100 Drugs by Sayeed Final

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Clarke Allen Boger

Boericke Farrington Nash

Lippe Royal M.N. Chowdhury
Vithoulkas Morrison Vermeulen

Compiled by

2 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Compiled & Edited by

Station Road, Jamalpur.
Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com
February 2021

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 3

1. Abrotanum 35. Coculus Ind 69. Nat Mur

2. Aconite Nap 36. Colchicum 70. Nat Sulph
3. Aesculus Hip 37. Collinsonia 71. Nitric Acid
4. Aethusa 38. Colocynthis 72. Nux Vom
5. Agnus Castus 39. Conium Mac 73. Opium
6. Aloe 40. Croton Tig 74. Paenoia
7. Alumina 41. Cuprum M 75. Petroleum
8. Allium Cepa 42. Digitalis 76. Phosphoric Acid
9. Anacardium 43. Dulcamara 77. Phosphorus
10. Antim Tart 44. Eupatorium Perf. 78. Phytolacca
11. Antim Crud 45. Euphrasia 79. Platinum
12. Apis Mel 46. Ferrum Met 80. Podophyllum
13. Argentum Nit 47. Gelsemium 81. Psorinum
14. Arnica 48. Glonoin 82. Pulsatilla
15. Arsenic Alb 49. Graphistis 83. Pyrogen
16. Arum Met 50. Hemamalis 84. Ratanhia
17. Baptisia 51. Hepar Sulph 85. Rhus Tox
18. Baryta Carb 52. Hydrastis 86. Ruta
19. Belladonna 53. Hyoscyamus 87. Sabina
20. Berberis V 54. Ignatia 88. Sanguinaria
21. Borax 55. Iodium 89. Secale Cor
22. Bryonia 56. Ipecac 90. Sepia
23. Bufo Rana 57. Kali Bich 91. Silica
24. Cal Carb 58. Kali Carb 92. Spongia
25. Cal Phos 59. Kreosotum 93. Stannum Met
26. Cannabis Indica 60. Lac Can 94. Staphysagria
27. Cantharis 61. Lachesis 95. Stramonium
28. Carbo Veg 62. Ledum Pul 96. Sulphur
29. Causticum 63. Lycopodium 97. Syphilinum
30. Chamomilla 64. Magnesia Carb 98. Thuja
31. Chelidonium 65. Medorrhinum 99. Tuberculinum
32. China 66. Merc Sol 100. Zincum Met
33. Cimicifuga 67. Mezereum
34. Cina 68. Nat Carb

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

4 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 5


Make-up : The face is wrinkled, pale, old-looking. [Clarke]

Location : Glands, joints, and mucous membranes. [Morrison]

Sensation : Burning, cutting, gnawing pain in stomach. As

if stomach were hanging or swimming in water.

Modality : Worse: cold air, checked secretions. [Boericke]

: Better: motion. [Boericke]

Leaders : Marasmus1 in children especially of legs and then

progresses upwards. Metastasis2 [Vithoulkas].

Marasmus: a form of malnutrition. It happens when the intake of
nutrients and energy is too low for a person’s needs. It leads to
wasting, or the loss of body fat and muscle. A child with marasmus
may not grow as children usually do.
Metastasis: Change of location or form of pathology [Morrison].

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

6 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up3 : Strong, healthy, neurotic4. [Royal]

Location : Mind; Brain; nerves; Larynx, Chest. [Boger]

Sensation : Fear; burning; sticking; tearing; shooting. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: in warm room, in evening and night; from

music; dry, cold winds. [Boericke]

: Better: in open air. [Boericke]

Leaders : Acute, sudden, and violent attack, with fever

[Boericke]. FEAR; great restlessness; intense thirst.
(Aconite is always indicated at the beginning, the very
outset of a disease.) [Royal]

Since Aconite is purely an acute drug, consideration of constitution
is not of much importance [S.K. Dubey].
Neurotic: caused by or suffering from neurosis (= a mental illness
in which a person suffers strong feelings of fear and worry).

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 7


Make-up : For persons with hemorrhoidal tendencies. [Allen]

Location : Veins, Liver, RECTUM, Mucous membranes,

Sacro-iliac region5 [Boger].

Sensation : Rectum: feels as if full of small sticks. [Allen]

Modality : Worse: in morning on awaking; from any

motion, walking; after stool, standing.

: Better: cool open air. [Boericke]

Leaders : Hemorrhoids, with backache, and absence of actual

constipation. Severe pain but little bleeding. Fullness
of rectum and intense pain in anus for hours.

Sacroiliac joint: The sacroiliac joint is the joint between
the sacrum and the ilium bones of the pelvis, which are connected
by strong ligaments.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

8 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Expression of uneasiness and sadness. [Boericke]

Location : BRAIN; Nerves; Digestion. [Boger]

Sensation : Stomach feels turned upside down, with burning

feeling up to the chest. [Boericke; Clarke]

Modality : Worse: 3 to 4 a. m., and evenings; Warmth,

Summer. [Boericke]

: Better: In open air and company. [Boericke]

Leaders : Best remedies for vomiting in children. Intolerance

of milk; vomiting as soon as taken or in large curds;
after which the child becomes greatly relaxed and
drowsy. Complete absence of thirst [Nash].

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 9

Make-up : Lymphatic constitution6; Premature old age. [Allen]

Location : Sexual Organ; Mind; Nerves. [Boger]

Sensation : Sensation of death. [Vithoulkas]

Modality : Worse: Motion, walking, warm. [Vithoulkas]

: Better: Pressure, open air. [Vithoulkas]

Leaders : Impotency7 with Depression. Sexual Organs Cold,

Flaccid8 [Vithoulkas]. Absence or disappearance of
milk in women after delivery, often with great
sadness [Allen].

Lymphatic constitution: It is marked by pallor (= pale colour of the
face), slow and shallow respiration (=taking in only a small amount of
air each time), sluggish circulation, hyperplasia (=an increase in the
number of cells) of the lymphatic glands; and tendency to
inflammation of the skin and lymphatics. [Dubey]
Impotency: a condition in which a man is unable to achieve an
erection and is therefore unable to have full sex.
Flaccid: soft and weak; not hard.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

10 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Catarrhal9; take cold easily. [Royal]

Location : Mucous membranes 10 of eyes, nose, larynx;

nerves. [Royal]

Sensation : Sharp; burning; smarting; rawness. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: in the evening, in warm room. [Boericke]

: Better: in open air, and in cold room. [Boericke]

Leaders : A picture of coryza [=common cold], with acrid

nasal discharge; eye secretion bland. Violent
Sneezing, especially when entering a warm room.

Catarrh: Inflammation of the mucous membranes in one of
the airways or cavities of the body.
Mucous Membrane: a thin layer of skin that covers the inside of
the nose and mouth and the outside of other organs in the body,
producing mucus to prevent these parts from becoming dry.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 11


Make-up : Phlegmatic, indolent people. Old people.


Location : RECTUM, Liver, Colon; Lumber region; Head;

Female organs. [Boger]

Sensation : Heavy; urging; insecurity of anus. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: early morning; summer; heat; after eating

or drinking. [Boericke]

: Better: from cold, open air. [Boericke]

Leaders : Diarrhea, sudden urging for stool, especially in the

morning. Involuntary stool especially when passing
flatus. Hemorrhoids "like a bunch of grapes"
[Morrison]. A lot of mucus, with pain in rectum after
stool. [Boericke]

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

12 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Old people, with lack of vital heat, or prematurely

old, with debility (= weakness). [Boericke]

Location : Mucous membranes; Skin. [Boericke]

Sensation : Faint; weak; trembling; drawn tight. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: periodically; in afternoon; from potatoes; in

morning on awaking; warm room.

: Better: in open air; from cold washing; in evening

and on alternate days. [Boericke]

Leader : Dryness of skin and mucus membranes. Severe

Constipation. Inactivity of Rectum, even soft stool
requires great straining11. [Vithoulkas]

Strain: to injure yourself or part of your body by making it work
too hard.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 13


Make-up : Pale face with blue ring around the eyes. [Dubey]

Location : Brain and nerves; skin. [Royal]

Sensation : Sensation of a plug; also of a band. [Boericke]

Modality : Worse: Mental exertion; emotions, especially

anger. [Royal]

: Better: Eating (while or after). [Vithoulkas].

Leaders : SUDDEN LOSS OF MEMORY [Dubey]. Empty

feeling in stomach; eating temporarily relieves all
discomfort [Boericke]. Two opposing wills, lack of
self-confidence, cruelty; desire to curse

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

14 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Fat, fretful [= restless], cross [=angry] and peevish

[=easily annoyed]; [Boger] but, adult patient is sad



Sensation : ---

Modality : Worse: in evening, from heat, acids, wine, water,

and washing. [Boericke]

: Better: in open air, during rest. Moist warmth.


Leaders : Excessive irritability and fretfulness, together with

a thickly-coated white tongue. Tendency to grow fat.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 15


Make-up : Lacking in reaction; weak; lethargic. [Royal]

Location : Respiratory organs; skin; mucous membrane.


Sensation : Weakness; nausea; suffocation. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: in evening; from lying down at night; from

warmth; in damp cold weather. [Boericke]

: Better: from sitting erect; from eructation and

expectoration. [Boericke]

Leaders : Loose, coarse, rattling cough; lungs seem full, yet

little is expectorated or absorbed; cold sweat;
suffocative shortness of breath. [Royal]

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

16 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Dropsical (= edematous12).

Location : Eyes, Face; Skin; kidneys; Bladder; Nerves; Right

side; Right to left. [Boger]

Sensation : Stinging, burning, prickling, smarting, like hot

needles. [Boger]

Modality : Worse: HEAT in any form; touch; Right side.


