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Grammar Quiz 1A

1 NAME .......................................................................................................... CLASS  ................................
DATE  .......................................................................................................... SCORE ............... / 30
2. My car broke down on the motorway, so by the
1 Wykorzystując podane wyrazy, uzupełnij luki time I arrived my friends (już wyszli)
w zdaniach tak, aby zachować sens zdania HAD ALREADY LEFT .
3. (Czy nie spotkaliśmy się) HAVENT WE MET before?
1. When did you first have this pain in your stomach?
SINCE 4. I was half-way through a book (gdy zadzwonił
How long IS IT SINCE YOU FIRST HAD this pain in telefon) WHEN THE PHONE RANG .
your stomach?
2. These shoes are too big now, but next year they 5. I do envy Martha. She is working hard now, but
will be too small for John. this time next week she (będzie świetnie się
These shoes are too big now, but John WILL HAVE GROWN OUT
of them by next year. 4 Podkreśl właściwy wyraz/wyrażenie spośród
3. Why do you always have to complain? It’s so dwóch podanych kursywą.
ARE 1. The Titanic was sailing to New York when it
Why ARE YOU ALWAYS COMPLANING ? It’s so sank/ had sunk.
annoying! 2. If you hurry, you can catch up with him; he has
4. She used to go jogging every day before she already/ just left.
moved to the city. 3. As the car had turned/ was turning into the road,
WOULD I recognised the driver.
She WOULD GO JOGGING every day before
she moved to the city. 4. If you look at the schedule, you’ll see that our
bus leaves/ will leave at 6:05.
5. Mark took up tennis in June.
BEEN 5. I don’t like this mattress – it feels/ is feeling too
Mark HAS BEEN PLAYING TENNIS SINCE June. hard. Let’s get another one.

5 Wstaw podane czasowniki w odpowiednim

2 Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy
w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Nie
zmieniaj kolejności podanych wyrazów. 1. Please wait! I (not/finish) HAVENT FINISHED yet.
Dodaj inne wyrazy jeśli jest to konieczne.
2. You (play) HAVE BEEN PLAYING those drums for
hours! Can’t you stop?
1. (you/be/see) WILL YOU BE SEEING Mrs Thompson
later? Could you give her a message from me? 3. Wow! The house really (look) LOOKS
2. This is the first time (I/eat/food) I HAVE EATEN FOOD
like this. 4. They (drive) HAD BEED DRIVING for two hours
when they ran out of petrol.
3. By the time he gets to Warsaw, Karol
(be/drive/for) WILL HAVE BEEN DRIVING FOR four hours. 5. We (go) _ARE GOING to the cinema tonight.
The film (start) _START at 9:00.
4. At 10 o’clock last night (she/watch/TV)
SHE WAS WATCHIG TV 6. I am sure that my brother (overcome)
_WILL OVERCOME his problems and go back to
5. I cleaned the kitchen (after/I/make)
AFTER I HAD MADE the dinner.
7. How long ago (they/buy) DID THEY BUY their
3 Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty
w nawiasach. 8. Sarah (just/have) HAD JUST HAD lunch so
she wasn’t feeling hungry.
1. The game (zaczyna się za godzinę)
9. Next week they (be/married)WILL HAVE BEEN MARRIED_
for ten years.

© EGIS & Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE EP Repetytorium Poziom Rozszerzony Module 1

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