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Minh Anh:

Mia is a standout student, always eager to learn and participate. She's

great at remembering new words and can speak full sentences with ease.
While she's good at recognizing letters and their sounds, she's still
working on putting them together to make words. Mia loves math and
science class, where she asks lots of questions and gets involved in
activities. Her enthusiasm for learning is wonderful to see!

Ha My:
Mimi is shining brightly as a student, showing confidence and fluency in
English. Her reading skills are impressive; she can blend sounds
perfectly, making her a proficient reader. In math, she demonstrates
strong knowledge and understanding. I'm incredibly proud of her
progress and encourage her to continue her fantastic work. With her
determination and skills, I have no doubt she'll achieve even more
success in the future.

Tung Lam:
Lam is undeniably bright, showing remarkable improvement and
displaying a multitude of talents. He excels in various areas, including
speaking confidently, working diligently, and being proficient in reading
and math. His ability to blend sounds and memorize new vocabulary is
particularly impressive, and his love for reading stories is evident.
However, there are concerns regarding his behavior, such as occasional
disobedience or conflicts with friends. While this hasn't affected his
academic progress, it's crucial to address these issues early on. I believe
that with support from both school and parents, Lam can navigate the
right path toward a promising future.

Xiu is an energetic and engaged student, and I'm thrilled to see his recent
dedication to learning. He's made impressive progress, particularly in his
ability to blend sounds and read CVC words. Xiu's enthusiasm for
stories and his eagerness to absorb more knowledge are truly
commendable. Additionally, his aptitude for math and science is
remarkable, showcasing his innate talent. While he may exhibit some
mischief at times, I appreciate that he listens to instructions and strives
to express himself in English. Overall, Xiu's commitment to learning and
his willingness to improve make me optimistic about his future growth.

Tit is a vibrant and determined learner, and I'm delighted to witness his
recent growth and progress. He demonstrates proficiency in blending
sounds and reading CVC words, showing a genuine interest in
expanding his knowledge through stories. Tit's aptitude for mathematics
and science is truly impressive, reflecting his natural talent in these
subjects. Despite his occasional misbehavior and lack of control, I
believe with support from parents, we can guide him in managing his
behavior more effectively. Together, we can ensure Tit continues to
thrive academically and personally.

Mon is a charming and well-mannered young boy who is showing
gradual improvement in his studies. Despite my efforts to keep him
engaged, he occasionally struggles with staying focused in the classroom
and may become distracted. Nevertheless, Mon consistently
communicates in English and actively seeks to expand his knowledge
through asking questions. He particularly enjoys stories and science
lessons. However, he continues to face challenges with alphabet sounds
and blending them together. It's important to recognize that Mon
progresses at his own pace, and with continued support and
encouragement, he will continue to develop and thrive.

Mang is a delightful and vibrant young girl, radiating energy with her
ever-present smile. She excels as a speaker, always attentive and putting
forth her best effort in everything she does. Mang's enthusiasm for
learning is evident through her eagerness to ask questions and
understand more deeply. It's truly heartening to witness her growth into
a confident and independent individual with each passing day. She finds
joy in stories, and I'm thrilled to see her progress in reading CVC words
and blending sounds. Mang also shows a keen interest in science and
math. Keep up the excellent work, young girl; a bright and promising
future awaits you.

Bo is a bright and active learner who has a unique approach to absorbing
lessons. While he doesn't always conform to sitting still, he has a
remarkable ability to acquire language even while on the move—an
admirable quality. However, it's important for Bo to understand that
other students may not learn in the same way, which is why I sometimes
need to be firm with him about following instructions to maintain a
conducive learning environment for everyone. Bo's curiosity is evident
through his numerous questions and occasional explanations,
showcasing his genuine interest in learning. He shows promise in
reading CVC words and excels in math. Nevertheless, Bo's behavior
sometimes poses challenges, as he tends to misbehave and engage in
conflicts with his friends. It's my belief that with support from both the
school and his parents, Bo can make significant strides in improving his
attitude and behavior, thereby enhancing his overall learning experience
and achievements.

