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Unsupervised Real-time Classification of

Cycle Stages in Collaborative Robot Applications

Artúr István Károly†∗ , József Kuti†∗ , Péter Galambos†

† Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics, Óbuda University, Bécsi út 96/B. H-1034 Budapest, Hungary
∗ Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Óbuda University,

Bécsi út 96/B. H-1034 Budapest, Hungary

E-mail: {artur.karoly|jozsef.kuti|peter.galambos}

Abstract—Recent robot applications often operate at a level less structured environment even sharing the workspace with
of autonomy that does not need strictly structured environment human workers. These circumstances introduce significant
within the robot cells. Human-Robot collaboration introduces uncertainties in the robot operation that might result in sig-
further uncertain aspects, which in turn makes the production
cycle non-deterministic. It renders difficulties for manufacturing nificant fluctuation of cycle time and make the overall process
companies regarding planning, control, quality assurance, etc. challenging to supervise. E.g., The efficiency of a collaborative
The latest robot controllers allow access to internal states (joint cell may vary shaft by shaft due to the individual skills or
angles, accelerations, drive torques, etc.) at a high sampling practice of the human worker. These sort of irregularities
rate, which can be acquired, processed by an appropriate could be revealed and appropriately handled using autonomous
service connected to the ERP system, developing cyber-physical
control and monitoring infrastructure. This study introduces an observation systems on the ERP level that can supervise many
online technique for automatic and unsupervised clustering of processes in a unified manner without tailoring each robot
elementary steps in collaborative robot applications based on programs individually. Such a generic supervisory module fits
real-time force/torque data stream. The proposed unsupervised well to the existing infrastructure which usually utilize, e.g.,
clustering solution utilizes dynamically trained one class support SCADA [4] concepts or the recently emerging OPC UA [5]
vector machines (OCSVM) to discover the states of the repetitive
process. The method is demonstrated and evaluated in a real- solutions.
istic experimental environment. Initial results show promising Considering the above discussed problem, we can lay down
performance characteristics. the most important characteristics of the system:
Index Terms—Industry 4.0, Collaborative Robots, Cyber-
physical control, Big data, SVM, IoT • Human activity must be minimized in the training and
setup process.
I. I NTRODUCTION • Process-step classification and anomaly detection must
be based on generic data sets available on modern
Machine learning and AI are appearing in almost every
robot controllers. E.g., joint-space coordinates/speeds/ac-
industry imperceptibly influencing our everyday life as well
celerations, Cartesian pose/speed/acceleration, forces and
as the professional services and military applications. Man-
torques, etc.
ufacturing industry can be a primary beneficiary of these
• Classification must be performed online to avoid the long-
achievements and research projects related to the Industry 4.0
term storage of dense data.
concepts exploit the possibilities with enormous efforts.
• Number of states are not known apriori.
From the immense amount of data acquired from man-
• So-called concept drift [6] and concept evolution [7] must
ufacturing processes, we can distill useful information and
be handled.
synthesize appropriate interventions or just logging historical
data for quality assurance purposes [1], [2]. Acquisition of These requirements limit the suitable approaches to the set
raw data and the storage capacity is not a problem anymore. of light-weight unsupervised classification methods. Before
However, there is a strong need for solutions which are capable the implementation and experimental work, several techniques
of exploring correlations and make decisions in real-time. have been investigated which may comply with the require-
Therefore, many recent studies are dealing with online meth- ments.
ods especially with the reformulation of techniques originally In the literature, there are online clustering approaches based
developed for analysis of historical data [3]. on the k-means method [8], [9]. Since during the training, and
Our research team focuses on models and methods that are even in the inference phase new events/states may occur, we
appropriate for real-time monitoring of advanced collaborative cannot determine an appropriate k value (number of clusters)
robot applications. In this paper, we consider the event log- in advance. Too large k leads too many classes dividing states
ging and anomaly detection of non-deterministic processes. that should be considered as a single state. Thus, for too
In contrast to the traditional industrial robot cells, modern small k, the resolution might not be enough to distinguish
robots with advanced perception capabilities are working in a each different application states. The number of groups could
be changed adaptively, but it requires the re-calculation of typical sample contains six scalars (e.g., forces and torques at
the group center points [8]. Even though there exists some the TCP). This implies a trade-off between the window length,
theoretically viable solutions such as [10], it is time-consuming the sampling rate, and the real-time performance.
and therefore makes the real-time operation impossible. For In the following subsections, let us recall the details of the
these reasons, the k-means algorithm and its extensions are realization of the OCSVM technique.
not suitable for our purpose.
A. The kernel-trick
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) are also inspected as
a potential solution, since these techniques are developed In most cases, the input samples are not linearly separable.
for processing sequential input [11]. The main problem with Just like in general robot applications considering windowed
RNNs is the unsupervised training. Even the offline training force/torque stream as input. In such cases, the so-called
with labeled data is non-trivial because of the issues with the kernel-trick is applied to make the samples separable [22].
Backpropagation Through Time algorithm like the vanishing Using the kernel-trick, the SVM can be designed in a higher
gradient problem [11], [12]. Magdalena Klapper-Rybicka et dimensional space than the dimensionality of the input array.
al. in [13] introduced an unsupervised training method for an Via an appropriate - usually nonlinear - transformation, in
LSTM network. In [14] Luca Pasa and Alessandro Sperduti the higher dimensional space, the samples become linearly
propose a solution using linear autoencoder for pre-training separable. The point of the kernel-trick is that formulation of
of RNNs that eliminates the vanishing gradient in a large the inner product (required for distance computation) does not
measure. Since the number of neurons in the hidden layer require the knowledge of the transformation if a function can
is fixed, the number of classes cannot be varied online. RNNs be found that gives the same result with less computation. This
might be very powerful in other robotics-related problems, but function is referred to as kernel function [22].
unfortunately, it is not appropriate for the clustering problem The kernel-trick enables the classifier design in infinite
discussed in this paper. dimensional space using, for example, the so-called Gauss
Several papers e.g., [15]–[17] utilizes the One Class SVM kernel a.k.a., Radial Basis Function (RBF) (eq. 1).
(OCSVM) method to discover anomalies in complex data 
kxi − xj k2