: Better: Cold application. [Vithoulkas]

Leaders : Edema of various parts, esp. around and under the

Eyes; red rosy hue, soreness, intolerance of heat
[Boericke]. Burning, Stinging pain (like a bee sting).
Thirstless despite the heat and the burning.

Oedema: a condition in which liquid collects in the spaces inside
the body and makes it swell (= become larger or rounder than

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 17


Make-up : Nervous; dyspeptic13; anemic. [Royal]; Old-looking

patients [Allen]

Location : Mind, Nerves, Mucous membrane, Stomach, Eyes,

Left side. [Boger]

Sensation : Trembling; Splinter-like pain; rawness; soreness;

distention. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Heat, Sweets, excitement. [Vithoulkas]

: Better: Open air, Cold applications. [Vithoulkas]

Leaders : Great desire for sweets, the splinter-like pains, and

free muco-purulent discharge in the inflamed and
ulcerated mucous membranes [Boericke].
Anticipatory anxiety leading to diarrhoea, frequent
urination [Vithoulkas].

Dyspeptic: connected with or suffering from dyspepsia (=
indigestion; pain caused by difficulty in digesting food).

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

18 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Anemic; rheumatic; hemorrhagic. [Royal]

Location : Blood, Blood-vessel; Nerves; Muscles. [Boger]

Sensation : Sore [= painful], bruised14 feeling, as if beaten.


Modality : Worse: Least touch; motion. [Boericke]

: Better: Lying down, or with head low. [Boericke]

Leaders : Injury with extravasation15 of blood− bruises,

concussions, sprain16. Injuries with blunt instruments.
Blueness of The skin. Bed feels too hard. [Vithoulkas]

Bruised: having one or more blue, brown or purple marks on your
skin after falling, being hit, etc.
Extravasation: the leakage of a fluid out of its container into the
surrounding area, especially blood or blood cells from vessels.
Sprain: to injure a joint in your body, especially your wrist or ankle,
by suddenly twisting it.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 19


Make-up : The nervous, restless, debilitated. [Royal]

Location : Mucous membranes; Mind; Respiration; Blood;

Heart; Nerves; Spleen; Lymphatics; Muscles; Skin.

Sensation : One of our chief burners, sharp, splinter-like,

cramping, stitching. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: After midnight (1 to 2 a.m. or p.m.); from

cold; cold drinks or food; when lying on
affected side or with the head low. [Allen]

: Better: From heat in general except headache,

which is temporarily > by cold bathing.

Leaders : Its great keynotes are Restlessness, Burning,

Prostration, and Midnight Aggravation [Nash].
Burning pains > by heat. Great thirst for cold water;
drinks often, but little at a time [Allen]. Fastidious,
wants everything in order and very clean

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

20 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : People who are very intense, idealistic and who

want to be the best and set high goals. [Morrison]

Location : Mind; Nerves; Vascular system; Heart; Bones;

Glands; Liver; Kidneys [Boger]

Sensation : Suicidal anguish17; tearing; sharp; sticking. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: in cold weather when getting cold; from

sunset to sunrise. [Boericke]

: Better: Music; walking. [Boger; Vithoulkas]

Leaders : Ailments from grief or disappointed love.

[Morrison]. Severe depression; disgust for life;
suicidal tendency. [Royal]

Anguish: severe physical or mental pain.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 21


Make-up : Weak; depressed; low vitality. [Royal]

Location : Blood, Mind, Left side. [Boger]

Sensation : Confusion; bruised; aching; rumbling; distention.


Modality : Worse: Humid heat; fog; in room. [Boericke,


: Better: lying on painless side. [Vithoulkas]

Leaders : Septic conditions of the blood, malarial poisoning

and extreme prostration. Great muscular soreness.
All discharges are offensive. [Boericke]

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

22 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Specially indicated in childhood and old age−

backward mentally and physically, dwarfish, do not
grow and develop; take cold easily, and always
have swollen tonsils. [Boericke]


Prostate; HEART; Nerves; Blood-vessels, Lungs.

Sensation : Sensation of cobweb on face (Alumina). [Boericke]

Modality : Worse: Company; Thanking of it; Cold. [Boger]

: Better: Warm wraps. [Boger]

Leaders : Immaturity Mental, Emotional, Physical – Lack of Self

Confidence. Children are timid/shy; they fear
people, hide behind the mother. Recurrent
tonsillitis. [Vithoulkas]

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 23

Make-up : Plethoric, full-blooded, active. [Royal]

Location : Nerve centers; Brain; Mucous Membranes (Eye,

Mouth, THROAT); Right side. [Boger]

Sensation : Throbbing; Sharp-cutting; Shooting. [Boger]

Modality : Worse: Touch, motion, light, noise, afternoon (3

P.M.) [Boger; Boericke]

: Better: Rest in bed [Boger]; Semi-erect position.


Leaders : Hot, red skin, glaring18 eyes and throbbing carotids19.

Delirium, restless sleep. Dryness of mouth and
throat with an aversion to water. Neuralgic pain
that come and go suddenly. Violence attack and
suddenness of onset. [Boericke]

Glaring: Staring (=looking at somebody/something for a long time) fiercely
or fixedly.
Carotids: either of the two large arteries in the neck that carry
blood to the head.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

24 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Rheumatic and Lithic [Uric Acid] diathesis. [Royal]

Location : Urinary and digestive tracts; Kidney, Liver, Bladder.


Sensation : Sharp, stitching or colicky pains which radiate.


Modality : Worse: Standing, motion (also sudden motion),

walking, [Boericke; Vithoulkas]

: Better: ---

Leaders : Affections of kidneys, bladder and back with

radiating pains20. Kidney stones, colic. Burning
pain in urethra >urination [Vithoulkas]. Urine filled
with sediment [Morrison].

Radiating pain: Pain that starts in one area and spreads until a
larger area hurt.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 25


Make-up : Pale; flabby; irritable; sickly. [Royal]

Location : Mucous membrane; nerves; urinary organs. [Royal]

Sensation : Sticking; dryness [Royal]; Feeling of cobwebs


Modality : Worse: Downward motion, noise, smoking,

warm weather, after menses. [Boericke]

: Better: Pressure, evening, cold weather.


Leaders : Fear of Downward Motion; Aphthae21; Children cry

before the urine passes. [Vithoulkas]

Aphthae: a small ulcer occurring in groups in the mouth or on the

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

26 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Robust, firm fiber and dark complexion. [Boericke]

Location : Blood; Liver; Serous Membranes (Head, Chest,

Joint, Abdomen), Muscles, Right side. [Boger]

Sensation : Stitching, tearing, bursting, throbbing, sharp.

Modality : Worse: Motion. [Boericke; Boger; Royal]

: Better: Pressure, Lying on painful side. [Boger;


Leaders : Worse From Slightest Motion. Dryness with thirst

for large quantities. Constipation with marked
dryness of the rectum. [Vithoulkas]. Dry cough;
rheumatic pains [Boericke].

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 27


Make-up : It is suited to feeble-minded children and

prematurely senile people. [Boericke]

Location : Mind; Central nervous system; Sexual organ;

Ovaries; Skin; Heart, Kidneys. [Boger]

Sensation : A feeling of general numbness, immediately followed

by a spasm. [Hering's]

Modality : Worse: In warm room, on awakening. [Boericke]

: Better: Cool air; Bathing; Feet in hot water.

[Boger; Boericke]

Leaders : Imbecility [=stupidity], impotence and tendency

towards masturbation; frequently seeks privacy, to
indulge in this suicidal habit [N.M. Chow]. Epileptic
symptoms. Convulsive seizures occur during sleep
at night. [Boericke]

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

28 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Make-up : Leucophlegmatic22; Fair, fatty, flabby23. [Allen]

Location : Nutrition (Glands, Bones); Right lung; Children.


Sensation : Cold, clammy24 feet and sinking sensations.


Modality : Worse: COLD; Exertion, Dentition, Puberty,

Milk. [Boger]

: Better: Dry weather; lying on painful side. [Allen]

Leaders : Improper nutrition and imperfect digestion. Takes

cold easily [Clarke]. Profuse perspiration during
sleep, mostly on back of head and neck [Allen].
Delayed and slow development; agg. Heights
[Vermeulen]. Numerous Fears. Desires Eggs and
Sweets [Vithoulkas].

Leucophlegmatic: Flabby, calm, apathetic, slow to act or react;
unexcitable (Dr S. K. Dubey).
Flabby: covered with soft, loose fat.
Clammy: slightly wet in an unpleasant way.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 29


Make-up : Anemic, weak mentally, poorly nourished. [Royal]

Location : Nutrition (Bones, Glands, Nerves); Abdomen.


Sensation : Numbness and crawling sensation. [Boericke]

Modality : Worse: Exposure to damp, cold weather.


: Better: Warm, dry weather. [Boericke]

Leaders : Generally emaciated instead of fat. School

headaches in children, weak-minded children.
Craving for salt or smoked meats [Clarke]. Delayed
development, slow to walk [Morrison]. Thin,
brittle bones [Boger].

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

30 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Extremely sensitive; emotional. [Royal]

Location : MIND, Nerves, Genito-urinary organs. [Boger;


Sensation : Spasmodic, syncope25. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: morning; from coffee, liquor and tobacco;

lying on right side. [Boericke]

: Better: from fresh air, cold water, rest. [Boericke]

Leaders : Wandering thoughts; loses the thread of the

narrative. Mistakes. Confusion of mind. Time passes
too slowly. Excessive loquacity, immoderate
laughing. Urinary problems, similar to Canth.

