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海狸尾 巴的拍打 :欢乐与幽默的祝福 2002-4-19(无名氏译)

T he F la p of T he Bea ver' s Tai l

海狸 尾巴的 拍打
Blessings for Joy and Humor

The Otter and Beaver Kingdoms through Karen Danrich "Mila",April 19,
水獭与海狸通过 Karen Danrich "Mila"传递,2002 年 4 月 19 日
Transltated by 无名氏 2008-9-5

Otter or Beaver are related to the

same kingdom, and associated with
Squirrel. Both Otter and Beaver
along with Squirrel are often
perceived as playful and joyful in
nature. And indeed we are. Just like
Squirrel, we hold the vibration of joy
for kingdoms upon the land and
within the sea. Joy and play are
experienced in the lives of all
species, although the decline in
vibration has caused most species
to experience pain. This is not to
say that Otter and Beaver know not
pain, as sometimes our homes in
the sea or along the riverbanks are desecrated through human construction.
This too causes us pain and takes the joy out of our life dance.

水 獭或海狸相关于同一个王国,是与松鼠相联系的。水獭、海狸和松鼠常常因为
国持有 欢乐的振动。欢乐与嬉戏在所有物种的生活中被体验,虽然振动下降导
海边或湖边的 家园会被人类因建设而滥用。这使得我们很痛苦并拿走了我们生

Why do humans mutilate the land under the guise of making improvements?
This has been difficult for Beaver or Otter to understand. We too improve the
land, but only where we are guided by earth to do so. Often Beaver builds
dams in rivers or streams to assist in moving the water into the forest or into
underground waterways to allow life to thrive all around. Remove our dams,
and portions of the forest will die; and so this has come to be so often in
human development.

为 什么人类假借改善的名义而毁坏土地呢?这对于水獭或海狸而言很难理解。
或溪流边 构建水坝来协助水流向森林或流进地下水道以允许生命可在周围茂盛

Beaver and Otter understand working with all other kingdoms in relation to our
construction projects. This is the gift we offer to ascending-humans. If one is
building community or a new home upon a land site, call upon our kingdom.
We will orchestrate suggestions that shall work for all other species upon the
land and within the surrounding 10-mile radius. For this is what Otter and
Beaver does quite naturally in nature; Beaver upon the Land and Otter along
the coastal waters of the ocean.

们的王国。我们将整编出建议为方圆 10 英里内的所有土地上其它物种而工作。因

Beaver builds dams, which are generally used also to raise our young keeping
them sweetly out of predators way, except occasionally with Fox. Fox
sometimes is quite bright and raids our Beavers nest taking of our young.
However even this is provided unto Fox to insure her urvival, as all inside of
the forest dance occurs in balanced giving and receiving. All species work to
support the survival of each along with the whole.

海 狸修建水坝,这通常也用来抚养我们的后代保护他们远离捕食者,除了偶尔
也被提供 给狐狸以确保他们的生存,因为所有森林内的舞蹈都发生在平衡给予

Otter builds not dams, but plays amongst the seaweed harvesting shellfish for
sustenance. Sometimes Otter too becomes the dinner for Shark, and again
does so out of survival of the whole. However hunting in seaweed can
become confusing, and therefore generally Otter outwits Shark with ease.
How does Otter mold the underwater seascape? Mostly Otter provides chi for
seaweed forests to grow for their own protection, and the survival of their
young. The more Otters, the more seaweed will grow as it is necessary unto
Otters survival, or so Mila remembers in her journeys to the coastal regions of
Big Sur and Monterey California. Seaweed is commonplace in California
coastal regions due to the presence of Otter.

