Technology Tool Rubric

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Technology Tool Rubric

Tech Tool Name: __AdBlock______ Objec4ve of Tool: __Extension___________

Cost to Use: ___Free___

Connec&on to Curriculum:
☒ The tool is aligned to GCPS AKS.
☒ The tool is aligned to grade-level curriculum.
☒ The tool is designed to build upon learning rather than teach curriculum.
☒ The tool is developmentally appropriate for students in first grade.

Design Features / Func&onality:

☒ Students can access the tool independently with liMle or no help from a teacher.
☒ Naviga4on and ease of use of this tool is simple and kid-friendly.
☒ This tool does not require extra resources, hardware, or purchases to use.
☒ This tool provides progress monitoring or addi4onal feedback to teachers or students on a
regular and consistent basis.
☒ This tool will not share any student informa4on to third par4es.
☒ This tool is ad-free.

Instruc&onal Features:
☒ This tool meets a need in my classroom.
☐ This tool collects data that can be used by the teacher or administrators.
☒ This tool can be posted and accessible through EClass for easy at-home access.

☒ This tool is available at home for students to use.
☒ This tool is available at all hours of the day for student use.
☒ This tool can be accessed and used on mul4ple plaPorms. (Does not require computer
☒ This tool is available at liMle or no cost.
☐ This tool provides the op4on to increase font size, read aloud direc4ons, or address any
other concern for individuals with a specific need.

Please explain why this tool is valuable for the classroom if any of the above criteria was not

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