Syncope: the dropping of a sound or sounds in the middle of a
word when it is spoken, for example the pronunciation
of library as /laɪbri/.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 31


Make-up : Paleness of the face− which express anguish and

despair. [Clarke]

Location : Urinary organs, Bladder; Skin; Right side. [Boger;


Sensation : Excessive Burning. [Vithoulkas-V]

Modality : Worse: Urinating, drinking cold water. [Boericke]

: Better: Lying down and rest. [Vithoulkas-V]

Leaders : The burning pain and intolerable and constant urging

to urinate, but passing a few drops at a time.
Excessive burning before, during and after urination

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

32 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Loss of vitality; failing reaction. [Royal]

Location : Mucous Membranes (digestive tract, stomach);

Heart; Blood. [Boger]

Sensation : Weak; cold; sharp; numb. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Warmth; Loss of vital fluids; Exhausting

diseases; Rich foods; Walking in open air;
Pressure of clothes; Milk. [Boger;

: Better: Eructation. Cool air. Being fanned. [Boger;


Leaders : Bad effect of exhausting diseases. Weak digestion,

excessive accumulation of gas in stomach and
intestines < lying down. In the last stages of disease−
faintness with cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue,
but desire to be fanned. [Allen]

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 33


Make-up : Weak; low vitality; Sad; Sympathetic. [Nash; Royal]

Location : Nerves; Muscles (Bladder, Larynx); Right side.


Sensation : Sensation of SORE RAWNESS; TEARING PAINS.


Modality : Worse: Dry, cold dry weather. [Vithoulkas]

: Better: WET, warm wet weather, cold drinks.


Leaders : Gradual paralysis, paralysis of single parts, esp. of

right side. Drooping of upper eyelids. Involuntary
urination when coughing, sneezing. Sudden loss of
voice Warts on the nose, eyelids [Allen].

Very Chilly; Desire− Salt; Aversion− Sweets [R.B].

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

34 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Bad temper, Uncivil, Quarrelsome; Oversensitive.


Location : Mind, Nerves; Mucous membranes (digestive tract);

Liver; Women and Children; Left side. [Boger]

Sensation : Sharp; shooting; cramp-like; jerking; pains seem

intolerable. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Anger, Night, Dentition, Taking cold

[Boger]; Warm (in toothache) [Allen].

: Better: Being carried; Heat. [Boger]

Leaders : Great Irritability, cannot bear to be looked at.

Children want to be carried and rocked. Over-
Sensitive to pain. [Vithoulkas]. Acute or chronic
otitis media26. Ear pain worse touch, worse from
wind [Morrison].

Otitis Media: inflammation of the middle ear.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 35

Make-up : Yellowness [Boger]; Sluggish, bilious27, lazy. [Royal]

Location : Liver; mucous membranes and lungs [Royal]; Right

side [Boger].

Sensation : Weariness; weakness; heaviness; nausea;

constriction; sticking. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Motion; Change of weather; 4 A.M. and 4

P.M. [Boger; Royal]

: Better: Hot food [Boger; Royal]; after dinner,

from pressure [Boericke].

Leaders : A prominent liver remedy. The jaundiced skin, and

especially the constant pain under lower angle of
right scapula (=shoulder blades) [Boericke].
Gallstones, cholecystitis28. Prefers hot food and
drink. [Vithoulkas]

Bilious: Bilious means suffering from liver dysfunction (and especially
excessive secretion of bile). And, further by extension, it is indicative of
a peevish ill-natured disposition.

28 Cholecystitis: Inflammation of the gallbladder. Cholecystitis is a

complication of gallstones, and it is frequently associated with infection
in the gallbladder.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

36 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Anemic; hemorrhagic; debilitated. [Royal]

Location : Blood; circulation; Digestive organs; Liver; Spleen,

Nerves. [Boger]

Sensation : Weakness; vertigo; suffocative; roaring. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Slightest touch. Draught of air; loss of

vital fluids; at night; after eating.

: Better: Hard pressure; open air; warmth.


Leaders : Ailments after loss of vital fluids− weakness,

headaches, gastro-intestinal disturbances, anemia
[Vermeulen]. Distention of abdomen, with much
flatus29, but passing flatus gives no relief [Boericke].
Diarrhoea worse from fish, fruit, milk. Periodicity,
especially every two or seven days [Morrison].

Flatus: gas in the stomach or intestines.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 37


Make-up : Plumpness30; delicate, sensitive, nervous, chilly.


Location : Mind; Nape31; Nerves [Boger]. Uterus, ovaries and

muscular system [N.M. Chow].

Sensation : Sharp, lancinating, electric-like pains. [Allen]

Modality : Worse: morning, cold (except headache), during

menses. [Boericke]

: Better: warmth, eating. [Boericke]

Leaders : Difficult labour due to rigidity of os. Strong labour

like pain during menstrual discharge. Mental
depressionsuicidal mania [N.M. Chow].
Rheumatic complaints; Stiffness and contraction in
neck and back [Boericke; Vithoulkas].

Plumpness: the fact of having a soft, round body and being slightly
Nape: the back of the neck.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

38 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Very Cross [=angry], Irritable; Face is pale, sickly.


Location : Nerves; Digestive tract; Eyes; Children. [Boger]

Sensation : Canine hunger; Twitching; Spasm. [Boger]

Modality : Worse: Touch; Worms; vexation, Looked at;

During Sleep. [Boger]

: Better: Lying on abdomen. [Boger]

Leaders : A remedy for worms. Rubs the nose constantly.

Grinds teeth in sleep. Ravenous appetite soon after
eating. Vomiting with a clean tongue. Angry, striking
children. Sleeps in knee-chest position. [Boericke;
Vithoulkas; Morrison]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 39


Make-up : Neurotic32, overworked; sleepless. [Royal]

Location : Sensorium; Cerebro-spinal; Female sexual organs.


Sensation : Empty feeling; Vertigo, Nausea. [Boericke]

Modality : Worse: Motion (Boat, Cars); Loss of sleep;

Anxiety; Cold; Eating. [Boger]

: Better: ---

Leaders : Nausea or vomiting from riding in car. Bad effect of

night watching (loss of sleep) with mental excitement.

Neurotic: caused by or suffering from neurosis (= a mental illness
in which a person suffers strong feelings of fear and worry).

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40 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Gout in persons of vigorous constitution. Often

indicated with old people. Uric acid diathesis.

Location : Digestive Tract; Heart; kidneys; Muscles; Small

Joints. [Boger]

Sensation : Tingling: nausea; icy coldness: tenesmus; weakness.


Modality : Worse: smell or sight of food, odor of eggs;

Motion; Cold wet weather; Touch.

: Better: Warmth. Rest. Bending double. Sitting.


Leaders : Great sensitivity to odors causing nausea,

vomiting, faintness. Nausea on looking, smelling, or
even thinking of food. Tremendous abdominal
distension < after eating. Obstructed flatulence.
Gout with great inflammation of joints. [Vithoulkas;

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 41

Make-up : ---

Location : Anus, Rectum, Uterus, Bowels, Heart [Boger].

Sensation : Sharp cutting in rectum, Constriction or as of

sharp splinters (of glass) in rectum [Boger].

Modality : Worse: Piles (during or suppressed); Night; Pregnancy.

Cold; Excitement. [Vermeulen]

: Better: Heat; Morning. [Vermeulen]

Leaders : Aesc. and Collins both of which have sensation as if

rectum was full of sticks. But:
 Aesc. has sense of fulness in rectum, which Collins. has
 Aesc. piles do not bleed as a rule; those
of Collins. bleed persistently (though not
profuse−N.M. Chow).
 Aesc. has pain, soreness, and aching in the back. Collins.
has more persistently constipation, with colic on
account of it. Aesc. may have constipation or may not.
 Collins. has shown marked power of disturbing the
circulation and causing hemorrhages, and also of
disturbing cutaneous sensation. [Clarke]

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42 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Make-up : Neurotic33, bilious34, easily offended. [Royal]

Location : Nerves; Digestive tract (navel); Intestines; Ovaries;

Kidneys; Left side. [Boger]

Sensation : Cutting; griping; pinching; twisting; squeezed; sticking;

shooting; colic. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: EMOTIONS. VEXATION; Lying on painless side.

Night, in bed. Drafts. Taking cold. Eating;
drinking. [Vermeulen]


Rest. Gentle motion. [Vermeulen]

Leaders : Severe cutting, cramping pains in the abdomen. Pains

ameliorated by hard pressure, by bending double. Right-
sided sciatica. [Morrison]

Neurotic: caused by or suffering from neurosis (= a mental illness
in which a person suffers strong feelings of fear and worry).
Bilious: Bilious means suffering from liver dysfunction (and
especially excessive secretion of bile). And, further by extension, it
is indicative of a peevish ill-natured disposition.

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 43


Make-up : Lively; quick, sanguine35 disposition. [Royal]

Location : Brain and nerves; glands; sexual organs. [Royal]

Sensation : Dizzy; weak, listless, erratic. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Seeing moving objects; after exertion; lying

down, Sexual excesses, Suppression of
sexual desires. [Boger]

: Better: Letting part hand down. [Boger]

Leaders : Ailments From Suppressed Sexual Desire or from

sexual excesses. Tumors or induration of glands.
Vertigo, worse lying, worse turning in bed.

Sanguine: Cheerful and confident; optimistic.

