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Kwame Nkrumah University of

Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

LE 361: Research Methods I

Specifying A Purpose & Research Question in Qualitative


Anthony Adjei-Twum, PhD

Department of Land Economy
Faculty of Built Environment, CABE

Introduction to Research - The meaning

and significance of research

The Research Process - formulating research

topic, identifying research problem, conducting
literature review, specifying purpose of research,
research questions, and hypothesis

Research Design (quantitative designs (focusing on

survey design), qualitative designs, and combined
designs (focusing on mixed methods design))
Research Problem

Literature Review

Research Questions

Research Design

Data Collection

Data Analysis

Discussion & Report Writing


Purpose Statements and Research Questions
Learning Outcome

By the end of lecture, you should be able to:

1. Understand a qualitative purpose statement, and

research questions.
Distinction between Quantitative and Qualitative Purpose
Statement and Research Questions
Quantitative Qualitative

 Hypotheses are used  Inquirers use only research questions

 Identifies multiple variables and  Inquirer gather information on a
seeks to measure them single concept—a central
 Researchers often test theories phenomenon
 A close-ended stance based on  the inquirer asks participants to
identified variables, and instruments share ideas and build general
selected to collect data before the themes
study begins  An open-ended stance and often
 Research questions and hypotheses changes the phenomenon being
do not change –more Deductive studied or at least allows it to emerge
 Seeks to measure differences and during the study.
the magnitude of those differences  Research questions may change
among two or more groups or based on the responses –more
measure changes over time in inductive
individuals.  Seeks a deep understanding of the
views of participants

The central phenomenon refers to the concept or a

process explored in qualitative research; and it is the
central component of qualitative research question and
purpose statement.

As a concept: The ethnic identity of Chinese American

As a process: The process of registering land in the

Ashanti Region

Quantitative Qualitative

Explaining or predicting Understanding or exploring a

variables central phenomenon

The independent variable (X )
influences a dependent variable(Y )

In depth understanding

of Y ; external
forces shape and are shaped by Y
Qualitative Research as an Emerging Processes

Another central component of purpose statements and

research questions in qualitative research:

These statements and questions may change during

the research process Hence, emerging process.
Writing Qualitative Purpose Statement
A purpose statement in qualitative research indicates the intent
to explore or understand the central phenomenon with specific
individuals at a certain research site.


 Use key identifier words to signal the reader, such as “The purpose
of this study is…”
 Consider mentioning that the study is “qualitative” since audiences
may not be familiar with qualitative research.
 Become familiar with qualitative research designs and indicate the
type of research design you plan to use in your study.
 State the central phenomenon you plan to explore
 Use words that convey intent about the exploration, such as
explore, discover, understand, and describe.
 Mention the participants in the study.

 Refer to the research site where you will study the participants.
Sample script
The purpose of this qualitative study will be to (explore/discover/
understand/describe) (the central phenomenon) for (participants)
at (research site ).

Application of script

The purpose of this qualitative study is to describe classroom

learning using the Internet for five high-school students
participating in a sign language class in XY high school.

 The central phenomenon: classroom learning using the Internet

 The participants: five high-school students
 The research site: a class in sign language at X high school
Writing Qualitative Research Questions
Qualitative research questions are open ended, general questions
that the researcher would like answered during the study.

Questions may change and emerge during the study to reflect
the participants’ views of the central phenomenon and your
growing (and deeper) understanding of it.
Ask only a few, general questions, say 5-7 questions
Use neutral, exploratory language and refrain from conveying
an expected direction. E.g. use action verbs such as generate,
discover, understand, describe, and explore.
Avoid words that convey cause and effect relationships. E.g.
affect, relate, compare, determine, cause and influence.
Design and write two types of qualitative research questions:
the central question and subquestions
Writing The Central Questions
The central question is the main question researcher explores in a
research study.


 Begin with the word how or what rather than why so that you
do not suggest probable cause and effect relationships as in
quantitative research (i.e. “why,“ something influences
something) but instead suggest exploration in qualitative
 Specify the central phenomenon you plan to explore
 Identify the participants in the study
 Mention the research site for the study
Example of Central Question
Sample Script

What is (the central phenomenon ) for (participants) at (research


What is creativity for five students at KST High School?

 Beginning word: “What”

 Central phenomenon: creativity
 Participants: five students
 Research site: KST High School
Observed Problems Noted in Central Questions in Qualitative

Problems Poor Example Better Example

What is the process being

Too general What is going on here?
used by the general education
committee at the liberal arts

How did the committee What is the process of the

Too focused make a curriculum curriculum committee in
decision about a course making decisions about
on the environment? courses?

How did the curriculum What was the role of the

Too laden with committee address its college administration in the
assumptions alienation from the curriculum committee’s
college administration? deliberations?
Writing Subquestions
Sub Questions

Procedural subquestions Issues subquestions

 Indicate the steps to be  Narrow the focus of the central

used in analysing the data question into specific questions
in a qualitative study. (or) issues the researcher seeks
 Do not provide specific to learn from the participants
material for interview or in a study.
observation questions.
 Less frequently used.  More frequently used.
Types of Subquestionsin Qualitative Research
Issues subquestions Procedural subquestions

To subdivide the central

To sub divide the central question
Aim question into detailed
into step for data collection

Central Question
Central Question
What is the change process in the
Example What does it mean to be a
revision of a general education
professional Surveyor?
curriculum on a college campus
Issue Subquestions
 What do professional Procedural Subquestions
Surveyor do?
 What is difficult or easy  How did the process unfold?
about being a professional  Who were the people
surveyor? involved?
 When did the surveyor first  What events occurred?
become aware of being a  What was the outcome?
Writing Issue Subquestions-Example Script

What is (the subquestion issue) for (participants—

optional information) at (research site —optional


 What is self-esteem for high school students? (central

 What is self-esteem as seen through friends?
 What is self-esteem for the participant’s family?
 What is self-esteem as experienced in extracurricular

activities in school? (subquestion)

Writing Procedural Sub-questions -Example Script

The central question is studied by addressing the

following questions:
 What question will be answered first?
 What question will be answered second?
 What question will be answered third?
 What are students’ experiences with weapons in high schools?
(central question)
 What are the categories of experiences of students?
 What process occurs that reflects these experiences?
 What propositions or hypotheses reflect the relationship
among the categories?(subquestion)
Thank You

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