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El-Gazeera High Institute for Plane Surveying

Engineering and Technology CIVL 270

Architecture Engineering Department Exercise(3)

Angular Measurements

1.Traverse ABCD – The azimuth of AB is 60˚24΄48˝ and the angles are :

ABC = 59˚ 41΄ 4˝ , BCD = 80˚ 19΄ 0˝
Find the azimuth of lines BC, CD.
2. Convert the following bearings into azimuths:
N 40˚35′20″ W, S 62˚20′45″ E, S 82˚15′45″ W
3. The bearing of AB is S 54˚25΄48˝E and the angle ( ABC) is
75˚41΄30˝. Find the bearing of line BC.
4. If the interior angles of the traverse ABCDEF were
A=125˚12΄, B=88˚35΄, C=95˚46΄, D=120˚27΄, E=183˚0΄
Find the value of the interior (F).
5. ABCD is a closed traverse in which the azimuth of side AB is 55º 32′ 20″
and the measured angles are: ABC = 111˚23΄43˝, BCD = 113˚15΄37˝,
CDA = 39˚50΄10˝ and DAB = 95˚30΄22″ .
a) Calculate the final corrected measures of the traverse angles .
b) Calculate the azimuth of all sides of the traverse and check the results
6. Calculate the corrected horizontal angle BAC from the following table:
Theodolite Observed point Face left Face right
A B 125°20΄35˝ 305°20΄15˝
C 198º45΄42˝ 18º45΄52˝
7. Using the theodolite, calculate the vertical angle and determine its type
(elevation or depression), if the vertical circle reading was:
a) 102˚45΄22˝ b) 287˚35΄10˝
8. Calculate the corrected vertical angle from A to B from the following table:
Theodolite Observed point Face left Face right
A B 81°39΄40˝ 278°20΄32˝

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