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44 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : ---

Location : MUCOUS MEMBRANES. of Bowels, Eyes; Bladder;

Mammae; Uterus; Skin. [Boger]

Sensation : Swashing36 sensation in intestines. [Boericke]

Modality : Worse: Drinking, least food; Washing; Summer;

Touch, Motion. [Vermeulen]

: Better: After sleep. Gentle rubbing. [Vermeulen]

Leaders : Diarrhoea with stool, which is gushing37, aggravated

by least food or drink. Rumbling38 and gurgling39
before and after stool. [Vithoulkas]

Swash: (of water or an object in water) move with a splashing sound.

37 Gush: [sudden outpouring] a large amount of something produced in a

short time.

38 Rumbling: a long deep sound or series of sounds.

39 Gurgle: to make a sound like water flowing quickly through a narrow


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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 45


Make-up : Neurotic40; Fair-haired; Carbo-nitrogenous

constitution. [Royal]

Location : Nerves; Epigastrium; Muscles. [Boger]

Sensation : Cramps and Spasms. [Boger]

Modality : Worse: Overexertion, mental and physical. Hot

weather. Vomiting; Night; Cold air.

: Better: Cold drinks. During perspiration

[Vermeulen; Boericke]

Leaders : Cramps in calves of legs. Convulsions begin in fingers

and toes, and spreading over entire body

Neurotic: caused by or suffering from neurosis (= a mental illness
in which a person suffers strong feelings of fear and worry).

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

46 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Nervous lymphatic constitutions. Children with very

white complexions, light hair, scrofulous.

Location : Heart; Circulation (liver, lungs, abdomen); Genito-

urinary organs. [Boger]

Sensation : Palpitation of heart; weakness; drowsiness. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Rising up; Exertion; lying on left side.


: Better: Rest, lying flat on back. [Boger]

Leaders : There are three main symptoms: (1) Slow, weak,

irregular and intermittent pulse. (2) Enlarged, sore,
painful liver. (3) White, pasty stools [Clarke].
Sensation that the heart will stop beating, worse
from exertion. Jaundice with pale or whitish stool

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 47

Make-up : Phlegmatic41, Scrofulous42 constitutions; restless,
irritable. [Allen]


Sensation : Stiff, numb, achy, and sore from every exposure to damp
cold. [Boger]

Modality : Worse: BEING CHILLED−sudden change of

temperature; Suppressed discharges;
Autumn. [Boger]

: Better: Dry weather (esp. warm dry), hot bath,

motion, walking, discharges, warm. [Vithoulkas]

Leaders : The leading indication of Dulcamara is found in its

modality, "aggravation from cold and damp" (pain in
back, head, teeth, inflammation of eye, asthma, etc.).
Paralysis of single parts. Eruptions on hands, arms, or
face. [Clarke, Vithoulkas]

Phlegmatic: easily suffers from cold and cough.
Scrofulous: same as strumous [= goitrous] constitution. Scrofula:
a disease in which the glands swelled (= became bigger and

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48 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Of bilious43 temperament and irritable stomach.


Location : BONES; Stomach; Liver; Muscles. [Boger]

Sensation : Broken; bruised; sore; aching. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Cold Air; Motion; Periodically; 7-9 A.M.


: Better: Vomiting bile; Sweating, Lying on face.


Leaders : Pains in muscles and bones, especially during

influenza. Bruised feeling, as if broken bones all over
the body, worse on motion. [Vithoulkas]

Bilious: Bilious means suffering from liver dysfunction (and
especially excessive secretion of bile). And, further by extension, it
is indicative of a peevish ill-natured disposition.

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 49


Make-up : Tearful though not sad. [Royal]

Location : Mucous membranes of EYES and nose. [Royal]

Sensation : Smarting; burning; itching. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Sunlight, warm wind or in warm room.


: Better: In open air; wiping eyes. [Royal]

Leaders : For watery eyes (All-c, Thuja). Abundant, acrid, hot,

smarting tears with bland coryza (All-c the reverse).

Tendency to an accumulation of sticky

mucus on the cornea, which is removed by
winking. Photophobia and lachrymation, with or
without coryza [Nash].

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50 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Anemic. [Royal]

Location : Vasomotor; Blood; Spleen; Digestion. [Boger]

Sensation : Hammering; beating; weakness; sensitive. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Night, Exertion, Eggs, eating, Loss of vital

fluids, Cold, Change of temperature to
warm. [Vithoulkas]

: Better: Gentle motion, Slight bleeding. [Boger]

Leaders : Anemia, extreme paleness. False plethora [=

excess of blood], looks healthy but are very weak.
Pale face that flushes easily. [Vithoulkas]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 51


Make-up : Nervous, weak, debilitated. [Royal]

Location : Circulation; Brain Cord; Motor Nerves; Mucous

Membranes; Right Side. [Boger]

Sensation : Weakness; trembling; heaviness; vertigo; fullness.


Modality : Worse: Motion for most symptoms; damp

summer heat; 4 to 8 P.M. [Royal]

: Better: Profuse urination; Sweating; Shaking;

Mental effort. [Boger]

Leaders : Complete relaxation and prostration. Dizziness,

drowsiness, and trembling. Slow pulse, tired feeling,
mental apathy. Paralysis of various groups of
muscles about the eyes, extremities, etc. [Boericke]

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52 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Florid44; plethoric; sensitive; nervous; sanguine45.


Location : Brain, Vasomotor (Circulation, Head, Heart).


Sensation : Throbbing; fulness; weakness; aching. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: SUN, warm (stove, air, becoming, room,

bed, wraps), wine, lying, motion.

: Better: Cold, lying, pressure, sitting. [Vithoulkas]

Leaders : Congestion of blood. Hypertension. Pulsating46

headache, esp. forehead and temples. Agg. from SUN
and HEAT, Sunstroke47. [Vithoulkas]

Florid: (of a person’s face) Naturally fairly red in colour.
45 Sanguine: Cheerful and confident; optimistic.
46 Pulsating: A throbbing sensation.
47 Sunstroke: An illness with a high temperature, weakness, headache, etc.
caused by too much direct sun, especially on the head.

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 53


Make-up : Fat; greasy; chilly; constipated. [Royal]

Location : SKIN (folds, behind ears, nails); Mucous membranes.


Sensation : Itching, burning; tearing; of cobweb. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Cold; Light; during menses; Suppression of

eruptions. [Royal]

: Better: Walking in open air, Eating, Touch [Boger]

Leaders : Skin eruptions, Gluey discharges, Obesity, Thick

nails. [Vithoulkas]. Thick skin, often with cracks.
Skin unhealthy - easy infections, abscesses, slow to
heal. Eruptions or cracks behind ears. Constipation
with large hard stool [Morrison].

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54 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Esp. suitable to nervous, excitable, sensitive persons.


Location : VEINS, Rectum, Limbs; Liver. [Boger]

Sensation : Soreness, bruised. [Boger]

Modality : Worse: Motion, Touch. During day (pains). Warm,

moist air. At night. [Vermeulen]

: Better: Rest. Lying quietly. [Vermeulen]

Leaders : Venous congestion, hemorrhages, varicose veins48,

and hemorrhoids, with bruised soreness of affected
parts. [Boericke]

Varicose veins: Varicose veins are superficial veins that have
become enlarged and twisted. Typically, they occur just under the
skin in the legs.

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 55


Make-up : Suppurating; Chilly and Oversensitive. [Royal;


Location : Nerves; Connective Tissues; Respiratory

Membranes; Glands; Skin. [Boger]

Sensation : Sharp; splinter-like, sticking; sore. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Cold air, drafts; part becoming cold; Least

touch or exertion ; Lying on painful side.
[Royal; Boger]

: Better: Heat, especially warm wraps; Damp

weather. [Royal; Boger]

Leaders : The tendency to suppuration is most marked.

Chilliness, hypersensitiveness, splinter-like pains,
craving for sour and strong things are very
characteristic. Profuse secretions; Sweats easily and
profusely, without relief [Vermeulen]. Very abusive,
angry, impolite [Vithoulkas].

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56 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : CATARRHAL; dyspeptic; debilitated. [Royal]

Location : Mucous membranes and glands: Nasal cavities,

Stomach, Gall-ducts, Intestines; Muscles, Uterus.

Sensation : Sharp; sticking; burning. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: AIR (inhaling; cold, dry winds; open);

Washing; During pregnancy. [Boger;

: Better: Rest, Pressure; Dry weather; Warm

covering. [Vermeulen]

Leaders : Hydrastis is a remedy for infections with thick,

yellow and ropey discharges especially in the
upper respiratory tract (Kali-bi). Gastric ulceration
[Morrison]. Weak digestion; emptiness of stomach
not amel. eating; and constipation without urging

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 57


Make-up : Nervous, irritable, excitable, sanguine49 temperaments.


Location : MIND, Brain, nerves; muscles; blood. [Boger]

Sensation : Jerking; twitching; restless; fear.

Modality : Worse: Jealousy, Fright, Lying down, Cold, At night,

During menses, After eating. [Boger; Boericke]

: Better: Sitting up. Stooping. [Boger; Boericke]

Leaders : Jealousy, Suspiciousness, Touching Genitals,

Shamelessness. Lascivious50; Nymphomania51;
Perversions52. Restless hands, Picking At Bedclothes.

Sanguine: Cheerful and confident; optimistic.
50 Lascivious: feeling or showing strong sexual desire.
51 Nymphomania: the behaviour of a woman who has, or wants to have,
sex very often.
52 Perversion: behaviour that most people think is not normal or
acceptable, especially when it is connected with sex; an example of this
type of behavior.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

58 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Nervous temperament, easily excited nature, dark,

mild disposition. [Boericke]

Location : Mind; Nervous System, Cerebro-spinal axis.


Sensation : Sharp; sticking; sad. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: EMOTIONS: GRIEFS, WORRY, Shock.

