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Question 1: Evaluation of a Selected Product for Digital Accessibility

Website Name and URL


Evaluation Criteria and Results

Criterion Description Score
Keyboard Navigation There is no apparent keyboard 1/5
navigation at all
Alt Text There is no alternate text with 1/5
many pictures but no
descriptions of them
Color Contrast The background color is black or 3/5
very dark grey with mainly
white text but there is some
grey text that could effect
Meaningful Links All the links contain the title of a 3/5
given show or worst case just
the name of the given episode
which isn’t as helpful
Scalable Text There is no option to scale text 1/5
Animation and Visual Effects There is a lot of visuals with 3/5
pictures for every show and a
revolving display at the top
advertising the top shows which
could detract from the
Content Viewing Options You can watch the videos in any 3/5
language available with subtitles
when available as well but there
are no transcripts.
Overall Evaluation
Crunchyroll has several weaknesses in terms of digital accessibility. The lack of apparent keyboard
navigation, alternate text for images and the inability to scale text significantly impact accessibility. On
the other hand, links generally provide some meaningful information and content viewing options
include language choices and subtitles however the lack of transcripts is a downside.

Question 2: Evaluation of a Provided Product for Digital Accessibility

Evaluation Criteria and Results
Criterion Description Score
Keyboard Navigation You can tab but get stuck on 2/5
things otherwise no real
Alt Text As far as I can tell there is none 2/5
for this site though the articles
do relate to the pictures
Color Contrast It’s black on white with some 5/5
pictures can’t go wrong here
Meaningful Links All links lead to their article or 4/5
section with the title in the link
Scalable Text There is no scalable text what 1/5
you see is what you get
Animation and Visual Effects There is hardly any except for 4/5
basic indication that you have
hovered over a button
Content Viewing Options You have one option 1/5
Overall Evaluation
The BBC website is generally user-friendly for the average user. However, it also points out potential
challenges for individuals with specific accessibility needs. For example, if a user is blind, the lack of alt
text and potential navigation difficulties could pose obstacles to accessing and understanding the

Question 3: Identification of Areas for Improvement and

Areas for Improvement and Recommendations for Website
Area 1: Alt text
Why it is important: Alt text provides a textual description of images, making it easier for those with
visual impairments to use the site.

How it could be enhanced: They could add descriptive text to images that is meaningful when using
something like a screen reader.

Area 2:
Why it is important: Keyboard Navigation is important but appears to be the lowest priority for most
websites, even though from an accessibility perspective it seems very important.

How it could be enhanced: the easiest way to enhance this section would be to simply implement basic
keyboard navigation, or at least form the website in a way that tabbing through it doesn’t get stuck in
weird places.

Area 3: Scalable text

Why it is important: Scalable text accommodates users with varying visual abilities, allowing them to
adjust the text size for better readability.

How it could be enhanced: The website could enhance scalable text by implementing a design that
allows users to adjust text size according to their preferences.
Areas for Improvement and Recommendations for News Article
Write down what areas of digital accessibility could be improved for the news article that you picked
here. For each area, explain why it is important and how it could be enhanced.

Area 1: Alt Text

Why it is important: Alt text is critical for providing textual descriptions of images which would allow
users with visual impairments to comprehend the content and ensures a more inclusive web experience.

How it could be enhanced: The website could enhance alt text by consistently providing descriptive and
informative text for all images and graphics so users with visual impairments gain meaning from them.

Area 2: Keyboard Navigation

Why it is important: Keyboard navigation is essential for users who rely on alternative input methods,
such as those with motor impairments.

How it could be enhanced: To improve keyboard navigation, the website could address any existing
issues that cause users to get stuck when tabbing through the site or just implement standard keyboard

Area 3: Content Viewing options

Why it is important: Content viewing options help provide access to content for people with visual
impairments, the fact that there is an audio button that instead links to a news page about music is wack
and that is going to confuse people.

How it could be enhanced: they could add some basic text to speech options which are readily available
in 2023.

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