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Ann Surg Oncol


Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Surgery:

Insights from a Conversation with ChatGPT
Abbas M. Hassan, MD1, Jonas A. Nelson, MD, MPH2, J. Henk Coert, MD, PhD3,
Babak J. Mehrara, MD2, and Jesse C. Selber, MD, MPH, MHCM4
Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN; 2Department of
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; 3Department of Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; 4Department of Plastic Surgery,
Corewell Health, Grand Rapids, MI

On 30 November 2022, ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art METHODS

natural language-processing model was developed by
OpenAI (San Francisco, CA, USA).1 It elicits human-like A review of articles describing AI use in surgery led us
conversations and can comprehend and respond to complex to develop itemized questions. Conversations with
queries in natural language. These conversations range ChatGPT were conducted via a text-based interface, with
from casual exchanges to in-depth discussions about recent ChatGPT-generated responses recorded for analysis and
scientific breakthroughs. Large datasets using advanced inclusion in this report. These responses were analyzed and
machine-learning algorithms are used in training ChatGPT synthesized to produce a comprehensive overview of AI’s
to understand the context of conversations and generate potential in surgery. Text-based responses were presented
meaningful responses across a broad range of content. via a video-based avatar using Synthesia, IO (London,
This report describes the use of ChatGPT with questions UK). No ChatGPT remarks reflected the views of Syn-
exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in thesia or the authors.
surgery. We describe the history of AI in surgery, the
current state of the field, and potential future developments. RESULTS
We also examine the limitations and challenges with
effective AI and robotic implementation in surgery and We generated 15 questions (Table 1) focused on the
ethical issues that must be considered. Finally, we consider history and future potential of AI in surgery, limitations for
the potential impacts of AI on the surgical workforce and its effective implementation, issues related to its wide-
the ability of ChatGPT to engage in questions related to spread applications, its unintended and intended
patient care. By understanding the perspective of ChatGPT consequences, its impact on the surgical workforce, and AI
on the current state of AI in surgery and its potential model accountability and autonomy. Furthermore, we
opportunities and challenges, we can better understand its included questions related to clinical patient care and sur-
potential role in surgery. gical innovation. Transcribed video-based avatar responses
generated by ChatGPT are shown in Video 1.


 Society of Surgical Oncology 2023 ChatGPT is a new and rapidly evolving technology. As
First Received: 17 February 2023 with any emerging technology, its full potential and impact
Accepted: 27 February 2023 on the field remain uncertain. Although ChatGPT has
already demonstrated impressive abilities in understanding
J. C. Selber, MD, MPH, MHCM and generating natural language, its applications in surgery
A. M. Hassan et al.

TABLE 1 Itemized questions and corresponding ChatGPT video-based avatar responses time
Question Video

Explain that this article was written by ChatGPT in response to questions from the author panel and introduce yourself to the Annals 00:04
of Surgical Oncology readers.
What is the future potential of AI in surgery? 00:56
Describe the history of AI in surgery briefly. 02:55
What are the limitations to the effective implementation of AI in surgery? 04:54
What issues may arise from the widespread application of AI in surgery? 06:53
What are the ethical issues surrounding the use of AI in surgery? 08:47
What are the unintended and intended consequences of AI technology in surgery? 10:42
Would AI substitute for the existing surgery workforce? 11:38
Do you think AI will be able to independently write surgical research in the future? 12:58
Who is accountable for a mistake made by an AI model? 13:56
What is the relationship between the computer and the mechanical components of surgical robots? 14:57
What is the best approach to optimizing abdominal wall reconstruction outcomes for a patient with a contaminated defect, and what 17:26
mesh material would you use?
What is the most effective way to deal with a difficult patient? 18:37
What drives surgical innovation? 20:06
Do you have any final remarks for the readership of this article? 22:02

are still in the early stages of development. As such, it is ChatGPT identified several issues that may arise from
important to continue evaluating the technology’s poten- widespread AI use in surgery, including job displacement,
tial, limitations, and ethical implications as it evolves and ethical concerns, liability issues, reliance on technology,
is integrated into surgical practice. and cost. These issues emphasize the importance of care-
This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview fully considering the potential impacts and implications of
of the current state of ChatGPT in surgery and to highlight AI in surgery and developing strategies to address potential
the need for continued research and evaluation of its challenges.
potential applications and impacts. In response to a ques- ChatGPT clearly and accurately described the relation-
tion about the future potential of AI in the field, ChatGPT ship between the computer-based and mechanical
listed several ways AI is expected to shape surgery, components of surgical robots.8 It described their roles,
including improved surgical accuracy and precision, with the computer component providing control and pro-
increased efficiency, predictive analytics, training and cessing power and the mechanical components performing
education, and new treatments and technologies. These actual surgical procedures. The response also raised the
points are consistent with current research and develop- possibility of the mechanical components eventually
ments in surgery and provide a comprehensive overview of catching up with the computer components regarding
AI’s potential in surgery.2-5 capabilities but noted that this is unlikely owing to the
Furthermore, ChatGPT provided a brief but compre- complex processing and information analysis tasks the
hensive history of AI in surgery, highlighting key computer component performs. Overall, ChatGPT effec-
milestones and developments during the past few decades. tively conveyed the importance of both component types in
This helps to provide context and understanding of AI’s surgical robots and their mutual relationship in enabling
progression in surgery, allowing readers to better under- robots to perform surgery with precision and control. It also
stand its current state and potential future developments.4,6 provided a nuanced understanding of the limitations of
In addition, ChatGPT identified several challenges and surgical robots and their intended role in assisting rather
limitations in effective implementation of AI in surgery, than replacing human surgeons.
including limited data availability, ethical concerns, com- Currently, the two main surgical robot types are com-
plexity of surgery, resistance to change, and cost. These are mand/control or operator/effector systems and
consistent with current research and discussions in the field preprogrammed robots that follow a computer-assisted
and provide a thorough overview of the potential barriers to design.9 The former allows for greater precision and flex-
successful AI implementation in surgery.4,7 Additionally, ibility in movements and is of greater interest to soft tissue
Exploring the Potential of Artificial…

