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Positive Strengths of Bach Flowers.

The accompanying list below is an abbreviated summary of the positive strengths for each of the Bach

Bach Flower Strengths

Agrimony Strengths
Emotional honesty, able to perceive and work with emotional pain, walks in inner peace (not angry)
Aspen Strengths
Trust and confidence to meet the unknown, draws inner strength from spirit more than circumstances,
trusting nature
Beech Strengths
Tolerant, accepting of others’ differences and uniqueness, able to see good in others and in all situations
Centaury Strengths
Serves others due to strong sense of inner peace, recognizes own needs and balances it with others, able
to say “no”
Cerato Strengths
Trusts own judgment, strong intuition, discerning, self-confident, certain of self
Cherry Plum Strengths
Trust, balance during times of great stress, trusting God is in control, feels balanced, mothering
Chestnut Bud Strengths
Learns from experience, wise, quick learner, able to maintain habits, insightful, studious, analytic,
Chicory Strengths
Selfless love, freely gives, respects freedom of others, responsible
Clematis Strengths
Awake, creative (drama, writing, art, design), focused, able to concentrate, inspirational, practical
Crabapple Strengths
Clean, pure, orderly, touching, likes to be touched, self-accepting
Elm Strengths
Freely giving service to others, confidence in one’s work, feels competent, relaxed
Gentian Strengths
Perseverance, confidence, diligent, persistent
Gorse Strengths
Deep faith and hope, optimistic, over-comer
Heather Strengths
Self-sufficiency, inner peace, able to go beyond self
Holly Strengths
Extends love to others, compassionate, open-hearted, graceful, sharing, joyful, hospitable
Honeysuckle Strengths
Learns from past and able to release it, balances past with present and future, lives in present, fond
memories of past
Hornbeam Strengths
Energetic, enthusiastic, involved in life, joyful, excited
Impatiens Strengths
Patient, accepting, flows with others, healer, good listener, moderate, nurturing, tolerant
Larch Strengths
Self-confident, creative expression, able to express self, creative, courageous, mobile, spontaneous, goal-
Mimulus Strengths
Confident, courageous, calm, secure
Mustard Strengths
Serene, emotional balance, cheerful, courageous, joyous
Oak Strengths
Balanced strength, accepts limits, knows when to stop, leader, flexible, strong, responsible, ambitious,
Olive Strengths
Able to draw on God’s strength for the supernatural, anointed, great strength
Pine Strengths
Self-accepting, self-forgiving, free from guilt/shame/blame, fruit of the spirit, moral, objective,
discerning, intercessor, evangelist
Red Chestnut Strengths
Cares for others, compassionate, trusting, trusts God for family, nurturing, secure, provides calm
leadership, cool head in emergencies, health care provider, relaxed, sensitive
Rock Rose Strengths
Courage, hero, handles emergencies well, prophetic gifting, prayer warrior
Rock Water Strengths
Flexible, spontaneous, receptive, flows with spirit instead of the law, idealistic, forgiving, teacher,
tolerant, open-minded, joyful, great example for others
Scleranthus Strengths
Decisive, resolved, certain, confident, wholehearted, clear purpose and commitment, breakthrough
counselor, mobile, concentrated, able to integrate potential into life, soothing to others
Star of Bethlehem Strengths
Soothing, calm, good with children, quick recovery
Sweet Chestnut Strengths
Deep courage, deep faith in God, job experience, overcomes despair, close relationship with God
Vervain Strengths
Moderate, tolerant, balanced, sees big picture “torchbearer,” visionary, leader, inspirational speaker,
healer, healing ministry
Vine Strengths
Selfless service, tolerant, wise, pastor’s heart, delegates, leader, good investor, goal-oriented

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