AIR: Open. Cold. Coffee, Smoking. [Boger]

: Better: When alone; change of position; profuse

urination. [Boger; Royal]

Leaders : Ailments after grief, disappointed love. Easily

hurt feelings; Sighing. [Morrison]. The remedy of
great contradictions: Sore throat feels > when
swallowing; empty feeling in stomach not > by
eating; thirst during a chill, no thirst in the fever
[Allen]. The aversion to fruits is a confirmatory
symptom [Vithoulkas].

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 59


Make-up : Exceedingly thin, dark complexioned, with enlarged

lymphatic glands. Tubercular type. [Boericke]

Location : Glands; Mucous Membranes of larynx and lungs;

Heart. [Boger; Royal]

Sensation : Hungry; dry; pulsating, heat. [Vithoulkas]

Modality : Worse: HEAT (room, air, wraps). [Boger]

: Better: Eating, COLD (Air, Bathing). [Boger]

Leaders : ALWAYS TOO HOT [Boger]. Emaciation. Eats a

lot but still loses weight. Ravenous appetite soon
after eating. Induration of glands. Weakness from
heat, perspiration. [Vithoulkas]

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60 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Persons with light hair. Women and Children.

[Vermeulen ]

Location : Mucous Membranes of Stomach. Respiratory, Lungs.

Nerves. Umbilicus. [Boger]

Sensation : Nausea; Stomach feels relaxed, as if hanging

down. [Boericke]

Modality : Worse: Warmth; damp; overeating; periodically.


: Better: Open air. [Boger]

Leaders : CONTINUOUS NAUSEA with profuse saliva,

particularly when tongue is clean. Profuse Bright
Red Hemorrhage. NO THIRST. Weakness and
aversion to all food. Symptoms in general > open air.
[Vermeulen ]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 61


Make-up : Fleshy, fat, light-complexioned subject to catarrhs.


Location : Mucous Membranes (Air passages, NOSE, Pharynx,

Stomach); Ligament; JOINTS. [Boger]

Sensation : Sharp; stinging; sticky. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: COLD open air, Undressing; MORNING;

2− 3 A.M.; Hot weather; Suppressed
catarrh. [Boger]

: Better: Heat. [Boger; Boericke]

Leaders : Catarrh of pharynx, larynx, bronchi and nose, and

a tough, stringy, viscid secretion is
produced. [Boericke]

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62 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Make-up : Esp. suited for old people, and for fat people with lax
fibre; dark hair; anaemic persons. [Vermeulen ]

Location : MUSCLES (Heart, Uterus, Lumbar); Serous and Mucous

Membranes; Eyes, Blood, Left side. [Boger]

Sensation : Weak; Stitching. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: 02:00 – 04:00 A.M., COLD (air, becoming),

drafts of air, after coition. [Vithoulkas]

: Better: Warm (bed, bathing, applications).


Leaders : There are three main symptoms [mentioned by Clarke]:

(1) Stitching pains.
(2) Early morning aggravation: generally worse 2 to 4
(3) Bag-like swelling of the upper eyelids.
 Serious, Rigid, Duty-Bound. Very Chilly. [Vithoulkas]
 Combination of “Sweat, backache, and
weakness”. [Farrington]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 63


Make-up : Overgrown, poorly developed children. Dark, Lean,

Leucophlegmatic53. [Vermeulen ]

Location : DIGESTIVE TRACT; Gums; Female genitals;

Teeth; BLOOD. [Boger]

Sensation : Burning; itching; soreness. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: DENTITION; Rest; Cold; Eating; after

menses. [Boger; Boericke]

: Better: Warmth; Hot food; motion. [Boger;


Leaders : Profuse, acrid, foul discharges; Early decay of teeth

[Royal]. Leukorrhea with putrid, excoriating
discharges and great itching [Morrison].

Leucophlegmatic: Flabby, calm, apathetic, slow to act or react;
unexcitable (Dr S. K. Dubey).

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64 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Nervous, restless, highly sensitive. [Allen]

Location : NERVES; THROAT; Right to left, then back again or

reverse; Female generative organs. [Boger]

Sensation : Floating sensation−Feels as if walking on air.


Modality : Worse: TOUCH; Jar; During menses; Cold air, or

wind, or drinks. [Boger]

: Better: Open air. [Boger]

Leaders : The keynote symptom is, erratic54 pains, alternating

sides [Boericke]. Fear of snakes− has hallucinations55 or
dreams about them. Very forgetful, absent-minded.
Shining, glazed appearance of throat [Vithoulkas].

Erratic: [syn. unpredictable] not happening at regular times.
Hallucinations: the fact of seeming to see or hear
somebody/something that is not really there, especially because of
illness or drugs.

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 65


Make-up : Better adapted to thin and emaciated than to fleshy

persons [Lippe]. Anemic and melancholic, with dark eyes
and tendency to laziness and sadness [Clarke].

Location : Mind, Throat, NERVES; BLOOD, HEART; LEFT SIDE,

Then right; FEMALES; Vertex. [Boger]

Sensation : Tearing; constriction; weakness; restlessness; soreness;

rawness; beating; throbbing; sensitiveness. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Sleep, After Sleep; Morning; Heat; Slight Touch

or Pressure, Pressure of Clothes; around neck;
waist. Retarded Discharges. Climaxis. [Boger]

: Better: Open Air, Free Discharges, Cold Drinks;

Loosening clothes. [Boger; Vermeulen ]

Leaders : The four grand characteristics of Lach. are: (1) < By

sleep. (2) Excessive sensitiveness of the surface with
intolerance of touch or constriction. (3) Left-
sidedness, and the direction left to right. (4) > From
the onset of a discharge [Clarke].

 Loquacity, Jealousy, Fear of Snakes [Vithoulkas].

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66 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Rheumatic, gouty diathesis. [Allen]

Location : Fibrous tissue, JOINTS (small); SKIN; Blood; Left

side. [Boger]

Sensation : Cold and chilly sensation [N.M. Chow].

Modality : Worse: Warm wraps or bed, motion, walking.


: Better: Cold applications, cold bathing.


Leaders : Acute remedy in bites, stings and wounds

[Morrison]. Rheumatism or gout; beings in lower
limbs and ascends. Affected parts cold to touch, yet
relieved by cold application. [Allen]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 67

Make-up : Lithic [Uric Acid] diathesis; lethargic. [Royal]

Location : Digestive Tract; Urinary Organs; Right to left. [Boger]

Sensation : Fullness; dryness; sharp; sticking; of ball rising; distention.


Modality : Worse: 4 to 8 pm; WARMTH; Awaking; Eating. [Boger]

: Better: by motion, after midnight, from warm food and

drink, on getting cold, from being uncovered.

Leaders :  Two most valuable keynotes of Lyc are :

(1) Worse from 4 to 8 p.m. (2) Direction: Right to
 > From uncovering, more particularly in Headache.
 > From warm drinks; < from cold food and drink.
 Red sand in urine; Fullness after eating little; much noisy
flatulence; general acidity. [Royal]
 Lyc. is a remedy for misers. [Clarke]

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68 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Broken-down, "worn-out" women. Persons esp.

children of irritable disposition, nervous
temperament. [Vermeulen]

Location : Digestive Tract; NERVES (Facial, Dental). [Boger]

Sensation : Lightning-like; throbbing; sharp; shooting;


Modality : Worse: Cold; wind; drafts, Change of weather Night;

Milk; Rest; touch. [Boger; Vermeulen]

: Better: Motion, Walking about; Open air, Warm

air. [Boger; Vermeulen]

Leaders : Gastrointestinal disorders with marked acidity.

Green, frothy stools. < MILK. [Royal; Vithoulkas]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 69


Make-up : Enlargement of lymphatic glands all over the body.

Rheumatic affections, peculiar serrated teeth,
offensive odor about the body. [NM Chow]

Children− pale, rachitic; dwarfed and stunted in

growth (Bar-c.); mentally, dull and weak. [Allen]

Location : Mind; Nerves; Mucous Membranes;

Lymphatics; Cellular tissue (Lungs, Pelvis, Small
joints); Spine; Kidneys; Left ovary. [Boger]

Sensation : Frontal headache; with nausea; feeling of a tight

band across forehead. [Allen]

Modality : Worse: When thinking of ailment, from daylight

to sunset, heat, inland. [Boericke]

: Better: LYING ON ABDOMEN; Fresh air;

Hard rubbing; Seaside; Sunset. [Boger]

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70 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Leaders : A deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic

ailments due to suppressed gonorrhea, when the
best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently
improve [Allen].

Chronic rheumatism. Children dwarfed and

stunted. Chronic catarrhal conditions in children.
History of sycosis. Weak memory; Time passes too
slowly; Can't speak without weeping; Fear about
dark; Very thirsty; Tumors and abnormal growth.

Warm-blooded. HOT FEET, uncovers them at

night. Sleeps on abdomen or in knee-chest
position. [Vithoulkas]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 71


Make-up : Light-haired persons with lax skin and muscle;

women and children. Scrofulous children. [Clarke;

Location : BLOOD; Mucous membranes; Glands; GENITALS;

Cellular tissue; Joints; Right side; Bones; Skin.

Sensation : All the sensations

Modality : Worse: Night. Sweating. Lying on Right Side.

When Heated. Drafts; to head. Heat and
cold. [Boger; Vermeulen]

: Better: Moderate temperature. [Boger]

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72 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Leaders : Syphilitic56 remedy. Excessive saliva. Great thirst, with

moist mouth. Flabby Tongue, imprinted with the
teeth. Offensive breath. Profuse Perspiration with
every complaint <night. General aggravation from
perspiring. Aphthae. Gingivitis. Toothache.
[Boericke; Morrison]

Syphilitic Miasm: A patient of syphilitic miasm is dull, stupid,
stubborn, sullen, morose and usually suspicious; Melancholic and
condemn themselves; very silent; wants to commit suicide;
Forgetful and slow comprehensive.

