Seven Positions of A Side Woman

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Seven Positions of a Side Woman

In shadows cast by love's deceitful game,

The side woman resides, cloaked in flames.
She dances in the margins of his life,
A fleeting muse, a silent strife.

Position one, a whisper in the night,

A secret shared, a stolen delight.
She weaves her charm with subtle grace,
An enigma in his clandestine embrace.

Position two, a fleeting touch of skin,

A moment’s passion, a forbidden sin.
Her presence lingers like a haunting dream,
An ethereal beauty in his hidden scheme.

Position three, a confidante in despair,

His troubles shared, his burdens she'll bear.
A listening ear, a shoulder to cry on,
A source of solace till the break of dawn.

Position four, a lover in the dark,

Their bodies entwined, an illicit spark.
In the shadows, they find solace and release,
A temporary refuge from life's ceaseless peace.

Position five, a smile that hides the pain,

Concealing longing, a heart in chains.
She plays her part with poise and grace,
A masterpiece of masks upon her face.

Position six, a silhouetted silhouette,

A ghostly presence, a love unmet.
She yearns for more but knows her place,
In the shadows of his clandestine embrace.
Position seven, a bittersweet farewell,
A parting kiss, a silent spell.
She fades away like a fleeting dream,
A side woman's heartbreak, a silent scream.

In the tapestry of love's complex design,

The side woman weaves her threads with grace.
Though her role may be fleeting and confined,
Her soul's longing cannot be erased.

For in the depths of her hidden desire,

Lies a yearning that cannot be quelled.
A side woman's heart, a poet's fire,
In shadows cast, her story is held.

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