Letter To Editor 2

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Dear Editor,

I would like to bring attention to an issue that many students think about consciously or

unconsciously every day. How many times have you been walking to your car after a night class

and felt unsafe? How many times have you walked across campus and didn’t know if the person

behind you was following you? How many of you have walked back to your dorm or apartment

and felt vulnerable if someone were to attack you? Chances are, many of you have felt unsafe at

one point during your time on campus.

Universities across the country utilize Blue Light Emergency Phones to combat campus

safety issues. When touring another campus, I learned the true purpose of these phones, which

when placed properly is very beneficial. As students run from an unsafe situation, they should

push the button on these, and by the third time, the police should be able to predict their path and

meet them. With the placement of YSU’s phones, you cannot utilize this system and would have

to stand at the phone for a 911 call. If a student felt unsafe, they may not be able to stand at these

phones to call the authorities or would use their cell phone unless it wasn’t accessible.

Rather than adding more Blue Light Emergency Phones to campus, I would like to

propose a new idea that would enhance campus safety. A panic button app would go beyond

location limitations of the phones. Many students walk off-campus to downtown Youngstown or

off-campus housing in Wick Park. These students can’t access the emergency phones but would

always have access to the app. Every student would be instructed to download the app during

orientation. For example, the Rave Panic Button App has simple features to notify the proper

help depending on the situation (Rave Panic Button, 2021). Campus safety will always be a

prevalent issue. A safety app for YSU students would maximize their safety and comfort them,

knowing they have help at their fingertips no matter where they are.

YSU Nursing Student

Breanna Koper

Rottino, C. (2021, June 8). Rave panic button. Rave Mobile Safety.


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