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A picture there say is worth a thousand words. Pictures aid in conveying the thought of
the writer and also tends to create a vivid and deep impression to effectively aid the written
word. Previous Studies showed that most people remember just 10% of what they hear and
20% of what they read. But they remember 80% of what they see. In addition, most people
make sense of visual material much faster than other methods of learning.

The term “infographic” is derived from the words ‘information graphic,’ which refers to
pictures that merge graphic design with a collection of data to convey messages to the
audience in brevity and establish good communication with them (Smiciklas, 2012). So,
Infographics can be described as a provider of information in a desirable way as well as to
introduce tremendous amount of information with effectively and efficiency and this happen
by reducing the contents of whole information or data. The main aspect that distinguishes
infographics from other visual media, such as photographs, is the specific practical manner
that employs maps, symbols, videos, and technical documents to deliver information in a
clear and simple manner (Babu, 2015).
Information graphics can also convert complex data to an arranged and ornamented design,
which can be modified in accordance with the preferences of users (Harrison & Reinecke,
2015). Furthermore, infographics can be supported by relevant text to enhance the perception
of audiences(Bladon & Poulin, 2014). Infographics have been used widely through several
areas one of these areas is education, which can be facilitated through infographic design for
the benefit of students. In recent years, modern technology has shown the trend of becoming
the basis of design education in three ways: by using networks, traditional methods, and
infographics. The aesthetic side of infographics is crucial to introduce the components of
design through interaction in a joyful manner.

An Info graphic is a type of picture that blends data with design, helping individuals and
organizations concisely communicate messages for their audience. It can be defined as a
visualization of data or ideas to convey complex information to an audience in a manner that
can be quickly consumed and easily understood. (Smiciklas, 2012, p. 3). It is a simplified
usage of visual elements like imagery, charts, and minimal text to give an easy,
understandable and memorable visual representation of any kind of information (Siricharoen,
2018, p. 59).

According to Christy Walters (2023) Infographics can be effective educational tools thanks
to their ability to break complex information into easy-to-understand components and to
make dense data engaging.
Information graphics, or infographics, are visual representations of information, data, or
knowledge. These types of graphics present complex information quickly and clearly.
Infographics are increasingly popular because they can provide a great amount of complex
information succinctly, using visually appealing elements that draw attention and facilitate

Today, with the development of many visualization tools in our digital society, these tools
have become much easier to use and more user-friendly than years ago (Toth, 2013). Via
various visualization tools and technology, the learning activities carried out in the classroom
environment have gone beyond the walls of the classroom (Ozdamli et al., 2016; Smiciklas,
2012; Toth, 2013).

Here comes the role of the use of educational technology in strengthening teaching methods
and confirming their effectiveness, because the means help to improve the level of teaching
and raise students' interest in the subject and its learning. Pictures are a very important
means of clarifying and simplifying information in the curricula at various educational
levels, especially in the early stages of school education, due to the interest and passion of
students at this stage with pictures, colors, and illustrations. Since there are about 70% of the
sensory receptors present in the eyes, and that 90% of the information transmitted to the
brain is visual information. The brain's processing of graphic information is less
complicated than its processing of raw texts, and one of the most important reasons why the
brain processes graphic information about 60,000 times faster than text data is that the brain
deals with the image at once while it deals with the text in a linear, successive manner [6].
The brain region in the brain consists of two hemispheres (right and left). The right
hemisphere handles coordination, colors, imagination, daydreams, dimensions, melodies,
sounds, feelings, and drawings, while the left hemisphere is responsible for processing
words, numbers, calculations, logic, analysis, arrangement, and sequential thinking [7].
Accordingly, the infographic can address the two sides of the brain in a balanced manner, as
it is made up of the terms information and facts, and (graphic), which means imaging; That
is, it is a representation of the data. It can be defined as “converting textual content into
graphics, shapes, and images, which helps to understand the content and develop visual
thinking skills.”
It can help link logical information and graphics and help present complex information in an
easier and faster way to understand. the brain. It can provide important and effective
educational means for students. Also, it may be one of the most attractive means of
presenting the information. and the visual elements at the same time and thus they fall into
the focus of attention where the linguistic and non-linguistic systems converge [8].
The skill of understanding

Digital interactive media is a crucial way of dealing with information nowadays it refers to
products and services on digital computer based systems that respond to the user's actions by
presenting content such as text, graphics, animation, video and audio, and includes the internet,
social media, mobile communications and digital interactive signage. Interactive media shift the
user’s role from observer to participant and are considered the next generation of electronic
information systems. (Britannica, 2022).
[Yeh and Cheng 2010] emphasise the importance of visualising information and state that from
the beginning of civilization visuals are being used in communication and learning processes.
Moreover, it is argued that both printed materials and media technologies such as visuals
enhance learning so they must be integrated within educational processes.
According to [Castelyn and Mottart 2012], the usage of visuals in education leads to active
learning and that the instructors should use different types of visuals that incorporate with the
course content which increases the learners’performance and motivation.
Visuality has been gaining importance in learning and teaching processes similar to its increased
importance in our daily lives. Visuals when used separately or when used combined with writing
is known to enhance learning. There is a general belief that visuals are easier to understand when
compared to writing. Along with that, visual materials have universal acceptability when
compared to written materials. Visuals provide many opportunities to help learners grasp the
content, attract the learners’ attention, motive them, allow complex and abstract ideas to be
learned effectively, provide interactive learning environments and make recalling information
Today, it is rare to find any piece of advertisement, flyer, newspaper, textbook or any form of
printed or online material without a picture to reinforce its message and create quite
comprehension. Hence, this study is carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of Info graphic in
presenting complex information and its impact in the learning process within tertiary institution
using University of Benin.


In today’s evolving world, it’s impossible to convey information adequately without the use of
Infography. Graphics is largely deployed in every sector of the society ranging from the
mechanical engineering, Health sector, Advertisement, Print and Broadcast media and even in
the Educational sector.
As noted by Astelyn and Mottart (2012), the usage of visuals in education leads to active
learning and that the instructors should use different types of visuals that incorporate with the
course content which increases the learners ‘performance and motivation.

In the past more attention was given to information, but today people focus more on the
Aesthetic or Visual element when going through materials, because it serve as a guild and
present story telling images on how a specific tasks can be carried out. That, is why it is realized
that people sought for information, which contains graphical presentation such as pictures,
motion image, Bar chart, Pie chart and other statistically element to aid their reading and
comprehension process.

In the light of the above, the study seeks to examine the effectiveness of Infographic in
presenting complex information and its impact in the learning process within the tertiary

Research objective
For the purpose of this research, the following we serve as the objective of this research.
1. To find out the attitude of student and their exposure to Infography material.
2. To find if the utilization of Infography aids in the teaching and learning process.
3. To find out if Infography is deployed during lectures to aid learning.
4. To investigate and determine if its usage aids remembrance and recalling of various
concept taught in class.

Research question
Based on the nature of this Research, the following question will guide the research:
1. What is the impact of Infography on student?
2. Hh
3. Ggggg

Significance of the study

The significance of this study has to do with the relevance of this study. Hence, the
study will be important to the following sets of people in the societies.

Scope of the study

The scope of this study is limited to the students of the University of Benin, the
University of Benin was selected as the scope on the basis of hierarchy as it happens
to be one of the oldest in the State.

Definition of terms
Picture remember complex perception visual element dense facilitate retention
visualization tools technology visualising education performance

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