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Roll No. \8.2\ SSvNRE.. Total Pages : 03 BLG/M-23 29130 LEGAL LANGUAGE AND GENERAL ENGLISH 1001(AB) Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80 Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting one question each from Unit I-IV. Q. No. 9 in Unit V shall be compulsory. Init I 1. Write a detailed note on the history of legal language. 15 2. Write a critical evaluation of the legal language in the present context. 15 Unit II 3. Explain the following legal terms : 10x1.5=15 (a) Accomplice (b) ‘Bailment (c) Chattel (d) Delinquency (e) Ejectment (f) Fugitive (g) Gift tax (h) Homicide G@) Testament G) Warrant 2-07/17)L-29130 P.T.O. 4. Explain the following legal abbreviatidns : 19x, Se @ ©) ©) (e) @ ALR (b) BC.c. C.LR. d@) ER LCJR @ LS. RTR. (ht) TLR. WLR. @ YLJ Unit I Find out errors in the following sentences and rewrite the 10x1.5=15 correct ones : @ ) © @ © @ () ) @ @) A box of eggs are on the table. One-fourth of the work are complete. He is a M.L.A We had gone to the park yesterday. Where is my glasses ? Each of the students are happy to hear the news. One should not waste his time. I lost my all belongings. They ought obey their parents. prefixes : He plays good. 6. Form at least two words with ike following suffixes and 10x1.5=15 -—---age, -----ment, ------ful, ------ly, ----ity, mis---, un---, Pre--, re----, dis--- L-29130 Unit IV rite an essay in around 500 words on any one topic : ) The Relevance of Lok Adalats in Today’s World ») Cyber Crimes and Law c) Human Rights in War Times - qd) Media Trials 15 Explain Resume Writing and the Components of a standard Tesume with examples, 15 Unit V (a) Define legal language. (b) Write the importance of legal terms in legal language. i (©) Use the following phrasal verbs in your sentences : / @) Blow up ii) Come across | (ii) Leave out (iv) Take off (v) Set out (4) What is the need of paraphrasing in the present times ? 4x5=20 @-07718)L-29130 3 ; ay ANo. LSS Total Pages : 02 BLG/M-23 29132 LAW RELATING TO BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY Paper : 1002 (B) Time : Three Hours]: [Maximum Marks : 80 Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting one question from each Unit IV. Q. No. 9 in Unit V is compulsory. Each question in Unit I-IV shall carry 15 marks and Q. No. 9 in Unit V carries 20 marks. Unit I 1. What do you understand by Insolvency ? Distinguish between the English and Indian Insolvency and Bankruptcy laws. 2. Discuss the Doctrine of Fraudulent Transfer with the help of Case Laws. Unit II 3. Who can file Insolvency Petition ? Discuss the Jurisdiction and'the powers of the Court in case of Insolvency petitions. 4. Discuss the facts and the Laws laid down in case of Mrs. N. Lakshmi vs. The Official Assignee of Madras, AIR 1950 Mad 410. 6-13/2) L-29132 P.T.O. f OF 3 5. Under what circumstances the Debtor can be dischary from his liabilities. Discuss with the help of Case Laws Unit == 6. Who is an Indigent Person ? Discuss the provisions in CPC regarding filing of suit by an Indigent Person. Unit IV 7. What is an order of Adjudication ? What are its effects ? 8. Write short notes on the following : (a) Burden of Creditors to prove the Debt (b) Offences by Debtors. Unit V 9. Write short notes on the foilowing : (a) Transfer with intent to defeat the Creditors (b) Appointment of interim Receiver (c) Effects of Insolvency on antecedent transaction (d) Protection order from Arrest and Detention. L-29132 2 50 Total Pages : 03 BLG/M-23 29133 CONFLICT OF LAWS 1003 (a) Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80 Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting one question each from Unit (I-IV) and entire Unit V which is compulsory. Each question in Unit I to IV carries 15 marks and the compulsory Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks. Unit I 1. Discuss the definition, nature and scope of conflict of laws. 15 2. Write short notes on the following : 7+8=15 (a) Action in personam and Action in rem (b) Doctrine of Partial Renvoi. Unit IT 3. Discuss the conditions for constituting ‘Domicile’ under conflicts of law. Compare and contrast ‘Domicile of Origin’ and ‘Domicile of Choice’. 1S B-44/13)L-29133 PTO. 4. 5. Ch 6. 4 i a 7. 8. 9 Al By which laws formal and essential validity of a mug) are governed ? Discuss. Unit IT o Discuss the choice of law and choice of jurisdiction case of ‘Adoption’. How far English courts recogni: foreign adoptions ? 1k Discuss the choice of law and choice of jurisdiction in case of Testamentory succession. What is the of Indian position in this regard ? 15 Unit IV What do you understand by the “Proper Law of Contract” ? Explain and illustrate the various theories of proper law of contract. 15 What are the conditions for the actionability of Foreign Tori by the English Courts. Explain and illustrate. 15 Unit V (Compulsory Question) ttempt in short all of the following parts : 5x4=20 (a) Various theories of Conflict of Law 1.29133 , ~

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