Scrta Newsletter April 2024 P

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The SCRTA News

Stark County Retired Teachers Association, Inc. Affiliated with Ohio RTA & National RTA/AARP
Jon Conversino, President Shirley Dobry, Publications Secretary
April 2024 Vol. XLI, No. 2
Ohio Retirement for Teachers Association’s Mission: “To monitor, advocate for, and protect the pensions and
benefits of its members. The Association promotes service and friendship across all 88 counties in Ohio. We
encourage individuals to improve the economic changes and major issues relevant to their retirements.”

President’s Message ~ Jon Conversino

Hello, fellow SCRTA members,

As I am writing this message, I am of two minds. Spring is here. What a glorious time of year.
The weather is warmer, the days longer, and soon we will be tending to our lawns, flowers, and
veggie gardens. I can't wait. All that and baseball, too!
This brings me to the second part of this message. During our May 10th meeting, we will have
our annual Memorial Program that recognizes the members we have lost over the past year. The
SCRTA Management Board suffered a great loss with the passing of Kathleen Green. Kathleen
served as our Assistant Treasurer. She was a bright, guiding light to this organization and the other
community organizations that she gave so much time and wisdom to. Kathleen and all the other
wonderful educators we lost this year will be greatly missed by family, friends, and colleagues.
Please plan to attend on May 10th to not only recognize our losses, but to also celebrate our
wonderful organization and engage with fellow members over a fabulous meal.

Community Service ~ Mary Stewart, Chair

“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year,
but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.”
Author Unknown

 Remember to bring items for The Salvation Army and glasses for the Lions Club if you
come to the meeting in May. We had no items for either of these groups at the March
meeting. It is important that we support these groups in our community to help those in
 ORTA is once again concentrating on hours of community service. If you volunteer pretty
much anywhere, be sure to pick up a slip, fill it out, and turn it in. The slips are outside in
the hallway on a table. Thank you.
 Our membership donated $62.00 to the Backpacks for Children program. These
backpacks are given to school children all over Stark County. Thank you so much for
your donations!

If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Community Service committee, please let me
know at

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