundle Is enclosed within a well developed Sclerenchymatous sheath in (2) monocot stem (2) dicot stem (3) monocot root (4) dicot root Hypodermis is___in maize stem (2) collenchymatous (2) sclerenchymatous. (3) both (1) and (2) (4) Parenchymatous Transverse section of a part of a typical monocot stem has been shown in the given figure. Identity the different parts (from A to F) and select the correct option (1) A-Epidermis 8- Hypodermis C- Phloem D- Vascular bundles E -Xylem F -Ground tissue (2) A€pidermis B-Hypodermis C-Vascular bundles D-Phloem E-Xylem F-Ground tissue (3) A-Epidermis B-Hypodermis C-Vascular bundles D-Phioem E-Ground tissue F- xylem (4) A-Epidermis B-Hypodermis C-Vascular bundles D-xylem E-Phloem F-Ground & Select the incorrect statement regarding | 9. T.S. of atypical monocotyledonous stem. (2) Phioem parenchyma is absent. (2) Vascular bundles are scattered, Conjoint, collateral and closed. (3) Each vascular bundle is surrounded by a bundle sheath. (4) Ground tissue is differentiated into Cortex, endodermis, pericycle and pith Refer to the given figure which represents TS of a monocot stem. Select the correct option, Ground tissue (2) Vascular bundles are Scattered and Present towards the centre are large in size and less in number (2) Vascular bundles are Scattered and Present towards the Periphery are small im size but few in number (3) Vascular bundles are in ting form (4) Vascular bundles are in ‘two ring form, In a monocot stem, the vascular bundles are. (1) Arranged in a ring (2) Arranged alternatively (3) Present inside endodermis (4) Scattered in ground tissue ne Which of the given Structure is al monocot stem shown in trans, Verse a Seer, given below? tion, (1) Hypodermis (2) Epidermis (3) Endodermis (4) Water containing cay ities in vasculay bundles Which among the following statements is true for the endarch xylem Present in T.s. dicot stems. Conditions of ©f monocot and the centre. (2) protoxylem is formed toward the centre and metaxylem is formed away from (3) Both Protoxylem and metaxylem is formed away from the centre. (4) Both Protoxylem and metaxylem is formed toward the centre. Which among the following statements is ‘wrong about vascul lar bundles in the young ™onocot stem, (2) coltatera} and xylem (3) Cambium is. prese nt between phloem and xylem (4) Vascular bundles are scattered Oe stem with 1-4 blanks, (i) The monocot stem has a hypodermis (i) A large number of 8 vascular bundles, each surrounded by a sclerenchymatous bundle sheath, (ii)Vascular bundles are_¢_ (iv) Peripheral vasular bundles are generally —D__than the centrally located ones. Select the correct option:- 13. Match the column-A with Column-8 with respect to transverse section of monocot stem. oo _ 1a) | Epidermis (i) | Parenchymatous | ‘{b) | Hypodermis | (li) | Undifferentiated | (0) | Ground tissue wT b [(@) | Phloem (1) a4; Boil, ea; dv ] (i) | Phloem Parenchyma absent 15. Bendre lowing hater Read Statement 1 ‘monocot stem. Statement 1 : Vascular bundles-Several scattered vascular bundles found in the round tissue and are collateral conjoint and open type. Statement 2 : Ground tissue-Loose arrangement of cells with the presence of intercellular spaces, there is no differentiation of cortex, pericycle and the endodermis. (1) Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is not correct, (2) Statement 1 is Statement 2 is correct. (3) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct. (4) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are not correct. How many of the following tissues can be observed in transverse section of maize stem Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma, Primary meristem, Xylem, phloem (1) Five (2) Six (3) Four (4) Three nd 2 for TS. of not correct and cuticle is absent. Epiblema or Epidermis : lls, It is outermost single layer with densely arranged cel Cortex : tis multi-layered and welll developed. The cells are thin walled, parenchymatous. The intercellular spaces are well developed. Endodermis : The inner most layer of the cortex is called endodermis. The endodermis is made up of compactly arranged barrel