flows. Encouraged by these promising results, a novel solution K(xi , xj ) = exp − , (1)
2σ 2
has been implemented inspired by the OCSVM technique. In
this study, we provide a detailed discussion of our approach, where the kernel parameter σ should be set to a suitably
that is validated through a life-like collaborative robot appli- chosen value. It is often substituted by γ = , which allows
cation. 2σ 2
further simplification that results in eq. 2.
The paper is structured as follows: Section II recalls the
OCSVM algorithm discussing the so-called kernel trick (II-A) K(xi , xj ) = exp −γkxi − xj k2

and the realizations (II-B) as well as the extended algorithm
for the discussed classification problem. The experimental This modified kernel function appropriately characterizes
evaluation and the details of implementation are discussed in the distance between the samples. By tuning the parameter σ,
Section III. Section IV summarizes the study. the sensitivity of the kernel function can be influenced.
The series expansion of the RBF kernel function leads to
II. M ETHODOLOGY an infinite series, in which the terms
After the thorough investigation of some potential ap- 2 3
hxi , xj i , hxi , xj i , hxi , xj i . . .
proaches, we have developed an extended algorithm based on
the OCSVM method that fulfills all the requirements collected are present, which are also kernel functions. This way, the
in the Introduction. OCSVM classifier can be designed in arbitrary dimensional
Support Vector Machine (SVM) [18] is developed for two- feature space [23].
class-problems (binary classifier) and needs labeled training B. Realization of OCSVM
data. SVM is widely used in plenty of applications and
There are two usual practices to implement OCSVM.
effectively combined with many other paradigms e.g., fuzzy
Schlkopf et al. in [20] separate the training samples from the
logic [19]. In contrast, the OCSVM is designed to distinguish
origo with a hyperplane in the feature space maximizing the
samples belong to one class from the rest of the samples [20],
distance between the hyperplane and the origo. This way the
[21]. Therefore, unsupervised training is viable using a set of
OCSVM projects the input space to 0 or 1. The classifier-
unlabeled samples that represents the given class.
design leads to a quadratic programming problem formalized
In the majority of robot applications, a single sample of
in eq. 3 [20].
momentary parameters does not characterize the actual process
step with a solid confidence. For this reason, a windowed data n
1 2 1 X
stream is used as input of the classifier. The size of the window min kwk2 + ξi − ρ
w,ξi ,ρ 2 νn i=1
primarily determines the length of application-states which (3)
should be handled by the classifier. Due to the windowing, the w · Φ(xi ) ≥ ρ − ξi ∀i
input array can reach very high dimensionality, since a single ξi ≥ 0 ∀i
, where Φ(xi ) is the function that transforms the ith sample Algorithm 1
to the feature space, ρ is the size of the margin, ξi is the loss 1: procedure U NSUPERVISED CLUSTERING ALGORITHM
defined by the distances of outliers from the hyperplane, while
ν is a parameter to set the trade-off between the number of 2: Definitions:
outliers and the accuracy of the decision boundary. 3: frame = the basic data structure
The quadratic programming problem (eq. 3) can be solved 4: samplesize // the number of frames in a sample
by the Lagrange-multiplier method that leads to the decision 5: samplingwin = a sliding window containing the latest
function samplesize number of frames
6: trainingsample = a non overlapping sliding window
! with samplesize number of frames for training
samplenum // Number of trainngsamples in the
f (x) = sgn(w · Φ(xi ) − ρ) = sgn αi K(x, xi ) − ρ
training set
(4) 8: trainingset = A set of the latest samplenum number of
where, αi are the Lagrange multipliers. trainingsamples
The second method is recalled based on the work of David 9: ensemble = An array containing the trained OCSVM
M.J. Tax s Robert P.W. Duin [21]. Instead of the separation models
by a hyperplane, the training samples in the feature space are 10: predictions = An array that holds the class predictions
delimited by a spherical surface and minimizes the volume from all of the OCSVMs
of the hypersphere. This hypersphere is characterized by the
center a and the radius R > 0. The center a is composed of 11: Data preparation:
the linear combination of the support vectors. The hypersphere 12: for all frame do
does not necessarily enclose all training samples (soft margin). 13: frame → samplingwin
In this case, a loss function determines the penalty associated 14: if samplingwin.size() > samplesize then
