Contemporary Death Culture

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Contemporary death culture

Item 1: Obituary

Anastasia Mae Gumbel (Under 20)

 Source:

 She was 18 years of age. The obituary honors Anastasia's musical talents, intellectual
accomplishments, and affectionate connections with her family and friends.

 This obituary highlights the effect of early mortality on individuals and society as a whole, as
described in Unit 4.

Leslie Ray 'Popeye' Charping (Over 70)

 Source: www.edition.cnn.comHe was 74 years old. The obituary paints a realistic and
unfavorable picture of Leslie's life, which is defined by her addiction, abuse, and failure to make
a positive contribution to society.

 This highlights problems regarding the development of identity, ethical conduct, and social
worth in the context of death, underscoring the difficulty of appraising people's legacies and
societal contributions.

Item 2: Advertisement

 Source:

 This advertisement supports the printing of obituary advertising in publications as a means of

connecting loved ones closer in solidarity through times of loss.

 The ad illustrates the societal norm of formally recognizing and mourning death.

Item 3: Newspaper article

 The newspaper story reported on the demise of boxing star Muhammad Ali at the age of 74. It
utilizes the euphemism "passed away" to explain Ali's demise after receiving treatment in
Arizona due to a respiratory ailment.

 Source:

 It reports the demise of Muhammad Ali, utilizing the euphemism "passed away," echoing the
standards of news coverage on death-related occurrences.

 This article exhibits the usage of death-related abbreviations in the press as described

Item 4: Death Toy

 The ad that appears on Etsy displays a selection of death-related toys and items, including a
personalized memory teddy, a blank decked-page notebook with a leather cover, and a kid
memorial urn.

 Source:

 They offer grieving people adaptable options to memorize their dead loved ones and navigate
their time of sorrow.

 This shows the idea of a material lifestyle because of the tangible manifestation of sadness and
remembrance, hence the commodification of death among the morning process.

Item 5: Photographs in culture

 The dementia struggle that Parrish's grandma faced acts as a significant subject in the project.
The pictures reveal fragile moments of intense pondering and self-examination, illustrating how
the disease impacts the memories and identity of her grandma.

 Source:

 Mainly, this is being used to express the cultural expression of grief and loss and how these
complexities can be navigated within cultural contexts.

Item 6: Unusual tombstone

 The picture depicts a weird grave stone or marker that is positioned near the grandmother’s
grave and in the spot where the photographer was standing. tombstone, which is characterized
by its odd design that may be in a kind of special shape, prints, and so on.

 Source:

 Knowing that it is the unusual shape of the tombstone, as well as its intimate relation to the
filmmaker’s family member, produces a feeling of anticipation and connects it with the

 The photo is thus a visual record of the different ways in which people include their personal
recollection of their loved ones during the practice of death commemoration.

Item 7: Alternative body decomp technologies.

 The site titled "The Disruptors Who Want to Make Death Greener" is an article published on that analyzes new ideas for making death more ecologically friendly.

 Source:

 This makes us aware of the strategy of disruptors in the death care sector, emphasizing the
provision of environmentally viable alternatives to the standard burial and cremation

 This underlines the significance of examining the environmental elements of death-related

behaviors and enhancing environmentally sustainable alternatives.

Item 8: Unique funeral, memorial, or wake.

 The image displays a memorial table that is decorated with numerous components like a stylish
urn, candles, and flowers. Seemingly, the environment is a memorial of a loved one or a
memorial event.

 Source:

 The illustration illustrates a thoughtfully laid-out space on the memorial table that includes an
enchanted urn, lit candles, and flowers, which are indications of the true essence of the

 This displays how people display their feelings of personalized support during the course of
mourning their loved ones.

Item 9: Television show

 "Life & Beth" is a television sitcom produced, recorded, directed, and starring Amy Schumer. The
series digs into themes of unsolved conflicts, trauma, and the lingering impact of childhood
events, notably emphasizing the protagonist's connection to a close loved one who has passed

 Source:

 The drama covers the themes of grief, trauma, and personal development, noting how the
protagonist is still influenced by unaddressed issues with a close person and childhood

 Delivers a fascinating portrayal of death and its influence on individuals and families.

Item 10: Life extending technology.

 This article, 'Anticipating the Use of Life Extension Technologies, which appeared in the EMBO
Reports' journal.

 The text considers the likely future adoption and development of life extension technologies
(LET) with reference to the past and the ethics of such measures developing alongside assisted
reproductive technology (ART).

 Source:

 This article explores themes connected to life-extending technologies and modern challenges in
death and dying.

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