Biography of John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917, in Brookline, Massachusetts, into a
Catholic family of Irish origin.
He was the second of the nine children of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy and Joseph P.
Kennedy, a prominent member of North American society at the beginning of the
century who moved in the circles of the great bankers and politicians of the time who
educated his children in an iron Catholic discipline and with a high sense of public
His childhood developed within a tremendously competitive environment between
His passion for sports, common to the entire Kennedy family, contrasted with his fragile
health and little interest in studies. During 1937 Joseph P. Kennedy was appointed
ambassador to England and the entire family moved to London. John traveled to
France, Italy and Spain accompanied by his friend Lem Billings. This trip awakened in
John a new interest in political studies, worrying about the political complexity of an old
continent on the brink of war.
In 1938 he asked for permission from Harvard University, where he was studying, to
undertake a new trip to Paris, Turkey, Palestine, the Balkans, the Eastern countries and
finally Berlin.
In 1940 he graduated with distinction from Harvard and his doctoral thesis "Why
England Slept" was published, in which he explained England's lack of preparation to
face the war. When the war broke out, he participated as a Navy officer.
He joined the Democratic Party upon his return to Boston and in 1946 ran successfully
for the House of Representatives. In 1952 the people of Massachusetts elected him to
the Senate.
In 1957, he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for collecting biographical sketches of
political leaders. He took command of the liberal end of the Democratic Party and in
1960 began organizing his presentation in the presidential election.
He was forty-three years old when he won the elections, becoming the 35th president of
the United States; the youngest and the first Catholic in American history to occupy the
White House. During his first year in office, he received numerous criticisms for some
contrary international events. He traveled to Vienna where he met with the Soviet Prime
In October 1962, an aerial reconnaissance confirmed that medium-range missiles were
being installed in Cuba, so he decided to block the island to prevent the material
needed to make the missiles operational from reaching their destination.
He also asked the Soviet Union to eliminate the discovered bases. A few days later
Khrushchev accepted their demands, breaking the blockade.
In several speeches in Latin America, he included some changes in the traditional policy
of the United States towards Latin American states. He believed it was necessary to
support economic development under democratic systems.
In several speeches in Latin America, he included some changes in the traditional policy
of the United States towards Latin American states. He believed it was necessary to
support economic development under democratic systems.
Marriage and children
He married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier in 1953. They formed a media couple and achieved
the same fame as movie or music stars. Some extramarital affairs are attributed to
Kennedy, such as the one he allegedly had with actress Marilyn Monroe.
Jacqueline and John had four children. Their first daughter, Arabella, died before being
born. Their second daughter, Caroline, is the only one of the siblings still alive. He was
five years old when his father died. His third child was a boy named John F. Kennedy Jr.
He died in a plane accident in 1999, another of the events that is why people speak of
"the curse of the Kennedy family." The couple's last child, Patrick, died two days after
being born.
In November 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy had been president of the United States
for almost two years. His victory in the 1959 elections against Nixon and his subsequent
proclamation in January 1960 made him one of the most popular presidents in history in
part thanks to his extensive presence on television. At that point in his mandate, part of
his agenda of events was already aimed at renewing his victory in the next re-election.
The tour planned for that fall in Texas also pursued that goal. That rainy November 22,
the president and the first lady woke up in the city of Fort Worth, where they were
received by a crowd and where he gave what would be his last speech.
Following the program of the Texas tour, Kennedy and his wife Jackeline boarded a
plane that, after a very short 13-minute journey, took them to Dallas. Although Texas has
traditionally been a Republican stronghold, the presidential couple enjoyed warm
welcomes in both Fort Worth and Dallas. At 11:45 a.m. they got off the plane at Love
Field airport. Shortly after, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and his wife landed at the
same airport. These famous color images, where you can see Jackie Kennedy in her
iconic pink Chanel dress that she wore throughout the day, helped to forever fix the
moments before the tragedy in the collective memory.
After the plane descended, J. F. Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline climbed into the back
of a Lincoln X-100. In the front part, a driver-agent and another agent from the
president's security traveled, and in the back, they were accompanied by the governor
of Texas, John B. Connally Jr., and his wife.
The presidential motorcade left the airport at 11:52 a.m. bound for downtown Dallas.
Despite the forecast of rain, it was decided to remove the glass hood of the car, which,
although it was not bulletproof, who knows if it could have influenced the trajectory of
the projectiles in some way.
Throughout the journey, both couples showed their best smiles, responding to the
displays of affection from the enormous crowd that lined the entire route. On more than
one occasion, vehicles stopped for the president to greet people. In the foreground of
this image, you can see Jackie Kennedy and Idanell "Nellie", Brill, the wife of the Texas
governor. The motorcade's final destination was the Trade Mart, where a luncheon was
being held and JFK was scheduled to give a speech.
After traveling down Main Street, the motorcade prepared to surround Dealey Plaza, the
site where the Dallas School Book Depository, the building from which the fatal shots
were fired, still stands today. As it advanced down Elm Street, the Depot was left behind
the motorcade and, moving at 20 km/h and without a hood to hinder visibility, President
John Fitzgerald Kennedy became an easy target for the sniper. At 12:30 noon, when the
first shot hit her husband's neck, Jackeline turned around to look at him and witnessed
how right before her eyes a second shot pierced his head. The first lady put her arms
around him and shouted 'my husband has been shot!'
