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Master in Public Health Research Project

Marking schedule for poster presentation

*Please record the poster presentation in Teams and save the
download here to be shared with the external examiner*
Student name: Shringarika Prakash


Project title:

Date: 27.09.23

Examiner name: Laura Asher and Rachael Murray

Components Degree class (Distinction,

Merit, Pass or Fail)

Poster design and content 53.5

Oral poster presentation and answering examiner questions 52

Examiners comment on all components. Components are equally weighted in the final mark:

Poster: Reasonable design overall, though text is quite small. There are some formatting issues,
lack of figure labels and some typos. There is repetitive information in the introduction. There are
some quite clear points within each heading. However, there is not a clear story linking the
objectives, results/ findings and discussion. Findings are not clearly related to themes presented
and conclusions are not clearly related to findings and results. The methods of analysis are not
described and details are missing. The theme titles are not very explanatory.

Presentation: Delivery could be improved. There was a large amount of information presented
around the introduction. There was limited information regarding methods and results. The
questions/ answers revealed limited ability to explain the approach to analysis and how the
discussion points had emerged from the findings.

Choose a percentage from the scale below as an overall mark for the poster and presentation.
Components are equally weighted in the final mark:

Fail Pass Merit Distinction

0 5 15 25 35 42 45 48 52 55 58 62 65 68 72 75 80 85 90 95 100

Mark = 52
completing the
joint form please

Assessment Handbook
Public Health Research Project Module page 1
use the mean
mark e.g. 63.5)

Signed: Laura Asher Date: 27/09/2023

Assessment Handbook
Public Health Research Project Module page 2
Assessment Handbook
Public Health Research Project Module page 3

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