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The pronunciation of the plural morpheme varies according the noun to

which it is added. The general rule is that the plural morpheme must
agree in voicing with the last soundof the noun. So, nouns which end in
a voiced consonant or a vowel add /z/ and those that end with a
voiceless consonant add /s/

● Robes : /rəʊbz/
● Ropes: /rəʊps/
● Doors: /dɔːz/
● Wells: / welz/
● Homes: /həʊmz/
● Troughs: /trɒfs/
Irregular plurals

● Knife-knives /naɪvz/
● Life-lives /laɪvz/
● Wife-wives /waɪvz/
Irregular plurals

● Buses/´bʌsəz/
● Sashes/´sæʃəz/
● Batches/´bætʃəz/
o called
● Roses /´rəʊzəz/
● Garages /gæ´rɑːʒəz/
● Ridges /´rɪdʒəz/
John´s: /dʒɒnz/
Pete´s: / piːts/
Greeks´: /griːks/

Luisa´s: /lʊːiːzəz/
Boss´s: /bɒsəz/
The same rules apply when s
is added to a verb to form
the third -person singular
simple present tense form
Loves: /lʌvz/ Hears:/hɪəz/
Drops: /drɒps/ Washes: /wɒʃəz/
And again when ´ s is added
to the end of a word as a
contraction of is or has

John´s here: /dʒɒnz hɪə/ Dick´s here: /dɪks hɪə/

John´s come: /dʒɒnz kʌm/ Dick´s come: /dɪks kʌm/

Rosé s here:/rəʊzəz hɪə/

Rosé s come:/rəʊzəz kʌm/

VERB /t/ or /d/ VERB - voiceless VERB - voiced

/ɪd/ /t/ /d/

Invent Approach Call

Decide Walk Comb
Remind Reach Arrange
Invite Look Love
Stop Climb

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