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A Can you complete the second question?

A What do you do after work? Do you ?

8 Well, I usually go shopping and then go home.

o Now listen. What does Lori do after class?

Notice how Adam asks questions in two ways.

His questions are clear and not too direct. Find
examples in the conversation .

. \\fiat do you do after class? ~ a. I mean, do you eat out?

2. Hm - do au get home? __ b. Do you go shopping a lot?
3. Do .-ou ever feel tired after class? __ c. Do you go out for coffee?
~. Do you \ -ork in the evening? __ d. I mean, do you usually need a break?
5. Hm - often do you go shopping? __ e. Do you take the subway or the bus?
6. "\ha do you do for lunch? __ f. I mean, do you have a part-time job?

you:· C Pair ark. k and ans\ er the pairs of questions. Give your own answers.
tlategy plus I illBan . _
You can use I mean Where do you go?
to repeat your ideas or to I mean, do you go
say more about something. somewhere nice?

I mean is one of the top 15 expressions.

A Complete the questions or answers with your own ideas.

Compare with a partner. Do you have any of the same ideas?

1. A Do you ever go out after class?

B Well, not very often. I mean, I usually go stvO\lglV\t- v\olMe

2. A How do you like the restaurants in your neighborhood?

B They're not bad. I mean, they're _
3. A Are you busy in the evening? I mean, do you ?
B Well, I take a lot of classes.
4. A What do you do in your free time?
B Well, I don't have a lot of free time. I mean, . _

A Listen to the beginning of three conversations. How do you think

each conversation continues? Circle a or b.

Conversation 1 Conversation 3
a ... what are your hobbies? Conversation 2
a do you watch TV?
a I take French, too.
b . . . where do you work? b do you live around here?
b the food is good.

---~ C Add a second question to each question below. Then choose one and start
a conversation with a partner.

1. How often do you play sports? I mean, do you play ?

2. Where do you usually have dinner? I mean, do you eat '/
3. What do you do on the weekends? I mean, do you ?

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