shaped cells without a intercellular spaces Casparian strips : ‘Suberin deposition in form of strips are Present on the radial and tangential walls of t endodermal cells. They prevent leakage of water from stelar region. Passage cells : The passage cells are thin walled endodermal cell and are usually locatt Ppposite the protoxylem. Pericycle : * — Outermost layer of stele . Vascular bundles are radial and xylem is ‘exarch. * The number of xylem and phloem Patches are usually two to four nchyma present in bety ire itfo a Pstwsen the rlem and phloem bundles is known # i , it form conjunctive tissue, 'e major part of vascular cambium during secondary growth! roots. (Apart of celular diagram) Fig. TS. of Primary Dicotyledonous root IDENTIFICATION The epidermis shows the presence of unicellular hair © Radially arranged vascular bundles ‘The number of phloem/xylem bundles is not more than 6 (usually 2 to 4) © The xylem is exarch * inconspicuous pith root ot ina ransverse section of BcotrO0E (2) Vascular bundles are scatte combium (2) Vascular bundles arranged ina ring (3) xylem and phloem are in arrangement ays endarch a macemeaenun ro the oes crs of (2) Sclerenchymatous tissue (2) Collenchymatous tissue (3) Parenchymatous tissue (4) Vascular tissue 3. im a transverse section of dicotyledonous soot > (2) More than six xylem and phloem patches in different radii are found (2) More than six xylem and phloem Patches in same radius are found (3) Two to four xylem and phloem patches in different radii are found (4) Two to four xylem and Phloem patches ‘in same radius are found 4 Which among the following is incorrect about the anatomy of dicot root ? (1) The layer just inside the endodermis in a dicot root is called pericycle. (2) The portion between endodermis and are open and radial epidermis is made up by Parenchymatous cells (3) Well develop casparian strips are observed in endodermis (4) Pith in a dicot root quite larger than that of a monocot root. 5. In transverse section of typical dicot root, nee (1) Vascular bundles are two to four in number (2) Pith is wide and cortex is reduced We 8. 10, uu. = (3) Cambium occurs in Between yay s bundles (4) Allof the above Radial vascular bundle Can be seq transverse section of (1)teaf (2) Root (3) Stem (4) Flower The epiblema of roots is equivalent to .. | (1) Pericycle (2) Endodermis (3) Epidermis (4) Stele Which among the following is an incorrect statement about the anatomy of a dicot root ? (1) Very few (2-4) xylem bundle are present ina dicot root (2) Conjunctive tissues are made up of parenchymatous cells. (3) Cortex is made of schlerenchymatous cells, (4) Intercellular spaces are absent in endodermis. Lateral roots arise from :- (1) Pericycle (2) Pith (3) Cortex (4) Endodermis 'n dicot root stele is made up of :- (1) Pericycle (2) Vascular bundle (3) Pith (4) All of these 'n dicot root parenchymatous cells prese*™ in between the xylem and phloem bundles isknown as (1) Conjunctive tissue (2) pith (3) Pericycte (4) Passage cell _ Select the characters which applicable to the anatomy of dicot roots? {A) Conjunctive tissue is present (8) Presence of suberin in the passage cells of endodermis (c) Polyarch xylem bundles (0) Presence of pericycle in between endodermis and vascular tissue (2)AandB (2)BandbD (3)Cand D (4) Bandc Epiblema in root consists of and is usually. (1) Sclerenchyma and multilayered respectively (2) Collenchyma and single layered respectively (3) Parenchyma and _—_ multilayered respectively (4) Parenchyma and single layered respectively ALL TEST SERTES ANd NoTES 6-12 NEEP EE AVATLABLE 9233 666334 s ALLER” ot 14, Radial vascular bundles, exarch xylem, well developed pith, passage cell. How many of the above structures are observed in T.S. of sunflower root? (1) Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) One maize root) ‘AIM : To study the transverse section of monocot root ( MATERIAL REQUIRED. oa . root, sharp razor, microscope, slides, coverslips, wat, ‘brush, needle, satranin, water, blotting paper etc. OBSERVATION : Epiblema / Epidermis * _Epiblemais the outermost single layer made up of compactly