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' (at 4- Exercise 1: A movable rod AC of length L, of mass m and of resistance R is sliding without friction on two fixed rails of negligible resistances. The whole set is placed in 8 20n€ of uniform magnetic field B directed as shown in fiqure-1-- At time t=0, the rod was stationary and then the switch has been closed, 4 Determine the direction and the expression of the electromagnetic force applied on the rod in terms of the current | crossing the circult. b- Determine the expression of the induced electromotive force in the rod in terms of the speed v of the rod, Indicate its polarity, ¢ Elaborate the equivalent circuit of the system. 4- Elaborate the differential equation governing the rod movement. @ Determine the expression of the speed v(t), f- Deduce the current i(t) ' (& when switch is cloted at E=0 , He lunent 1, Grutor Wo ved AC Prom cv C foend A = c lengih be 4 te E - {sia = TB(NM) Yo h =TBL < 1 ped AC ib is diiecled to Ile nigh ee te RUPCAqit Hod Rule) or the Cress pred uk. > F(®) - = BL F(a - oe 20)| a A OE juad wed =e sail eg 4% Hs; =VBL Cc “Lind nd stl opie T, cotle by E (4p (w) (1 tide fr wodkion A i J, => Esmad +e va tk, py es ot wile aff t, © Equivalent Gradk ib 3 ae Yh sq- = (a) Fe BETO [Ls pote abow } aud) OF lo Ks conslont a (H T()= © —Ein a e- Biv) Rac Rac Exercise 2; In the direct normal axes space OXYZ, an electric current | Is circulating in & Jong conducting wire placed along the axis XOX. A triangular wire ABC is initially placed in the XOY plane such that its side AB of length a, perpendicular to its side BC of length b, son the axis OY with point A ata distance y > 0 away from 0, Determine the expressions of the following parameters: ‘& The magnetic field B at any point of the XOY plane with y > 0. b- The magnetic flux ©, crossing the triangular wire when in its initial position, ¢- The mutual inductance M between the triangular wire and the long wire when the triangular wire |s in its initial position. Hf a current I’ is circulating in the triangular wire in the clockwise direction and the wire ABC is then taken to a final position in staying in the same plane with Its side AB on the same axis and with point finally A put at a distance 4y away from 0. Determine then the following parameters: - The force Fay applied on side AB of the triangular wire when in its initial position. e- The total force F, applied on the triangular wire when in its initial position, - The magnetic flux ©, crossing the triangular wire when in its final position. g- The work done W, to move the triangular wire from its initial position to its final position, Soluhon of exerte 2 * ab ie rv vi ¥! &) Ampere’ dow is Sifu Z Linke! ~ By a! V ~ ey Pech paw
dd- tee (ar a Farah ] 4 |D:- Ae ash Jo -y ind “ hye he Be Bh fe gl] A remot | Mi independ of T dF |= rb dt « () Fist o Abc =. qrd o, » Dies) c = Mat a te] 4 HM gg | (f) jul ryfrw y oy ch by ay by | +a = Af Eb yl aig | (3) Wi = u(4- %) = Aare L art eee fw bo Pe [ | yw ’ Exercise 3: The switch K of the circuit of figure 2 had been opened for longtime: At time t = 0, Kis closed. @ Replace the circuit to the left of points a and b by its equivalent circuit in THEVENIN, b- Evaluate the current circulating in the inductance L at time t= 0 ¢- Evaluate, without calculation of \(t) via differential equation, the energy stored in Lat time t =o, d- Elaborate the expression of the current in L for t > 0. R2 eee ets iG ' ' ' . ' ‘ ' ' ' ' dolhon : eeerwe so 7 fe my Gg . “p rk te Pakt fF b vay tee a “Ri Rifas Rate {sb VA = RT +e Ralhish) =Em =R cae | ‘al, RRM = Rye Ryatieke en 8 pa i (oe) ak t=0, KY God > “ee “edi Lis Ve caval peo (4G) <1 o| afl ag bie foe“ (c) o& t7O, aoe 6 — Ce ee (ing fom = t-0 lv») > a 7" “Fe equ, UY lef et o wo ve & <— Shot tres er Tam wh Agere (4) thecrtth Yh Kd bs 1) Vip = 20 3 Vic ear = wel a Ny M+ B14 ede =o 3206 “font Lv, pp (10-0) L di) =f (Fu ee pW) 3 (\+% oe zi ALG) = K é' ane ee am at t=0, 3s K Bie HFS fam glee? % yr to Exercise 4; The switches $1 and $2 of the circuit of figure-3- are called “mechanically interlocked” which means that, if 52 Is closed, 52 would open and vice versa. Find: @& The current circulating in the inductor at time teO If52 has been closed at time teO after being left open for a longtime. b> The time expression of the current circulating in the inductor for t0. & The energy stored in the inductor at t=10s Figure-3- Solin df tm vege tla at CEO, 9 een S Is He Cloned ke Me wv 1 ‘ whet fine becemas wi | short cerGsl St ie tose (@?: Garnet ape L 20 [2 sy 9 4,.(0) « In —— A a es - HA ned > Graal becantd 0M bo hdd bn OF . Ne SS a; ( E AL j Neh ol” 2 4 qu 4 ‘a 4 |" ac Lai. ead We b -tt tp a AO yk gel a hak eu (4) ot bes, Glo)- i@)= $2 =i Bonet poke = ae » [tc = -FE +t y a) Oo W, (t=19) = th 4 Ge! at elo OZ? wlben)e bID=

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