水 獭并不构建水坝,只是在海藻间嬉戏为生计而捕获甲壳类动物。有时水獭也
扰,因此 通常水獭很容易瞒骗鲨鱼。水獭在海中世界的习性是怎样的呢?通常
水獭为了自我保护以及他们后代的生存会提供气给海藻森林让其生长。Mila 在她
去加州大瑟尔(注:Big Sur,由 The Big South 演化而来,位于美国加州中部

Retaining a playful nature is helpful in ascension. The doom and gloom of

working through patterns associated with pain, suffering, fear and death are
rapidly risen above as one chooses to sit in joy, humor and laughter instead.
For humans, humor and laughter are sometimes easier vibrations to access
than joy at first, and are precursors to moving into greater joy in the moment.
Therefore call upon Otter and Beaver, and we will anchor more humor and
laughter, which will lead to greater joy in one's life dance.

提 升中保持嬉戏的天性是很有帮助的。当你选择处在欢乐、幽默和笑声中时可以
言, 首先幽默和笑声有时是比欢乐更容易进入的振动,是在片刻就可移入更大
将在你的生 命舞蹈中带来更大的欢乐。

It is important to laugh at oneself. Nothing is beyond some humor in our

experience. Isn't it humorous how humans behave? Is it not beneficial to take
the time to laugh at oneself and one's own predicaments? No story in human
form is perfect, and most have convolutions worthy of laughter. Lately and
within the Group Mastery Program, there is a joke about being "Married to
Merduk". Merduk of course was a member of the cast of characters related to
the Annanuki Plieadians that dominated earth for an 18,000 years period, and
destroyed earth in the end in a nuclear holocaust. Many an initiate with red
inheritance will find that they have married "Merduk" to settle the Persephone-
Merduk/Hades karma through one's life expression.

有一个关于“与 Merduk 结婚”的笑话。Merduk 当然是与掌控了地球长达
1,8000 年的时间并用核爆炸摧毁地球至尽头的与昴宿星 Anu 相关的家族中的
一员。许多有红族血统的提升者会发现他们与“Merduk ”结了婚并通过他们生

Being "married to Merduk", or divorcing Merduk as many an initiate is

currently doing in their program, is a joyful and liberating experience that
completes karma that goes back upwards of 38,000 years (152,000 human
years). Such life experiences become far more humorous as the backdrop of
the original cause of the dance in one's ancient ancestry is understood. One
also recognizes that one is not the only one "married to Merduk", but one of
many others who are each settling a piece of the karma incurred between
Merduk and the Persephone along with the Red Race.

在他们的项目中,与“Merduk ”结婚,或与“Merduk ”离婚是作为许多提升

者普遍要做的事情,去结束可追溯 3,8000 年(152,000 人类年)前的业力
生命体验会变成更幽默。你也可认为你不是唯一的与“Merduk ”结婚的人,你
不过许多处理“Merduk ”与珀尔塞福涅以及红族之间的业力片段的其他人中

Merduk particularly was a character that took of the blood of the red race (was
a vampire in the physical) to sustain his life. Often those married to Merduk
are "vampired", not of blood, but of chi and life force which then translates into
disease or extreme tiredness. In ascending out of the disease, one also
leaves Merduk and moves on to a new and joyous life expression that is

Merduk 是一个获取红族的血(是个物质体上的吸血鬼)来维持自己生命的独
特的人物。通常那些与 Merduk 结婚的人会被“吸血”,除了血,还有气和生命
力量,而后变成疾病或极度疲劳。在提升出疾病中,你也可以离开 Merduk 并移

One may also find oneself married to Zeus, or Athena, or Diana, or

Innana/Aphrodite/Venus, or any other of the cast of characters that originated
from the Pleiades. Such characters are related to the Greek and Roman Gods
and myths. Such marriages or relationships are often to power mongering folk
who are direct descendents of the Annanuki within their respective tapestry of
ancestry. Whether the Annanuki in present time be female or male, generally
they take from oneself incessantly and perhaps even to the point of
manifesting a disease or other life travesty.