arranged Parenchmta, ‘cells without intercellular space. tt bears unicellular epidermal root hairs, Cortex * Its multi-layered and well developed. ‘The cells are thin walled, parenchymatous, The intercellular spaces are well developed. Endodermis : ae Pith is large and Pe ree well developed. It occupies the central portion and made up of thin walled parenchymatous cells with intercellular spaces. IDENTIFICATION s_ Theepidermis shows the presence of unicellular hair ‘s Radially arranged vascular bundles «The number of phloem/xylem bundles is more than 6 (polyarch) © _ Pithis very well developed » Vessels appear oval/spherical shaped In T'S ALL TEST SERFES ANd NOTES 6-12 NEEL JEE AVATLABLE 9233 666334 ae el Which among the following is not correct 5. about the anatomy of monocot root ? (2) The outermost layer in the root is called epidermis. (2) The endodermis has casparian strip that Prevents water leakage from the stele. {3) Pith is conspicuous. (4) A cambium is present in between the xylem and phloem . tn transverse section of monocot roots which types of vascular bundles are found ? (2) Collateral, conjoint and closed (2) Radial vascular bundle with exarch xylem (3) Bicollateral, conjoint and closed (8) Radial vascular bundle with endarch xylem Figure represents the transverse section bs 2 (1) Dicot root (2) Monocot root (3) Divot stem (4) Monocot stem Which of the following is seen in TS. of monocot root ? (1) Large pith (2) Vascular cambium (3) Endarch xylem (4) Medullary ray Pre-Medical Pith is large well L monocot roots. tin Ml, Monocot root does not underg, secondary growth. ™ (1) lis incorrect, but Ilis correct (2) iis incorrect, but | is correct (3) land I! both are incorrect (4) | and It both are correct Outside to inside the different ion shown in T.S. of monocot root are . (1) Endodermis ~ Epidermis ~ Cortey _ -Vascular bundle ~ Pericycle (2) Pith - Epidermis - Endodermis — ~Pericycle - Vascular bundle (3) Epidermis - Cortex ~ Endodermis - Pericycle - Vascular bundle — pith (4) Pericycle - Vascular buble - Cortey - Pith - Epidermis ~ Endodermis |. Monocot root NW. Dicot stem Ml. Monocot stem 'V. Dicot root Which of the above have well developed pith? (1)land it (2)tttandiv (3) Wand iv (4) and in Passage cells are found in endodermis of = (1) Dicot stem (2) Monocot stem (3) Monocot leaves (4) Monocot root Find out the incorrect statement : (1) Monocots and dicots are anatomical different. (2) Internal structures also adaptations to diverse environment. (3) The basic unit of plant is cell. (4) Different organs of plants are simiat their internal structure. Polyarch and exarch vascular bundles observed in transverse section of (2) Dicot stem, (2) Monocot ste™ (3) Dicot root (4) Monocot root Qe uw iT. of monocot root dicot root in having :~ (1) Radial vascular bundle (2) Large and well-developed pith (3) Polyarch xylem bundle (4) Both (2) and (3) How many of the following structures are the part of cortex in maize root? Hypodermis, Epidermis, Pericycle, General Cortex, Endodermis, tissue " from T.S. of Pith, Conjunctive (1) Three (2) Two (3) Four (4) Five 13, 14. In the transverse section of monocot root Cortex isthe region found between (1) Endodermis and pith (2) Endodermis and vascular bundles (3) Epidermis and stele (4) Pericycle and endodermis ‘Which of the following structures can be Observed in transverse section of maize root? (1) Two to four radially arranged xylem and phloem bundles (2) Well developed pith (3) Angular shaped vessels in xylem (4) Scattered vascular bundle DICOTYLEDONOUS LEAF ‘AIM :To study the transverse section of dicot lea, Ss of dicot leat, Segpape se SHEDS wate Haas a, * Plant material : needle, satranin, water, blotting paper etc. OBSERVATION ‘which covers both the upper surface (adaxial epidermis) and lowe satay . ‘The epidermis cover | abaxial epidermi le. is) of the leaf has a conspicuous cuticl / 2 abaxial ce fenerally bears more stomata than the adaxial epidermis, The lt . xl may even lack stomata, Mesophyit Photosynthesis, is made up of Parenchyma, it ‘as two types of cells - the palisade Parenchyma and the spongy