Sam is a sweet and lively girl who always gives her best in the
classroom. She's a hard worker, but her progress has been affected by
her absences. As a result, she still faces challenges in expressing herself
and distinguishing between letters and their sounds. However, what's
truly admirable about Sam is her determination. She never gives up. I
want to encourage Sam to continue her efforts because I believe she has
the potential to achieve even greater results. Keep up the good work,

Cam is a delightful and energetic young girl who consistently
demonstrates dedication and focus in her studies. Excelling in all areas,
she exhibits a genuine eagerness to learn and constantly seeks to deepen
her understanding by asking questions. Although initially shy, Cam is
gradually gaining confidence with each passing day, which is truly
heartening to witness. Her love for stories is evident, and I'm thrilled to
see her progress in reading CVC words and blending sounds. With her
growing independence and passion for subjects like science and math, I
have no doubt that Cam has a bright future ahead of her. Keep up the
fantastic work, young girl!

Tao Chi
Tao Chi is a delightful and energetic girl, always radiating positivity
with her infectious smile. She consistently demonstrates focus and
determination in her studies, excelling in all areas and showing a
genuine eagerness to learn. Tao Chi's inquisitive nature shines through
as she constantly asks questions to deepen her understanding. It's truly
heartwarming to see her growth into a confident and independent
individual with each passing day. She has a particular fondness for
stories and has made remarkable progress in reading CVC words and
blending sounds. With her love for subjects like science and math, Tao
Chi has a bright and promising future. Keep shining, young girl!


Nho is a remarkably serene student, often reserved and requiring

encouragement to fully engage in classroom activities. She sometimes
appears tired upon arriving at school. Despite these challenges, Nho is a
kind and pleasant student who particularly enjoys games and enjoyable
activities. While her progress may be gradual, it's important to recognize
her potential and capabilities. Let's continue to support Nho at her own
pace, allowing her to blossom in her own time.

Pon is a cheerful and lively young boy, always eager to share his latest
toys and adventures. Recently, there has been a noticeable improvement
in both his learning and behavior. Previously, Pon was prone to tears and
showed little interest in learning, but he has since blossomed into a
confident student who actively engages in his studies. He demonstrates
commendable effort in memorizing words and learning English sounds,
although he still faces challenges with blending sounds. However, Pon's
dedication is evident as he continues to make progress, particularly in
mathematics. Overall, Pon is a well-behaved student with plenty of
potential to shine even brighter in the future.
Popeye is a dynamic student who always brings energy into the
classroom, often eager to share his toys with me. While I initially faced
challenges with his behavior, particularly his tendency to hit his peers
without provocation, I've observed positive changes recently. He has
become less mischievous and more focused on his own activities.
Moreover, there has been notable improvement in his willingness to
participate and concentrate during lessons. Popeye undoubtedly
possesses a great deal of potential, and with additional support, I believe
he will achieve even greater results. I'm pleased to witness such progress
and encourage him to continue his efforts. Keep up the good work,
young man!

Mia is a serene presence in the classroom, often quiet and requiring
gentle encouragement to participate fully. She finds enjoyment in games
and other enjoyable activities. Although Mia continues to face
challenges and her progress may seem gradual, it's important to
recognize her potential and capabilities. Let's continue to support Mia at
her own pace, allowing her to flourish and reach her full potential. With
patience and encouragement, Mia will surely continue to grow and

Dealing with Lucy can be quite challenging as she exhibits mood swings
and repeats mistakes despite apologies. Her actions, such as hitting peers
and tearing papers, often catch me off guard. Despite these negative
behaviors, Lucy also shows kindness at times. Various approaches have
been attempted to address her behavior, yet she remains stubborn,
impacting her learning progress. It requires considerable effort to engage
her in learning activities, and her focus often shifts to negative
behaviors. However, there have been some positive changes in Lucy's
behavior, and we remain hopeful for further improvement. It's crucial for
both the school and parents to provide support to help Lucy achieve
better results and develop into the best version of herself. As teachers,
we are committed to seeing Lucy grow and succeed.

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