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6:00am Wake up
6:05am Salt water 1/2 tsp natural sea salt in 8oz water. Can also use The sodium helps the brain wake up and function.
6:10am Morning light Natural sunlight if possible. 10 minutes if sunny, 30 Sunlight in the eyes sends a message to the brain that it’s morning and to wake the
minutes if cloudy. Do not look directly at the sun. Do not body up, and that in approximately 16 hours, it’s to release melatonin and it will be
wear sunglasses. Eyeglasses & contact lenses are ok. In ready for bed. Morning light can also help improve mood and energy for the day.
the winter turn on all lights, then go outside once sun has
6:30am Work Block 1 90 minutes of undistracted work. No email, phone or Start the day as you mean to go on.
social media. Concentrate on one cognitive task.
7:30-8:00am Ca eine Delayed ca eine allows the adenosine system in the body to clear, which can set a
Delay ca eine for the rst 90-120 minutes after waking.
positive energy level for the day. Ca eine blocks adenosine clearing so drinking before
Preferred ca eine: Yerba mate tea
that time can lead to an afternoon energy crash.
8:00am Workout Alternate weight training with zone 2 cardio, one on one day, the other on the next.
50-60 minutes of weight training or Zone 2 cardio: Include backwards (hill) walking or backwards sled pulls on cardio days if possible for
jogging, jump rope, backward hill walking knee health.
9:00am Cold Shower 11 minutes of cold exposure a week = approx 1.5 minutes The cold water shocks the body, which releases adrenalin. This can increase focus and
of cold showers per day. Can start with a warm shower to energy. Also good to build resilience and discipline.
get clean, then turn to cold to rinse.
9:30am Work Block 2 90 minutes of undistracted work No email, phone or social media.
11:00am Breakfast Huberman’s preferred meal: oatmeal, fruit, protein shake, sh oil capsules Intermittent
First food of day, intermittent fasting up to this point. fasting can help improve metabolic health, increase insulin sensitivity, and support
weight management.
11:30am Work 60-90 minutes work
12:30-13:00pm Lunch The biggest meal of the day Huberman’s preferred meal: steak, salad, brazil nuts
1:30pm Work Block 3 90 minutes of undistracted work
3:00pm Nap/Yoga Nidra Huberman likes: Search YouTube: Yoga Nidra 20 Minute
5-20 minutes nap/yoga nidra Guided Meditation by Lizzie Hill This acts a reset for the brain & body - allows to get
back to work with energy & focus
3:30pm Work Block 4 90 minutes of work Can be a bit more scattered, emails, smaller tasks
5:00pm Finish work -
Evening activities Your choice of activities
- Dinner At the time of your choice
6:30-8:30pm Sunset walk The evening light has a similar e ect on the body as the morning light. With the sun low
in the sky, called the low solar angle, it indicates to the body it’s coming to the end of
20-45 minute sunset walk
the day and starts preparing it for sleep. This is also great to get extra movement in &
digest your evening meal.
10:00pm Bed Sleeping in a cool environment syncs with the bodies natural temperature rhythms.
Turn down heating, turn on air conditioning, open window or use an EightSleep to cool
Ensure the bedroom and bed are cool to improve sleep
the bed. Can also take a warm shower before bed, which then causes the body to
decrease in temperature. A cool sleeping environment encourages the body to get to
sleep stay asleep, increase deep sleep and overall sleep quality.

Evenings &
Sauna Download Huberman’s Sauna Protocols here.


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