When the passengers of the car carrying President Kennedy realized what had just
happened, confusion and chaos took over the situation. In this image you can see the
first lady standing on the trunk of the vehicle and trying to crawl towards the back to, as
she later explained, recover a piece of her husband's skull that had flown after the
impact of the crash. bullet. On the seat, you can see the body of President JFK lying on
one side, possibly already lifeless. At the same time, a member of the president's
security team caught up with the car and the driver increased the speed to protect the
rest of the passengers.
Seven minutes later the Lincoln X-100 arrived at the hospital, where the doctors could
do nothing but confirm the worst omens: the president of the United States, JFK, had
just been killed. Immediately afterwards and in haste, all the preparations began for the
transfer of J. F. Kennedy's body to Washington, where the autopsy was performed and
where the state funeral was to be held.
John F. Kennedy is buried in Arlington Cemetery, Washington. Kennedy's wife and
children lie next to the former president in Arlington, being the only civilians buried in
this necropolis.
1) He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1957 for his book Profiles in Courage, while he was still a
senator from Massachusetts.
2) He donated his salary as US president ($150,000) to charity.
3) He was always a lover of Havana cigars, so much so that before the embargo on
Cuba, he bought 1,200 Havana cigars to have reserves.
4) He was the second youngest president of the United States, rising in 1960 at the age
of 44. The youngest president was Theodore Roosevelt at 41 years old.
5) He suffered from an autoimmune disorder that caused abdominal pain, nausea,
hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, and migraines, among other conditions.
6) He received extreme unction four times during his life. In 1947 after becoming
seriously ill, in 1951 due to high fever in Japan, in 1954 after back surgery and on the
day of his death, November 22, 1963 in Dallas.
7) Much of JFK's photographic archive survived the attack on the Twin Towers. The file
of Jacques Lowe, the former president's personal photographer, was in the security
chamber of a bank under the World Trade Center. Although thousands of photos were
destroyed, almost all of JFK's photos survived the tragedy.
8) He suffered the loss of two children: Arabella who died before birth and Patrick
Bouvier when he was only two days old.
9) He holds the Guinness Record as the person in public life who speaks the fastest,
327 words per minute.
10) His grave in Arlington Cemetery is illuminated by the eternal flame, lit for decades.
Principalmente, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, nació el 29 de mayo de 1917 en Brookline,
Massachusetts. Fue el presidente más joven de los Estados Unidos, siendo el
presidente número 35.
Su infancia fue muy competitiva entre el y sus hermanos, por ejemplo, su familia era
muy apasionada en el deporte, pero chocaba con sus problemas de salud y el
desinterés por los estudios. John Fitzgerald Kennedy padecía de un síndrome
poliendocrino autoinmune tipo 2, también pasó por la escarlatina, el sarampión y tuvo
un brote de malaria.
John era el segundo de ocho hermanos, su hermano mayor Joe fue su sombra
siempre, y aun así a la sombra de Joe y su infancia enfermiza, John acabó siendo un
héroe de guerra y el presidente más joven de EUA.
En el año de 1938 pidió permiso en la Uni de Harvard, para viajar a Paris, Turquía,
Palestina, Los Balcanes, países del Este y por Berlín. Finalmente, en 1940 se graduó
de Harvard publicando su tesis doctoral “Why England Slept”, en ella explicó que a
Inglaterra le hace falta preparación para enfrentar la guerra. En una de las cenas
celebradas en 1952 durante su campaña para lograr ser cenador, conoció a Jacqueline
Lee Bouvier, joven bella y de buena familia. Se enamoraron y formaron una familia
Ya siendo demócrata, Kennedy representó a Massachusetts en la Cámara de
Representantes y también en el Senado de los Estados Unidos. En el año de 1960, se
postuló para presidente, derrotando a Richard Nixon. Siendo presidente, enfrentó retos,
como la Guerra Fría, crisis de los Misiles en Cuba y la carrera espacial, entre otros.
También durante su liderazgo, estuvo en la construcción del muro de Berlín, la invasión
de la Bahía Cochinos, etc.
El hizo algo por la integración de los negros en las universidades, ya que en 1962 hubo
disturbios en la Uni de Misisipi, protestaban por la inscripción de James Meredith, un
veterano militar norteamericano negro. Toda la administración de John F. Kennedy tuvo
demasiadas conversaciones con el gobernador Ross Barnett ya que el protegía a
Entre el 29 de junio al 1 de julio de 1962, el presidente Kennedy y su esposa Jackie
realizaron una visita oficial a la ciudad de México. Los Kennedy fueron recibidos por el
que era en ese momento presidente, Adolfo López Mateos. Visitaron el Zócalo y La
Villa, y recorrieron las calles en auto descubierto. Durante su visita, los Kennedy
visitaron el Museo de Antropología e Historia, almorzaron en Palacio Nacional,
acudieron a depositar una ofrenda floral en los monumentos a la Independencia y de la
Revolución, encabezaron un festival en la Unidad Independencia del IMSS, disfrutaron
del ballet folclórico de Amalia Hernández en el Palacio de Bellas Artes y asistieron a la
Basílica de Guadalupe.
El 22 de noviembre de 1963 un francotirador le disparó al presidente mientras recorría
las calles de Dallas. El caso de quien ordeno el asesinato de John Fitzgerald Kennedy
sigue sin saberse y es muy probable que siga siendo polémica por mucho tiempo.

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