parenchyma, (2) Palisade parenchyma : * Palisade cells occur below the upper pidermis. It consists of elongated cylindrical cell, They are closely packed, * They contain numerous chloroplasts, (©) Spongy parenchyma: * consists of loosely arranged cells towards the lower epidermis, * They have large intercellular SPACES and air cavities. The Cells contain a few chloroplasts Vascular: ‘System ; * Vascular bundles are observed in the veins and the midrib The size of the vascular bundles depend on the size ofthe veins. * The veins vary in thickness inthe “etculate venation ofthe dicot leaves. * Fach vascular bundle consists fF xylem and phicem and is surrounded by # parenchymatous bundle sheath, . The vascular bundle is ‘Conjoint, Collateral and towards the ‘upper epi where the xylem is positions? ‘Sermis and the phioem ig Positioned towards the lower epiderm Bundle sheath lem Adaxial Parenchymatous patches 1.5. of Dorsiventral (Dicotyledonous) Leaf TIFICATION icot leaves have a midrib that runs through the leaf blade. Many lateral vein and lei develop on either side of the midrib giving rise to the reticulate venation. «The vertical section of a dorsiventral leaf through the lamina shows three main | namely, epidermis, mesophyll and vascular system. «The leaf mesophyll is differentiated in palisade and spongy parenchyma. «Variable size vascular bundles are present. ALL TEST SERTES pny NOTES 6-Jath NE- vee AVAL LAR) 8233 666334 wt Pre Medical re leat, one During staining of a dorsiventral | f solution is used to observe presence °° | starch in (1) Upper epidermis (2) Lower epidermis (3) Mesophyl cel (4) Stomata | What color is observed in @ wel wen 2 contains starch and is treated with | ‘solution? (2) Blue-black (2) Red (3) Green (4) Yellow Which type of microscopy is commonly used to examine dorsiventral leaf structure after staining? (1) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (2) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (3) Light microscopy (4) Fluorescence microscopy The given transverse section show internal structure of (1) Isobilateral leaf (3) Dicot stem (4) Dorsiventral leaf What is the purpose of staining to a dorsiventral leaf section? (2) To increase the thickness of the section (2) To preserve the section for long-term storage (3) To enhance the visibility of cellular structures (2) Monocot stem, (4) To remove air bubbles 10, In a transverse section of 9 dorsiventral leaf, the palisade mesophyilis observeg. (1) Beneath the upper epidermis (2) Adjacent to the lower epidermis (3) In the center of the leaf (4) Surrounding the vascular bundles I nttiint | Tea ee ‘Which chemical is co staining of dorsiventral leaf? (1) Jenus green (2) Methylene blue (3) Acetocarmin (4) Safranin Which of the following statement correct about internal structya dorsiventral leaf? a i) The adaxial (upper surface) tren moreso thn te (lower surface) epidermis. (ii) Mesophyll, which chloroplasts and carry out photosythess is made up of parenchyma. (ii) Mesophyll is not differentiated in palisade and spongy parenchyma, (1) (i) and (iii) (2) Only (ii) (3) Only (iii) me fe (4) (i), (il) and (iii) Identify the incorrect ‘statements about transverse section of dorsiventral leaf (1) The adaxial epidermis generally beas more stomata than the abaxial epidermis. (2) The tissue between the upper and te ‘ower epidermis is called mesophyll whit is made up of parenchyma. (3) The veins vary in thickness in te reticulate venation of the dicot leaves. (4) The vascutar bundles are surrounded 'aVers of thick walled bundle sheath cels 'n dorsiventral leaves stomata are (2) present only on upper surface (2) fewer on upper surface and more &* lower Surface (3) more On upper surface and fewer lower su irface (9) equally on both surface w eoiccamnmoe reves. AAT AL i. _ 12. Internal structure of dicot leaves can be | 13. differentiated from monocot having (1) Stomata only on upper side (2) Differentiation of palisade and spongy parenchyma (3) Almost similar size of vascular bundle (4) Parenchymatous bundle sheath The vertical section of dorsiventral leaf through lamina shows :- (1) Epidermis, pericycle, vascular system (2) Endodermis, mesophyll, vascular system (3) Endothecium, mesophyll, vascular system (4) Epidermis, mesophyll, vascular system leaves in Statement 1 : Vascular bundle observed in section of dorsiventral leaf is conjoint, collateral and open. Statement 2: Vascular bundle in dorsiventral leaf consist of xylem and phloem. (1) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct. (2) Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect, (3) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect, (4) Statement 1 is incorrect and Statement is correct. PreMedical wonocoTyLEDoNgus LEAF MONO COTYL EDO leaf. ‘AIM : To study the transverse section of monocot MATERIAL REQUIRED scope, slides, coverslips, watch glasses, * Plant material of monocot leaf, sharp razor, brush, needle, safranin, water, blotting paper ett- OBSERVATION: ferme: ingle layer of parenchymatous celts nsists of a sing . The oxteas Sr oan bre Called the cuticle. Equal number of stoma, are cove Present on both the upper and lower epidermis. Some large, thin-walled parenchymatous cells are found on the upper epidermis ang ap, known as bulliform cells. Bulliform cells help in leaf curling during water deficiency and reduce water loss due tg transpiration. * Between the upper and lower epidermis, there is a mass of ground tissue calle mesophyll There is no differentiation into palisade and spongy parenchyma. The cells in the mesophyll are parenchymatous. These cells contain chloroplasts and Participate in photosynthesis. Vascular System : Vascular bundles are present in veins, The central vascular bundle is large while other vascular bundle is almost similar in size. The vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral, and closed, . Each bundle is surrounded by bundle sheath. * Sclerenchyma patches are found on the upper and lower surfaces of large vascular bundles. Xylem is located towards the upper surface (adaxial), while Phloem is located ‘towards the lower surface (abaxial). IDENTIFICATION : © Presence of equal number of stomata on both th Surfaces, Vascular bundles are collateral and closed and at re of almost simil No differentiation of palisade and spongy parench ilar in size. ‘yma in mesophyll. a —_ Taare keke ‘What is the term used for a leaf with two nearly identical surfaces in a transverse section? (1) Isobilateral (2) Dorsiventral (3) Linear (4) Bifacial In grasses leaves are exposed when builiform 2 cols becomes....... and leaves curl inwards when they are (1) Flaccid and turgid respectively (2) Plasmol\sed and turgid respectively {@) Turgid and flaccid respectively (@) Paced and plasmolysed respectively ‘A diagram of the transverse section of a ‘monocot leaf is given below with certain parts indicated as letters of the alphabet. Select the coption which incorrectly matches the alphabet ‘with the part it represents: (1) A- Adaxial epidermis (2)B- phloem (4) D- Abaxial epidermis 4. Transverse section of Isobilateral eaves show (1) Muttilayered epidermis (2) Undifferentiated mesophyll (G) Both (1) and (2) (4) Palisade on both sides 5. The mesophyll in isobilateral laf is represented wy (1) Palisade along the both surface (2) Undifferentiated mesophyll {@) Palisade tissue towards abaxial surface {4) Palisade tissue towards adaxial surface 6. The almost similar size of vascular bundle in monocot leaf indicate the presence of (1) Reticulate venation (2) Parallel venation (3) Veinlets (4) Differentiated mesophyll 10. 1. 12. In monocot leaf (1) Equal number of stomata present on both surface {2) Mesopbyil is not differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma (3) There is no parenchyma (4) Both (1) and (2) The desert grasses, often curls their leaf to minimize water loss due to presence of (1) Spines (2) Palisade parenchyma (G) Bundle sheath cells (4) Buliform cells Bullform cells (1) Are found in photosynthesis 2) Are found in dorsiventral leaves help in minimizing water loss. {B) Are found in isobilateral leaves help in minimizing water loss (a) Are found in isoblateral leaves elp in photosynthesis Tn which character an isobilateral leaf differs from the dorsiventral lea? (1) Scattered vascular bundles (2) Undifferentiated mesophil {G) Absence of stomata with guard cells {4) Conjoint, colateral, and closed vascular bundle Which one of the following option Is true about balform cell? (1) It is observed in adaxial epidermis in grasses. 