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o Yvon Chouinard is the billionaire founder of Patagonia, a fashion company,

o he decided to give away his company to fight climate change.
o Chouinard started making mountain climbing spikes for him and his friends and then decided
to moving also into clothing.
o any profit not reinvested in running the business would go to fighting climate change.
o The firm's marketing campaigns - focused around asking people to buy only what they need -
have not dampened sales and critics have argued by raising its prominence it has encouraged
more spending rather than less.
o The firm is making various campaign to convince people that they should buy only what they
o He initially wanted to sell his company and donate the prize to charity but the Chouinard family
has transferred all ownership to two new entities. The Patagonia Purpose Trust, led by the
family, remains the company's controlling shareholder but will only own 2% of its total
stock. and Holdfast Collective, a United States charity organization dedicating to fight the climate

Child Labour
o work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is
harmful to physical and mental development. It refers to work that: is mentally, physically,
socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children;
o The worst form of child labor, according to Mr. Houngbo, involves sexual exploitation, where
children are pushed into sex work to help support their families
o affecting various sectors, including agriculture, mining, and construction. It is a widespread issue
impacting different regions and industries.
o Covid 19 emphasized the phenomenon of Child Labour.
o Covid brought even more families to poverty, and also Ukraine and Russia war made the prices of
energy and food rise so some of them didn’t have choice but to send their children to work.
o It was the only possibility they had to survive.
o Most of the times these children don’t have the possibility to go to school because they have to
work and don’t have time and financial resources to go to school.
o Step up now" means that governments and relevant authorities need to take immediate and
decisive actions to address the issue of child labor. It implies that urgent measures and policies
should be put in place to combat child labor and protect the rights and well-being of children
who are vulnerable to exploitation.

CSR -> corporate social responsibility -> model by which company make decisions for economic activities
and the company.

What is the ILO? international labour Organisation
what does it promote?decent work
When is created? 1919
How many countries are members of ilo? 187 members
What happen in 1969? Nobel peace prize
What aspects of our life are affected by ilo? promoting social justice and internationally recognized
human and labour rights
Ilo is a part of a goal of 2030 goals? Number 8
Where is it based? Ginevra
What happen in 2019? Centenary
What is causing the fast change of the work world? New technologies

o Greenwashing is when a company misleads on her environmental credentials, so maybe they
hide the ways of productions of the company because it’s not so ethical, but customers are
becoming more and more aware of the situation and want to buy products from ethical
o One solution is to certificate the companies that can use ethical labels.
Women in business
o fewer than one in five smaller companies are led by women
o women-led start-ups tend, on average, to lose less money and have more success in winning new
o a lack of self-belief had been the biggest barrier standing in the way of them launching their small
o attribute their success to luck, rather than their own intelligence and hard work.
o imposter syndrome is that it’s very difficult to attack. None of these are qualities to be
encouraged in someone who is trying to build a small business with the potential to deliver
sustainable growth.
o women make better entrepreneurs than men. Goldman Sachs report into 10,000 small
businesses found that women bosses paid themselves just 80 per cent of the salaries their male
counterparts were enjoying.

gender equality
The Gender Equality Index gives the EU and the Member States a score from 1 to 100. A score of 100
would mean that a country had reached full equality between women and men.

o With 68.2 points out of 100, Italy ranks 13th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is
2.0 points below the score for the EU as a whole.
o Since 2010, Italy’s score has increased by 14.9 points, which is the largest increase in overall
score among all the Member States, resulting in the biggest rise in the ranking by eight places.
o This change occurred mainly due to improvements in the domain of power (+ 37.5 points).
o The main drivers of this increase have been improvements in the domains of time (+ 8.1 points)
and power (+ 5.8 points).

o Italy’s best performance (9th out of all Member States) is in the domain of health
o Gender inequalities are strongly pronounced in the domain of work (65.0 points), in which
the country has consistently ranked last among all Member States.
lowest in the sub-domain of participation, for which it scores 68.9 points. The country’s lowest score
(61.4 points) is in the sub-domain of segregation and quality of work, in which Italy has registered a
drop in ranking from 19th to 22nd place since 2020, due to making slower progress than other EU

o biggest improvement in Italy’s score has been in the domain of time (+ 8.1 points),
in the sub-domain of care activities (Donne che prendono cura bambini, malati,anziani) (+ 13.0 points)
has been the key driver of this change. In the sub-domain of social activities, Italy has also registered an
improvement (+ 3.8 points) since 2020,

o in the domain of money (– 0.2 points) since 2020, scoring 80.3 points and maintaining its
ranking at the 14th place.
The lack of progress towards gender equality in this domain is due to a decrease in score in the sub-
domain of economic situation (– 0.6 points) since last year’s Index. In the sub-domain of financial
resources, the country scores 76.7 points and ranks 12th.

o In 1916 battle of the Somme that this sense of pride and exhilaration was replaced by doubt and
o Life in trenches was hell because of the rain and mud, the decaying bodies the rats fed on, the
repeated bombings and the use of poison gas in warfare
o A group of poets who actually experienced the fighting and in most cases lost their lives in the
conflict, managed to represent modern warfare in a realistic and unconventional way
o War poets = modern poetry

Different attitudes to war

(The reaction to the war passed through different stages:
1. The patriotic enthusiasm that led many to enlist like the poet Rupert Brooke
2. Then came anger when many realized the lie of war rhetoric. Sigfrid Sassoon turned anger into
the main theme of his poetry
3. Wilfred Owen went a step further giving voice to compassion, pity.
4. R. Rosenberg had a more detached unsentimental view shared by writers like Hemingway, the
model writer of the so-called lost generation – in the aftermath of the war.

Brooke Rupert
o Well to do family
o Educated at rugby school and kings college
o Good student and athlete , popolar for his handsome look
o Know many important political, literary and social figures befor
o died blood poisoning in April 1915 in the Aegean Sea
o Buried on the Greek island of skyros
o Advanced the idea that war is clean and cleansing (testify the safeness of war)
o Sentimental attitude (patriotism)
o Young romantic hero

Wilfred Owen
o Teacher of English in France
o November 4 was killed in a german machine gun attack
o His poems are painful in the accurate accounts of gas casualties
o Technical innovation of para-rhymes (a lot of use of assonance and alliteration)
o Give a haunting quality, gravity and moral force which make them suitable for any situation in
which people must suffer and die.
o Publish Disabled and other poems
o The preface has now become important of the poetry of world war 1
o The book is not about heroes.
o His subjects his war and the pity of war. Poetry is in the pity
o No sense consolatory
o True poets must be truthful

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