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Microwave Calculator calcufrnd

Anjan Debnath Soumya Banerjee Soumyajit Gupta Heritage Institute of Technology ECE Department Abstract
wave, whereas a waveguide can support many possible field configurations. Second, at microwave frequencies (roughly 3-300 GHz), transmission lines become inefficient due to skin effect and dielectric losses; waveguides are used at that range of frequencies to obtain larger bandwidth and lower signal attenuation. Moreover, a transmission line may operate from dc (f = 0) to a very high frequency; a waveguide can operate only above a certain frequency called the cutoff frequency and therefore acts as a high-pass filter. Thus, waveguides cannot transmit dc, and they become excessively large at frequencies below microwave frequencies. Although a waveguide may assume any arbitrary but uniform cross section, common waveguides are either rectangular or circular.

Chinmoy Saha

According to IEEE, microwaves are EM waves in the frequency range of 3 to 30 GHz. But in practice, the frequency range is from 1 GHz to 300 GHz (30 cm to 1mm). However, microwave really indicates the wavelengths in the micron ranges. This means microwave frequencies are up to infrared and visible light regions. They have a myriad of applications in communication. Due to their short wavelengths, small and realisable antennas can be used now-a-days. Moreover, since the lower frequency spectrum is overcrowded, the use of microwaves is becoming more and more important today.

Key Words:
Microwave,Waveguide,Resonator,Antenna,Transmission Line,Tee,Wave Propagation

1. Introduction
CAL is a microwave calculator developed in Visual Basic and uses HFSS for animated images of microwave structures in action. It calculates the design parameters based on the specification inputs. Waveguide, Transmission Line, Antenna, Devices and Propagation have been included. Using CAL, we can get parameters to which will aid in the design of these devices and structures. We've also incorporated animated pictures that will illustrate all these structures making it easier to visualise their working.

Both waveguide and transmission line can be used to guide EM energy from one point (generator) to another (load). However there are subtle differences between them. case of the former. In the first place, a transmission line can support only a transverse electromagnetic (TEM)

1.2. Cavity Resonator

Resonators are primarily used to store energy. At high frequencies (100 MHz above) the RLC elements are inefficient when used as resonators because the circuit size becomes excessively large. Therefore at high frequencies RLC resonant circuits are replaced by cavity resonators.

A cavity resonator is a metallic enclosure that confines the electromagnetic energy. The stored electric and magnetic energies inside the cavity determine its equivalent inductance and capacitance. The energy dissipated by the finite conductivity of the cavity walls determines its equivalent resistance. In practice, the rectangular-cavity resonator and circular-cavity resonator are commonly used in many microwave applications. The only difference between the structures of waveguides and cavity resonators are the open waveports are absent in cavity resonators, unlike waveguides.

1.3. Antenna
The IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Antennas defines the antenna as a means for radiating or receiving radio waves.[Bal] In other words, antenna is a n impedance matching structure between free-space and a

frequencies) or for communication (at high frequencies). Different types of transmission lines in use today are twisted pair cable, co-axial cable, two-wire line, planar line, microstrip line etc. Twisted pair cables and co-axial cables are used in Ethernet technology in Computer Networks (Thicknet, Thinnet, or 10BaseT). Co-axial cables, two-wire line, planar line, microstrip lines are commonly used now-adays for power distribution and data communication. Transmission lines consist of one or two sets of conductors, upon a layer of the substrate, which is a dielectric material. On the other side of this substrate, we have another layer of conductor, which acts as ground, and hence as a reference with respect to the signal carried by the opposite conductor.

Figure 2: Distributed parameters of a two wire transmission line

Figure 1: Antenna as a transitional device radiating source, as shown in Figure 1[Bal] . To achieve maximum power transfer,the antenna performs the matching of system impedance with the impedance of the ambiance to which the radiation is released. Radiation is basically the phenomenon of inability of a structure to sustain energy,released during electronic transition from high energy orbits to low energy orbits, within itself and the capability of sharing this energy with the surrounding medium. What makes radiation to occur is charge motion through a curve,bend,discontinuity of any type or a sudden termination etc. that makes the charge to undergo acceleration or deceleration; which acts as forbinger of radiation. Application of time harmonic alternating excitation does the purpose.

Transmission line characteristics depend upon Resistance per unit length (R), Inductance per unit length (L), Conductance per unit length (G), and Capacitance per unit length (C), which, in turn, depends upon parameters such as length, breadth, diameter of the wire, conductivity, permittivity, permeability etc. of the substrate dividing the conductor and the ground, and the conductor. It must be noted that these R, L, G, C parameters, are not lumped parameters, rather they are distributed parameters. Figure 2 [sadik]shows the R,L,G,C parameters of a two wire transmission line.

1.5. Waveguide Tee

In microwave circuits, a waveguide or coaxial-line junction with three ports is commonly referred to as a tee junction.It is a device meant for signal division or unification with phase characteristics governed by the geometry of the device. From the Sparameter theory of a microwave junction it is evident that a tee junction should be characterized by a matrix of third order containing nine elements, six of which should be independent. An E-plane tee is a waveguide tee in which the axis of its side arm is parallel to the E field of the main guide. When the waves are fed into the side arm (port 3), the waves appearing at port 1 and port 2 of the collinear arm will be in opposite phase and in the same magnitude.

1.4. Transmission Line

Transmission line is one of the most important guided media for distribution of power (at low

An H-plane tee is a waveguide tee in which the axis of its side arm is shunting the E field or parallel to the H field of the main guide. If two input waves are fed into port 1 and port 2 of the collinear arm, the output wave at port 3 will be in phase and additive. On the other hand, if the input is fed into port 3, the wave will split equally into port 1 and port 2 in phase and in the same magnitude. A magic tee is a combination of the E-plane tee and H-plane tee. The magic tee is commonly used for mixing, duplexing and impedance measurements.

