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© D.

Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz

FEM – Basics of the FEM, Exercise 2

FEM Technology with EduFEM

DI Daniel Schöllhammer
Institute of Structural Analysis
Graz University of Technology
WS 2019/20

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
Exercise Overview

Installation of EduFEM

 Getting EduFEM

 PATH Variable in MATLAB

Main Data Structures

 Meshes, Elements, Integration Points, Shape Functions

Using Basic FEM-Technology

 Numerical Integration, Mapping

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
Installing and Starting EduFEM
 Download EduFEM from TeachCenter and unpack the zip-File to
an arbitrary location.

 Each time after starting MATLAB, add EduFEM to your MATLAB’s

PATH variable.

 Option 1: via the GUI

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
The PATH variable
 For MATLAB to be able to recognize user-defined functions, the
path to the function must be located in the current folder or in a
folder listed within the PATH variable.
path % lists all directories in PATH

path(path, 'd:/code/myCode'); % add myCode on windows

path(path, '~/code/myCode'); % add myCode on UNIX systems

EduFEM specific (option 2):


 This will add all folders from EduFEM to your PATH.

 Note: AddPathsEduFEM itself needs to be in PATH before calling it.
So copy it to some folder already in the PATH.

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
Program Structure

Applications built with


essential FEM functions

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
 Element classification in EduFEM
 ElemClass: defines shape
 2D: ‘Tri’, ‘Quad’,

 ElemType: defines order and “family”:

 use Info* functions to get ElemType and ElemOrder

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
 Example: get nodal coordinates of element in reference domain

p = 2; ElemClass = 'Quad';
% determine element type:
[ElemType, NodeNumPerElem] =
Info2dFromOrder(ElemClass, p) 0

% get node-coords
CoordRef =
% plot nodes only: -1
plot(CoordRef.xx, CoordRef.yy, 'b*'); -1 0 1
% plot whole element” 1

Plot2dElem(CoordRef, ElemClass) 0.8








-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
 Example: Plot 1D base functions of arbitrary order 𝑝
p = 4; % order of base function
sd_plt = 100;
% define where to evaluate base functions
ptPlotRef.xx = linspace(-1, 1, sd_plt)';
ptPlotRef.nQ = sd_plt; % required per EduFEM convention
ptPlotRef.ww = zeros(sd_plt,1); % required per EduFEM convention

N_int = ShapeFcts1dRef(ptPlotRef, p + 1);

N_int.f % matrix with all base functions evaled. in all ptPlotRef
for i = 1 : (p + 1)
plot(ptPlotRef.xx, N_int.f(i,:));

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
 Example: map point from reference domain into real domain

% map points in ref-domain to real domain

CoordReal.xx = [1 3 4 1.2 2.5 4 1 2 3]';
CoordReal.yy = [1 2 2 2.5 3 4 4 4 5]';
CoordReal.nn = 9; 0

% define point in reference coords
ptRef.xx = [.2]';
ptRef.yy = [.1]';
ptRef.nQ = 1; ptRef.ww = 0; -1
-1 0 1

% get shape functions evaled at reference point

N = ShapeFcts2dRef(ptRef,'Quad',9) 5

% the actual mapping
ptReal.xx = N.f' * CoordReal.xx; 3

ptReal.yy = N.f' * CoordReal.yy;


0 1 2 3 4 5

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
 EduFEM can “only” generate tensor-product style meshes, but:
 Meshes may be modified (eg. by mapping)
 Meshes may be ”glued” together
 Meshes may be written by hand
 Meshes may be exported/imported to/from other mesh

 EduFEM provides
 higher-order meshes for
 1d (lines)
 2d (planes)
 3d (continuum)
 1dTo2d, 1dTo3d (curved lines in 2d or 3d)
 2dTo3d (curved surfaces)

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
 Example: Block-Mesh

lx = 5; % length in x-direction
ly = 2;
nx = 8; % no. of elems. in x-direction

Mesh = Mesh2dBlock(lx,ly,nx,ny); % creates a linear



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
 Example: Create 2D surface mesh w/ quadratic, quadrilateral
Lagrangian elements.
xx1d = [-5:3 linspace(4,5,3)];
yy1d = [0:7 linspace(8,10,5)];
% create linear mesh
[Mesh] = Mesh2dTensorProdMesh(xx1d, yy1d);

% convert mesh quadr. elements

ElemType = 3; ElemClass = 'Quad';
[MeshHO] = Mesh2dHigherOrder(Mesh, ElemType, ElemClass)

% turn 2D mesh in to a surface mesh

zz = 1 - MeshHO.xx.^2./5 + …
0.5 .* MeshHO.yy.^2./10;
MeshHO.zz = zz;
Plot2dTo3dMesh(MeshHO, ElemClass); view(3);

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
 Example: Numerical Integration in Reference Domain
1 4 + 𝑟 3 + 𝑟 2 − 𝑟 ⅆ𝑟

% define function
% f = 0.1*r^4 + r^3 + r^2 - r;
% get integration sites and weights
ipRef = Int1dGaussPoints(2);

% vector with function values at integration site

fi = 0.1*ipRef.xx.^4 + ipRef.xx.^3 + …
ipRef.xx.^2 - ipRef.xx;
% vector integration weights
wi = ipRef.ww;
% compute integral as scalar product
Int = fi' * wi;

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
3 3
 Example: Integration in Real Domain: 2
𝑥 ⅆ𝑥

% define function
% f = x ^ 3;
% get integration points in ref. element
ipRef = Int1dGaussPoints(1);
% define element coordinates (for mapping)
CoordElem.xx = linspace(2,3,4)';
CoordElem.nn = 4;
% map integration points from ref. to real element
ipReal = Int1dProjRefToReal(ipRef, CoordElem)
% compute integral
Int = ipReal.xx.^3' * ipReal.ww

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
 Example: Approximate 𝑓 𝑥 = sin 𝑥 + + 1 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑥 ∈ [0, 5] as

𝑓 𝑥 = 𝑖 𝑁𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑖
f = @(x) sin(x) + x/4 + 1;
% define element
pp = 3;
CoordReal.xx = linspace(0, 5,pp+1)';
CoordReal.nn = pp + 1;

% constants for fh
fi = f(CoordReal.xx)
plot(CoordReal.xx, fi, 'or')

% define where to eval. shape functions

sd_plot = 100;
ptPlotRef.xx = linspace(-1, 1, sd_plot)';
ptPlotRef.ww = ones(sd_plot, 1);
ptPlotRef.nQ = sd_plot;
% eval shape functions for plotting
[N_plt, ptPlotReal] = ShapeFcts1dReal(ptPlotRef, CoordReal)
fh_plot = fi' * N_plt.f;
plot(ptPlotReal.xx, fh_plot)
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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
 Almost any kind of FEM-related information can be plotted with
 Examples:

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
Other Core-Functions
 Core/Examples
 Various worked out examples

 Core/Miscellaneous
 Various helper functions used by other Core functions

 Core/SparseMatrices
 Handling of sparse matrixes (used for stiffness matrix

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© D. Schöllhammer, Institute of Structural Analysis, TU Graz
 Basic data structures in EduFEM

 Elements
 CoordRef (defines element in reference space)
 CoordReal (defines element in physical space)

 Meshes
 Mesh (discrete geometry description with elements)

 Shape functions
 ShapeFctsRef (shape func. evaluated in ref. element)
 ShapeFctsReal (mapped shape func. in physical element)

 Integration
 ipRef (integration points and weights in ref. element)
 ipReal (integration points and weights in real element)

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