2) t's large-sized, thin-walled colourless cell along the vein region. {@) It helps in roling of leaf to minimize water loss when it is flaccid (4) Allof the above In maize, leaves have stomata with (1) Two kidney shaped guard cells {2} Two dumb bell shaped guard cell {@) One kidney shaped cell and one dumbbell shaped guard cells (4) Only one dumb-bell shaped guard cell dorsiventral leaves help in HUMAN SKELETAL SYSTEM — ‘human skeleton. Principe sheesropuem conto framework of bones and TW Carts. Thi tg 5 sienificant role in movernent ofthe body In human beings, this system is made up of gg 4° and few cartages. ts grouped into two principal divisions — The Axia and the Appeng, eleton. The axial system consists of the bones of the skull, vertebral column, sternum, ay4 ‘The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the limbs along with their girdles, he, erent : Specimen of Human skeleton ‘Anatomy of the human skeleton ‘Cranium es lwo cee % Mandible ‘sande Fe | TY I. eee | NP FES ttn 5 erates corn } Ma ee | mf we a. a | cers Pubis ™~ 1schium | Femur | Patella ae | Tibia | Fibula Serene’ Tarsals OBSERVATION (a) Human skull (i) tis composed of two (il) Cranial bones are octal, areca an Facial sphenoid and ethmoid bones. ® frontal, temporal, (iii) Corresponding to their location in the bones have strong bone case for eyes cee cranial (iv) Facial bones form the front part (ie, ; face (v) A single U-shaped bone called hyoid i pr ) of the skull, the buccal cavit cent atthe base ot Experimental Biology (vi) Anasal passage formed poate ao ‘nasal bones is present just below the orbit. lower jaw. These two bones also ea est tepheyepecirepenial See tan bones face, and into them are lodged teeth in special (viii) Distinct sutures in 2 ig-2ag fashion are present at the juncti ; parietals, as well as between the two parietals. saat (ix) The occipital bone has a ve ry big foramen at its posterior base, the f , the fora through which the brain is continued posteriorly as a spinal cord. eos The skull is dicondylic, i.e., it has two occipital condyles for articulation with the first ii articulati &) Note : The cranium forms the hard protective outer covering for the brain. All the bones of the cranium 7 oy are articulated by fibrous or fixed or immovable joints. Mandible is the strongest bone (b) Vertebral Column Neural spine \ Transverse process rte F oo ¥ Atypical vertebra Vertebral column ()_teconsists of 26 serially arranged unit called vertebrae (singular: vertebra) {i) Each vertebra has a central hollow portion called neural canal through which the spinal cord passes, The first vertebra isthe atlas and it articulates with the occipital condyles of skull {ily Vertebral column has several types of vertebrae: cervical (7), thoracic (12), lumbar (5), sacral (1 which is fused), and caudal or coccygeal(Awhich i fused) (iv) A typical vertebra has 2 — (i) Centrum, the modified notochord (i) Two laterally projecting transverse process (i) A neural canal through which passes the spinal cord {iv) A mid -dorsal neural spine formed by the union of neural arch. Depending upon their rocation in the body, secondary modifications are seen in the length of transverse process and the length of neural spine. The two neighbouring vertebrae articulate with each other through their anterior and posterior Zygapophyses Intervertebral discs are present between the centres of two neighbouring vertebrae. ote: he vertebral column forms the central axis ofthe Body 2nd keeps it erect. It encloses of skull, ribs, pectoral (2) Rib Cage and sternum (9 Sternum forms the floor of branchial basket. It bears 7 (seven) notches for articulation with ribs, It has ‘hexagonal disc at the top called manubrium. Lower ‘end has a reduced bone called xiphoid process cO ‘Ribs can be put under two classes: the thoracic