Complaints are aggravated at night, become restless and anxious.

Complaints aggravated in summer and ameliorated in winter.

Ulceration and discharge of pus with offensive odour but it

ameliorates the complaints. Eruptions crusty and oozing pus, skin
greasy and sweaty, much offensive odour; sweat does not relieve.
Hair tends to fall out. Desires cold food and aversion to meat (S.
K. Dubey).

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 73


Make-up : Phlegmatic temperament; light-haired persons,

irresolute. [Vermeulen]

Location : SKIN; Nerves; Bones. Mucous membranes; One

side. [Boger]

Sensation : Itching; burning; smarting; chilliness. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: NIGHT; Suppressions; WARMTH OF

BED; Cold air; Touch; Vaccination.

: Better: Wrapping up; Heat of stove; 'radiated heat;

Eating; Open air. [Vermeulen]

Leaders : Eruptions: Thick, crusty, discharging white pus

beneath (esp. Scalp) [Vithoulkas]. Neuralgic burning
pains after herpes zoster. External chilliness and internal
burning. Skin < heat; Neuralgias < cold or damp
weather. Excessive sensitiveness to air, even of a fan.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

74 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Leucophlegmatic57 constitutions, with aversion to open

air and dislike to exercise, physical or mental. [Hering]

Location : DIGESTION; Nerves; Skin; Hands (dorsum); Heels.


Sensation : Nausea, retching58, distress, weak. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: HEAT; of sun; weather. 5 a.m. Music. Mental or

bodily exertion. Onanism. Milk. Errors in diet.
Drafts. Thunderstorms. [Boger; Vermeulen]

: Better: Eating; Rubbing; Motion; Sweating. [Boger;


Leaders : Affections of Stomach (indigestion, pain, nausea).

Intolerance to Sun, SUNSTROKE. Aversion to
Milk. Aversion to Certain Persons. [Vithoulkas]

Leucophlegmatic: Flabby, calm, apathetic, slow to act or react;
unexcitable (Dr S. K. Dubey).
Retching: when an individual voluntarily tries to vomit, but unable
to bring anything out from the stomach.

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 75


Make-up : Adapted to Anemic and Cachectic59 persons−

whether form loss of vital fluids or mental affections.

Location : Digestive tract; Brain; Blood; Muscles; Mind; Heart;

Glands; Skin. [Boger]

Sensation : Tired; weak; chilly; throbbing. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Heat of Sun; Summer; Consolation; Puberty; 9-

11 A.M. [Boger; Royal]

: Better: Open air; Cool bathing, Sweating. [Boger]

Leaders :  Silent grief. Consolation aggravates. Presence of people

is intolerable during urination.

 Craving SALT; SUN aversion. Headache esp.

hammering < 10:00-15:00. Herpes about lips.

Cachectic People: People having general physical wasting and
malnutrition usually associated with chronic disease.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

76 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Hydrogenoid60 constitution. [Hering]

Location : OCCIPUT; LIVER, Bile, Pancreas, Intestines; Chest;

Left side. [Boger]

Sensation : Fullness; stitching; rumbling. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: DAMP weather, Night air; Late evening;

Lying on left side; Head Injuries. [Boger]

: Better: Open air; Change of position. [Boger]

Leaders : <Wet Weather. Diarrhoea with loud flatus. Hip

Joint Disease <LEFT (almost a specific remedy). Liver
and gall bladder affections. Ailments after head
injuries. [Vithoulkas]

Hydrogenoid Constitution: "It is the state in which there is
extreme sensitiveness to damp, wetting, bathing, watery food,
residing near water, especially standing water" (Grauvogl's definition).

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 77


Make-up : Lean, thin and nervous temperament [NM Chow].

Hydrogenoid61 constitution [Vermeulen].

Location : Mouth, Throat, Anus, Glands, Liver, Mucous

Membranes, Blood, Skin, Bones, Joints, Right side.

Sensation : Splinter-like pains in affected parts. [NM Chow]

Modality : Worse: Touch, Jarring, Noise, Motion, Cold,

Night, Mental exertion. [Boger]

: Better: Gliding motions, Riding, Mild weather,

Steady pressure. [Boger]

Leaders : Stitching, Splinter-Like Pains. Offensive

Discharges. Urine smells like horse’s urine
[Vithoulkas]. Fissures, & pain during stool, as if
rectum were torn. Bleed easily [Vermeulen].

Hydrogenoid Constitution: "It is the state in which there is
extreme sensitiveness to damp, wetting, bathing, watery food,
residing near water, especially standing water" (Grauvogl's definition).

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

78 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Make-up : Thin, Zealous and Irritable persons, who lead a
sedentary life. [Clarke]

Location : Brain; NERVES; STOMACH, LIVER, Bowels;

Respiratory Organs. [Boger]

Sensation : Dull; sharp; twisting; urging; nausea


[dry]; drafts; UNCOVERING; coffee;
overeating. Sedentary habits. Mental
exertion. vexation. Disturbed sleep.

: Better: FREE DISCHARGES; Naps; Wrapping head;

Resting; Hot drinks; Milk; Moist air.

Leaders : Angry, Irritable, impatient, ambitious

patients. Chilly and worse from cold. Stomach
affections: gastritis, indigestion, duodenal ulcers,
sensation of stone after 1 or 2 hours of eating.
Constipation with constant, ineffectual
urging for stool. [Morrison; Vithoulkas]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 79


Make-up : Esp. suitable for children and old persons.

Drunkards. Persons of light hair, lax muscles and
want of bodily irritability. [Vermeulen]

Location : MIND, SENSES, NERVES, Lungs, Respiration,

Digestive tract. [Boger]

Sensation : Painlessness. [N.M. Chow]

Modality : Worse: During and after sleep, warmth. [Allen]

: Better: Cold; Uncovering. [Boger]

Leaders : Painlessness with all complaints, accompanied by a

heavy and stupid sleep. Want of susceptibility to
remedies; lack of vital reaction. Severe Constipation
[Allen]. Complaints from fright [Morrison].

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

80 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : ---

Location : Anus, Veins, Skin [Boger].

Sensation : Shooting or Splinter-like pains [Boger]

Modality : Worse: STOOL, Touch, Night, Motion. [Boger]

: Better: ---

Leaders : Anal fissure or fistula; with intolerable pain during

and after stools and oozing of moister from the anus
(leaving it constantly damp). Paeonia has a peculiar
sensation of a splinter in the skin of right great toe when
touched. [NM Chow]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 81


Make-up : Persons with light hair and skin. Esp. lean, slender
persons. [Clarke]

Location : SKIN; Mucous Membranes; Stomach; Bowels.


Sensation : Sticking; burning; sore; cutting. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: MOTION (Cars or Boat); Cold; Winter

Eating; Vexation. [Boger]

: Better: Warm air. [Boger]

Leaders : Vertigo; motion sickness. Dry, cracking skin disease.

Cracks often deep and bloody. Skin conditions
worse winter, better summer. [Morrison].

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

82 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Originally strong constitutions, become debilitated

by loss of vital fluids, chagrin, grief. Mild disposition.

Location : MIND; Nerves; Metabolism; Sexual system; Spine.


Sensation : Sensation of coldness of one side of face. [Boericke]

Modality : Worse: Loss of fluids; sexual excesses; Grief,

Cold; Music; Talking. [Boger]

: Better: Warmth; Short sleep. [Boger]

Leaders : Mental debility first; later physical. Whenever the

system has been exposed to the effects of acute
disease, excesses, grief, loss of vital fluids, we obtain
conditions calling for it. [Boericke]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 83


Make-up : Tall, slender [=slim] persons, narrow chested, with

thin, transparent skin. [Boericke]

Location : Head, LUNGS, Heart; CIRCULATION; Mucous

membranes; NERVES; Bones; Liver. [Boger]

Sensation : Burning; heaviness, oppression; nausea; vomiting.


Modality : Worse: Lying on left side, on back; Cold, twilight,

warm food, change of weather. mental
exertion. [Royal; Vithoulkas]

: Better: Eating; Sleep; Cold food, washing face with

cold water; Rest. [Boger; Vermeulen]

Leaders : Hemorrhagic tendency. Recurring respiratory

infections; Tremendous thirst for cold drinks, which
are vomited after becoming warm; Pneumonia,
especially left-sided. Burning between scapulae.
[Morrison; Boger]

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84 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Patients of a rheumatic diathesis; syphilitic. [Allen]

Location : Glands (MAMMAE, Throat, Tonsils); Fibrous tissues

of NECK, Back and Joints; Digestive tract; Right side.

Sensation : Burning; sore; faint; stiff. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Exposure to damp, cold weather. Rising

from bed. Motion. Hot drinks; Heat. Cold.
Night. Swallowing. [Boger; Vermeulen]

: Better: Lying on abdomen; or left side; Cold

drinks. [Boger; Vermeulen]

Leaders : Affects bones, glands and the throat. Clenches62

teeth. Hard, painful swelling of the cervical glands.
Throat pain better cold drinks and worse warm
drinks. Breast abscess. [Vithoulkas; Morrison]

Clench: to hold something very tightly.

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 85


Make-up : Haughty; neurotic63. [Royal]

Location : Female Organs; Nerves. [Boger]

Sensation : Crawling; cramp-like; sticking; jerking; numbness.


Modality : Worse: EMOTIONS (sexual, coition; chagrin).

