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Directed by: SAFAE ISMAILI


university year :2023- 2024 1

Table des matières
1. Introduction: .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Industrial Landscape in Mohammedia: ................................................................................................. 3
3. the main sources of air pollution in mohammedia: ............................................................................... 3
4. the levels of air pollution in mohammedia compared to other cities in morocco:................................. 4
5. the air pollution in mohammedia compare to other industrial cities in morocco: ................................. 4
6. the health risks associated with long-term exposure to air pollution in mohammedia;......................... 4
6.1. the most common cardiovascular diseases caused by air pollution in mohammedia: ................... 5
6.2. the recommended health measures for people living in mohammedia with long-term exposure to
air pollution: .............................................................................................................................................. 6
7. Comprehensive Strategies for Mitigating Air Pollution in Mohammadia............................................. 7
8. Regulatory and environmental efforts ................................................................................................... 9
9. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 9

Figure 1: air pollution caused by industrial industries .................................................................................. 3

Figure 2:number of premature deaths............................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3: air pollution human helath impacts. ............................................................................................... 6

1. Introduction:
Mohammedia, a city in Morocco, faces significant air pollution, largely due to the use of fossil fuels such
as coal, oil, and gas. This has led to alarming levels of air pollution, surpassing the recommendations of the
World Health Organization. The impact of this pollution is substantial, with an estimated 5,000 deaths per
year in Morocco attributed to air pollution, and the province of Mohammedia being particularly affected.
The pollution not only affects the air but also the soil, with the city experiencing high levels of sulfur dioxide.
The local refinery, La Samir, has been a significant factor in the environmental impact of the region.
Research has also been conducted on biomonitoring air pollutants in the areas between Kenitra and
Mohammedia cities using lichens. These findings highlight the pressing issue of air pollution in
Mohammedia and the need for effective measures to address this critical environmental and public health

2. Industrial Landscape in Mohammedia:

Overview of Major Industries:

The industrial landscape includes petrochemical complexes, refineries, textile manufacturing units, and food
processing facilities. These industries play a crucial role in contributing to Morocco's overall industrial

Economic Contributions:

Industries in Mohammedia are major contributors to the local and national economy, providing revenue,
creating jobs, and supporting various ancillary services.

Employment Opportunities:

The presence of industrial facilities has led to the creation of employment opportunities, attracting a diverse
workforce and contributing to the socio-economic fabric of the city.

3. the main sources of air pollution in mohammedia:

The main sources of air pollution in Mohammedia, Morocco, include:

Industrial Activities: The city hosts the main refinery of Morocco (SAMIR), the only domestic
producer of plastic materials (SNEP), and the largest thermal power plant, which are significant
contributors to air pollution.
Traffic Exhaust: In urban areas, traffic exhaust is a major source of air pollution, particularly in
areas with high traffic density such as the city center.

Figure 1: air pollution caused by industrial industries

These sources have led to alarming levels of air pollution in Mohammedia, impacting both the environment
and public health. The concentration of air pollutants has been steadily increasing, making it crucial to
address this issue and its toxic effects on human health.

4. the levels of air pollution in mohammedia compared to other cities

in morocco:
Air Quality Index (AQI): The AQI for Mohammedia is currently at a moderate level, with a PM2.5
concentration of 14.9 µg/m³, which is three times the WHO annual air quality guideline value.This
indicates that Mohammedia has higher levels of air pollution compared to other cities in Morocco.
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2): A study on nitrogen dioxide (NO2) hourly distribution and health risk
assessment for the winter season in the low town of Mohammedia city found that the NO2 levels
were at their peak at 1 p.m. and 8-10 p.m., indicating a significant contribution from traffic exhaust.
This suggests that Mohammedia has higher levels of NO2 pollution compared to other cities in
Industrial Activities: Mohammedia is one of the leading industrial cities in Morocco, hosting the
main refinery of Morocco (SAMIR), the only domestic producer of plastic materials (SNEP), and
the largest thermal power plant.These industrial activities contribute significantly to the air pollution
levels in Mohammedia, making it more polluted compared to other cities in Morocco.

In conclusion, Mohammedia has higher levels of air pollution compared to other cities in Morocco, primarily
due to its industrial activities and traffic exhaust. The city's AQI and NO2 levels are significantly higher
than the WHO guidelines, highlighting the urgent need for effective measures to address this critical
environmental and public health concern.