你或许也会发现自己与宙斯,或雅典娜,或狄安娜,或 Innana/阿芙罗狄蒂/维
话人物相关。这样的婚姻和关系常常与他们各自的祖先织锦中的有 Anu 直接遗
传的权力交易人物有关。不管 Anu 在现今是男性还是女性,通常他们会不间断

Such folk can manifest in one's life dance as beloveds or spouses, or as

bosses, parents, siblings, friends or associates. Such associations lead to the
same dance that occurred between the Annanuki and the Red Race long ago.
As one stands back and views the larger picture, one can see how one is
settling ancient ancestral karma, and in so doing, is finding one's way to
liberation and freedom again. In seeing the larger picture, one can begin to
laugh at such a predicament rather than viewing it in an all-suffering and all-
consuming manner.

母,兄弟姐妹,朋友或同事出现。这样的关系要追溯到很久以前存在于 Anu 和

Ascension is not an easy life journey. One has chosen a particular set of
circumstances as a human mapmaker of ascension that allows for the
settlement of Annanuki related karma. This is the only way that the map
carvers can ascend out of the dance that desecrated evolution as a possibility
for the human species at large. Ascension and evolution ceased as the
Annanuki came to dance with the Red Seeded Race. Therefore as all karma
is released between the Annanuki and Red Seeded Race, ascension can
become a viable possibility again for the whole of the human species.

允许去处理 Anu 相关的业力的环境。这也是地图绘制者作为一种可能性可以为
全体人类物种提升出滥用进化的舞蹈的唯一道路。当 Anu 来与被播种的红族舞
蹈时,提升和进化就停止了。然而当所有 Anu 与被播种的红族之间的业力被释

Each map carver has taken a piece of the karma to settle in one's present day
life. It is why the materials presented by Mila and Oa may have a symbolic
representation of one's current life expression as map carver. Release the
karma, ascending beyond the symbolic expression of Annanuki-Red Race
conflict, and the whole of mankind can also ascend. Each map carver must do
his or her part. Fail to leave a marriage or job when one is either married or
employed by Merduk, and die of disease instead, and the map cannot be
carved; further all map followers related to one's map will also fail to leave and
end the life in death instead, leading to non-ascension. Take a stand for one's
life by leaving the marriage or job that is killing oneself and recover, and all
map followers of "like karmic expression" will also leave their spouse or job
and ascend. This is how the map of ascension is carved into the physical; one
brings about life changes that lead to life, resurrection, joy, bounty and

Mila 和 Oa 带来的资料可象征性呈现作为地图绘制者你当前生命的表达。释放业
力,提升超越 Anu-红族冲突的象征性表达,然后整个人类也都可提升。每一地
图绘制者必须做他或她自己的那一部分。当你与 Merduk 结 婚或被他雇用而未
图相关的所有地图跟随者也将无法离开并以死亡告终,导致非提升。 对于你的

Each human has their own manner of clearing such karma and a particular life
dance that occurs as a result; no two lives are the same as no two map-
carvers took the same piece of Annanuki-Red karma to settle. The Annanuki
sustained a lengthy lifespan of over 18,000 years. Their dance repeated again
and again; generally the red race lost their land, lost their health,lost their
spiritual knowledge, lost their family, lost their bounty, in other terms the red
race lost lost lost. Symbolically, map carvers will create life experiences
therefore that are related to "loss" of one sort or another as this is the karma
that must be settled from one's ancient ancestry.

没有两个人的生活是相同的因为没有两个地图绘制者携带同样的要处理的 Anu
-红族业力片段。Anu 延 续了一个长达一万八千年的寿命。他们的舞蹈一再重复;
的家庭;失去他们的丰饶,在 其他方面红族也一再失去失去失去。象征性地,

Sometimes the loss is financial; sometimes it is related to one's health;

sometimes it is related to one's preoccupation; sometimes it is related to one's
land; sometimes it is related to one's loved ones. Sometimes the loss is
related to those inherently representative of the Annanuki who take of one's
dreams or aspirations manifesting them in their life dance in lieu of one's own.
Sometimes the loss is related to property that is stolen or misappropriated.

