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The Werewolf’s Love and Children

In the shadowed depths of night, a tale unfolds

Of a man whose fate, a dark and twisted mold
Beneath the silvered moon's enchanting gaze
He transforms into a beast in the moonlit haze

Once a man of gentle heart and tender grace

Now cursed to roam the forests, seeking solace
Yet in the midst of his eternal plight
His heart was still aflame with pure love's light

For she, the woman he cherished above all

Her beauty shining like a beacon, standing tall
Their love a fierce flame that could not be quenched
Though his cursed form seemed to keep them wrenched

And so, against all odds, they found a way

To forge a bond that would not fade or fray
In the shadows of their secret love affair
Children were born, a love beyond compare

Half-human, half-wolf, a strange and wondrous blend

Their spirits intertwined, their destinies penned
A family forged in moonlit silver light
Their love a beacon in the darkest night

Through trials and tribulations they would face

Their bond of love would never be erased
For in the heart of the werewolf's wild embrace
Lies a love that transcends time and space

So let their story be a whispered rhyme

A tale of love that transcends space and time
For even in the midst of darkness and despair
Love's light shines bright, a flame beyond compare.

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