with samples outside of the hypersphere. The equations of 15: samplingwin.erase(0) // sliding win-
the spherical method are represented by Eq. 5, where the dow for class prediction
parameter C tunes the penalty function. 16: frame → trainingsample
17: if trainingsample.size() == samplesize then
X 18: trainingsample → trainingset
min R2 + C ξi
R,a 19: if trainingset.size() > samplenum then
(5) 20: trainingset.erase(0)
kxi − ak2 ≤ R2 + ξi ∀i
21: trainingsample = ∅ // non overlapping
ξi ≥ 0 ∀i window for training
This minimization problem also solvable by the Lagrange
multiplier method, that results in a decision function which 22: Online training:
classifies the sample z as a class member if the distance of 23: for all frame do
the sample and the center a is smaller than the radius R. The 24: for all OCSVM ∈ ensemble do
distance is calculated with the RBF kernel function. 25: OCSVM.predict(samplingwin) → predictions
26: if ∀p ∈ predictions p == -1 then
C. Extended algorithm for unsupervised clustering 27: new OCSVM.train(trainingset) → ensemble
Algorithm 1 shows our solution for the proposed problem. 28: else
The algorithm has four major parts. In the Definitions section, 29: new state = p.index where p 6= -1
we introduce the variables needed for the formalization of the 30: update correl matrix()
The Data preparation section shows the process of setting 31: Inference mode:
up our data structures. We used different structures for the 32: for all frame do
predictions and for the training of the OCSMs. For the 33: for all OCSVM ∈ ensemble do
predictions we used the values stored in samplingwin, which 34: OCSVM.predict(samplingwin) → predictions
is a sliding window containing the latest samplesize number
of frames. Whenever a new frame is available it is pushed into Function: update correl matrix()
the samplingwin window and the least up-to-date frame gets 1: for (i = 0; i < predictions.size(); i + +) do
dropped. This means that for every new frame we have a new 2: if predictions[i] == 1 then
sample from which our model can make predictions. So the 3: for (j = 0; j < prepredictions.size(); j + +) do
algorithm will have a prediction for every new frame which 4: if predictions[j] == 1 then
is the highest response rate that we can get. However, for the 5: correl matrix[i][j] + + // this ma-
training of the OCSVMs we used non-overlapping samples trix holds which OCSVMs fired together
(trainingsample) because overlapping samples contain frames
multiple times and this causes the OCSVM model to overfit, A. Experimental setup
as the samples will be extremely close to each other in feature In our test environment, the robot draws polygons on a sheet
space. of paper using a pencil as a tool. The application consists of
During the Online training section, the algorithm makes two parts. During the first part, the human operator can teach
predictions for all of the trained OCSVMs whenever a new the four vertices of a quadrilateral by moving the robot’s flange
frame is available. If none of the trained OCSVMs recognize by hand.
the current sample (samplingwin) as one belonging to the stage During the second part of the application the robot functions
represented by that OCSVM, the new sample is assumed to on its own (no collaboration). It starts drawing polygons by
belong to a yet unseen stage, and a new OCSVM is trained connecting the previously learned vertexes with straight lines.
for that particular stage. This way the number of OCSVMs, When a polygon is complete, the robot makes a short line
so the number of recogniseable stages, grows as time passes segment towards the center of the polygon and draws a smaller
and the robot application is running. The number of OCSVMs concentric polygon inside the previous one. The robot draws
won’t grow beyond a limit as the robot application is repetitive the first two edges with a different pencil orientation from the
(made up of cycles) so the same stages will be repeated and last two ones to have better tilt angle. Altogether, 15 polygons
recognised. follow this pattern. After the 15th polygon the cycle starts
The Inference mode is used when the regular behavior of the again from drawing the largest one.
robot during the application has been mapped, and there are Drawing different sides of the polygons are clearly separable
no more unrecognized states. In inference mode, there is no stages of the process. In the experiments, we considered this
training just prediction. Any sample that belongs to an unseen part of the robot application, and the goal of the algorithm
state is considered an anomaly because the normal functioning was to differentiate and recognize four stages corresponding
of the robot has already been taught to the model. to the drawing of the four sides of the polygons.