ribs, ‘and the sternal ribs. The thoracic ribs articulate with ‘the thoracic vertebrae, and ‘the sternal ribs do so ‘with the sternum, Some (7) of the thoracic ribs are Rib cage and sternum attached to the sternal ribs with the help of ligaments, enabling the increase and decrease in volume of the thoracic chamber uring respiration ‘There are 12 (twelve) pairs of thoracic ribs. Each rib i ‘ventrally from the vertebral column. it has a head articulating with the centrum, and tubercle articulating with transverse process of vertebrae 7 (seven) pairs of thoracic ribs are attached to the sternal ribs. ay sa thin flat bone and is canted 'S Of false ribs are free and are called floating ribs. ‘Note: Rib cage and ‘sternum covers and Protects the vital ‘Organs such as heart and lungs. The ‘ibs are also helpful in breathing. (4) Pectoral Girdie ( Meonsists of a clavicle and a scapula (i) Scapulais a targe ‘triangular flat bone with a slightly elevated ‘idee called spine. The spine projects as fia t, expanded Process called the acromion, Mil)” The clavicle isa ong slender bone with ‘wo curvatures, The Clavicle articulates with the acromion, (iv) Below the acromion is a depression called the glenoid cavity, of the humerus to form the shoulder joint, for articulation of the head r Experimental Biology u @ Pelvic Girdle a wi ) (w) It consists of two halves. Each half is formed by the fusion of three bones - ilium, wy an Ischium and pubis (Fig). e ~ [At the point of fusion of the above bones is a cavity called Bas x Lares SEE Ee ee NE runic Gre ‘The two halves of the pelvic girdle meet ventrally to form the pubic symphysis. Note : Pelvic girdle is commonly called hip bone. The ilium articulates anteriorly with the flat transverse process of sacral vertebrae. (f) Bones of the Hand or Fore Limb a @ ‘i, (iw) (wi) itis made up of bones consisting of humerus, radius and ulna, carpals, metacarpals and phalanges Humerus is a straight bone with a long shaft, and forms the upper arm. The head of the humerus fits into the glenoid cavity of the pectoral girdle. Ithas a crest at its proximal end in the form of deltoid ridge for the attachment of arm muscles. The distal end has 2 foramen and a trochlear process, which forms elbow joint with radius and ulna. adius-uina consists of 2 (two) separate bones of the forearm namely radius and ulna. Una is more developed and has olecranon process at its proximal end, which forms elbow joint with humerus. Cerpats consist of 8 (eight) small bones arranged in two rows. It forms the wrist Metacarpals are made up of 5 (five) long bones forming the palm of hand + of 2 (two) in the thumb and, 3 (three) bones in the remaining four Phalanges consis fingers, thus totalling 14 (fourteen) bones. ES cap) {e) Bones of the Leg or Hind Limb (tis made up of femur, tibia and fibula, patella (knee ie {i The femur is the longest bone. ‘The head of femur fits girdle. The proximal end has trochanters (OF attachmen has two condyles, which articulate with triangular shaped tibia to form knee on the ventral side. (i) Tiba-fibula consists of two separate bones namely ti shank region of leg. Tibia is more developed than fibul femur and patella and forms knee. (hw) There are 7 (seven) tarsal bones, which are arranged I” two rows t largest bone of these is calcareous which form heel to the acetabulum of the pelvic of thigh muscles. The distal eng patella and proximal part of bia and fibula and is present in the Ja, Its proximal end articulates with 10 form the ankle. The {v)_ Metatarsals consist of 5 (five) bones and form foot. hree bones in each of the remaining Phalanges consist of 2 (two) bones in big toe and tt wi) toes thus totalling 14 (fourteen) bones. ‘TYPES OF JOINTS ‘AIM : To study different types of joints in human skeleton. Principle : Bones may be movable, slightly Y novable or immovable depending on the nature of Joints. Joints are defined as regions/surfaces of contact bo Requirement : Specimen of Human skeleton between bone and cartilage. OBSERVATION (a) Gliding Joints (i) These are flat joints, which allow back and forth / fort! or side-to-side movement of all or a