TOUCH. [Boger]

: Better: Walking in cool air; Sunshine. [Boger]

Leaders : Haughty, Proud, Superiority complex. Disordered

sense of proportion- things appear smaller.
Nymphomania64. Cramp-like pains. Alternation of
mental and physical symptoms. [Clarke; Vithoulkas]

Neurotic: caused by or suffering from neurosis (= a mental illness
in which a person suffers strong feelings of fear and worry).
Nymphomania: the behaviour of a woman who has, or wants to
have, sex very often.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

86 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Make-up : Adapted to persons of bilious65 temperament. [Boericke]

Location : Rectum; liver; female sexual organs. [Royal]

Sensation : Gurgling; heaviness; nausea; soreness; faintness. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: EARLY MORNING. Eating. Hot weather

Dentition. Drinking. [Vermeulen]

: Better: Massaging liver; lying on abdomen. [Royal]

Leaders : Gurgling; profuse, fetid morning diarrhea; prolapses.

Acute Profuse Sputtering66, Gushing67 Diarrhoea.

Offensive stool68. Prolapses of rectum during or after
stool. [Vithoulkas]

65 Bilious: Bilious means suffering from liver dysfunction (and especially

excessive secretion of bile). And, further by extension, it is indicative of
a peevish ill-natured disposition.

66 Sputter: make a series of soft explosive sounds.

67 Gush: [sudden outpouring] a large amount of something produced in a

short time.

68 According to Kent, if the diarrhoea is not offensive, forget Podophyllum


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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 87

Make-up : Extremely psoric patients; nervous, restless, easily
startled. Children are pale, delicate, sickly−sleepless and
restless. [Allen]

Location : SKIN, fold of skin; EARS; BOWELS; Respiration.

Right side. [Boger]

Sensation : ---

Modality : Worse: COLD:−Open air, −Washing; Weather,

Stormy, Changing, Winter; Heat;
SUPPRESSIONS; Yearly. [Boger]

: Better: Lying with head low, or quietly; Eating;

Washing; Nosebleed; Hard pressure; Profuse
sweating. [Boger]

Leaders : Rectifies the latent dyscrasia69 in psoric diathesis. Lack

of reaction; Foul odor of the body, offensive discharge.
Skin: unhealthy rash and eruptions, intolerable itching
Worse: by heat of bed. Great sensitiveness to cold air.
Hungry in the middle of the night; must have
something to eat (Cina, Sulph). [NM Chow]

Dyscrasia: an abnormal or disordered state of the body or of a
bodily part.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

88 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Make-up : Easily moved to laughter or tears; affectionate,
mild, gentle, timid, yielding disposition—the woman’s
remedy. [Allen; Clarke]

Location : Mucous membrane; sexual organs; veins; brain. [Royal]

Sensation : Burning; itching. [Royal]


MOTION; LYING, on one side [left]. EATING;
long after; RICH FOODS, FAT, ice cream,
eggs. PUBERTY. PREGNANCY. [Vermeulen]

: Better: COLD; FRESH, OPEN AIR; food, drinks.

Uncovering. Gentle motion. ERECT POSTURE.
After a good cry. [Vermeulen]

Leaders : Changeability. Changing and Wandering Symptoms.

WARM BLOODED < HEAT. Hot feet, uncovers them
at night. Dry mouth but no thirst. [Vithoulkas]

Conjunctivitis. Otitis media. Menses irregular. Menstrual

flow changeable. Marked dysmenorrhea beginning at
puberty. [Morrison]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 89


Make-up : Septic states with restlessness. [Boericke]

Location : BLOOD; Heart, Circulation; Muscles. [Boger]

Sensation : The bed feels hard (Arn.) [Allen]

Modality : Worse: Cold damp; Motion. [Boger]

: Better: Heat, Hot bath, Pressure. [Boger]

Leaders : Septic fever, where pulse abnormally rapid, out of

proportion to the temperature. Tongue clean,
smooth as if varnished; fiery red [Allen]. All
discharges are horribly offensive [Boericke].

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90 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Dark, thin, scrawny and irritable [Boger].

Location : RECTUM, Anus, Nipples, Teeth [Boger].

Sensation : Sharp cutting in rectum, Constriction or as of

sharp splinters (of glass) in rectum [Boger].

Modality : Worse: Night, Heat, Exertion, Touch. [Boger]

: Better: Cool bathing, Walking in open air.[Boger]

Leaders : Fissure of anus; burning before, during, and after

defecation, relieved by the application of hot water.
Pinworms. Tendency for fissure and cracks in the
nipples in nursing women. Peculiar contraction
sensation in the affected parts. [NM Chow]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 91


Make-up : Adapted to persons of rheumatic diathesis. [Allen]

Location : SKIN; Blood; Cellular tissue; Mucous membranes;

Glands; Nerves; Left side. [Boger]

Sensation : Restlessness; stiffness; tearing; bruised; burning;

chilliness. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Exposure to WET, COLD. Uncovering;

Beginning of motion, Rest, Over-exertion;
Sprain. [Boger]

: Better: MOTION; HEAT; Rubbing. [Boger]

Leaders : Restlessness, aggravated by keeping still.

Stiffness of muscles, of joints. Ailments from
straining muscles or tendons, over-lifting, stretching,
sprains. Back pain, better heat and massage. Skin
eruptions >warm bathing. Tongue – triangular red tip.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

92 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Make-up : Robust and sanguineous persons. [Vermeulen]

Location : Fibrous tissues70; Cartilages71; Periosteum72; Uterus.


Sensation : Bruised, Sore, Aching. [Boger]

Modality : Worse: Overexertion; Sprains. EYE STRAIN.

COLD; LYING. SITTING. Pressure on an edge.

: Better: Lying on back. Warmth. Motion. [Boger]

Leaders : Injuries to tendons73, from strains or twisting of joints

which results in a stiff, bruised pain. Eye strain− general
stiffness about the eyes. Back pain >lying. Rectal prolapse.

Fibrous tissues: Any tissue comprised of a network of closely woven
small fibers adhering together as bundles in animals and plants- for
example: ligaments, tendons.
71 Cartilage: the strong white tissue that is important in supporting and
connecting parts of the body, and especially in joints to prevent the
bones rubbing against each other.
72 Periosteum: a dense layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the
bones except at the surfaces of the joints.
73 Tendon: a strong band of tissue in the body that joins a muscle to a

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 93


Make-up : Hot, Full-blooded females with Hemorrhagic

Tendency. [Boger]

Location : Uterus; Small joints; Heels. [Boger]

Sensation : Pulsative; constrictive; digging; tearing; burning.


Modality : Worse: Night; HEAT; Pregnancy; Climacteric;

Foggy weather. [Boger]

: Better: Cold; Cool open air. [Boger]

Leaders : Metrorrhagia74 with big clots. Violent sexual

desire < during metrorrhagia. Pain in the lumbar
region extending to the pubis – in nearly all
pathology. Miscarriages esp. in the 3rd month. Music is
intolerable. [Vithoulkas]

Metrorrhagia: irregular uterine bleeding especially between
menstrual periods.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

94 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Irritable, florid75; bilious. [Royal]

Location : RIGHT SIDE of Head, of LIVER; Mucous

membranes. [Boger]

Sensation : Flushes of heat; burning, aching. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: With the sun; Climaxis; Odours; Jar; Light;

Looking up; Touch. [Boger]

: Better: SLEEP, vomiting. [Boger]

Leaders : Complaints Especially Headaches > Vomiting;

typically begins in the neck or even the trapezius muscles
on the right side and extends to the forehead and eye.
Right-sided coryza. Bursitis76, especially of the right
shoulder. Feet hot at night and puts them out of the
covers. [Morrison]

Florid: (of a person’s face) Naturally fairly red in colour.
Bursitis: Bursitis (bur-SY-tis) is a painful condition that affects the
small, fluid-filled sacs — called bursae (bur-SEE) — that cushion
the bones, tendons and muscles near your joints. Bursitis occurs
when bursae become inflamed.

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 95


Make-up : Generally thin or even emaciated patients with

wrinkled, old-looking, exhausted face - "like a dead
man." [Morrison]

Location : Muscles of Blood-Vessels, of Uterus; Blood; Nerves.


Sensation : Twitching; cramps; burning; too hot. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: WARMTH; During menses; Pregnancy;

Loss of fluids; COVERS. [Boger]

: Better: Cold; Bathing; Uncovering; Fanning.

Rocking. Forcible stretching. [Vermeulen]

Leaders : Burning and heat. Skin feels cold to the touch, but
the patient feels burning hot and cannot tolerate covers.
Uterine hemorrhage, continuous yet passive, often with
dark, thin blood. [Morrison]

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96 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Adapted to women− Tall, thin, flat breasted and narrow

hips, hard face. [Bhanja; Morrison]

Location : Digestive tract; Portal system; FEMALE PELVIC

ORGANS; Nerves; Skin. [Boger]

Sensation : Weakness; of prolapses, as if a lump, bearing down.


Modality : Worse: COLD AIR; Sexual excess. Before menses.

Pregnancy. Abortion. Morning and evening.

: Better: VIOLENT MOTION. Warmth; Crossing or

drawing limbs up. After sleep. Cold drinks.