5. the air pollution in mohammedia compare to other industrial cities

in morocco:
Mohammedia is one of the leading industrial cities in Morocco, and the concentration of air pollutants has
been steadily increasing since the Industrial Revolution. A study identified the sources of air pollutants in
Mohammedia and analyzed the weather and clinical data through a mathematical and geographical model.
The study found that each pollutant affects part or parts of the body's functions at the human organ
systems.However, there is no direct comparison of air pollution levels in Mohammedia with other industrial
cities in Morocco in the search results. Nonetheless, it is clear that air pollution is a significant issue in
Mohammedia, and effective measures are needed to address this critical environmental and public health

6. the health risks associated with long-term exposure to air pollution

in mohammedia;

Long-term exposure to air pollution in Mohammedia, Morocco, has been associated with various health
risks, as indicated by a study that analyzed the effects of outdoor air pollution on human health in the city.
The study, based on data from 2014, 2015, and 2016, identified the sources of air pollutants in Mohammedia

and their impact on human health. It found that each pollutant affects different parts of the body's functions
at the human organ systems, leading to a range of health complications.

Specifically, long-term exposure to air pollution has been linked to the increased incidence of respiratory
diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and neuropsychiatric complications. The deterioration of air quality due
to air pollution has been shown to have a significant impact on human health, particularly by increasing the
occurrence of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, the health risks associated with long-term exposure to air pollution in Mohammedia include a
higher prevalence of respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and neuropsychiatric complications.
These findings underscore the urgent need to address air pollution in Mohammedia to mitigate its adverse
effects on public health.

Figure 2:number of premature deaths

6.1. the most common cardiovascular diseases caused by air pollution in

The most common cardiovascular diseases caused by air pollution in Mohammedia, Morocco, include:

1. Ischemic Heart Disease: Studies have shown that air pollution, particularly particulate matter (PM)
pollution, is associated with an increased risk of ischemic heart disease, which affects the blood vessels
supplying the heart muscle.

2. Stroke: Long-term exposure to air pollution has been linked to a higher incidence of stroke, which occurs
when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, depriving brain tissue of oxygen and

3. Cardiac Infections: Air pollution has been associated with an increased prevalence of cardiac infections,
which can affect individuals exposed to a polluted environment, particularly children and adults.

These cardiovascular diseases are among the most prevalent health issues associated with long-term
exposure to air pollution in Mohammedia. Addressing air pollution is crucial to mitigate its adverse effects
on public health, particularly in terms of cardiovascular diseases.

Figure 3: air pollution human helath impacts.

6.2. the recommended health measures for people living in mohammedia with long-
term exposure to air pollution:
the recommended health measures for people living in Mohammedia with long-term exposure to air
pollution include:
Reducing exposure: Limiting exposure to outdoor air pollution by staying indoors during peak
pollution hours, using air purifiers, and avoiding outdoor activities in areas with high levels of
Wearing protective gear: Wearing masks and other protective gear when outdoors can help reduce
exposure to air pollution.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking
can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases associated with air pollution.

Seeking medical attention: Individuals experiencing symptoms of cardiovascular diseases or other
health complications associated with air pollution should seek medical attention promptly.
These measures can help reduce the risk of health complications associated with long-term exposure to air
pollution in Mohammedia. It is crucial to address air pollution in the city to mitigate its adverse effects on
public health.

7. Comprehensive Strategies for Mitigating Air Pollution in

Addressing air pollution in Mohammadia, Morocco requires a multifaceted approach involving various
stakeholders. Here are some solutions for combating air pollution in the city:

• Promoting Sustainable Transportation:

-Encourage the use of public transportation, walking, and cycling.

-Implement and expand bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure.

-Introduce and promote electric or hybrid vehicles.

-Enhance and optimize public transportation systems.

• Regulating Industrial Emissions:

-Enforce stricter emission standards for industries.

-Regularly monitor and inspect industrial facilities for compliance.

-Encourage industries to adopt cleaner production technologies.

-Invest in research and development for green and sustainable industrial practices.

• Green Spaces and Urban Planning:

-Increase green spaces and tree planting in the city.