The elements of the correl matrix (correlation matrix) vari- Both concept drift and concept evolution appear in the
able show which OCSVMs predict the same for most of the experiment, as the top of the pencil gradually wears away and
samples. Reasonably, if two OCSVMs predict the same for the robot draws smaller and smaller polygons in one cycle.
more than 95% of the samples than those two OCSVMs are The robot application detects if the tip of the pencil is
trained for almost the same state. This way, very similar states beyond a certain wearing limit. If the tip becomes too small,
can be detected and merged if necessary. the robot finishes drawing the given polygon and then sharpens
III. E XPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION the pencil with a fixed pencil sharpener in its workspace.
We validated our OCSVM-based extended algorithm The pencil can reach the critical wear or even break out at
through a life-like collaborative robot application using the any time. Fugure 1. shows the robot performing the drawing
KUKA LBR iiwa 7-DOF industrial robot that fulfills the task. The so-constructed robot application fulfills all specified
regulations of the EN ISO 13849 machine safety standard requirements.
applies for collaborative robots. It is mostly used for assem-
bly applications dealing with the non-ergonomic and highly
repetitive jobs while the human worker is responsible for the
tasks that require more developed manual skills. As a result
of the shared workspace processes in such applications be-
come highly non-deterministic. For the validation of an online
clustering algorithm, we also had to consider the presence of
concept drift and concept evolution.
In order to investigate the true potential of our algorithm,
we set up a robot application in a way that it holds the
major characteristics which may cause difficulties in online
unsupervised clustering problems.
Our main requirements towards the robot application:
1) The application must consist of clearly separable stages.
2) During the operation, there must be continually changing
circumstances so concept drift can develop.
3) In the application, unplanned effects (anomalies) should
appear at unexpected times. Fig. 1. The experimental robot application
4) The application must exploit the collaborative nature of
the robot.
Our experimental investigation aimed to be able to identify B. Implementation details
stages of the robot application with our method shown in We used the data stream of 3D Cartesian force and torque
Algorithm 1. values in the TCP coordinate system as the input data for our
algorithm. So one frame consisted of six scalar values. First each samples and about 1.5s for a training set supposing a
of all, a communication channel had to be created to ensure 200Hz sampling frequency. This parameter should be adjusted
the availability of the data. according to the typical duration of the working phases to be
We extracted the data stream from the robot controller distinguished.
using the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework [24]. The To obtain a correct reference, not only the force and torque
robot application creates a publisher for a ROS topic with the data are acquired but the TCP Cartesian positions as well.
iiwa stack ROS package [25]. Our algorithm was implemented In this way, each phases can be distinguished with straight
in Node.js environment and uses the rosnodejs library [26] to forward heuristics, obtaining a basis for the comparison this
create a subscriber to the given ROS topic. way.
For the sake of testing our algorithm, we recorded the data In the test, two full working cycles was performed, so the
stream coming from the robot to have a reliable basis of robot drew 15 concentric polygons two times consecutively.
comparison. First, we set up the model parameters such as The results show, that after ≈ 25000 samples (before the
the number of frames per sample and number of samples in end of the first full cycle), the number of OCSVM is not in
the training set on a recorded data stream. Then we tested increasing further (no more unknown states occure) and the
the model with different parameter sets on another recorded state transients became regular clearly representing the phases
stream to avoid overfitting. of the process. The occurence of new states during the training
The complete data flow of the experiment can be seen phase can be seen in figure 4.
in figure 2. The dashed line indicates the scope of our
implementation. The blue box (Data processing) is performing 0.57
the Algorithm 1. The input data stream arrives directly from 0.56
A A 1.
the robot controller via peer-to-peer communication. The ROS 0.54
x [m]