你的土地有关;有时与你所爱的人相关。有时失去与那些具典型 Anu 天性的人

Ascend out of the dance, and a new dance will unfold. One will retrieve one's
dreams and aspirations and manifest them instead in one's own life dance.
Ascend into one's truth by taking a stand against that which is unethical, and
the misappropriation of land or finances will be resolved in an honorable
manner. Ascend out of the disease and the death of oneself or a loved one
need not occur. Ascend into a new preoccupation that supports ascension and
there is no further sense of loss.

提 升出这样的舞蹈,一个新的舞蹈就会展现。你将重获你的梦想与渴望并将它
立场,土 地或财产挪用的问题将以尊重的方式而被解决。提升出你的疾病和死

At this time, there is an opportunity to alter the fate of one's life outcome, and
this is what the reversal of polarity means in all human expression global
wide. What is reversal of polarity? For so long, all associated with the red race
lost lost lost. They lost in court and in the legal system, and they lost in
disease, and they lost in unethical deals and misappropriations of finances
and land, and they lost their loved ones and their children. Now due to the
reversal of polarity there is an opportunity for those who are ascending to win
win win; win the case against those who are unethical; ascend out of disease;
or retrieve the land lost that inherently belongs to oneself or one's nation.

此 时,有一个改变你命运的机会,这就是极性的翻转在全球范围所有人类的表
他们在 法庭和法律系统失去,他们在疾病中失去,他们在不道德交易和财政土
正在提升的人 就有机会去赢赢赢;赢得反对那些不道德的人的案例;提升出疾

Now is the time for ascending folk to begin to take their stand upon a
personal, national and international level. Now is the time that the karma will
be unraveled and flow in the opposite manner, to benefit all of those related to
the red seeded race in ancient ancestry. The benefit of all karmic unraveling is
a return to honor within the human kingdom; honor of one's humanness and
the humane treatment of all; honor of the land; honor of the earth mother; and
honor of all species therein.

现 在对于正在提升的人们而言是时候开始在个人,民族和世界水平上采取明确
播种的红 族相关的人得益。所有业力的揭开有助于人类王国中尊重的返回;你

The settlement of ancient karma is gratifying. There is a sense in Mila and Oa

who have settled all ancient ancestral karma of great joy and peace. Justice
has been done; if not in the physical, then in the nonphysical and it will step
into physicality now due to the polarity reversal of earth. They have come to
understand long ago that their triumph over death through ascension would
bring about a new dream for humanity that would reverse the poles causing a
new tomorrow, a new day of renaissance and great awakening to unfold
instead of desecration through nuclear warfare.

远古业力的处理是愉悦的。Mila 和 Oa 的 认识是欢乐与和平地处理所有远古祖
物质层面完成且现今将步入物质层面。很久以前 他们就已知道通过提升战胜死

This is not only Mila and Oa's truth. All ascending humans are symbolic of an
ancient dance of dishonor between the red nation and the Annanuki. Each life
has a particular expression that allows yet another piece of the puzzle to be
understood, and in the understanding, forgiven; and in the forgiveness settled.
In the settlement of karma, circumstances that dishonor are dissolved into
new circumstances that honor and a new era may blossom; first in one's own
life dance, and then for all of mankind.

这不仅是 Mila 和 Oa 的真相。所有提升人类都是 Anu 与红族之间的非尊重的远


So what do Otter and Beaver wish to say to our ascending humans today?
We would like to offer our support in more greatly seeing the archetypal
patterns and ancient karma one is transcending through one's ascent. As one
can better understand the archetypal karmic pushes and pulls that have
manifested one's particular predicament, one can not only laugh, but can see
the bigger picture and the ancient karma to be settled. In viewing the larger
picture, one will understand the tapestry that one is a part of.