surgeons, whereas the latter has limited capabilities but is educational materials. Inserting relevant educational
useful for repetitive tasks. These two robot types are information about surgical procedures into a template
expected to converge to create semi-autonomous robots document could help ensure that materials are accurate and
that can adapt in real time, which would open new possi- up to date and save time for those who create them.
bilities for improving patient outcomes. Regarding surgical planning and simulation, ChatGPT can
In our examination, ChatGPT demonstrated a thor- examine patient data and recommend the best surgical
ough understanding of both the intended and unintended approach based on the patient’s requirements and charac-
potential consequences of AI in surgery. It emphasized the teristics, improving the accuracy and precision of surgical
potential benefits of AI in terms of improved accuracy, planning and reducing the likelihood of complications.
efficiency, and cost savings and the potential for new Finally, ChatGPT can be used to analyze patient data,
treatments and procedures. It also recognized the potential including vital signs and imaging findings, and make
limitations and challenges of AI in surgery, such as risk of decisions in real time during surgery. It can then advise the
errors, bias, and malicious use. Furthermore, ChatGPT surgeon on the best course of action. As a result, the pro-
offered a nuanced perspective on the potential role of AI in cedure may be more effective and efficient, and
replacing surgeons, stating that AI may be able to assist complications may be less likely.
with certain tasks but is unlikely to fully replace human Although ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize
surgeons anytime soon. It also emphasized the significance surgery in many positive ways, its use also carries inherent
of carefully considering AI use in scientific writing and the risks, particularly in the areas of ethics and misuse. The
importance of transparency and ethics in this process. technology’s potential for bias and perpetuation of
Regarding accountability for AI model errors, ChatGPT inequalities in health care is a major concern, as is the
acknowledged that the ultimate responsibility may lie with potential for the misuse of ChatGPT in the wrong hands.
human surgeons or health care providers but recognized the The surgical community must therefore carefully consider
role of AI developers and operators in ensuring its relia- the ethical implications of ChatGPT use in the field and
bility and safety. develop strategies to prevent and address any misuse of the
We examined ChatGPT’s performance with patient technology. Ensuring that the data used to train the algo-
care-related questions. First, ChatGPT offered a compre- rithm are unbiased and diverse also is crucial to prevent
hensive approach to optimizing abdominal wall clinicians from making inaccurate and potentially harmful
reconstruction outcomes for a patient with a contaminated decisions in the surgical setting. It is essential that the risks
defect, including the importance of cleaning the wound, associated with the use of ChatGPT in surgery are fully
selecting an infection-resistant mesh material, using a understood and addressed to ensure that the potential
tension-free repair technique, securing the mesh with benefits of the technology are realized while minimizing
nonabsorbable sutures, and potentially using a prophylactic any potential harm to patients or the surgical community.
antimicrobial agent.10 Second, AI provided strategies for Although this report focuses specifically on ChatGPT in
dealing with a difficult patient, including active listening, the context of surgery, we acknowledge that other impor-
open and honest communication, empathy, patience, and tant technologies in the field, such as Bard from Google,
setting boundaries. Third, ChatGPT identified several fac- also may play an important role in shaping the future of
tors driving surgical innovation, including the desire to surgery. It is important to note that the purpose of this
improve patient outcomes, the need to reduce costs, the report is not to promote or endorse any specific technology,
availability of new technologies, and changing health care but rather to provide a balanced discussion of the potential
trends and needs. applications and challenges associated with AI in surgery.
These findings demonstrate the excellent performance of In conclusion, ChatGPT demonstrated a strong under-
ChatGPT and its potential to revolutionize surgery by standing of the potential applications and consequences of
automating certain tasks and assisting surgeons in gener- AI in surgery and robotics. It identified several ways in
ating important documents and materials. ChatGPT may be which AI may shape the future of surgery, including
used to generate surgical reports by automatically com- improved accuracy and efficiency, predictive analytics,
pleting sections of them based on the surgeon’s input, training and education, and new treatments and technolo-
saving time and allowing surgeons to focus on other tasks. gies. It also recognized the potential limitations and
Another potential application of ChatGPT in surgery is challenges of AI in surgery, including risk of errors, bias,
generation of surgical consent forms by inserting relevant and malicious use, as well as the potential impact on the
information about specific surgical procedures into a tem- surgical workforce and the importance of transparency and
plate form, ensuring inclusion of all necessary information ethics in using AI in scientific writing. Furthermore,
and making the form easy for patients to understand. ChatGPT provided detailed responses to specific questions
Additionally, ChatGPT can be used to create surgical about optimizing abdominal wall reconstruction outcomes,
A. M. Hassan et al.

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