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Introduction: Volcanoes are one of the most imposing and fascinating wonders of

nature. Since time immemorial, they have been the subject of study, fear, and
admiration. In this presentation, we will explore the causes, effects, scientific
discoveries, common locations, and the impacts that volcanoes have on people and
the environment. (MICHELLE)
Causes of volcanic activity:
Explanation of volcano formation through plate tectonic activity.
Description of different types of volcanoes (e.g., shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes,
Factors triggering volcanic eruptions, such as magma pressure, chemical reactions,
and seismic activity. (AILYN) (GRECIA)
Effects on people:
Impact on human health due to the emission of toxic gases and volcanic ash.
Risks to life and property during volcanic eruptions.
Impact on agriculture, economy, and infrastructure in affected areas. (VALENTINA)
Scientists and discoveries:
Brief overview of pioneers in volcano study, such as Sir William Hamilton, Katia and
Maurice Krafft, among others.
Description of key scientific contributions, such as understanding magma dynamics,
eruption prediction, and volcano monitoring. (YOATZIN)
Common locations where volcanoes are found:
Mention of geographic regions known for volcanic activity, such as the Pacific Ring
of Fire, Iceland, Italy, and Hawaii.
Exploration of the diversity of landscapes and ecosystems surrounding volcanoes,
from tropical jungles to deserts and glaciers. (DANIEL)

Damage caused by volcanoes:

Destruction of homes, infrastructure, and crops during eruptions.
Air and water pollution due to gas and ash emissions.
Forced displacement of populations and psychological impact on affected
communities. (ÓSCAR)
Conclusion: Volcanoes bear witness to the power and majesty of Earth. Although
they represent natural hazards, they are also crucial to the formation and evolution of
our planet. Continuous research and education about volcanoes are essential for
understanding and mitigating the risks they pose to people and the environment.

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