few in elements. However, twisting is not possible : (ii) These joints are found between bones of ta irsals and carpals = a B= pot snes - These joints allow rotational Movement. ‘ ene are found between the atlas and axis vertebrae backbone. It is the odontoid process of the axis vertebra over which the atias along with the skull rotate Hinge Joints fg _ These joints allow movement in one plane only. fg These joints are present in elbow and knee Saddle Joints ‘These joints allow movement in two planes. These joints are found in bones of metacarpals and carpals of thumb. Ball and Socket Joints These joints allow moveme! These joints are present between humerus with pectoral irde, femur with pelvic girdle, and malleus with incus (in earossicles), wnt in more than two planes ites? SERTES AND ores 6-2 NEEL yee AVATLABLE 9233 666334 : y el —— in how many plane Movements shoy, by 1. In which plane given joint shows | 6 (2) In one plane only (2) In two planes only (3) More than two planes (4) Only rotational movement 2. Which type of joints found in elbow and knee (2) Ball and Socket joints 8. (2) Saddle joints (3) Hinge joints (4) Pivot joints 3. Match the following column t {Movement ___| [= [Movement none | I {plane _ el ee “t }2. | Saddle joints 5 Movement in two L 7 planes | 3. | Hinge joints More than two |) | planes _ |4.] Ballana d. | Rotational | |__| socket joints |__| Movement (0)1-4, 2-¢, 3-b, a (2)1-4, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c (3) 1-2, 2-¢, 3-b, ad (4)1-4, 2-6, 3-2, 4c 4 Where odontoid process is found (1) Between the atlas and axis vertebrae (2) Between bones of metatarsals and tarsal (3) Between metacarpals and carpals of thumb (4) Between humerus with pectoral girdle 5. Which type of joints found malleus with incus. | (1) Ball and Socket Joints (2) Saddle Joints (3) Hinge Joints (4) Pivot Joints saddle joint present in carpal of thumbg (1) none plane (2) In more than two planes (3) Intwo planes (4) Both 2 and 3 in knee which type of movement alow 5, joints (1) One plane (2) Two planes (3) More than two planes (4) Rotational movement Which type of movement allow by joints in given diagram ( Joints \\ Femur \ () In two planes (2) In one plane (3) More than two planes (4) Rotational movement Which type of movement found in give? diagram (2) Intwo planes (2) none plane (3) More than two planes (4) Rotational m——— = Femur 'n which structure, joints allow movement of tarsals in two ‘in more than two planes plese | pions tame | a eee ores L ed Atlas and Axi 2b3,c4,d-1 is vertebrae oF eas (3) Carpals of thumb gaio4, ah | (4) Malleus with incus la2.b4.c3, 1 15. Identify joints and their's movement in ajat.b3, ¢-4, 4-2 given structure 1g Which type of movement found between bones of tarsal {1) Rotational movement {2)Back and forth movement (3) Movement in plane (4) Movement in more than two planes 2 Which type of movement found in given iagram Clavidle joints and | and jand ll scapula | | Humerus (2) Rotational movement (2) Back and forth movement (3) Movement in one plane (4) Movement in more than two 8 Sde to side movement found in wh Structure planes Rotational movement found in . 19. structure 16. Find the correct one (1) Gliding joints shows movernent in (WO (2) Hinge joints shows movement in more nee Zs than two plane a (3) Pivot joints shows rotational movement 5 (4) Bail and socket joints shows movement C3} a) W4. 17, Find the incorrect statement (1) Humerus with pectoral gridle shows movement in more than two planes. (2) Carpats of thumb shows movement in cone plane. (3) Humerus with radio ulna \ movement in one plane. @ | (4) None of these \ } 18. Which type of movement found between Yé siving diagram ol inone plane : scapula fl shows x 7 20. Which one is not example of ball and socket joint. (1) Humerus with pectoral gridle (2) Femur with pelivic gridle (3) Malleus with incus (4) Femur with tibia fibula (1) Movement in one plane (2) Movement in two planes (3) Rotational movement (4) Side-to-side movement ALL TEST SERTES pny NOTES 6-]2th NEEP TEE AVAT LAR, E 8233 666334 ” 4

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