-Implement urban planning strategies that prioritize open areas and parks.

-Integrate green roofs and walls into building designs.

-Promote sustainable architecture and construction practices.

• Waste Management:

-Develop effective waste management systems to reduce open burning.

-Encourage recycling and proper disposal of waste.

-Implement waste-to-energy projects to minimize the impact of landfills.

-Raise awareness about responsible waste disposal practices.

• Air Quality Monitoring :

-Establish a comprehensive air quality monitoring network.

-Provide real-time air quality information to the public.

-Use data to identify pollution hotspots and take targeted actions.

-Collaborate with research institutions to assess long-term trends and impacts.

• Community Engagement and Education :

-Raise awareness about the causes and effects of air pollution.

-Involve the community in developing and implementing solutions.

-Conduct educational programs in schools and communities.

-Encourage citizens to adopt eco-friendly habits and practices.

• Legislation and Policy Measures:

-Strengthen and enforce air quality regulations.

-Introduce policies to incentivize the use of clean energy sources.

-Provide subsidies for businesses adopting environmentally friendly practices.

-Collaborate with regional and national authorities to align policies.

• Alternative Energy Sources :

-Invest in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.

-Promote the use of clean energy for both residential and industrial purposes.

-Incentivize the transition to renewable energy through subsidies and tax breaks.

• International Collaboration :

-Collaborate with neighboring cities and countries to address regional air pollution.

-Seek support from international organizations for funding and expertise.

-Participate in global initiatives aimed at combating air pollution.

• Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation :

-Regularly assess the effectiveness of implemented measures.

-Adjust strategies based on evolving pollution patterns and sources.

-Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

8. Regulatory and environmental efforts
Addressing air pollution in Mohammadia necessitates a synergistic approach involving both government
entities and environmental organizations. Government initiatives, including the formulation and
enforcement of stringent regulations, urban planning strategies, and active monitoring, are essential for
mitigating pollution from industrial and vehicular sources. Concurrently, environmental organizations
contribute by advocating for sustainable practices, conducting research, engaging with communities, and
offering policy recommendations. A collaborative effort, encompassing public-private partnerships and
international support, is vital for the successful implementation of comprehensive strategies. By combining
the regulatory power of the government with the advocacy and expertise of environmental organizations,
Mohammadia can foster a cleaner and healthier environment for its residents
In the collaborative efforts to combat air pollution in Mohammadia, the government has implemented
several regulations and initiatives specifically targeting industrial emissions to improve air quality. Stricter
emission standards for industries have been introduced, requiring compliance with defined limits on
pollutants. Regular monitoring and inspection protocols ensure that industrial facilities adhere to these
standards, and non-compliance may result in penalties. Additionally, the government has incentivized the
adoption of cleaner production technologies by offering subsidies and support to industries embracing
environmentally friendly practices. These regulatory measures and initiatives aim to curtail the release of
pollutants from industrial sources, playing a crucial role in the broader strategy to enhance air quality in

9. Conclusion
Addressing air pollution caused by factories in Mohammadia is crucial for the well-being of the community.
The key points include the implementation of strict regulations and emission standards for industries, regular
monitoring and inspection to ensure compliance, and incentives for adopting cleaner production
technologies. By tackling industrial emissions, the government aims to significantly reduce the release of
pollutants, enhancing overall air quality. This initiative is vital to safeguard public health, mitigate
environmental degradation, and create a sustainable and healthier living environment for the residents of
Mohammadia. The importance lies not only in regulatory compliance but also in fostering a culture of
environmental responsibility and sustainable industrial practices for the long-term benefit of the community.
Let us unite in a collective call to action to address industrial air pollution in Mohammadia for the well-
being of our community. The time has come for collaborative efforts between government bodies, industries,
and environmental organizations. By enforcing and strengthening regulations on industrial emissions,
promoting the adoption of cleaner technologies, and fostering sustainable practices, we can significantly
improve air quality. It is a shared responsibility to monitor and ensure compliance, engage in community-
driven initiatives, and advocate for a healthier environment. Let us work hand in hand to create a city where
clean air is not just a goal but a reality, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of our community for
generations to come. Together, we can make Mohammadia a beacon of sustainable living and a testament
to the power of collective action for a cleaner and healthier future

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