所 以水獭和海狸今天希望对我们的提升人类说些什么呢?我们将愿意在通过你
更好的理 解原型的业力推动和拉动而显化你个人的困境时,你不仅会笑,而且
你的一部分织 锦。

At this time, all humans weave a tapestry that is energetic in nature. The
tapestry is layered in a circular manner that surrounds earth. Upon the bottom
layer are tones weaving a tapestry that are black, gray, brown, mucous green
and mucous yellow in color. Such tones are related to death, fear, pain,
suffering, greed, lust, and judgment. Those associated with this bottom layer
also represents the old consensus destined for cleansing through death.
Some are rapidly ascending out of the bottom layer and entering the next
layer of tapestry above, which is the 3rd consensus and primary tones in

此 时,所有人类在编织一个能量性质的织锦。织锦是一层层地以圆形的方式围
音调。 这样的音调是与死亡、恐惧、痛苦、受难、沮丧、贪婪和审判相关的。那些与
底层并 进入上面的下一层织锦,即第三一致实相和主色调。

The black and gray tones are currently being cleansed from earth as the
planes associated with death and fear are risen above in earth's global
ascent. Those most deeply associated with the bottom most part of the
tapestry and the black and gray tones may perish in the coming six months to
two years as a result. Such folk may also be in great pain due to disease or
aging, and therefore such deaths may be a great blessing allowing such souls
and consciousness to move into a nonphysical dance that is more joyous. In
the coming decade and cycle of cleansing, the bottom most tier will cease to
exist altogether, and this is how earth shall rise above the vibrations of death,
fear, greed, suffering, pain, judgment and lust altogether.

黑 色与褐色音调作为与死亡和恐惧相关的层面是当前正在被净化出地球的且在
音调因而 可能会在未来六个月至两年内消失。这样的人们可能因为疾病或老化
识移入更欢乐的非 物质舞蹈。在即将来临的十年净化周期中,最底层将全部消

Above the bottom most tapestry is another tapestry made of the primary
colors of magenta, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, which
represent the third consensus of those attaining 1024 to 1800 in genetic
material and vibration. Those ascending into this tapestry raise enough above
the vibration of death to live through this coming period of cleansing and see
the dawning of the new era ahead. At this time, it is anticipated that this tier
shall be filled with roughly 6 billion humans, 1.5 billion of which will ascend on
to the next tapestry and tiers. The lives of such folk sitting in primary tones
have transcended extreme polarity and therefore will be more joyous than
those sitting in the vibrations of the old consensus. Many of such humans will
ascend no further but spawn offspring who do.

成的织锦,代表那些在物质遗传和振动保持在 1024 至 1800 股的第三一致实相
这其中的 1.5 亿人类将提升至下一织锦和下一层。这些人类的生活处在主色调已

Above the third consensus is the new consensus of ascending humans

embodying the Language of Light. Such tiers within the new consensus
tapestry are pastel in color related to the 10 Octaves of Love, which are pink,
lavender, peach, turquoise, silver, gold, yellow, pale lavender, pale pink and
ivory in color. Each ascending from 1800 to 6000 strands is related to the
tapestry of pastel colors and the new consensus of ascension.

1800 股-6000 股的提升者相关于粉彩色与新一致实相的提升。

Each human has a role within the tapestry, whether it is to complete through
death or ascend into a new tomorrow. Each role is a script that allows for
karmic settlement of ancient debts either related to the last fall of Atlantis or
Annanuki and Red Race interactions. Those ascending into primary colors or
between 1024 and 1800 settle karma from the period of Atlantis from 10,000
to 30,000 years ago in living their life script. Those ascending beyond the
primary tones and into the Language of Light or from 1800 to 6000 strands
are settling karma from 30,000 to 50,000 years ago, which is related to the
dance between the Red Race and Annanuki. Each script of those ascending
into such vibrational bandwidths will allow another piece of the ancient karma
to be settled so that all humans may be freed from such patterns and thought-
form, and ascension of the entire human species may be brought forth.