Leaders : Indifference to loved ones. Great sadness and weeping

<consolation. [Vithoulkas]

 Aversion to Coition. Dryness of vagina. Menses: Scanty

and too early. Amenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea. Uterine
prolapse, bearing down sensation. Chilly and worse from
cold. [Morrison]

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 97


Make-up : Adapted to the nervous, irritable, sanguine77

temperament; persons of a psoric diathesis. [Allen]

Location : NUTRITION; Children; Tissue; NERVES; GLANDS;

Bones; Cartilage; Mucous membranes; Skin. [Boger]

Sensation : Chilliness, sharp; sticking. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: COLD; AIR; DRAFTS; damp; uncovering

[head]; bathing. Suppressed sweat, esp. of
feet. Nervous excitement. [Vermeulen]

: Better: WARMTH; WARM WRAPS, to head;

Profuse urination. [Boger]

Leaders : Chilly but perspires. Sensitive, timid, but obstinate.

Tendency to suppuration. Abscess formation
anywhere on the body. Delayed development in
children. Foot-sweat, often offensive and profuse.
[Vithoulkas; Morrison]

Sanguine: Cheerful and confident; optimistic.

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98 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : The croupy; light-colored. [Royal]

Location : HEART; Larynx; Trachea; Glands. [Boger]

Sensation : Anxious; suffocative; of a plug; soreness. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Dry, Cold wind; Awaking; Ascending.


: Better: Eating and drinking [esp. cough]. Warm

things. Descending. Resting in horizontal
position. [Vermeulen]

Leaders : Respiratory and Heart Problems. Cough, usually

dry, often of a harsh or barking or croupy character. Dry
cough resembling, "a saw going through wood". Cough
better eating and drinking, especially warm drinks.

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 99


Make-up : Face pale, sickly-looking, flushing easily on exertion.


Location : Nerves; Mucous Membranes; Chest; Female

Organs. [Boger]

Sensation : Weakness; Burning (palms and soles). [Boger]

Modality : Worse: Using voice. Cold. 10 a.m. Lying on right side.

After gentle motion. [Boger]

: Better: Hard pressure over an edge. Coughing;

expectoration. Rapid motion. [Boger]

Leaders : WEEKNESS, Exhaustion78. Dyspnoea79 from

slightest motion. Weakness in Chest < Talking,
so weak that is impeding speech.

Exhaustion: the state of being very tired.
Dyspnoea: difficult or labored respiration.

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100 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Make-up : Pale and exhausted; eyes are sunken and
surrounded by blue rings. Hypochondriacal80.

Location : NERVES; TEETH; Genito-urinary organs;

Eyelids; Glands. [Boger]

Sensation : Sensation as if stomach and abdomen were hanging

down, relaxed. [Nash]

Modality : Worse: Anger, grief, mortification; Onanism,

sexual excesses; Least touch on affected
parts. [Boericke]

: Better: Warmth, Rest, Breakfast. [Boger]

Leaders : Ailment from anger, vexation, or reserved

displeasure. Evil effect of masturbation.
Development of Styes81 is a confirmatory symptom
for this remedy. [Vithoulkas]

Hypochondriacal: worried all the time about your health and
believing that you are ill when there is nothing wrong with you.
Stye: an infection of the eyelid (= the skin above or below the
eye) which makes it red and painful.

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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 101


Make-up : Ailments of young, plethoric persons, esp. of

children. [Clarke]

Location : Brain; Nerves; Muscles of the throat; Skin. [Royal]

Sensation : Jerking; twitching; cramping; dryness. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Bright or shining objects; Fright; After sleep;

DARKNESS, Cloudy days; Suppressions.

[Boger; Vermeulen]

: Better: LIGHT. Company. Warmth. [Boger]

Leaders : Aggressiveness, Violence, Fears. Night-terrors:

the child shrieks out and sits up. Cannot bear
solitude or darkness; must have light and company.
Painlessness of usually painful complaints. Violent
Stammering. [Vithoulkas; Morrison]

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

102 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Lean, stoop-shouldered persons who walk and sit

stooped; Dirty, filthy people, with greasy skin, prone
to skin affections. [Allen; Vermeulen]

Location : Circulation; NUTRITIVE ORGANS; SKIN; VERTEX;

SOLES [Boger]

Sensation : All. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: Suppressions; Bathing; Milk; Becoming

Heated; 11 a.m.; Climacteric; Standing.
[Boger; Vermeulen]

: Better: Open air. Motion; Warm application.


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100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 103

Leaders : Great anti-psoric82. Lazy, Dirty, Averse bathing.

Burning Pains and Sensations. Constant heat on
vertex. Burning soles at night. Uncovers Feet. Empty
feeling in stomach at 11 a.m. > eating. Agg. from
the heat of the bed [Vithoulkas; Morrison].  When
carefully selected remedies fail to produce a favorable
effect, especially in acute diseases. [Allen]

Psoric Constitution: The persons having this constitution are
over-sensitive both physically and mentally and frequently suffer
from functional disturbance arising from emotional disturbance.

Skin dry, unwashed appearance with numerous eruptions. Itching,

ameliorated by scratching, but skin burns and smarts afterward.
Hands and feet burn, flushes of heat, especially over the face:
desires hot foods and meats.

Cannot stand still; the patient must walk or lean against something
if he is on his feet. Very much susceptible to cold; complaints
ameliorated by heat; aggravated by winter; ameliorated by summer.
A psoric patient is always afraid of dying but lives on for years.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

104 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Make-up : Dwarfed, shrivelled, old-looking babies and children,
bald head, pouted lips and big belly. [Clarke]

Location : Mucous membranes; Nerves; Bones. [Boger]

Sensation : All. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: NIGHT, 2 to 4 a.m., Sunset to sunrise; Damp.

[Boger; Vermeulen]

: Better: Continued or slow motion. Changing

positions. During day. [Boger; Vermeulen]

Leaders : Destructive, Syphilitic83 Processes on all levels

The keynotes of the remedy are: (1) All Symptoms <
Night. (2) Ulceration. (3) Abscesses with foul
secretions; Succession of abscesses [Clarke].

Syphilitic Miasm: A patient of syphilitic miasm is dull, stupid, stubborn,
sullen, morose and usually suspicious; Melancholic and condemn themselves;
very silent; wants to commit suicide; Forgetful and slow comprehensive.
Complaints are aggravated at night, become restless and anxious. Complaints
aggravated in summer and ameliorated in winter. Ulceration and discharge of
pus with offensive odour but it ameliorates the complaints. Eruptions crusty
and oozing pus, skin greasy and sweaty, much offensive odour; sweat does not
relieve. Hair tends to fall out. Desires cold food and aversion to meat (S. K.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 105

Make-up : Hydrogenoid84 constitution; Scrofulous and sycotic
persons. [Vermeulen]

Location : Genito-urinary organs; Mind; Nerves; Glands; Skin;

Ovary (left side). [Boger]

Sensation : Sharp as from a nail; stitching; tensive. [Royal]

Modality : Worse: COLD; DAMP; Heat of bed; Periodically; 3

a.m. and 3 p.m. Tea. Onions. Coition.
Vaccination. [Boger; Vermeulen]

: Better: Warmth; Free secretions. Sneezing. Motion.

Crossing legs. Touch. [Boger; Vermeulen]

Leaders : Secretive – Tendency To Growths. Fixed ideas

or delusions: Something is alive in abdomen; That he is
fragile or glass and could break. Perspiration is oily and
sweet-smelling or offensive. Nails brittle or
distorted. [Morrison; Vithoulkas]

Hydrogenoid Constitution: "It is the state in which there is
extreme sensitiveness to damp, wetting, bathing, watery food,
residing near water, especially standing water" (Grauvogl's definition).

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

106 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Make-up : Tall, slim, flat, narrow chest; active and precocious

mentally, weak physically; the tubercular85 diathesis.

Location : LUNGS; Mind; Head; Occiput; Glands; Larynx.


Sensation : ---

Tubercular Diathesis: The individuals of this diathesis are tall,
lean, and thin with a narrow flat chest, narrow subcostal angle,
narrow facies (facies = a facial expression characteristic of a disease or
pathological condition) due to their peculiar mental make-up, and are
easily affected by hurry, worry, and emotional stress.

They take cold easily and suffer from glandular swellings, tonsillitis,
cough, and catarrhal inflammation. Usually, they give a history of
Tuberculosis in their family and are very much susceptible to be
attacked with Tuberculosis (=an infectious disease that may affect almost
any tissue of the body, especially the lungs, caused by the
organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and characterized by tubercles) (Dr. S.
K. Dubey).

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures 107

Modality : Worse: CLOSE ROOM; Motion; Exertion [Boger]

: Better: Cool wind; Open air. [Boger]

Leaders : Symptoms ever changing; Takes cold easily;

Emaciation rapid and pronounced; losing flesh while
eating well. When with a family history of tubercular
affections the best selected remedy fails to relieve or
permanently improve, without reference to name of
disease. [Allen]

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

108 100 Homeopathic Drug Pictures

Make-up : Neurotic86. [Royal]

Location : BRAIN AND NERVES, Root of nose; Blood. [Boger]

Sensation : Restless; trembling; sharp, shooting, lightning-like.


Modality : Worse: Mental Exhaustion; Suppressions (menses,

discharges); Noise; Touch; Wine; After
being heated; Between 5 to 7 p.m. [Boger;

: Better: FREE DISCHARGES; Motion. Hard

pressure. Warm open air. [Boger;

Leaders : Restless legs; constantly moves the legs and feet,

even during sleep. Twitching, facial spasms,
convulsions. Too weak to develop menstrual
function, to expectorate87, to urinate, to
understand, to remember. [Clarke; Morrison]

Neurotic: caused by or suffering from neurosis (= a mental illness in
which a person suffers strong feelings of fear and worry).
87 Expectorate: to cough and make phlegm (= a thick substance) come
up from your lungs into your mouth so you can spit it out.

Sayeed Ahmad; Email: sayeed.bcs30@gmail.com

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