Visual Basic 6.0 was used to develop the overall graphical user interface, as well as, for calculating the parameters from the required specifications. High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) was used to draw the simulated diagrams of the corresponding systems.

3.2. Working
At the first interactive menu, there is a provision for using username and password, in order to make sure unauthorized people can't use the software. Once this has been cleared, the main page for selecting the different devices comes. At this window, one can select the required device fro calculation of parameters. Figure 3 shows the different types of devices present.

1.6. Microwave Propagation

Fundamentally the microwave communication in free space can be classified into there categories1.Line of Sight communication, which is the direct communication between two antennas, situated some distance apart on the earth surface and they have a line of sight between them. 2.Ionospheric propagation, which is used for long distance communication. It depends upon the reflecting characteristics of Ionosphere. 3.Satellite communication, which is also used for long distance communication. The artificial satellites are used as transponders, which perform the function of frequency translation between uplink and downlink frequencies alongwith reflecting uplink frequencies to downlink.

2. Motivation
This software will be useful to both students and engineers. The students, who has studied waveguides and cavity resonators, often have difficulties, visualizing the variations of E-fields and H-fields in different modes. The package includes animated diagrams of the field variations in different modes, which will help the students to visualize the concepts. Also they can be able to solve different numerical problems by providing the system specifications to the software. The engineers also have tasks of designing the different devices such as waveguides, antennas etc. They can get the required parameters from the software when they provide the system specifications.

Figure 3: Different types of devices present in the software

For both Waveguide and Cavity Resonator, they are divided into two types, Rectangular and Circular. When the length, breath or radius if the waveguide is input along with the operating frequency, and the relative permittivity, the different Electric and Magnetic field components are calculated. Among other parameters, one can calculate guide frequency, phase velocity, group velocity, intrinsic wave impedance, Q factor (for the cavity resonator) and other parameters. The software also displays the electric and magnetic field variations in all the directions for a particular mode selected.

3. Implementation of System
The software has two distinct functional parts, one part is the calculation of parameters from the given specifications. Another part is the pictorial part, where the simulated pictures of the system is shown.

<Attach a still b/w pic of HFSS simulation and provide the correct FIG#>
The different antennas included in the software are patch, horn, log periodic, helical, small dipole and loop. For patch antenna, one needs to first select what kind of a patch it is, whether it is rectangular, circular or triangular. Then when the substrate properties are input along with the dimensions of the patch, one can calculate the resonant frequency for the antenna. Click on the waveform button to see the electric field distribution when the antenna is radiating.

3.1. Development

For Horn antenna, provide the input whether the antenna is sectoral E plane, sectoral H plane or Pyramidal. Then provide the dimensions and operating wavelength to get outputs such as HPBW for both E & H planes, Directivity and Power Gain. Click on the waveform button to watch the E field distribution in the horn antenna. For Helical antenna, we are taking as input the number of turns in the antenna, spacing between each turn, diameter of the helix, and the wavelength of the signal used. Once these have been inputted, click on the Calculate button. The software provides as output, the total length of antenna, total length of wire, pitch angle, HPBW, FNBW, Axial ratio and directivity of antenna. For Dipole antenna, the input parameters are length of the antenna and the wavelength of the signal. The outputs provided here are radiation resistance, effective area of the antenna, HPBW, directivity, and wave impedance. For Loop antenna, the different input parameters are radius of the antenna and wavelength of the signal. Then click on Calculate button to calculate the various parameters. We get effective area of the antenna, radiation resistance, circumference of the antenna, direcivity, HPBW as outputs. There are four types of Transmission Lines included in the software, namely Co-axial, Two-wire, Planar and Micro-strip. For Co-axial, Two-wire, & Planar lines, we take the inputs the dimensions of the wire, conductor conductivity, medium conductivity, relative permittivity and permeabilities of the conductor and the di-electric medium. Once they have been inputted, click on Calculate. The software calculates R,L,G, C for the lines, attenuation and propagation constants, characteristic impedance, reflection coefficient and VSWR of the transmission lines. For Micro-strip line, we have provided features for shielded strip line, micro-strip, and parallel strip line. Here we take inputs of the dimensions of the transmission lines such as width of strip, thickness of substrate & strip line, relative permittivity and permeability of the substrate. Then, click on Calculate. As output, the software provides the corresponding characteristic impedances. The different features available under the waveguide tee section are the S-parameters of different waveguide tees, as well as the waveforms of the different tees. Select the type of Tee to be used and it shows the diagram & S-parameter of the same. Then click on Waveform to generate the corresponding waveform. In the wave propagation section, three features are included, they are Ionospheric propagation, Line-of-sight propagation and Satellite communication. In Ionospheric Propagation, we have calculated parameters such as MUF, Critical Frequency, Skip Distance, etc from inputs such as Maximum Ionic Concentration, Operating frequency etc. In Line if Sight

Propagation, we have calculated parameters such as calculation of Radio horizon, and also we have implemented the Friis Transmission Formula. In the Satellite Propagation option, we have implemented orbital characteristics such as orbital velocity, orbital period from the orbital radius. In the communication part, we have calculated the path loss, C/No (depending upon temperature) receiving antenna gain & received power. 8.1.1. Third-order headings. Third-order headings, as in this paragraph, are discouraged. However, if you must use them, use 10-point Times, boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, preceded by one blank line, followed by a period and your text on the same line.

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[13]Abramowitz, M. and I.A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, Applied Math. Series #55, Dover Publications, 1965, [14]Matthew N.O.Sadiku

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