蒂斯时代的下跌要么相关于 Anu 与红族的互动。那些此时提升入主音调或在
1024 至 1800 之间的人们在他们的生活剧本中处理 1 万至 3 万年前的亚特兰蒂
斯时期的业力。那些提升超出主色调并进入光之语或在 1800 股至 6000 股之间
的人们正在处理 3 万至 5 万年前的业力,这与红族与 Anu 之间的舞蹈相关。那些

Each script as a map carver dovetails with hundreds of other scripts that
share a part in the same story; and millions of others who are map followers
who are also related. One will see how one's dance impacts all others
associated within the related tapestry of vibrations that one is associated with.
As each map carver succeeds at settling the karma in one's own life dance,
the possibility for the map follower to do the same opens. As each map
follower likewise settles the karma, all karma for the Annanuki and Red Dance
along with the era of Atlantis may be settled in full, spawning the new golden
era ahead.

作 为一个地图绘制者每一剧本与数百个其他剧本相吻合共享同一个故事的一部
与你相联 系的相关织锦内的振动的所有其他人。当每一地图绘制者成功处理其
者同样处理业 力,所有 Anu 与红族舞蹈的业力连同亚特兰蒂斯时代的业力就

The map carvers and followers must simply follow the script that allows for
karmic settlement and ascension. Karmic settlement will lead to ascension;
ascension out of disease; ascension out of pain and into joy; ascension out of
death and into resurrection, reconstitution and life that is ageless and disease
free. Each human has a hologram, and this hologram sits in the heart cavity.
There are two possible holographic scripts for each human recorded therein.
One script if followed leads to death; and the other script if followed leads to
life through ascension. Otter and Beaver will assist in bringing one's life
scripts to consciousness so that one may choose; choose the script that leads
to ascension instead of death and make the life choices and changes
necessary to see this to fruition.

地 图绘制者与跟随者必须完全地跟随允许业力处理和提升的剧本。业力的处理
建和永恒 的超越疾病的生命。每一人类都有一个全息图,这一全息图位于心轮
导致死亡;而如 果你跟随另一个剧本会通过提升而带来生命。水獭和海狸将协
亡的剧本并做出生命的选 择并改变就必然会看见它被实现。

Otter and Beaver are bearers of possibility, and in the possibility for a new
tomorrow, great joy may unfold. If one knows not how to work their way out of
a job or marriage that is killing oneself, or any other predicament one may find
oneself in, how can one intend such a dream? Call upon Otter and Beaver
and we will show you a new script for a new possibility that allows for the birth
of change that is in alignment with ascension. Then as the possibility for a
new future is brought to consciousness, one may intend such a vision into
one's dream, and then anchor the dream into physicality. This is what
mastering one's own destiny is all about.

水 獭和海狸是可能性的传递者,在全新的明天的可能性中,巨大的欢乐可以展
陷入其中 的任何其它困境,你怎样来意愿这样的一个梦想呢?召唤水獭和海狸,
新的未来的可 能性被带入有意识时,你就可以意愿这样的一个景象进入你的梦

There are many associated with Group Mastery program that Mila and Oa
facilitate that are working their way out of difficult circumstances; some are
ascending out of disease; some are ascending out of jobs and marriages that
are killing the form; some are working their way out of preoccupations that
serve not ascension and finding new preoccupations that do; all are finding
their freedom and truth in action. This is what the material that has been
generated for many years through their program offers if one applies the
information towards one's own internal self-mastery. (See "Group Mastery
Program Self Study Program" for more information.)

有许多与 Mila 和 Oa 推 进的团队项目掌握相关的提升者正致力于走出艰难的困

些人正致力于离开不服务提升的 工作而找到新的可支持提升的职业;所有人都
带来的如果一个人在自己的内在自我掌 握中采用了这些信息(请阅读“团队掌

We hope that each reading this material finds what Beaver and Otter have to
share of use. Do call upon our kingdoms. Let us ascend together in unity,
honor, peace and joy. May each succeed at mastering one's own destiny, and
may the new golden era ahead be born!


The Otter and Beaver Kingdom

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