master provides address lookup so the publisher and the 0.52
subscriber can exchange data directly. The results of the 0.49
D 3.
predictions and the trained OCSVM models are logged on 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
the console and can be written to file as well. The stream 16
State ID

of predictions is also sent to the http server which forwards 12

the stream to the clients through websockets for visualization 6
purpose. 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
time [s]

Fig. 3. Results of the clustering in inference mode

Figure 3 shows the results for one quadrilateral drawing

cycle after the training phase. One can see, that the 4 line
segment and the shrinking line is merged into a common state,
as well as the 2. line segments and the consecutive orientation
change. The figure clearly shows, that the state transitions
coincide with the location where the vertices are drawn.
In this study, we investigated the possibilities of real-
time recognition of regular working steps and detection of
anomalies in complex robot applications by analyzing the
interaction force/torque data-stream online. After disapproving
Fig. 2. Data-oriented explanation of the experimental environment
RNN-based and K-means clustering methods, we constructed
an unsupervised classifier algorithm utilizing one class SVMs
C. Evaluation (OCSVMs). The proposed methodology was demonstrated in
We have evaluated the performance of the classification a real experimental environment through a complex robot
using real data recorded from the robot application. The main application. The evaluation tests showed that the algorithm
performance measure is how the automatically detected states is capable of differentiating a finite number of process steps
can be associated with the real-world working phases of the with real-time performance without the need of labeled data
robot cell. For the purpose of testing, the part of the application in the training phase.
is considered in which the robot draws the four sides of the
polygon. Accordingly, the four states are associated with the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
four sides. Authors thankfully acknowledge the financial support of
During the tests, a window-size of 15 frames and training this work by the Hungarian State and the European Union
sets with 20 samples was applied, which means 0.075s for under the EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00010 project and the financial
x [m]

0 20 40 60 80 100
Number of states / State ID

14 Number of recognisable states
12 State ID
0 20 40 60 80 100
time [s]

Fig. 4. Evolution of the classifier in the training phase

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