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Personal OR Academic Achievement Reflection

Select EITHER your personal OR your academic achievement and turn the bullet points into more of a
story underneath each headline. Ensure you have included details in your reflection and that you are
writing in paragraphs (NO BULLET POINTS).



Example – Earned my Lifeguarding Certificate as a personal achievement.

Found my new hobby as a personal achievement.

Description of Achievement

In April 2022, I watched a video of someone drawing illustrations on YouTube. The illustrations
he drew featured a central character surrounded by a fantastical background. The video
suddenly appeared in my recommended videos, so I watched it out of curiosity. Seeing
someone draw the pictures that I had thought were cool while browsing the internet or other
drawing sites gave me the motivation to start drawing. Until then, I had no interest in drawing,
but since watching that video, I have been trying to draw and have been diligently drawing. I set
a goal to draw my own great illustrations, and starting next month, I began attending an art
academy to achieve that goal.

Personal Relevancy

This experience was meaningful to me because I didn’t have many hobbies and typically spent
my time playing games or watching YouTube. While engaging in these activities, I often felt
uncomfortable because I believed I was wasting my time on unproductive pursuits. However,
drawing has since become one of my favorite hobbies. It has allowed me to begin enjoying my
life by engaging in meaningful activities. As I continue to improve in this area, I can spend my
time doing what I'm good at.

Skill Development

The process of drawing well was extremely painful and difficult. I couldn't achieve satisfactory
results even after several months, and because it was difficult to draw well, I was so stressed. I
even thought I am not talented in drawing and wanted to quit this challenge. However, by
keeping practicing drawing, my drawing skill has improved compared to the beginning. I can at
least draw something I am trying to draw and My drawings gradually become more clear. Since
I became satisfied with my work, drawing has become more fun, so I draw all the time, and this
action has changed my future for the better. For example, if I find drawing more enjoyable, I can
change my future career to an illustrator.

By learning drawing, I have learned lots of new things about myself. I tend to get bored with
anything if I do it for a long time, but even after drawing for two years, I haven't gotten bored and
have actually found it more enjoyable, so I love drawing. Next, I believe that if I don't give up and
work hard, I can achieve anything. During the drawing process, I often felt like giving up, thinking
that I was not drawing well and just wasting time. However, by not giving up and continuing to
draw, I have reached a point where I can enjoy drawing to some extent.

Future Connections

As I mentioned before, this behavior has the potential to change my future for the better. My top
priority jobs are mechanic and computer engineer, but if I no longer want to do these jobs, I can
always switch to my next choice, which is illustrator. At the same time, since I have been
practicing drawing, I believe that switching professions will not be a major issue. If I ever want to
change professions but don't have any other options in mind, it could be challenging to think
about all the issues involved in changing jobs. However, my past choices have given me more
career options for the future, so I don't think I'll worry about my future career even when I
become an adult.

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